U.P. High Schools And Intermediate Colleges (Payment Of Salaries Of Teachers And Other Employees) Rules, 1993

The U.P. High Schools And Intermediate Colleges (Payment Of Salaries Of Teachers And Other Employees) Rules, 1993

Published Vide Notification No. 1309/15-8-93-3141-86, dated 1.5.1993.


In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 16 of the Uttar Pradesh High Schools and Intermediate Colleges (Payment of Salaries of Teachers and other Employees) Act, 1971 (U.P. Act No. 24 of 1971), the Governor is pleased to make the following rules regarding payment of salaries to teachers and other employees of High Schools and Intermediate Colleges receiving aid out of State funds and matters incidental thereto :

  1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Uttar Pradesh High Schools and Intermediate Colleges (Payment of Salaries of Teachers and other Employees) Rules, 1993.

(2) They shall come into force at once.

  1. Definitions. – In these Rules, unless is anything repugnant in the subject or context –

(a) ‘Act’ means the Uttar Pradesh High Schools and Intermediate Colleges (Payment of Salaries of Teachers and other Employees) Act, 1971;

(b) ‘Form’ means a form appended to these rules;

(c) ‘Section’ means section of the Act.

  1. Operation of maintenance fund. – (1) Eighty percent of the following fees of the institution shall form part of the maintenance fund :

(a) Re-admission fees..

(b) Scholar register fees.

(c) Fine.

(d) Dearness Allowance fees.

(e) Development fees.

(2) In the event of operation of the account only by the Inspector under the second proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 5 of the Act, the Inspector shall review the position every month and extend the arrangement so long as the irregularities persist giving his reasons for doing so, but such arrangement shall not remain operation after a period of six months.

  1. Salary bill and deductions from it. – (1) The separate salary bills shall be prepared in Form I, one of which shall be for the Head of the Institution and the clerical staff, and the other shall be for the teachers other than the Head of the Institution and other employees.

(2) The salary bills shall be presented to the Inspector or to any other officer authorised by the Inspector to receive the same.

  1. For the purposes of sub-section (2) of Section 3, the following shall be authorised deductions, namely :

(a) deductions for contribution to Contributory Provident Fund or the General Provident Fund, as the case may be, and repayment of instalments, if any, against as advance from the said fund;

(b) deduction for payment of contribution to Group Life Insurance Scheme;

(c) deduction on account of Income Tax;

(d) rent for residential accommodation provided by the institution;

(e) any other deduction, which is to be made in pursuance of order issued by a Court.

  1. Submission of the salary bill, passing of the bill and sanction of grant for the purpose. – (1) The monthly salary bills shall be submitted in duplicate by the 20th day of the month concerned to the Inspector or an officer authorised for the purpose by him.

(2) In the salary bill, the salary will be calculated for the whole of the month on the basis of actual attendance of teachers and other employees of the institution as up to the 20th day of the month and if a teacher or other employee remains absent after the said date, the salary for the period of absence shall be deducted from the amount payable to teacher or other employee in the salary bill for the next month.

(3) The Inspector or the Officer authorised by him in this behalf shall fix a date for passing the salary bills of each institution, which shall be between the 20th and the 27th day of the month to which it relates and the Inspector or the Officer, as the case may be, shall, after passing the bill on the date fixed as mentioned above, handover one copy of the bill to the representative of the institution, authorised by its Head to receive the same and shall retain the other copy for the record in his office.

(4) Before passing a salary bill Inspector shall ensure that payments of all the cheque issued against the salary bill for the preceding month have been made.

(5) In order to receive the necessary grant-in-aid for the payment of salary teachers and other employees, the Manager of the institution shall submit to the Inspector his requisition with necessary particulars in form 3 after due checking of particulars in the requisition, the Inspector shall, subject to the availability of funds, issue orders in writing, sanctioning the grant, in Form 4 and make an entry in the register to be maintained in his office in Form 5.

(6) The bill relating to the grant sanctioned in the order shall be presented to the Inspector by the Manager of the institution. The bill, after due checking by the Accounts Officer in the office of the Inspector, shall be countersigned by the Inspector, and the particulars of the bill along with the amount thereof shall be entered into a register maintained for the purpose in his office and a proof of handing over of the bill to the institutions, the signature of the person authorised to receive the bill, shall be taken on the said register. The amount of the bill relating to the grant shall be deposited by transfer in the account opened under sub-section (1) of Section 5 of the institution concerned.

  1. Submission of essential papers and records along with the bill. – The following details and records shall accompany the salary bill submitted to the Inspector by the Manager of the institution and the head of the institution shall be personally responsible for the safety for records while the same are in transit and their proper upkeep subsequently at the institution level :

(a) the details of the income from fees and the amount of the grants for reimbursements, if any, in Forms 6, 6(1) and 6(2);

(b) the receipt for deposit of the fees and grants for reimbursement, if any, in the account opened under sub-section (1) of Section 5 along with the bank pass book of the aforesaid account;

(c) particulars in Form 7 regarding fresh appointments, promotions, suspension from service, termination of service and removal from service made during the month, of teachers and other employees eligible for payment of salary from the maintenance fund along with copies of the orders of the competent authority relating thereto;

(d) particulars of absence of teachers and other employees during the month and after twentieth of the previous month;

(e) particulars of annual increments, if any, in Form 2;

(f) in the event of a teacher or other employee remaining on leave during the month, particulars of leave and a copy of the order of the competent authority sanctioning such leave;

(g) a copy of the order issued by the competent authority allowing a teacher or other employee to cross efficiency bar in his respective scale of pay, if his salary is being drawn, at a stage above the efficiency bar for the first time in the bill;

(h) the reason for the difference, if any, in the bill relating to the previous month and the bill being presented for the current month;

(i) the details of deductions towards Provident Fund and the particulars or entries in the ledger account maintained for the purpose in the institution;

(j) particulars of deductions towards Salary Saving Group Scheme in Form 8;

(k) particulars of deductions towards Group Life Insurance in Form 9;

(l) details of the computation of income tax.

  1. Provision of a separate cash-book for payment of salary. – (1) A separate cash-book in Form 10 shall be maintained for the payment of salary of teachers and other employees of the institution and it is will be the duty of the Head of institution to ensure that this cash-book is maintained properly and kept up to date. Every entry in the cash-book shall be countersigned by the Manager of the Institution who will be personally responsible for the correctness of the entries.

(2) A similar cash-book shall be maintained in the office of the Inspector, the entries whereof shall be signed by the Accounts Officer in the office of the Inspector and countersigned by the Inspector or an officer authorised by the Inspector for this purpose. At the end of each month the total of monthly income, monthly expenditure, the difference between the figures pertaining to the month, under review and those pertaining to the previous month and balance in the fund shall be computed, comparing the cash-book with the Bank pass-book. In the event of any difference between the cash-book and the pass-book, necessary reconciliation shall be done having obtained certified copy of the Bank’s ledger. The cash-book of the institution shall be obtained and compared with the cash-book maintained in the Inspector’s office at the close of the financial year by the Accounts Officer in the office of the Inspector and he shall satisfy himself that the accounts of income and expenditure during the year have been properly maintained.

  1. Maintenance of other records in the institution. – The following records pertaining to payment of salary of teachers and other employees shall be maintained in institution and the Head of the Institution shall be personally responsible for proper custody of these records :

(a) a register, in Form 11, wherein full details of the contribution made by individual teachers and other employees towards Provident Fund and particulars of recovery of advances granted from the fund shall be entered;

(b) a register in Form 12 wherein full details of the amount contributed by individual employees towards the Group Life Insurance Scheme shall be entered.

  1. Submission of Income and Expenditure Statements of the Institution. – At the close of each financial year, the management of the institution shall submit in triplicate to the Inspector by the 15th of April, particulars of income and expenditure in Form 13. The Inspector shall scrutinise the particulars with the help of the Accounts Officer in this office and bring to the notice of the Regional Deputy Director if the finds that the position in respect of any institution deserves to be brought to the notice of that authority.
  2. Establishment Register of the institution. – An up to date establishment register of each institution shall be maintained in the office of the Inspector, wherein the posts sanctioned in different categories for the institution, name of every teacher and other employees, his date of birth, educational qualifications, pay scale, date of first appointment in the present pay scale, the nature of appointment and date of annual increment shall be recorded in the Form 14. The establishment register shall be presented to the Inspector with the monthly salary bill to enable him to check the names with the help of the register.
  3. Obviation of the chances of double payment. – The Account Officer in the office of the Inspector shall take steps to avoid double payment of any salary bill presented to the Inspector. For this purpose a monthly register shall be maintained in the office of the Inspector in Form 15. Each institution shall be allotted one page on this register and necessary entry in respect of the salary bill shall be made in this register as soon as the bill is pass. The bill shall be recorded against the month to which it relates and not against the month in which it is passed. In the case of payment of arrear of salary of a teacher or other employee, full particulars of the claim shall be recorded in the register and cross entry shall be made in the copy of the salary bill retained in the office of the Inspector and in the register at the proper place against the month or months to which the arrear relates.
  4. Drawal of salary of the last month in the event of death or superannuation. – In the event of death or superannuation of a teacher or other employee during the course of the month, necessary entry indicating the date of death or retirement will be made in the establishment register of the institution and the information regarding death or retirement, as the case may be, shall be immediately communicated by the Manager of the institution to the Bank as well as to the Inspector, and the salary of the last month shall be drawn only after the date of this death or retirement as the case may be, has reliably been confirmed, and recoveries, if any, due from him have been made.
  5. Maintenance of stock-book for cheque books relating to the payment of salary. – The blank receive from the bank for payment of salary to teacher and other employees of the institution shall be entered into a stock book maintained for the purpose in the institution in Form 16 and requisite certificate indicating the action thus taken will be given on the cheque book by the Head of the institution under his signatures. The Head of the institution shall keep the cheque book in his personal custody and he shall be personally responsible for the loss of the cheque book and consequent wrong drawals, if any. The entry of a cancelled cheque shall also be made in the cash book so that the possibility of its misuse is obviated. If the account is operated only by the Inspector, the Inspector shall be responsible for proper custody of the cheque book and he shall ensure that necessary entry in the stock book maintained in the institution has been made and requisite certificate has been recorded over it.
  6. Transfer of amount payable to the teacher/employee. – The bank advice, in triplicate, shall be submitted to the Inspector by the Manager of the institution which shall also be signed by the Accounts Officer of the office of the Inspector and one copy thereof shall be sent back to the institution and third copy shall be retained in the office of the Inspector for record.
  7. Payment of contributions to Group Life Insurance Scheme to Insurance Directorate. – The Director shall cause to be paid quarterly to the Insurance Directorate the amount equal to the aggregate of the amounts realised from the teachers and other employees as their contribution to the Group Life Insurance Scheme.
  8. Receipt of payment by a teacher and other employee. – As a proof of having received the amount of his salary every teacher and other employee shall sign the acquittance roll every month in the institutions, affixing revenue stamp where necessary.
  9. Responsibility of proper compliance with provisions of the rules. – The responsibility of the proper compliance with the provisions of the Rules shall lie on the Inspector and he shall ensure that no lapse or default is being made by the Management in complying with the provisions of the Rules. It shall be the responsibility of the Inspector to take timely action, in pursuance of the provisions of the Act, if a mistake or a default is found to have been made by the Management.
  10. Prohibition on creation of post by the institution. – (1) No institution shall create any post of a teacher or of any employee without the prior approval of the Director not shall it revive a post which has been held in abeyance or ordered to be kept unfilled.

(2) Admissibility of salary against posts indicated from time to time as sanctioned shall be determined by a Committee, which shall consist of the following :

(i) The District Inspector of Schools, who will be the President of the Committee.

(ii) The Account Officer in the office of the Inspector, and

(iii) The District Basic Education Officer.

(3) Any person aggrieved by an order under sub-rule (2) may, within fifteen days of communication of such order, prefer an appeal to the Deputy of Education of the region and the order of the Deputy Director shall be final.

  1. Proper presentation of bills and statements and custody of records pertaining to payment of salary. – Proper presentation of the salary bill and various statement provided in the Rules, and verification, up-keep and maintenance of various registers shall be the personal responsibility of the Manager and the Head of the Institution, and the papers shall be submitted by the Head through the manager of the institution, and the Head of the institution himself shall be the custodian of all records pertaining to payment of salary at institution level.

Form 1

[See Rule 4(1)]

Bill No.
For the month of…………
Name of School/College……………..
Total strength……………..
1. For the Principal or Headmaster,
Head Clerk and Clerks.
2. Teachers (excluding Heads) and
IV Class employees.
Serial No.Principal/ Head MasterLecturerL.T.C.T.Primary Section TeachersHead ClerkClerksClass IV Daftari/IV ClassTotal
1.Number of posts sanctioned by the competent authority.
2.Number of employees working.
3.Number of posts vacant (date and cause of vacancy to be mentioned).
4.Number of Sections (6 to 12) approved by Inspector (excluding unaided sections, if any).
SI.No.Name of the Principal/ H.M/Teacher/Head Clerk/Clerk/ Daftari/IV Class employee/ OthersDesignationDate of BirthDate of incrementPay scale/ Leave salary for the period ofPresent payD.A./A.D.A.H.R.AC.C.A.


Any other allowanceTotalG.P.F.Recovery G.P.F. advanceTotal of Cols. 13 and 14Group Insurance SchemePersonal L.I.C.Income TaxTotal DeductionsNet amount payable

Consolidated Statements :

  1. Amount of total pay.
  2. Amount of total G.RF. deductions.
  3. Amount of total G.RF. advance recovery.
  4. Amount of total Group Insurance Scheme.
  5. Amount of total Income Tax.
  6. Total amount of deduction.
  7. Amount of total Salary……………
  8. Amount of total deductions……………
  9. Net payable………………..





  1. Total amount of salary paid in the previous month
  2. Total amount of salary to be paid in the current month
  3. Difference
  4. Reasons for the difference


It is certified that :-

(1) the salary bill is being presented for the first time and does not provide for the payment of salary of any such teacher or other employee for whom payment for the relevant period has already been made shall be made later;

(2) the teachers and the other employees included in the Salary Bill are eligible for payment of salary from the Maintenance fund and the calculation of their salary etc. has been made in accordance with the sanctioned rates of pay and allowances;

(3) the teachers and the other employees included in the bill had been present on their duty;

(4) none of the teachers and the other employees included in the present salary bill has attained the age of superannuation;

(5) the relevant portion of the monthly income of the institution from fees as specified in sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 of these rules aggregating Rs………..has been deposited in Account No…………..of the………(Name of the Bank);

(6) the Income Tax has been deducted from the salaries of the teachers and the other employees coming within the range of Income Tax, or exemption under the rules has been obtained by them;

(7) the wife of the teacher or the employees, or her husband, as the case may be, employed elsewhere is not in receipt of house rent allowance in respect of the same dwellings;

(8) the details about teachers and other employees whose annual increment falls due during the months are attached herewith in Form 2;

(9) the amount of increment sanctioned as an incentive under the family welfare schemes, is being drawn for only one of working couples.

(10) the leave salary is being drawn only after the leave has been sanctioned according to rules (copy of the order sanctioning the leave is enclosed herewith) and necessary entry in respect of the period of leave sanctioned, has been made in the service-book and the leave account of the teacher or the other employee concerned;

(11) in the cases relating to suspension from service, the calculation of subsistence allowance has been made according to rules and a copy of the orders issued in this respect by the competent authority is enclosed herewith and it is confirmed that the order of suspension have taken effect from the date mentioned against the teacher or the other employee in the table given below :-

Serial No.NameDate

(12) there is no dispute in a Court of Law creating hindrance in drawing the salary of any teacher or other employees whose salary is including in this bill and that the salary is not being drawn in respect of an employee engaged on work against the departmental rules or orders or instructions and that no teacher or employee has been deprived of the opportunity to continue to work in contravention of departmental order or instructions or order of a competent Court of Law.

(13) if as a result enquiry made at any time it is found that the salary of a teacher or any employees has been included in the bill in a wrong way by the Head/Management of the institution the amount paid will be recoverable from the Head/ Management of the institution as arrears of land revenue, when such recovery cannot for any reason be made from the employee himself, or the efforts made in this direction have failed, the opinion of the Inspector in the matter shall be final.

Signature of Principal


Form 2

[See Rule 7(c)]

Annual Increment/efficiency Bar Certificated

Serial.No.Name of the employeeDesignation and pay scaleNature of appointment Ad hocsubstantive/PermanentDate of…….Selection scalePromotion scaleBasic pay for the previous monthPay including increment for the present monthRecommendation of the Management or the competent authoritySuitable reasons for withholding annual increment, if so


(1) Certificate that annual increment, increment on crossing the E.B. is payable to those employees who have been granted increment according the rules.

(2) Annual Increment/Efficiency Bar has been withheld of those teachers/employees whose work was not found satisfactory.

(3) Refusal for crossing the efficiency bar/granting the increment has been mentioned in Column 12.

(4) Annual increment has been granted to the employees entered in the present form after completion of due continuous satisfactory service.

(5) Efficiency bar has been crossed by the resolution No………. dated……… of the Managing Committee or competent authority and the entry of which has been made in the service-book of the employee.


Form 3

[See Rule 6(5)]

Grant Requisition Form

Name of the Institution :Month
ANumberPrincipalLecturerL.T.C.T.Primary teacherHead ClerkClerkIV ClassTotalAmount
BCalculation StatementSerial No.DescriptionAmountTotal
1. Total amount according to the Pay Bill.
2. Deduct Group Insurance.
3. Difference (1-2).
4.Income from fees for the month.
5. Difference (3 and 4).
6. Total Grant.
7. Deduct amount deposited in G.P.E. (out of regular monthly deduction).
8. Net amount of grant-in-aid.
Calculation Memo.
(For office use)
Certified that a net grant-in-aid of a total amount of Rs…… is required for the payment of salary of teachers/ non-teaching staff for the current month of…. 199.1. Amount of total grant…………….
2. Deduct G.P.F……………… (Regular deductions)
3. Net grant-in-aid payable.
A.O. Office of D.I.O.S.
PrincipalManagerPassed for Rs……………

Form 4

[See Rule 6(5)]

Calculation Of Salary Grant

1. Name of the Institution.………………….
2. Name of the Bank.………………….
3. Month.………………….
4. Number of posts sanctioned – Principal, Lecturer, L.T., C.T., primary teachers, head clerk, clerks and IV Class.………………….
5. Number of employees working in the institution.………………….
1. Balance of salary account.………………….
2. Total expenditure of the month.………………….
3. ( – ) Amount of Group Insurance.………………….
4. Difference (2-3).………………….
5. Fees realised in the month.………………….
6. Difference (4-5)………………….
7. Total grant.………………….
8. ( – ) Amount to be transferred in G.P.F.………………….
9. Net grant sanctioned (in figures).………………….
In words
Accounts Officer
Office of
District Inspector of Schools.
District Inspector of Schools.

Form 5

[See Rule 6(5)]

Register Of Grants Sanctioned To The (To Be Maintained By The Accounts Officers) Institution

Name of the institution………..Name of the Bank……….Account No………

Number of sanctioned posts grade-wise

MonthBalance of Salary/AccountTotal expenditure of the monthAccount of Group InsuranceDifferenceTotal grantAmount to be transferred in G.P.F.Net grant sanctionedSignature of Accounts OfficerSignature of Inspector
In figuresIn words

Form 6

[See 7(a)]

Information Regarding Income From Fees

Number of students…………..


Name of the Institution……………

ClassApproved by the department Group-wise No. of studentTotal No. of studentNo. of students (S.C./S.T.)No. of students entitled 17-½ percent exemptionNo. of students paying fees 12-(13+14)
1 to 5

Certificate. – Certificate that the particulars entered have been checked and verified from the register pertaining to the period concerned.

Principal      Manager

Form 6(1)

[See 7(a)]

Income From Fees

Name of the Institution………………


ClassNo. of studentsMonthly payable feeD.A.Development feesTotal fee received80%20% payable to ManagementIncome from fees in arrears
Amount received in advance
Amount to be received as reimbursement
No. of studentAmountNo. of studentAmount
1 to 5

Amount transferred in Joint Salary Account, Rs………….. in the month of………….

Principal      Manager

Form 6(2)

[See 7(a)]

Information Regrading Total Income From Fees

1. Name of the Institution…………..2.Month…………………
3. Number of boys/girls enrolled……………..
4. Number of students studying Science from Class IX to XII………………….5. Other students……………
FromScienceStudentsTotalfromotherstudentsTotalGrand TotalParticulars
1. Tuition fees
2. Re-admission
3. Scholar’s Register fee
4. Late payment fine and non-payment
5. Total Development fee
6. Total Dearness fee
7. Total (1 to 6)
8. 80 per cent of the above
9. Science fee
10. Fan fees (Hot weather fee)
11. Ink fee
12. Music
13. Art and Craft
14. Total (9 to 14)
15. Total (7 + 14)
16. Re-imbursement S.C. Boys
17. Re-imbursement S.C. Girts
18. Other Re-imbursement
19. Total (16 + 17 + 18)
20. 80 per cent of Serial No. 19
21. Grand Total (15 + 19)
22. Total of (8 + 20)

Signature of Checker.

Signature of Principal/Manager.

Form 7

[See Rule 7(c)]

Particulars Regarding Fresh Appointments, Promotion, Suspension From Service
Termination Of Service And Removal From Service

Serial No.NamesDesignation of the post/scaleFresh appointment/promotion/suspension/termination/removalPeriodFrom A.M. or P.M.To A.M. or P.M.Rate of pay allowance etc. per month
Arrangement for the vacant postSubstantive postSubstantive paySubstantive allowanceDate of appointmentNature of appointment
Name of the employeeDesignation of the post

Signature of Principal     Signature of Manager.

Form 8

[See Rule 7(j)]

Particulars Of Deductions Towards The Salary Savings Groups Scheme

Name of the District………………..

Name of the Institution……………..

Serial No.Name of the employeeDesignationAmount deposited in the Savings SchemeTotalCumulative totalSignature of the Manager
R.D.C.T.D.Personal L.I.C.Other Saving
Account No.Amount Rs.Account No.Amount Rs.Account No. Policy No.Amount Rs.Account No.Amount Rs.

Form 9

[See 7(k)]

Statement Of Dedications Towards Group Life Insurance And Savings Scheme

Name of the Institution……………..

Name of the Month……………

Serial No.Name of the employeeDesignationMonthly contributionSavings FundInsurance FundTotal
SignatureHead ClerkHead ClerkPrincipalManagerAssistant Officer,
District Inspector of Schools.

Form 10

[See Rule 8(1)]

Cash-Book of the Office of the…………

[For all teachers including the Head of the Institution and employees]



Date of receiptsNo. of receiptsParticulars of receiptsAmount receivedRemarksDate of expenditureNo. of Voucher BillParticular of expenditureAmount paid to individual payeeAmount remitted intoRemarks
Opening Balance
Total ReceiptTotal expenditure
Closing Balance
Grand TotalGrand Total

Form 11

[See Rule 9(a)]

Provident Fund Account Register

Employee’s Name……..Designation……..Name of the Institution……..Year……..

Month of PaymentPay/Period of Leave SalaryTreasury Voucher No. and DateAmount of the VoucherDeductions in G.P.F.Cumulative TotalParticulars of Withdrawal
ContibutionRefund of AdvanceTotal

(1) Balance brought forward

(2) Contribution of the year

(3) Interest payable of the year

(4) Deduct-Amount of withdrawal

(5) Net Balance.

PrincipalManagerAccounts Officer.

Form 12

[See Rule 9(b)]

Register Of Contribution Towards Group Life Insurance Scheme

  1. Name of the institution (To be maintained by the Manager)……………
  2. Name of the employee and designation……………….
  3. Date of birth…………………….
  4. Rate of deduction………………………
  5. Date of continuous deduction………………
  6. Date of completion of superannuation………………….
Name of the monthAmount of deductionTotal amount realisedTotal amount realisedSignature of the Manager

(1) Certified that deductions for Group Insurance have been made of only the employee who is appointed substantively and approved by the competent authority.

(2) Certified that deductions for Group Insurance have been made of the employees who are appointed on Ad hoc basis and who have been regularised by the department.

Principal      Manager

Form 13

[See Rule 10]

Statement Of Income And Expenditure And Other Statements To Be Submitted By The Management

(Date of submission – l5th April)

Income and Expenditure Statement    Years

  1. Name of the Institution.
  2. Address – Post Office and Block.
  3. Telephone No.
  4. District.
  5. Stage up to which the Institution is on Grant-in-aid and date.

Actual figures for the Financial Year 19……….19

General information –

  1. Name of Region.
  2. Name of the District.
  3. Full name and address of the Institution (in Block letters).
  4. Number and date of the Registration of the School Management Committee.
  5. Date of the formation of the Management Committee and the tenure.
  6. Date of recognition of the School.

[The recognition accorded after 1986, the relevant Sections i.e. 7-A, 7-A(A) or 7-AA(A) of Intermediate Education Act under which the recognition was granted must be mentioned clearly.]

  1. Whether the Scheme of Administration of the school is approved or not approved.

(In case of approval – Number of the letter……….date……..)

  1. Total No. of students (Boys + Girls).
  2. Stage of the School (Intermediate up to 12th/Higher Secondary up to 10th attached Primary).
  3. Year when the Institution was first started.
  4. Year (after recognition) when the first batch of the students appeared in the Board’s Examination.
Level of recognitionGroup of ExaminationYearSubjects for which recognition accordedIf taken on Grant-in-aid after 1973 the stage and date should be mentionedG.O. No.
A – Higher Secondary up to 10th class.
B – Intermediate up to 12th class.
  1. Date and year when the Institution was taken in regular Grant-in-aid –

– Junior High School level

– High School level

– Intermediate level

– Primary level (if attached).

  1. By whom managed and maintained – (Municipal Board/District Board/Private Management/Cantonment Board/Ordinance Factory/Railway Scheme).
  2. Number of meetings held during the period of 12 months ending on 31st March 19……….
  3. Shortfall of meetings, if any with reasons –

Note. – Working days, teaching days and minimum number of meetings of the institution during the 12 months including on 31st March. If meetings are shorter than the prescribed numbers, reasons for the shortfall must be stated in detail.

  1. Name of Post-Office/Saving Bank/Approved Bank in which the Joint Account of the institution is maintained.
  2. Name and designation of the authorised representation who operates the accounts.
  3. Whether the institution has its Kaccha/Pucca/Rental building.
  4. In case of rented building, rate of rent per month must be mentioned.
  5. Details of the payment made as taxes – (if any)

A –
B –
C –

  1. Whether the Institution is in rural area/urban area.
  2. Whether the Institution is situated in hill or in plains.
PLAN-NON-PLANBudget of IncomeAided/Unaided
Details of the actual figures for the preceding financial year
Income for Recurring Expenditure for teaching
1. Balance on 1st April, 19…….
2. In the form of grants –
(1) Maintenance grant
(A) Plan
(B) Non-Plan
(2) Re-imbursement of fees of SC/ST students.
(3) Re-imbursement due to free education –
(A) Class VI
(B) Class VII to XII
(4) Dearness
(5) Other grants
Total of Grant (Government)
  1. Aid given by the Manager from the personal resources (if any)
  2. Income through fees-

(A) Items of the frees from which a prescribed percentage is transferred to joint account of salary.

(1) Tuition fees

(2) Re-admission/S.R.

(3) Dearness

(4) Development

(5) Monetary punishment

Fees not to be transferred to Joint Account Salary-

(1) Science

(2) Fan

(3) Art and Craft

(4) Games

(5) Library/Reading Room

(6) Others.

Budget Of Expenditure

Details of actual dates of pre-ending financial Year

DetailsActual dates 19…..Estimate dated 19…..
1. Balance as on 1 April 19…
2. Teaching/Non-Teaching staff
(In Bank/in hand)
1. Pay
2. D.A.
3. H.R.A.
4. C.C.A.
5. Border Allowance
6. Hill Allowance
7. Others
Total of Item 2
3. Other allowances
(a) Teaching allowance and daily allowances of teachers for educational speeches.
(b) Honorarium of vocational Education.
(c) Others.
Total of Item 3
4. Administrative and Contingent Expenditure
(a) Office Contingent Expenditure.
(b) Rent and taxes.
(c) Petty repairs of building.
(d) Repairs and replacement of furniture and typewriter.
(e) Hot and cold charges.
(f) Water, electricity, telephone etc.
(g) Others.
Total of Item 4
5. Contingent expenditure on teaching
(a) on Science.
(b) on Arts and Craft.
(c) on Agriculture.
(d) on History and Geography.
(e) on school library.
(f) on Home Science.
(g) on others.
Total of Item 5
Grand Total of Items 1 to 5

Instructions – Detail of enrolment as on 31st March, 19…….

Statement of Account of fee included in Maintenance Account.

In Intermediate classes group-wise and in other classes section-wise enrolment as on last 31st March, 19….Details of Boys/Girls
ClassGroup-wise enrolment
Lit.ABCDScientificAB-CDAgri.ABCDCom.ABCDConst.AB-CDTotal No. of studentsNo. of girls as mentioned in col. No. 3Under para 107Under para 109S.C./S.T. (under para 108)Backward CasteHandicappedOthersUnder para 106Under para 110No. of other studentsTuition fees
Cl. XI
ClassVIII to I
Details of Fees
Readmission/FineScholar registerDeamess FessDevelopment FeeTotal of 13 to 1780% of the totalAmount credited in Salary AccountOthers
MonthTuition feeReadmissionS.R.Late paymentAbsence fineD.A.DevelopmentTotal 2 to 8ScienceFanArtInkMusicOthers it any
Gross Total
Signature of the Principal/Head Master…..Signature of the Manager……
Audio visualGamesRed CrossScout/GuideHome ExaminationProgress CardMagazineRefreshmentMedicalPoor boys FundPracticals’ FeesT.C.Total
Geog.Milit.Com.Home ScienceBoard CertificateCaution Money
Signature of Principal/Head Master.Signature of the Manager.

Details of the funds for the year 19…..

Name of the Institution

Serial No.FundOpening BalanceIncomeExpenditureClosing BalanceIn handAt Bank
1. Tuition
2. Re-admission
3. S.R
4. Late payment
5. Absence Fee
6. D.A.
7. Development
8. Science
9. Fan
10. Art
11. Ink
12. Music
13. Reading Room
14. Audio-visual
15. Game
16. Red-Cross
17. Scout/Gide
18. Home Examination
19. Progress Card
20. Magazine
21. Refreshment
22. Medical
23. Poor Boys Fund
24. Practical Fees –
(a) Geography
(b) Military Science
(c) Commerce
(d) Home Science
(e) Board Certificate
(f) Forwarding fees –
25. Caution Money
26. Parents-Teachers Association.
Signature of the ManagerSignature of the Principal

Details of posts

Serial No.Particulars of the postPay ScaleNo. of postsNo. and date of the letter of post creation. Name of the Officer to be mentioned clearlyWhether the post in Plan/Non-PlanNo. and date of the letter of approval
5.Assistant Teacher (Attached Primary)
6.Head Clerk
9.Class IV

Staff Statement

Serial No.Name of incumbents pay scale-wiseDesignationPay scaleDate of birthEducational and Training qualification. Name, year of passing and subjectsDate of first appointmentDate of Promotion/ Appointment to the present postNo. and date of the letter of approval of competent authorityDate of retirement 58/60 yearsNature of appointment Ad/hoc/Leave vacancy/on probation/permanent
If regularised, No. and date of the letter of competent authorityDate of permanencyDate of joining G.P.F. SchemeSubject of classes teachingNo. of periods teaching per weekWhether engaged in coaching or tuitionWhether related to number of management or Head of the Institution
Signature of ManagerSignature of Principal

Additional Information

Actual Enrolment and Section on 31st March –

ClassApproved Section Enrolment
HindiEnglishSanskritPunjabiOther languagesMathsPhysicsBiologyAgri.CommerceArt
Only recognized subjects are to be mentioned
Wood CraftMusicTailoringW. Spg.Home Sc.GeographyEducationPolitical Sc.SociologyHistoryGeneral Sc.Other subject if any
Signature of ManagerSignature of Principal

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Form A



Particulars/DetailsCosts of all property on the last date of the pre-ending financial yearEstimated cost of the total assets in the current financial yearActual amount of the interest on assets in the previous financial yearDate of purchase the propertyDate of maturityDetailsAmount of the last financial yearEstimated cost for the current financial year
A. Endowments :
(1) Under Government custody.
(2) Trust Funds.
(3) National Savings Certificates.
(4) Postal Saving Fund
(5) Other investments.
(6) Other properties
(Details be given)
Total Income from Endowments
B. Land and building property playground and school building be given.Number and size of all class-rooms be given.Gross Total Income from Endowments
C. Reserve Funds:
(1) At Bank
(2) Other Investments
Total Income from all Reserve Funds

Form B

Serial No.Details of the landPlot No.Area in (Acres)Present estimated value of landType of the land Purpose for the land being usedWhether the land has been transferred to the schoolClass-room constructed on the landParticulars
AgricultureUnsuitable for AgricultureAgricultureBataiOn hireUnuseNo.Cost
1.Sadan land
2.Agriculture land
3.Land of expenditure scheme
4.Other land
(A) Attached to the school building.
(B) Gardening
(C) Play-ground
(D) Other
Signature of ManagerSignature of Principal

N.B. – (1) A map of the land should be attached with the pro form a in which demarcation, Plot No. and area of the land should be mentioned.

(2) An attested copy of the land record (Khasra and Khatauni) should be attached with the pro forma.

Form 14

(See Rule 11)

Establishment Register

(To be maintained by the Institution)

District……………………………………….Name of the Institution……………………….Year and month in which the institution was taken on the grant-in-aid list
Year in which recognised by the Board and No……………………………………Subjects and Group recognised…………………….J.H.S……………………………………………………………….
date of recognition H.S……………………….H.S…………………………………………H.S………………………………………………………………
Serial No.Name and designation of the post scale-wiseParticular of the Post sanctioned letter No. and dateName of the employeeDate of birthEducational Qualification Academic/ TrainingDate of first continuous appointment in the institution and scale
Date of retirementName of the ExaminationExamining BodyYear of passing and DivisionSubjects offered in each examination
Date of promotion to present post and scaleNature of appointment to present postSource of requirement indicating Act, Rules, RegulationDate of incrementWhether appointed to the present post direct or through promotionCasteSignature of Principal/Manager
PermanentProbationAd hoc

Form 15

(See Rule 12)

(To be maintained by Accounts Officer in the Office of the District Inspector of Schools)

Monthly Pay Check Register

Account No………………

Name of the Institution……………..

Name of the Bank………………

MonthBasic PayD.A.A.D.A.I.R.H.R.AC.C.A.Other allowance, if anyTotal (2 to 8)G.I.Difference (9-10)Fee incomeTotal grant (11+12)
G.P.F.Cash grantParticulars of the deductionsAmount to be paid in cashCheque No. with dateSignature of Account OfficerReason of variation as compared to previous month

Form 16

(See Rule 14)

(Cheque Book Stock Register (To Be Maintained By The Manager)

Name of the Institution………..

Serial No.Name of the BankAccount No.Date of receipt of Cheque BookNo. of Cheques From…..To…..Number of the Cheque with date of issueAmount of the ChequeLost/cancelled Cheque No. with date and amountSignature of the Manager and Accounts Officer with date

Form 17

(See Rule 15)


The Manager,

– (Bank) Branch

– (District).


Kindly distribute the amount, according to the particulars given below, for payment of salary of teachers/employees for the month…….vide Cheque No……… for Rs……… (amount)…….dated……

Serial No.Employees’ NameDesignationAccount No.Amount
Principal/ManagerAccounts Officer,
Office of the Inspector

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