The U.P. Teacher Education (Lecturers Cadre) Service Rules, 2010

The U.P. Teacher Education (Lecturers Cadre) Service Rules, 2010

Published vide Notification No. 657/15-11-2010-1499(204)-2004, dated 26 May, 2010, U.P. Gazette, Extraordinary, Part-4, Section (ka), dated 26 May, 2010


In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution and in supersession of all existing rules and orders on the subject, the Governor is pleased to make the following rules regulating recruitment and the conditions of service of persons appointed to the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Education (Lecturer’s Cadre) Service.

Part 1


  1. Short title and commencement.– (1) These rules may be called “the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Education (Lecturer’s Cadre) Service Rules, 2010”.

(2) They shall come into force at once.

  1. Status of the service.– The Uttar Pradesh Teacher Education (Lecturer’s Cadre) Service is a subordinate non-gazetted service comprising Group “C” posts.
  2. Definition.– In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context-

(a) “Act” means the Uttar Pradesh Public Services (Reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes) Act, 1994;

(b) “appointing authority” means the Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow;

(c) “citizen of India” means a person who is or is deemed to be a citizen of India under Part II of the Constitution;

(d) “Commission” means the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission;

(e) “Constitution” means the Constitution of India;

(f) “Government” means the State Government of Uttar Pradesh;

(g) “Governor” means the Governor of Uttar Pradesh;

(h) “member of the service” means a person substantively appointed under these rules or the rules or orders in force prior to the commencement of these rules to a post in the cadre of the service;

(i) “Other Backward Classes of citizens” means the backward classes of citizens specified in Schedule I of the Act, as amended from time to time;

(j) “service” means the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Education (Lecturer’s Cadre) Service;

(k) “substantive appointment” means an appointment, not being an ad hoc appointment, on a post in the cadre of the service, made after selection in accordance with the rules and if there were no rules, in accordance with the procedure prescribed for the time being by executive instructions issued by the Government;

(l) “year of recruitment” means a period of twelve months commencing on the first day of July of a calendar year.

Part II


  1. Cadre of service.– (1) The strength of the service and of each category of posts therein shall be such as may be determined by the Government from time to time.

(2) The strength of the service and of each category of post therein shall, until orders varying the same are passed under sub-rule (1), be as given in the Appendix “A”.

Provided that-

(i) the appointing authority may leave unfilled or the Governor may hold in abeyance any vacant post, without thereby entitling any person to compensation; or

(ii) the Governor may create such additional permanent or temporary posts as he may consider proper.

Part III


  1. Source of recruitment.– Recruitment to the various categories of posts in the service shall be made by direct recruitment through the Commission.
  2. Reservation.– Reservation for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other categories shall he in accordance with the Act and the Uttar Pradesh Public Sendees (Reservation for Physically Handicapped, Dependents of freedom Fighters and Ex-Sendcemen) Act, 1993, as amended from time to time and the orders of the Government in force at the time of the recruitment.

Part IV


  1. Nationality.– A candidate for direct recruitment to a post in the service must be-

(a) a citizen of India; or

(b) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India; or

(c) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Sri Lanka or any of the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar) with the intention of permanently settling in India:

Provided that a candidate belonging to category (b) or (c) above must be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the State Government:

Provided further that a candidate belonging to category (b) will also be required to obtain a certificate of eligibility granted by the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Intelligence Branch, Uttar Pradesh:

Provided also that if a candidate belongs to category (c) above, no certificate of eligibility will be issued for a period of more than one year and the retention of such a candidate in service beyond a period of one year, shall be subject to his acquiring Indian citizenship.

Note – A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary but the same has neither been issued nor refused may be admitted to an examination or interview and he may also be provisionally appointed subject to the necessary certificate being obtained by him or issued in his favour.

  1. Academic qualification.– A candidate for direct recruitment to the various posts in the service must possess the qualifications specified against each post in the Appendix “B”.
  2. Preferential qualification.– A candidate who has-

(i) the preferential qualification in respect of a post mentioned in Rule 8, or

(ii) served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or

(iii) obtained a ‘B’ certificate of National Cadet Corps, shall, other things being equal, be given preference in the matter of direct recruitment.

[10. Age. – A candidate for direct recruitment must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of more than 40 years on the first day of July of the calendar year in which vacancies are advertised:

Provided that the upper age limit in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and such other categories as may be notified by the Government from time to time shall be greater by such number of years as may be specified.]

  1. Character.– The character of a candidate for direct recruitment to a post in the service must be such as to render him suitable in all respects for employment in Government service. The appointing authority shall satisfy itself on this point.

Note – Persons dismissed by the Union Government or a State Government or by a Local Authority or a Corporation or Body owned or controlled by the Union Government or a State Government shall be ineligible for appointment to any post in the service. Persons convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude §hall also be ineligible.

  1. Marital Status.– A male candidate who has more than one wife living or a female candidate who has married a man already having a wife living shall not be eligible for appointment to a post in the service:

Provided that the Government may, if satisfied that there exist special grounds for doing so, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

  1. Physical fitness.– No candidate shall be appointed to a post in the service unless he be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duties. Before a candidate is finally approved for appointment he shall be required to produce a Medical Certificate of fitness in accordance with the rules framed under Fundamental Rule 10 contained in Chapter III of the Financial Hand-Book, Volume II, Part II to IV.

Part V

Procedure for Recruitment

  1. Determination of vacancies.– The appointing authority shall determine and intimate to the commission the number of vacancies to be filled during the course of the year of recruitment as also the number of vacancies to be reserved for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other categories under Rule 6.
  2. Procedure for direct recruitment.– (1) Application for being considered for selection shall be called by the Commission in the form published in the advertisement issued by the Commission.

(2) The Commission shall, having regard to the need for securing due representation of the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other categories in accordance with Rule 6, call for interview such number of candidates, who fulfil the requisite qualifications, as they consider proper.

(3) The Commission shall prepare a list of candidates in order of their proficiency as disclosed by the marks obtained by each candidate in the interview. If two or more candidates obtain equal marks, the candidate senior in age shall be placed higher in the list. The Commission shall forward the list to the appointing authority.

Part VI

Appointment, Probation, Confirmation and Seniority

  1. Appointment.– (1) The appointing authority shall make appointment by taking the names of candidates in the order in which they stand in the list prepared under Rule 15.

(2) If more than one order of appointment are issued in respect of anyone selection, a combined order shall also be issued, mentioning the names of the persons in order of seniority as determined in the selection,

  1. Probation.– (1) A person on substantive appointment to a post in the service shall be placed on probation for a period of two years.

(2) The appointing authority may for reasons to be recorded, extend the period of probation in individual cases specifying the date up to which the extension is granted:

Provided that, save in exceptional circumstances, the period of probation shall not be extended beyond one year and in no circumstance beyond two years.

(3) If it appears to the appointing authority at any time during or at the end of the period of probation or extended period of probation that a probationer has not made sufficient use of his opportunities or has otherwise failed to give satisfaction, his services may be dispensed with.

(4) A probationer whose services are dispensed with under sub-rule (3) shall not be entitled to any compensation,

  1. Confirmation.– A probationer shall be confirmed in his appointment at the end of the period of probation or the extended period of probation if-

(a) his work and conduct is reported to be satisfactory;

(b) his integrity is certified; and

(c) the appointing authority is satisfied that he is otherwise fit for confirmation.

  1. Seniority.– The seniority of persons substantively appointed in any category of posts in the service shall be determined in accordance with the Uttar Pradesh Government Servants Seniority Rules, 1991, as amended from time to time.

Part VII

Pay Etc.

  1. Scales of pay.– (1) The scales of pay admissible to persons appointed to the various categories of posts in the service shall be such as may be determined by the Government from time to time.

[(2) The scales of pay at the time of the commencement of the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Education (Lecturer’s Cadre) Service (First Amendment) Rules, 2013 are given in Appendix “A”.]

  1. Pay during probation.– (1) Notwithstanding any provision in the Fundamental Rules to the contrary, a person on probation, if he is not already in permanent Government service, shall be allowed his first increment in the time-scale when he has completed one year of satisfactory sendee, has passed departmental examination and undergone training, where prescribed, and second increment after two years service when he has completed the probationary period and is also confirmed:

Provided that if the period of probation is extended on account of failure to give satisfaction, such extension shall not count for increment unless the appointing authority directs otherwise.

(2) The pay during probation of a person who was already holding a post under the Government, shall be regulated by the relevant Fundamental Rules:

Provided that, if the period of probation is extended on account of failure to give satisfaction, such extension shall not count for increment unless the appointing authority directs otherwise.

(3) The pay during probation of a person already in permanent Government service shall be regulated by the relevant rules, applicable generally to Government servants serving in connection with the affairs of the State.


Other Provisions

  1. Canvassing.– No recommendations either written or oral, other than those required under the rules applicable to the post or service will be taken into consideration. Any attempt on the part of a candidate to enlist support directly or indirectly for his candidature will disqualify him for appointment.
  2. Regulation of other matter.– In regard to the matters not specifically covered by these rules or special orders, persons appointed to the service shall be governed by the rules, regulation and orders applicable generally to Government servants serving in connection with the affairs of the State.
  3. Relaxation from the conditions of service.– Where the State Government is satisfied that the operation of any rule regulating the conditions of service of persons appointed to the service causes undue hardship in any particular case, it may, notwithstanding anything contained in the rules applicable to the case, by order, dispense with or relax the requirements of that rule to such extent and subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner:

Provided that where a rule has been framed in consultation with the Commission, that body shall be consulted before the requirements of the rule are dispensed with or relaxed.

  1. Saving.– Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations and other concessions required to be provided for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders of the Government issued from time to time in this regard.

[Appendix “A”]

[See Rule 4 (2) and 20(2)1

SI. No.Name of the postNumber of postsScale of pay
PermanentTemporaryTotalName of Pay Band/Scale of PayCorresponding Pay Band/Scale of Pay (Rs.)Corresponding Grade Pay (Rs.)
1Lecturer (Research), Hindi, State Council of Educational Research and Training, U.P., Lucknow11Pay Band-29300-348004800
2Lecturer (Research), English, State Council of Educational Research and Training, U.P., Lucknow11
3Lecturer (Research), Mathematics, State Council of Educational Research and Training, U.P., Lucknow11
4Lecturer (Research), Science, State Council of Educational Research and Training, U.P., Lucknow11
5Lecturer (Research), Social Science. State Council of Educational Research and Training, U.P., Lucknow11Pay Band-29300-348004800
6Lecturer (Research) Education, State Council of Educational Research and Training, U.P., Lucknow11
7Lecturer, Education, District Institute of Education and Training140140
8Lecturer, Psychology, District Institute or Education and Training7070
9Lecturer, District Institute of Education and Training Hindi,7070
10Lecturer, English, District Institute of Education and Training7070
11Lecturer, Urdu, District-Institute of Education and Training7070
12Lecturer, Mathematics, District Institute of Education and Training7070
13Lecturer, Physical Education, District Institute or Education and Training7070Pay Band-29300-348004800
14Lecturer, Art, District Institute of Education and Training7070
15Lecturer, Home Science, District Institute of Education and Training7070
16Lecturer, Physics, District Institute of Education and Training7070
17Lecturer, Chemistry, District Institute of Education and Training7070
18Lecturer, Biology. District Institute of Education and Training7070
19Lecturer, Social Science-I, District Institute of Education and Training7070
20Lecturer, Social Science-II, District Institute of Education and “Training7070
21Lecturer, Statistics, District Institute of Education and Training7070Pay Band-29300-348004800
22Lecturer, Social Work, District Institute of Education and Training7070
23Lecturer, Hindi, State Institute of Hindi, Varanasi33
24Lecturer, Sanskrit, State Institute of Hindi, Varanasi33
25Lecturer, English, English Language Teaching Institute, Allahabad22
26Lecturer, English, English Language Teaching Institute, Allahabad44
27Lecturer, Hindi, State Institute of Education, Allahabad22
28Lecturer, English, State Institute of Education, Allahabad22
29Lecturer. Sanskrit, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11Pay Band-29300-348004800
30Lecturer, Urdu, State Institute of Education Allahabad11
31Lecturer, Mathematics State Institute of Education Allahabad11
32Lecturer, Biology, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
33Lecturer, Chemistry, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
34Lecturer,. Physics, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
35Lecturer, History, State Institute of Education, Allahabad22
36Lecturer, Geography, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
37Lecturer, Civics, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
38Lecturer, Home Science, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11Pay Band-29300-348004800
39Lecturer, Art, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
40Lecturer, Education, State Institute of Education, Allahabad22
41Lecturer, Psychology, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
42Lecturer, Economics, State Institute of Education, Allahabad11
43Lecturer (Testing), Bureau of Psychology, U.P., Allahabad22
44Lecturer (Counselling), Bureau of Psychology, U.P., Allahabad22
45Lecturer (General (Counselling), Bureau of Psychology, U.P., Allahabad22
46Lecturer (Psychology), Bureau of Psychology, U.P Allahabad22
47Lecturer (Vocational Guidance), Bureau of Psychology, U.P., Allahabad11Pay Band-29300-348004800
48Lecturer (Statistics), Bureau of Psychology, U.P., Allahabad11
49Lecturer (Psychology), Bureau of Psychology. U.P., Allahabad77
50Lecturer, Education, Government Nursery Training College, Allahabad22
51Lecturer (Psychology), Government Nursery Training College, Allahabad11
52Lecturer, Education, Government Nursery Training College, Agra11
53Lecturer, Psychology, Government Nursery Training College, Agra11
54Lecturer. Physical Education, Government Physical Training College, Allahabad33
55Lecturer. Physical Education, Government Physical Training College, Rampur77Pay Band-29300-348004800
56Lecturer (Vocational Guidance), Regional Psychological1010
57Lecturer (Psychology), Regional Psychological Centre1010

[Appendix “B”]

(See Rule 8)

Serial No.Name of postEssential/ Preferential Qualifications
1Serial number 4 in Appendix- “A” Lecturer (Research), Social Science, SCERT, U.P., LucknowEssential:(i) Post-graduate degree in Mathematics/Biology/Chemistry/ Physics with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.(ii) B.Ed. Degree with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)/ University Grants Commission (UGC) or a Degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential:(i) M.Ed. Degree from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (ICT).(ii) Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes.
2Serial number 5 in Appendix-“A”- Lecturer (Research), Social Science, SCERT, U.P., LucknowEssential:(i) Post-graduate degree in History/ Economics / Geography / Political Science with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.(ii) B.Ed. Degree with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly, recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC) or a Degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential:(i) M.Ed. Degree from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC).(ii) Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), for educational purposes.
3Serial number 6 [Lecturer (Research), Education, SCERT, U.P., Lucknow] and Serial numbers 7, 40, 50 and 52 (Lecturer, Education) in Appendix -“A” –Essential:(i)- M.Ed./M.Ed. (Elementary) degree with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC)OrPost-graduate degree in Education with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto, and B.Ed. Degree with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC) or a Degree recoznised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential: Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes.
4Serial numbers 13, 54 and 55 in Appendix-“A”-Lecturer, Physical EducationEssential:Post-graduate degree in Physical Education (M.P.Ed./M.P.E.) with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/ University Grants Commission (UGC) or a Degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential:Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes.
5Serial number 19 in Appendix-“A” Lecturer, Social, Science-IEssential:(i) Post-graduate degree in History/ Economics/Political Science with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law’ in India or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.(ii) B.Ed. Degree with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/ University Grants Commission (UGC) or a Degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential:(i) M.Ed. Degree from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC).(ii) Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes.
6Serial number 20 in Appendix-“A” Lecturer, Social Science -IIEssential:(i) Post-graduate degree in Geography with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or a qualification reeognised by the Government – as equivalent thereto.(ii) B.Ed. Degree with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/ University Grants Commission (UGC) or a Degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential:(i) M.Ed. Degree from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council. For Teacher Education (NCTE)/ University Grants Commission (UGC).(ii) Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology” (ICT) for educational purposes.
7Serial numbers 21 and 48 in Appendix-“A” Lecturer, StatisticsEssential:(i) Post-graduate degree in Statistics or Economics or Mathematics, with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.(ii) B.Ed. Degree with, at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC) or a degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential:(i) M.Ed. Degree from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC).(ii) Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes.
8Serial numbers 14 and 39 in Appendix-“A” Lecturer, ArtEssential:Post-graduate degree in Fine Arts/Visual Arts/Performing Arts/ Applied Arts/Digital Arts with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or a Degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential: Degree in Education.
9Serial number 43 [Lecturer (Testing)], Serial number 44 [Lecturer (Counseling)], Serial number 45 [Lecturer (General Counseling)], Serial number 46 [Lecturer (Psychology)], Serial number 47 [Lecturer (Vocational Guidance)], Serial number 49 [Lecturer/(Psychology)] in the Bureau of Psychology, U.P., Allahabad and Serial number 56 [Lecturer (Vocational Guidance)] and ‘Serial number 57 [Lecturer (Psycholog)’)] in Regional Psychological Centre in Appendix-” A”Essential:(i) Post-graduate degree in Psycholog}’ with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India.(ii) Diploma in Guidance, Psychology from a University established by law in India or a recognised Institution.Preferential:(i) Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes.(ii) Ph.D. degree in Psychology.
10For all other posts except, the posts mentioned at serial numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56 and 57 in Appendix-“A”Essential:(i) Post-graduate, degree in, respective school subject with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.(ii) B.Ed. Degree with at least 55 percent marks from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council For Teacher Education (NCTE)/ University Grants Commission (UGC) or a Degree recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.Preferential:(i) M.Ed. Degree from a University established by law in India or an Institution duly recognised by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)/University Grants Commission (UGC).(ii) Proficiency in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for educational purposes.

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