Regulations Under the U.P. Intermediate Education Act, 1921
Scheme of Administration
[Sections 16-A, 16-B and 16-C]1. Ex-officio members of the Committee of Management. – The Committee of Management of an institution shall include the following Ex-officio members :(i) Headmaster or Principal, as the case may be,(ii) Two teachers for a term of one year each by rotation according to seniority selected in the manner prescribed below.2.^^ T;s”Brk ds vk/kkj ij ckjh&ckjh ls p;u fd;s tkus ds fy;s izcU/k }kjk laLFkk ds leLr ekSfyd lsok okys v/;kidksa dh ,d T;s”Brk lwph j[kh tk;sxhA ;g lwph ml laLFkk esa mudh LFkk;h fu;qfDr dh frfFk rFkk bl izdkj nks vFkok mlls vf/kd v/;kidksa dh fu;qfDr dh n’kk esa mudh T;s”Brk mudh vk;q dh T;s”Brk ij fu/kkZfjr dh tk;sxhA**
1 m0iz0 xtV esa izdkf’kr fnuakd 6-12-1969&foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ 7@2080 ih&9 fnlEcj] 1968 fnuakd 26-11-1969 }kjk la’kksf/krA3. The two senior most teachers shall be selected from this list as Ex-officio members of the Committee of Management in the first instance. Their terms shall begin from the date on which the Committee of Management is constituted after the approval of the Scheme of Administration by the Director. On the expiry of their terms or in the event of vacancy or vacancies occurring earlier by one or both, the teachers resigning his /their membership/ memberships of the Committee or ceasing to be in the sender of the institution, the teacher/ teachers next in the seniority list shall be selected in his/their place/places for a full term. The Ex-officio membership of a teacher shall not lapse on his being promoted or demoted from one grade or category to another during the currency of his term.4. The manager shall prepare and maintain the seniority list showing therein the date from which a teacher is entitled to count his seniority. Before finalizing the list, he shall supply a copy thereof to every teacher in the institution and any objection filed by a teacher within a month of the receipt of the copy by him shall be decided by the Committee of Management.5. Any teacher aggrieved by the decision of the Committee may within fifteen days of its communication to him file an appeal to the Inspector or Regional Inspectress, as the case may be, whose decision thereon shall be final.6. A copy of the list after it has been finalized shall be supplied to each teacher, the head of the institution and the Inspector or Regional Inspectress for the reference and record. Any change in the strength or grades to teachers comprising a category shall be duly noted in the list and all concerned promptly intimated of it. Any teacher who feels aggrieved by the change may file objection before the Managing Committee within a month of the intimation and that objection shall be dealt with as if it were an objection under Regulation 4.7. A teacher declining the Ex-officio membership of the Committee to which he has been selected or not being able to avail himself of his term for any reason whatsoever, shall not be re-eligible for membership until the full circle of the seniority list has been completed.8.Ex-officio members shall not be liable to pay any subscription.9. Powers, duties and functions of the Principals or Headmaster. -The Headmaster or the Principal shall perform in addition to all duties of a Headmaster or Principal all such duties as appertain to his post and shall be responsible to the Committee of Management through the Manager of the institution for the due discharge of such duties, for which he shall have the necessary powers.10. The Headmaster or the Principal shall be solely responsible and shall have necessary powers for the internal management and discipline of his institution including :
(i) Admissions and withdrawals of students and their punishment including expulsion or recommendation for rustication; selection of text books, books and magazines for the library, reading room and prizes; arrangement of time-table and allocation of duties of members of the staff relating to the school time-table; holding of examinations and test; students promotion and, detention, maintenance of all forms and schools registers and progress reports of students and sending the same to their guardians; preparation of requisition for furniture, equipment and apparatus needed for the school and for their repair and replacement; organization of games and other co-curricular activities; making provision for health and medical treatment of students; utilizing the services of the staff for educational purposes and activities inside or outside the school premises; appointment, promotion, control and punishment including removal and dismissal of the inferior servants, control of the hostel through its Superintendent.
(ii) Maintenance of service books and character rolls of teachers, clerks, librarians and inferior staff; making entries in their character rolls and communicating adverse entries to the person concerned; control and supervision of the clerks and librarians; their suspension, and making recommendations for their confirmation, promotion and crossing of efficiency bar, granting of casual leave to the staff of the institution; recommending disciplinary action against teachers, clerk and librarians to the Committee of Management; recommending to the Committee their applications for permission to appear in, academic examination, permitting teachers to undertake private tuitions.
(iii) Control and administration of all Boys Funds; it shall be the duty of the Principal to see to it that each such fund is spent only for that item for which it is allowed; and if there is saving on any item, the stoppage of fee realised for that fund; granting free-ship and half-free-ship within the number sanctioned by the Management; drawing and disbursing of stipend and scholarship money.11. In financial and other matters for which he is not solely responsible the Headmaster or Principal shall follow the directions of the Committee of Management as issued to him through the Manager.12. The Headmaster or Principal shall be the channel of correspondence between the staff of the institution and Management.13. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Committee of Management. – Powers, duties and functions of the Committee of Management shall include the following ;
(i) Appointment, confirmation, promotion, permission to cross efficiency bar suspension and punishment (including removal and dismissal) of Headmaster, Principal, teacher, matron, clerk or librarian in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the regulations.
(ii) To decide appeals against entries made,in character rolls of employees by the Head/Manager of the institution.
(iii) Grant of all leave admissible to the employees of the institution except where such power vests in the Headmaster or Principal.
(iv) Control and management of all moneys, securities property arid endowments of the institution, excluding the Boys Funds and taking of necessary measures for their safe custody, investment, repairs, maintenance and legal protection.
(v) Ensuring proper utilization of maintenance and development grants and re-imbursements received from Government.
(vi) Receiving all incomes (excepting stipends, scholarships and Boys’ Funds) subscriptions, donations, gifts, dividends, interest, grants, etc. for the institution and meeting financial obligations arising out of its duties and functions.14. Approval of the Scheme of Administration.-The main principle on which approval to a Scheme of Administration shall be accorded would be that it should conform to the following rules:
(a) A Scheme of Administration shall provide for proper and effective functioning of the Committee of Management.
(b) Procedure for constituting the Committee of Management, qualifications and disqualifications of its members, term of its office, calling its meeting and conducting business thereat shall be laid down.
(c) All the decisions shall be taken by the Committee of Management and powers of delegation, if any, shall be limited and clearly defined.
(d) Powers and duties of the Committee of Management and its members shall be clearly defined.
(e) Distribution of powers shall be well balanced and dominance of individual and sectional interests shall be avoided.
(f) Constitution of the Committees for selecting Principal, Headmaster and Teachers and their functioning as prescribed under the Act and Regulations shall be provided for.
(g) A Scheme of Administration shall provide that the terms and conditions of service of the employees of the Institutions shall be governed by the Act and Regulations.
(h) A Scheme of Administration shall make provision for maintenance and security of property and investment and utilization of funds of the institution as well as regular checking and auditing of accounts, and prescribe measures against their misappropriation, misuse and waste.
(i) A Scheme shall contain specific provision for speedy decision of disputes relating to right of management declared as such by the Regional Deputy Director or the Deputy Director of Education (Women), as the case may be, as also regarding management of the institution during the period of dispute.
(j) No provision of a Scheme shall be contrary to the relevant paras of the Educational Code insofar as these are not inconsistent with the Act and Regulations.15. A period of six months recknoned from the first date of the month following the date of receipt of the Draft Scheme of Administration shall be allowed to the Director in which he may either approve or return it with suggestion for any alterations or modifications under Section 16-C(1).16. A period of three months reckoned from the date of receipt of the communication of the Director suggesting alterations or modifications shall be allowed to an institution each time to make representations under Sections 16-C (1) and 16-C(2).17.izR;sd v/;kid viuh laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk d{kk f’k{k.k fyf[kr dk;Z] lgikB~dzeh; dk;Zdyki] x`g&ijh{kk ,oa ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa ,oa vU; fo|ky;ksa ds dk;Z ds lEcU/k esa iznDr vkns’kksa dk ikyu djsxkA
1 vlk/kkj.k xtV] fnuakd 14 ekpZ] 1984 esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la[;k 1548@15&7&12 49&84,] fnuakd 14 ekpZ] 1984 }kjk lfEefyrA18.iz/kkukpk;Z@iz/kkuk/;kid dh fyf[kr vuqefr izkIr fd;s fcuk dksbZ v/;kid@deZpkjh foHkkx ds fdlh vf/kdkjh dk;kZy; ls fdlh izdkj dk lEidZ LFkkfir ugha djsaxkA
2 vlk/kkj.k xtV] fnuakd 14 ekpZ] 1984 esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la[;k 1548@15&7&12 49&84,] fnuakd 14 ekpZ] 1984 }kjk lfEefyrA19.ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa ds vUrjh{k.k] ewY;kadu];u vkfn dk;ksZa ds lEcU/k esa ifj”kn ds fu;eksa ds v/khu ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ;k ifj”kn~ ds }kjk vf/kd`r vU; vf/kdkjh ds funsZ’kksa dk ikyu djsxkA
3 vlk/kkj.k xtV] fnuakd 14 ekpZ] 1984 esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la[;k 1548@15&7&12 49&84,] fnuakd 14 ekpZ] 1984 }kjk lfEefyrA20.izR;sd v/;kid vius drZO;&ikyu esa le; dh fu;ferrk cjrsxkA21.dksbZ Hkh v/;kid fcuk iz/kku dh vuqefr ds fo|ky; esa mifLFkr gksus ij fo|ky; le; ds vUrxZr fo|ky; ugha NksM+sxkA22.dksbZ Hkh v/;kid fdlh ,slh izdkj dh iqLrdsa ftUgsa dqaft;ksa@xkbM+ vkfn dgk tkrk gS] ds izdk’ku esa izR;{k] ;k vizR;{k :i ls lg;ksx ugha nsxkA23.dksbZ Hkh v/;kid funs’kd dh vuqefr izkIr fd;s fcuk fdlh Hkh izdkj ds mns’; ds fy;s dksbZ pUnk ;k nku olwy ugha djsxkA24.dksbZ Hkh v/;kid fdlh Nk= dh tkfrokn] {ks=h;rk ;k vLi`’;rk dh Hkkoukvksa dks HkM+dkus esa izo`Dr ugha djsxkA25.dksbZ Hkh v/;kid fo|ky; dh lEifr dh izR;{k vFkok ijks{k :i ls gkfu igqapkus esa u izo`Dr gksxk vkSj u izo`Dr djsxkA26.oHkkx }kjk fu/kkZfjr le; ds vUrxZr dksbZ v/;kid fo|ky; esa dksbZ cSBd u cqyk,xk] vkSj u gh fdlh ,slh cSBd esa Hkkx ysxk] tc rd fd ,slh cSBd mlds iz/kku }kjk vuqeksfnr dk;ksZa ds nkf;Ro fuoZgu ds vUrxZr u gksA27.ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa ds lapkyu esa fdlh vlkekU; ifjfLFkfr ds mRiUu gksus dh vk’kadk dh fLFkfr esa] ftlesa fdlh izdkj ls ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa dk cfg”dkj vFkok vlg;ksx lfEefyr gS] ijh{kkvksa ds lapkyu ds fy;s ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd] vodk’k izkIr iz/kkuksa] vU; v/;kidksa vFkok jkT; deZpkfj;ksa] v/;kid&vfHkHkkod ,lksfl,’ku ds lnL;ksa] LoSfPNd laLFkkvksa rFkk HkwriwoZ lSfudksa vkfn dh ,d lwph le; ds Hkhrj rS;kj djsxk rFkk ,slh fdlh Hkh vlkekU; ifjfLFkfr mRiUu gksus ij ijh{kkvksa ds lapkyu esa mudk lg;ksx izkIr dj ldsxkA
1 fnuakd 13 Qjojh] 1988 ds jkti= esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@949 fnukad 9 Qjojh] 1988 }kjk lfEefyrA
Appointment of Heads of Institutions and Teachers
[Sections 16-E, 16-F and 16-FF]1. The minimum qualifications for appointment as Head of Institution and Teachers in any recognised Institution, whether by direct recruitment or otherwise, shall be as given in Appendix A.1-A.[***]2. (1) The post of the Head of Institution shall except as provided in clause (2) be filed by direct recruitment after reference to the Selection Committee constituted under sub-section (1) of Section 16-F or, as the case may be, under sub-section (1) of Section 16-FF :Provided that in the case of any institution not being an institution referred to in Section 16-FF a temporary vacancy caused by the grant of leave to an incumbent for a period not exceeding six months or by death, retirement or suspension of an incumbent occurring during an educational session in the post of the Head of Institution shall be filled by the promotion of the senior most qualified teacher, if any, in the highest grade in the institution.[(2) (a) Where an institution is raised from a High School to an Intermediate College, the post of Principal of such college shall be filled by promotion of the Headmaster of such High SchooL if he was duly appointed as Headmaster in substantive capacity in accordance with law for the time being in force and possesses a good record of service and the minimum qualifications prescribed in that behalf or has been granted exemption from such qualifications by the Board.(b) The Committee of Management of such institution shall submit the proposal for promotion of the Headmaster concerned to the Regional Deputy Director of Education for his concurrence.(c) The proposal referred to in sub-clause (b) shall be accompanied by a copy of the resolution of the Committee of Management approving such Headmaster for promotion, his service Book and Character Roll and shall contain the following particulars in relation to him, namely-(i) date of birth,(ii) examinations passed by him stating the subjects, divisions and year of passing such examinations.(d) The Regional Deputy Director of Education shall communicate his decision on such proposal within two weeks from the date of receipt thereof, failing which the Regional Deputy Director shall be deemed to have given his concurrence to such proposal.(e) The decision of the Regional Deputy Director of Education under sub-clause (d) shall be communicated to the Committee of Management as well as the Headmaster concerned.(f) Any person aggrieved from the decision of the Regional Deputy Director of Education, including the Committee of Management may within 10 days from the date of communication of the order under sub-clause (e) make a representation against it to the Director whose decision in the matter shall be final.(g) A Headmaster of a High School who is not found fit for promotion as Principal of the upgraded Intermediate College or a Headmaster of a Junior High School who on its being raised as a High School, is not selected by the Selection Committee for the post of the Headmaster of upgraded High School, shall be retained as an assistant teacher on the highest post for which he is qualified, provided that this pay-scale shall not be reduced.Explanation. – Nothing in this sub-clause shall apply to a person who was not permanent or was not duly appointed in accordance with law on the date on which the institution was raised to the level of a High School or an Intermediate College, as the case may be.(3) Where the temporary vacancy in the post of head of institution is, for a period not exceeding thirty days, the senior-most teacher in the highest grade may be allowed to work as acting head of institution, but he shall not be entitled to pay in a scale higher than the scale of pay in which he is drawing salary as such teacher.(4) In all cases in which promotions are made under this regulation a copy of the resolution of the Committee of Management together with particulars in the pro forma prescribed in Appendix ‘B’ shall be immediately forwarded by the Mai lager to the Inspector as well as the Regional Deputy Director of Education.]3. (1) The Committee of Management of every institution shall cause a seniority list of teachers to be prepared in accordance with the following provisions-
(a) The seniority list shall be prepared separately for each grade of teachers whether permanent or temporary, on any substantive post;
(b) Seniority of teachers in a grade shall be determined on the basis of their substantive appointment in that grade. If two or more teachers were so appointed on the same date, seniority shall be determined on the basis of age;
[(bb) Where two or more teachers working in a grade are promoted to the next higher grade on the same date, their seniority inter se shall be determined on the basis of the length of their service to be reckoned from the date of their substantive appointment in the grade from which they are promoted :Provided that if such length of service is equal, seniority shall be determined on the basis of age.]
(c) A teacher in a higher grade shall be deemed to be senior to a teacher in the lower grade irrespective of the length of service;
(d) If a teacher who is placed under suspension is reinstated on his original post his original seniority in the grade shall not be affected;
(e) Every dispute about the seniority of the teacher shall be referred to the Committee of Management which shall decide the same giving reasons for the decision;
[(f) mi[k.M M ds v/khu izcU/k lfefr ds fofu’p; ls O;fFkr dksbZ v/;kid ,slk fofu’p; ,sls v/;kid dks lwfpr fd;s tkus ds fnuakd ls 15 fnu ds Hkhrj lEcfU/kr {ks=h; mi0 f’k{kk funs’kd dks vihy dj ldrk gS] vkSj vihy ij lEcfU/kr i{kksa dks lquokbZ dk volj nsus ds mijkUr mi f’k{kk funs’kd viuk fu.kZ; dkj.k lfgr nsxk] tks vfUre gksxk vkSj izcU/k lfefr }kjk dk;kZfUor fd;k tk;sxkA]
[(g) ;fn ,d xzsM+ esa dk;Zjr nks ;k vf/kd v/;kid fdlh ,d gh frfFk ij inksUufr fd, tk,a rks mudh T;s”Brk dk vk/kkj ml xzsM+ dk lsokdky gksxk] ftlesa os dk;Zjr Fks] ijUrq ;fn lsokdky cjkcj gS] rks inksUufr dks n’kk esa vk;q ds vk/kkj ij T;s”Brk fu/kkZfjr dh tk;sxhA(2) The seniority list shall be revised every year and the provisions of Clause (1) shall mjutatis mutandis apply to such revision.[3-A. (1) In case of an institution maintained by a local body, the seniority list as provided in Regulation 3 shall be drawn and maintained by the local body concerned.(2) Where the number of institutions, maintained by a local body, is more than one, a combined seniority list of Head of Institutions and another combined seniority list of teachers shall be maintained; such lists in case of institutions of boys and girls shall be maintained separately.(3) For preparing seniority list under sub-regulations (1) and (2) the provisions of Regulation 3 shall mutatis mutandis apply and reference to the Committee of Management in the said regulation and in the other regulations under Chapter II shall, in the case of institutions referred to in sub-regulation (1), be deemed to be reference to the concerned local body.]4. Where any Junior High School is recognised as a High School under Section 7, a permanent or temporary teacher of such school, possessing the mirlimum qualifications under Regulation I, shall be deemed to be permanent or temporary teacher, as the case may be, of such High School, provided that the services of a temporary teacher who is not selected for appointment in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the regulations shall be dispensed with after giving him one month’s notice in that behalf or one month’s pay in lieu of such notice.Explanation. – Nothing in this regulation shall be construed to mean that High School includes Classes I to V.5.1 fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk esa v/;kid ds in dh izR;sd fjDr [kaM+ 2 esa fd;s x;s vU;Fkk micU/k ds flok; lh/kh HkrhZ }kjk Hkjh tk;sxhA2 d izoDrk esa ;k ,y0Vh0 esa Lohd`r inksa dh dqy la[;k dk ipkl izfr’kr laLFkk esa dze’k% ,y0Vh0 vkSj lh0Vh0 esa dk;Zjt v/;kidksa esa ls dsoy inksUufr }kjk Hkjk tk;sxk vkSj inksUufr ,sls v/;kidksa dh inksUufr ds fy, miyC/krk rFkk ik=rk ds v/khu jgrs gq, dh tk;sxhA
[k ;fn ;FkkfLFkfr izoDrk ysDpj esa ;k ,y0Vh0 esa Lohd`r inksa dh dqy la[;k ds ipkl izfr’kr ls vf/kd in igys gh inksUufr }kjk Hkj fy;s x;s gksa rks igys ls inksUur fd;s x;s O;fDr;ksa dh izR;kofrZr ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
x [kaM+ d ds v/khu ipkl izfr’kr inksa dh lax.kuk djus esa vk/kk ls de Hkkx NksM+ fn;k tk;sxk vkSj vk/kk ;k vk/kk ls vf/kd Hkkx dks ,d le>k tk;sxkA
Li”Vhdj.k&1 in ^^Lohd`r in** dk rkRi;Z fdlh ,sls in ls gs ftldk l`tu fdlh fofuZfn”V vof/k ds fy, vLFkk;h :i ls u fd;k x;k gks oju~ tks ,sls in dk l`tu djus ds fy, l{ke izkf/kdkjh ds vkns’k }kjk l`ftr fd;k x;k gks vkSj blds vUrxZr ,slk in Hkh gS ftl ij fu;qfDr fujh{kd ds vuqeksnu ls dh xbZ gksA2 ;g ugha le>k tk;sxk fd dksbZ ,slk in inksUufr }kjk Hkjk x;k gS] ftl ij dksbZ ,slk v/;kid Fkk] tks laLFkk esa fuEurj esa dk;Z djrs le; lh/kh HkrhZ }kjk ml laLFkk esa mPprj }kjk ml laLFkk esa mPprj esa fu;qDr fd;k x;k FkkA3 bl fofu;e ds iz;kstuksa ds fy, b.VjehfM,V ,twds’ku la’kks/ku vf/kfu;e] 1958 mrj izns’k vf/kfu;e la[;k 35] 1958 ds izo`Dr gksus ds iwoZ fdlh Hkh jhfr ls] lE;d~ :i ls fu;qDr v/;kid lh/kh HkrhZ ds ek/;e ls fu;qDr fd, x, le>s tk;saxsAjktkKk la[;k 1889@15&7&69@1990 fnuakd 15 flrEcj] 1990 }kjk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 9 4 ds vUrxZr izeks’ku ds dksVs dks orZeku pkyhl dks c<+kdj ipkl fd;k x;k gSA j0 l0 ifj”kn~9@715 fnuakd 19 uoEcj] 19906. (1) Where any vacancy in the lecturer’s grade or in the L.T. grade as determined under Regulation 5 is to be filled by promotion, all teachers working in the L.T. or the C.T. grade, as the case may be, having a minimum of five years continuous substantive service to their credit on the date of occurrence of the vacancy shall be considered for promotion by the Committee of Management without their having to apply for the same provided they possess the prescribed minimum qualifications for teaching the subject in which the teacher in the lecturer’s grade or in the L.T. grade is required.[ ijUrq lhVh xzsM+ ds ,sls v/;kid tks izf’kf{kr Lukrd gS vkSj 1-1-86 ds iwoZ 10 o”kZ dh larks”ktud lsok iwjh dj pqds gksa ;k ml frfFk ds ckn ftl frfFk dks 10 o”kZ dh larks”ktud lsok iwjh dj ysrs gS 1-1-86 ls ;k mlds ckn lh0Vh0 xzsM+ esa 10 o”kZ dh lsok iwjh djus dh frfFk ls tSlh Hkh fLFkfr gks ,y0Vh0 xzsM+ esa lafoyhu le>s tk;saxs vkSj lsfofy;u dh mDr frfFk ls os ,y0Vh0 xzsM+ esa ekSfyd :i ls fu;qDr ekus tk;saxsA]
Note. – For purposes of this clause, service rendered by a teacher in the L.T. or the C.T. grade in any other recognised institution shall count for eligibility, unless interrupted by removal, dismissal or reduction to a lower post.(2) Selection for promotion to the next higher grade shall be made on the basis of service-standing, achievements in service, academic qualifications and integrity.(3) Subject to Clause (2) where more than one teacher in the L.T. grade are eligible for promotion to the post of lecturer In any subject preference shall be given to the teacher who is the senior-most amongst them in service in that grade.(4) (a) The claim of any teacher who is eligible for promotion shall not be ignored merely because he has proceeded on long leave or is officiating or working temporarily on a post in the higher grade.
(b) In the case of a teacher who is under suspension, the claim for promotion shall not be ignored if he is reinstated prior to the selection for promotion.(5) In respect of any teacher selected for appointment by promotion in accordance with these regulations, the Manager of the Institution shall within a week from the date of resolution passed by the Committee of Management in regard to such appointment forward [the proposal for the concurrence of the Inspector together with] a copy of such resolution and a statement showing the following particulars-
(i) the total number of sanctioned posts in the grade in which promotion is to be made;
(ii) the number of posts to be reserved for promotion;
(iii) the number of posts already filled by promotion giving names of the incumbents;
(iv) the total number of vacancies which have occurred;
(v) the number of vacancies determined by the Committee of Management to be filled by-
(a) promotion;
(b) direct recruitment;
(vi) the names of all eligible candidates for promotion, their qualifications and the length of their service from the date of their substantive appointment in the grade from which they are to be promoted; and
@@ vf/klwpuk la[;k 4168@15&7&10 160@1991 Vh0lh0 fnuakd 19-8-1992 }kjk fudky fn;k x;kA*[ 1&d ,sls b.VjehfM,V dkyst ,oa gkbZLdwy ftuls lEc) izkbejh vuqHkkx ds v/;kid mrj izns’k gkbZLdwy rFkk b.VjehfM,V dkyst v/;kidksa rFkk vU; deZpkfj;ksa ds osru Hkqxrku] vf/kfu;e] 1971 ds izko/kkuksa ds vUrxZr osru Hkqxrku izkIr djrs gS] ds lEc) izkbejh vuqHkkx esa ch0Vh0lh0 esa v/;kidksa ds in dh izR;sd fjfDr lh/kh HkrhZ }kjk Hkjh tk;sxhALukrd ijh{kk ds lkFk lh0Vh0@ch0Vh0lh0@,p0Vh0lh0] ;k led{k vgrkZ fdUrq ch0Vh0lh0 izf’kf{kr miyC/k u gksus dh n’kk esa ch0,M0 vgZrk/kkjh fu;qDr fd;s tk ldsaxsA
* foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ 9109] fnuakd 10-4-2010 }kjk la’kksf/krA(2) [***]
1 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn 9@741 fnuakd 26 Qjojh] 2003 }kjk fudky fn;k x;kA2&d ,sls b.VjehfM,V dkyst ,oa gkbZLdwy ftuls lEc) izkbejh vuqHkkx ds v/;kid mrj izns’k gkbZLdwy rFkk b.VjehfM,V dkyst v/;kidksa rFkk vU; deZpkfj;ksa ds osru Hkqxrku vf/kfu;e 1971 ds izko/kkuksa ds vUrxZr osru Hkqxrku izkIr djrs gS] esa miyC/k izf’kf{kr Lukrd ds dqy inksa ds 25 izfr’kr inksa dks izcU/k lfefr }kjk lEc) izkbejh vuqHkkx esa dk;Zjr ,sls v/;kidksa ls inksUufr }kjk Hkjk tk;sxkA ftUgksaus izkbejh v/;kid ds :i esa 5 o”kksZa dh lsok iwjh dj yh gS rFkk og izf’kf{kr Lukrd gks vkSj ,slh inksUufr dh lwpuk fujh{kd dks rqjUr nh tk;sxhA
1 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn 9@741 fnuakd 26 Qjojh] 2003 }kjk 2&d la’kksf/krA3 ;fn fujh{kd dks ;g fo’okl djus dk dkj.k gks fd [k.M+ 2 ds v/khu dksbZ inksUufr mDr vf/kfu;e vkSj fofu;eksa ds mYya?ku esa dh xbZ gs rks bl fufeDr dh tk ldus okyh fdlh vU; dk;Zokgh ij izfrdwy izHkko Mkys fcuk og ekeys dk funsZ’k funs’kd dks dj ldrk gS ftldk fofu’p; bl fo”k; esa vafre gksxkA8. If any teacher is aggrieved by any decision of the Committee of Management under Regulation 5, 6 or 7, he may make a representation against such decision to the Inspector within two weeks from the date thereof. The Inspector may pass such orders as he deems fit on such representation within three weeks from the date of receipt thereof, which shall be given effect to by the Committee of Management immediately.9. (1) Where a vacancy in the post of teacher is caused by grant of leave to him for a period exceeding six months or where a teacher is placed under suspension which has been approved in writing by the Inspector under sub-section (7) of Section 16-G and the period of such suspension is likely to exceed six months from the date of such approval [the vacancy may subject to the provisions of these Regulations be filled temporarily by direct recruitment or promotion as the case may be.](2) Where any vacancy is of the nature referred to in Clause (1) or is caused as a result of promotion under Regulation 2 and the period of such vacancy exceeds thirty days but does not exceed six months, it may be filled by the Committee of Management by promotion of a duly qualified permanent teacher of the institution in the next lower grade on the basis of seniority.(3) If any vacancy under Clause (2) cannot be filled due to the non availability of any teacher of the institution in the next lower grade, possessing the prescribed minimum qualifications for the post, it may be filled on ad hoc basis by the Committee of Management by the direct appointment for a period not exceeding six months in aggregate.(4) All vacancies filled under Clause (2) or Clause (3) shall be reported to the Inspector in the proforma prescribed in Appendix ‘B’ within a week of being filled up.[9-A. A teacher appointed to a post to fill a vacancy caused by the promotion of a permanent teacher from a lower grade to higher gradeshall be deemed to have been appointed in substantive capacity on that post from the date of confirmation of such permanent teacher in the higher grade.]10. The procedure for filing up the vacancy of the head of institution and teachers by direct recruitment in any recognised institution shall be as follows :
d izcU/k lfefr }kjk lh/kh HkrhZ ls Hkjh tkus okyh fjfDr;ksa dks la[;k vo/kkfjr dj fy;s tkus ds i’pkr~ laLFkk ds izcU/kd }kjk de ls de nks ,sls lekpkj&i=ksa esa ftuesa ,d O;kid izpyu dk LFkkuh; vFkok laLFkk ds fudVre LFkku ls izdkf’kr gksus okyk dksbZ lekpkj&i= gks vkSj nwljk jkT; esa O;kid ifjpkyu okyk lekpkj&i= gks in foKkfir fd;s tk;saxs] izfrcU/k ;g gS fd lekpkj&i=ksa dh lwph ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd vius lEHkkx ds lEHkkxh; mi f’k{kk funs’kd dh Lohd`fr ds mijkUr fu/kkZkfjr djsaxs vkSj muesa ls gh nks lekpkj&i=ksa esa tuin ds leLr izcU/k lfefr;ksa }kjk foKkiu nsuk vfuok;Z gksxkA foKkiu esa fjfDr;ksa ds izdkj vFkkZr~ LFkk;h gS ;k vLFkk;h rFkk fjfDr;ksa dh la[;k] in dk fooj.k vFkkZr fizafliy ;k iz/kkuk/;kid] izoDrk ;k ,y0Vh0] lh0Vh0 ;k ts0Vh0lh0] ch0Vh0lh0 ds v/;kid rFkk ,slk ;k ,sls fo”k; ftlesa ;k ftuesa izoDrk ;k v/;kid dh vko’;drk gks orZeku vkSj vU; Hkrsa visf{kr vuqHko] in ds fy;s fofgr U;wure vgZrk vkSj U;wure vk; ;fn dksbZ gks] ds lEcU/k esa fooj.k fn;s x, gks vkSj vfUre fnuakd tks lk/kkj.krk foKkiu ds fnuakd ls nks lIrkg ls de u gksuk pkfg;s fofgr fd;k tk;sxk ftl rd vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk fofgr izi= esa lE;d~ :i ls iw.kZr;k Hkjs x;s vkosnu i= fuEufyf[kr ds dk;kZy; esa izkIr fd;s tk;saxsA]
(i) the District Inspector of Schools, or
(ii) the Regional Inspectors of Girls Schools, in case of institutions for girls.The advertisement shall also state that the prescribed application forms can be had from the office of any Inspector on payment of Rs. 9 per form by a crossed postal order or bank draft or through Treasury challan by depositing the amount in the State Bank of India under the head indicated by the Inspector. In no case the payment shall be accepted in cash in the Office of the Inspector. A copy of each advertisement shall be simultaneously sent by the Manager to the District Inspector of Schools or the Re-. gional Inspectress of Girls’ Schools concerned and in case the post of the head of institution is advertised a copy of the Advertisement shall also be sent to the Regional Deputy Director of Education.
Notes. – (1) All vacancies in the post of teachers and the head of the institution existing at the time of advertisement shall be advertised.(2) No new post shall be advertised unless sanction of the appropriate authority for the creation thereof has been received by the management.
(b) The form of application shall be such as may be approved by the Director.
(c) An application by a person employed in an institution and applying for a post elsewhere or in the same institution shall not be withheld by his employer but shall be forwarded to the District Inspector of Schools or Regional Inspectress of Girls Schools concerned immediately and in case of a post in an institution referred to in Section 16-FF to the Manager thereof.
(d) Applications received shall be serially numbered and entered in a register in the form approved by the Director in the Office of the Inspector and particulars of the candidates noted under appropriate columns along with quality-point-marks obtained by each candidate. The quality-point-marks will be awarded to each candidate according to the criteria laid down in Appendix ‘D’ preferably by the local retired Gazetted Officers or retired Principals or teachers of Degree College or University or retired heads of Institutions engaged for the purpose by the Inspector and checked by the Inspector or an officer of the Department authorised by him in this behalf. These application forms will be collected by the Committee of Management through the Manager of the institution from the Office of the Inspector within three days after the expiry of five days from the last date of receipt of applications notified in the advertisement failing which the Inspector shall cause the applications to be sent to the Manager of the institution concerned. The management shall maintain a. register likewise. The candidates to be called for interview shall be selected in the order of quality-pointmarks obtained by them. The number called for interview shall be seven for each post (the number of applicants permitting) provided that this number may be increased to accommodate candidates who get equal number of quality-paint-marks in the first seven places. The Inspector shall send intimation of the date, time and place for holding selection as may be fixed by him to the Committee of Management through its Manager at least two weeks before such date. Immediately on receipt of this information, the Manager shall send intimation to the members of the Selection Committee other than the Experts and issue interview cards to all the candidates selected for interview by registered post specifying therein the date, time and place of holding selection, at least ten days before such selection. The Selection Committee will hold its sitting for making the selection accordingly. The Inspe-dor shall intimate to the Experts nominated under Clause (iii) of sub-section (1) or (2) of Section 16-F, as the case may be, the date, time and place fixed for holding of selection along with the name of the institution, sufficiently in advance of such date. If on account of any unavoidable reasons, any expert is unable to attend the selection on the date fixed, the Inspector shall at once arrange for the expert on the waiting list. In the absence of two experts, the meeting of the Selection Committee shall be postponed and another date shall be fixed for the same.
(e) Every candidate called for interview will have to pay the interview fee at rates given below:
(i) For the post of head of institution; | Rs. |
General Candidates | 20 |
Scheduled Caste/Tribe Candidate | 5 |
(ii) For the post of teacher : | |
General Candidates | 13 |
Scheduled Caste/Tribe Candidate | 3 |
The interview fee shall be payable by crossed postal order or bank draft or through treasury challan by depositing the amount in the State Bank of India under the head indicated by the Inspector. In no case, the interview fee shall be accepted in cash. All postal order, bank drafts and treasury challans shall be sent by the Manager to the Inspector immediately after the selection.
(f) A statement (in six copies) showing the names, qualifications and other particulars in respect of every candidate called for the interview shall be got prepared by the Committee of Management in the form given in Appendix ‘C and the same shall be placed before each member of the Selection Committee at the time of the interview. All the applications including those of candidates not called for the interview, the register maintained by the institution referred to in Clause (d), office copies of all letters sent to the members of the Selection Committee and of all interview cards including the post office receipts of sending the same by registered post and acknowledgments, if any, shall also be placed before the Selection Committee by the Management through the manager of the institution.
(g) Selection shall be made by the Selection Committee on the basis of the total quality-point-marks and the marks awarded in the interview. The total of marks for this purpose shall be arrived at by addition of the quality-point-marks as obtained by a candidate under Clause (d) and the average of the marks awarded by the members of the Selection Committee out of 50, as for example a candidate who obtains 90 quality-pointmarks under Clause (d) is awarded the following marks in the interview:
Member No. 1 | ….. | 35 |
Member No. 2 | ….. | 30 |
Member No. 3 | ….. | 40 |
Member No. 4 | ….. | 45 |
Member No. 5 | ….. | 25 |
Total | ….. | 175 |
Then the total marks will be 90+175/5=125. In addition, each Expert shall also note down in the statement referred to in Clause (f) whether he agrees to the Selection of the candidate or not. In case of disagreement, he will state reasons in brief thereof. After all the candidates for any post are interviewed the Chairman of the Selection Committee shall either himself or by any other member thereof get a note prepared in duplicate on the proceeding of the selection held indicating therein the name of the selected candidate along with two other candidates on the waiting list drawn up in order of merit determined as per example aforesaid and also the names of at least two Experts who have agreed to the selection of such candidates. The note so prepared shall be signed by the Chairman and other members of the Selection Committee giving their full names, designations and addresses and date. One copy of this note along with one copy of the statement referred to in Clause (f) shall be immediately forwarded by the Chairman to the management through the Manager and the other copy shall be forwarded to the Inspector concerned.[Explanation. – Any reference to the Committee of Management or President or member thereof in this regulation shall in cases referred to in sub-section (3) of Section 16-F, be construed as a reference to the Authorised Controller who shall, for purpose of awarding marks in the interview, under Clause (d), be deemed to be a single member of the Selection Committee.]
(h) Notwithstanding anything contained in Clause (g), if the total marks awarded to two or more candidates are equal then the seniormost in age shall be preferred.11. (1) It shall be the duty of the experts attending selection of a head of institution or- teacher to scrutinise all papers concerning selection and in particular to examine that the candidates called for interview have been rightly so called as per provisions of the Act and the Regulation and that no candidate has been deprived of the opportunity of interview which rightly should have gone to him. They should furnish a certificate to this effect in the proceedings of the selection as proposed in the statement in Appendix ‘C’. In case they feel that a candidate has been deprived of the legitimate opportunity of interview as a result of any error or omission they shall inform the Inspector with full details of the case. If the Inspector is satisfied that the proceedings of the interview has been vitiated thereby he shall declare the proceedings of the interview null and void and shall pass orders for holding of selection again in such cases. The orders of the Inspectors in this regard shall be final and binding on all concerned.(2) All applications, papers- and registers relating to selection shall be preserved by the Management till such period as may be prescribed by the Director and shall be furnished to the Inspector, Regional Deputy Director of Education or the Director as and when the same may be summoned.12. The Manager of the institution shall ensure that all necessary action to be taken under the Act and the regulations prior to the holding of selection including nomination of the Chairman or the member of the Selection Committee by the Committee of Management shall be taken well in time and that all arrangements have been made for the meeting of the Selection Committee and seating of candidates called for interview on the date fixed for the interview.13. The Inspector may fix one or more selections of one or more institutions at such place, time and date as may be found convenient.14. The panel of Experts referred to in sub-section (4) of Section 16-F shall be drawn by the Director for each region separately for the selection of heads of institutions and for the selection of teachers from amongst the categories of persons given below after they have given their consent in writing to act as Experts :
(a) Persons who may be appointed as experts for the selection of heads of in stitution-
(i) Principals of Degree Colleges, Training Colleges, Agricultural Colleges and Polytechnics including Central Schools;
(ii) Gazetted Officers of the Education Department not below the P.E.S. level, whether serving or retired;
(iii) Professors and Readers of Universities and Degree Colleges;
(iv) Lecturers of Universities and Degree Colleges provided they have worked as such for at least ten years;
(v) Any other person considered suitable by the Director;
(b) persons who may be appointed as experts for the selection of teachers-
(i) Principal or Headmaster of any Intermediate College, High School or Government Normal School, whether serving or retired;
(ii) Gazetted Officer of the Education Department not below the rank of a Deputy Inspector of Schools, whether serving or retired;
(iii) Lecturers of Degree Colleges, Training Colleges or Polytechnics and Gazetted Officers of Education Department of at least five years’ standing;
(iv) Any other person considered suitable by the Director.The number of experts on each regional panel shall be such as may be considered necessary by the Director, provided that experts appointed for the selection of teachers of Intermediate classes shall be experts in that subject (i.e,. they should possess the minimum qualifications prescribed by the Board for a teacher of Intermediate classes in the subject concerned). The regional panel shall remain valid for three years but the Directors may add to or remove any person from the panel even dr ring the above period. Name of one person may be included in more than one panel where necessary.15. As soon as a copy of the advertisement is received by the Regional Deputy Director of Education in respect of any post advertised for the head of institution he shall send a list of three experts nominated by him for the institution concerned along with one more name on the waiting list to the Inspector for being invited to participate in the selection. The Inspector shall likewise nominate three experts and one more on the waiting list for the institution or institutions for which selection of teachers is to be held as soon as he receives the copy of the advertisement and invite them to participate in the selection.16. Every expert attending a meeting of the Selection Committee and every person engaged for awarding quality-point-marks shall be entitled to be paid remuneration at such rates as may be sanctioned by the State Government from time to time. In addition, the experts shall be paid travelling allowance at such rates as may be sanctioned by the State Government.17. The procedure for filling up the vacancy of the head of institution and teachers by direct recruitment in any recognised institution referred to in Section 16-FF, shall be as follows:
(a) After the management has determined the number of vacancies to be filled up by direct recruitment, the posts shall be advertised by the manager of the institution in at least one Hindi and one English newspaper having adequate circulation in the State giving particulars as to the nature (i.e., whether temporary/permanent) and number of vacancies, descriptions of post (i.e., Principal or Headmaster, Lecturer or L.T., C.T. or J.T.C./B.T.C. grade teacher including the subject or subjects in which the lecturer or teacher is required), scale or pay and other allowances, experience required minimum qualification and age prescribed, if any, for the post and prescribing a date which should not ordinarily be less than two weeks from the date of advertisement) by which the applications shall be received by the Manager. A copy of the advertisement shall be simultaneously sent to the Inspector concerned.
Notes. – (1) All vacancies in the posts of teachers and the head of institution existing at the time of advertisement shall be advertised.(2) No new post shall be advertised unless sanction of the appropriate authority for the creation thereof has been received by the management.
(b) All applications shall be made in the form prescribed by the management and shall contain all necessary particulars about qualifications, teaching experience and other activities and be accompanied by certified copies of all the necessary certificates and testimonials. The management may charge cost of the application form not exceeding the amount referred to in Clause (2) of Regulation 10.
(c) An application by a person employed in an institution and applying for a post elsewhere or in the same institution shall not be withheld by his employer but shall be forwarded to the authority concerned immediately.
(d) All applications received from the candidates shall be serially numbered and entered in a register and particulars of the candidates noted under appropriate columns. The candidates to be called for interview shall be seven for each post (the number of applicants, permitting). The Manager shall intimate by registered post all the members of the Selection Committee as well as all such candidates as are called for interview, the date, time and place of selection at least ten days before it is held. The Selection Committee will hold the selection accordingly. If on account of any unavoidable reason, the expert selected by the Committee of Management under Clause (a) of the proviso to sub-section (1) of Section 16-FF is unable to attend the selection on the date fixed the meeting of the Selection Committee shall be postponed.
(e) The provisions of Clauses (e) and (f) of Regulation 10 and those of Regulations 11, 12 and 16 shall mutatis mutandis apply to selections made under this regulation.
(f) A panel of experts consisting of fifteen or more persons selected from category (a) referred to in Regulation 14 shall be drawn by the Director for each region and be sent to the Regional Deputy Director of Education concerned, The Regional Deputy Director of Education shall out of the said panel communicate the names of three experts in a sealed cover to the management through its Manager as soon as he receives any request for supply of names of experts from him. The regional panel of experts shall, however, remain valid until it is replaced by a new one.
[(g) fdlh in ds fy, leLr vH;fFkZ;ksa dk lk{kkRdkj dj fy, tkus ds i’pkr~ p;u lfefr dk lHkkifr fd;s x;s p;u dh dk;Zokfg;ksa ij nks izfr;ksa esa ,d rS;kj djk;sxk ftlesa pqus x;s vH;FkhZ dk uke rFkk izrh{kk lwph ds nks vU; vH;fFkZ;ksa ds uke mfYyf[kr fd;s tk;saxs] bl izdkj rS;kj dh xbZ j p;u lfefr ds lHkkifr rFkk vU; lnL; gLrk{kj djsaxs vkSj viuk viuk iw.kZ uke] in uke vkSj irk rFkk fnuakd mfYyf[kr djsaxs] lHkkifr bl dh ,d izfr rFkk fofu;e 10 ds [k.M+ p esa fufnZ”V fooj.k dh ,d izfr /kkjk 16&pp ds v/khu ;Fkk visf{kr vuqeksnu ds fy;s] ;FkkfLFkfr] laHkkxh; mi&f’k{kk funs’kd ;k fujh{kd dks rqjUr vxzlkfjr djsxk] lEcfU/kr vfHkys[kksa ds izkIr gksus ds fnuakd ds ,d ekg ds Hkhrj ;FkkfLFkfr lEHkkxh; vfHkys[kksa ds izkIr gksus ds fnuakd ds ,d ekg ds Hkhrj ;FkkfLFkfr lEHkkxh; mi f’k{kk funs’kd ;k fujh{kd] mu ij viuk fu.kZ; ns nsaxs vkSj ,slk u djus ij vuqeksnu iznku dj fn;k x;k le>k tk;sxkA]18. (1) Within fifteen days of the receipt of the recommendation of the Selection Committee constituted under sub-section (1) or (2) of Section 16-F, and in case of an institution referred to in Section 16-FF, the approval of the authority specified therein, the Manager shall, on authorisation under resolution of the Committee of Management issued an order of appointment by Registered Post to the candidate in the form given in Appendix ‘B’ requiring the candidate to join duty within ten days of the receipt of such order, failing which the appointment of the candidate will be liable to cancellation.(2) In case of promotions and ad hoc appointments also a formal order of promotion or appointment in the form as near as possible to the form referred to in Clause (1) shall be issued to the person concerned under the signature of the Manager.(3) A copy of every order referred to in Clauses (1) and (2) shall be sent to the Inspector and in case of appointment of the head of institution, a copy thereof shall also be sent to the Regional Deputy Director of Education.19. Where any person is appointed as, or any promotion is made on any post of head of institution or teacher in contravention of the provisions of this Chapter or against any post other than a sanctioned post the Inspector shall decline to pay salary and other allowances, if any, to such person where the institution is covered by the provisions of the U.P. High Schools and Intermediate Colleges (Payment of Salaries of Teachers and Other Employees) Act, 1971, and in other cases shall decline to give any grant for the salary and allowances in respect of such person.[20. Where the Committee of Management has failed to advertise any sanctioned post which has fallen vacant in accordance with the regulations contained in this Chapter within a period of three months from the date of occurrence of the vacancy, such post shall be deemed to have been surrendered and shall not be filled up unless its creation is sanctioned afresh by the Director.]
(In reference to Regulation 1 of Chapter 2)
Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Head Master and Teachers in Private Recognised Higher Secondary Schools1. Degree and diploma in the concerned subject of any university established or regulated by or under any Central Act, Provincial Act or State Act which is considered to be a University under Section 3 of University Grant Commission Act, 1956 or of any such institution especially empowered by any Act of Parliament shall be recognised for the purpose of minimum qualifications prescribed under it.2. Under it in reference to prescribed qualifications the word “trained” means post-graduate training qualification such as, L.T., B.T., B.Ed. S.C. or M.Ed of any university or institution as specified in earlier para or any equivalent (Degree or Diploma). It also includes departmental A.T.C. and C.T. with minimum teaching experience of five years. J.T.C./B.T.C. grade teacher shall also be considered to be. C.T. if he has worked in C.T. grade at least for five years.
Notes. – (1) Assistant teachers having at least second class postgraduate degree and specialised teaching experience of ten years in Intermediate classes of a recognised institution may be exempted from training qualifications, (as per the provisions contained in the Act.)(2) Teaching experience includes teaching prior to or after teaching or both.(3) Higher classes means classes from 9 to 12 and experience of teaching these classes is admissible for the post of Head Master of Intermediate college.
TeacherAccording to G.O. No.1559/15-8-3031-1973, dated 5* April, 1975 from the date of issue of this G.O. or thereafter minimum educational and training qualifications of all language teachers appointed in recognised private higher secondary schools shall be the same as prescribed or shall be prescribed from time to time for teachers of Government Higher Secondary Schools. But for those languages for whose teaching there is no provision in Government College, are taught in private colleges, minimum qualifications for teachers of those languages shall be the same which are prescribed by the Board. For such language teachers, whatever qualifications shall be laid down afterwards for appointment in government5 college, same qualification shall be applicable for the appointment on such posts of aided colleges.
S. No. | Name of the post | Educational Training Experience | Age | Desireable training |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
[2.] | Hindi teacher Intermediate for (Classes 11-12) | 1. M.A. in Hindi and B.A. with Sanskrit or Shashtri Examination Government Sanskrit College, Varanasi, now Sampoornand University Varanasi[* * *]2. Desireable training qualification (G.O. No. Ma/4428/15/ 72/(13)-76, dated 16-3-1971 According to Government Notification No. Ma/4428/15-72(13)-76, dated 16th March, 1979, for teachers appointed prior to 5th April, 1975 for teaching High School classes according to the regulations prevailing at that time, if he possesses other educational qualifications then for them B.A. with Sanskrit shall not be necessary for the purpose of their promotion at the post of Lecturer in Hindi for Intermediate classes.[3- fgUnh esa ,e0,0 ds lkFk&lkFk laLd`r fo”k; ls Lukrdksrj ijh{kk mrh.kZ ;ksX;rk/kkjh dks b.VjehfM,V ijh{kkvksa ds izoDrk in ij lh/ks fu;qfDr vFkok izoDrk in ij izksUufr gsrq ch0,0 esa laLd`r fo”k; dh vfuok;Zrk ls eqfDr jgsxhA] | Trained Preferable | |
High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) B.A. with Hindi and Sanskrit subject and L.T. or B.T. or B.Ed or other equivalent degree or diploma in education teaching.or(2) Sahitya Ratna (2 years course) Hindi Sahitya Sam melan, Prayag in which Sanskrit subject should have been taken as ancient language and refresher course training. | |||
3. | Mathematics teacher for Intermediates (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.A. or M.Sc. in Mathematicsor(2) B.A. (Hons) with three years course in Mathematics or B.Sc. (Hons).B.A. or B.Sc. Mathematics | Trained | |
[3-A. | Three Statistics teachers for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | M.A. or M.Sc. in StatisticsorM.A. or M.Sc. in Mathematics with Statistics in B.A. or B.Sc. as a full subjectorM.A. or M.Sc. Trained in Mathematics and one year diploma in Statistics of any University] | ||
[4. | Home Science teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) M.Sc. in Home Science or Home-Economics or M.A. in Home Artor(2) Trained graduate in Home Science or Home Economics or Domestic Science or Home Art.or(3) Three years Diploma Course of Government Home Science Degree College, Allahabad between 1950-1954.(1) Trained graduate in Home Science or Home Economics or Domestic Science or Home Art.or(2) T.C. of Home Science Degree College, Allahabad.or(3) Three years Diploma Course of Government Home Science Degree College, Allahabad between 1950-1954.or(4) Diploma of Lady Erwin College, Delhi.] | ||
5. | Arabi teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.A. ArabiB.A. with ArabiorIntermediate and anyone of the following qualifications(a) Fazil, Allahabador(b) Fazil, Lucknow Universityor(c) Maulvi Fazil, Punjab University | TrainedTrained Trained | |
6. | Economics teacher for (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) M.A. (Economics)or(2) M.Com. and B.A. with Economicsor(3) B.A. (Hons) in Economics with three years Course(1) B.Sc. (Agri) with Economics as optional subjector(2) B.Com or(3) B.A. with Economics | Trained Trained TrainedTrained TrainedTrained | |
7. | History teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | (1) M.A. in Historyor(2) M.A. in Ancient Indian Historyor(3) B.A. (Hons) with three years course in History | Trained Trained Trained | | & e/;dkyhu vkSj vk/kqfud dkyhu bfrgkl esa Lukrdksrj mikf/k izkIr vH;FkhZ bfrgkl izoDrk in gsrq vgZ ekus tk;saxsA] | ||||
For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) B.A. with History as a subjector[(2) B.A. (Hons.) in Ancient Indian History]or(3) M.A. in Political Science with History in B.A. after 1951 (Allahabad University) | Trained Trained Trained | ||
8. | Urdu teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.A. Urdu, trained qualification preferable [* * *]B.A. with Urdu as a subject and L.T. or B.T. or B.Ed. or other equivalent degree or diploma in education or teaching. | ||
9. | English teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | Post-graduate degree in English from University established by law in Uttar Pradesh or any other recognised University. Person having L.T. diploma from any college or degree or diploma in education from any recognised University will be given preference.B.A with English Literature | Trained Trained | |
10. | Drawing and commercial art teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | (1) Art Master Training Certificate (Formerly known as Drawing Teacher’s Training Cartificate) of Government Art and Craft College, Lucknow with Intermediate examinationor(2) Intermediate with technical art and any one of the following examinations(a) B.A. with drawing or painting(b) Fine Art Diploma of Kala Bha-van, Shanti Niketanor(c) Final Drawing Teachership Examination of Calcuttaor(d) Teacher’s Senior Certificate Examination of Mayo School of Arts of Lahore. 4 | ||
Note.-Under-above mentioned clause (2) passing of Intermediate is not compulsory for all. But if there is no proof of taking technical art in that examination then in its place any proof of knowledge of technical art of that standard is accepted. Teacher of girls schools shall be exemptedfrom the knowledge of techincal art. | ||||
For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) Art Master’s Training Certificate (formerly known as Teacher’s Training Certificate) of Government Art and Craft College, Lucknow.or(2) Intermediate examination of U.P. Madhayamik Shiksha Parishad with technical art oi- IS) High School examination with technical art and any one of the following qualifications-or(a) B.A. with drawing or paintingor(b) Fine Arts Diploma of Kala Bhavan of Shanti Niketanor(c) Certificate of Government Drawing and Handicraft Centre, Allahabad.or(d) Final Drawing Teachership Examination of Calcuttaor(e) Teacher’s Senior Certificate Examination of Mayo Schools of Arts of Lahoreor(f) Intermediate Grade Drawing Examination of Bombayor(g) Third Grade Arts School Examination of Bombay. | |||
Note.-(1) Under-above mentioned clause (2) passing of Intermediate exmina-tion is not compulsory for all. But if there is no proof of having taken technical art in that examination then in its place any proof of knowledge of technical art of that standard can be accepted.Teacher of girls schools are exemptedfrom the qualification of techincal art.(2) Under-above mentioned clause (3) passing of High School exmination is compulsory for ail. But if there is no proof of having taken technical art in that examination then in its place proof of knowledge of technical art of that standard can be acceptedTeacher of girls schools shall be exempted from the qualification of techincal | ||||
11. | Logic teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | M.A. in Philosophy or B.A. (Hons) three years course with Philosophy along with Logic as optional subject in Intermediate of B.A. or M.A. | Trained | |
12. | Civics teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) M.A. (Political Science)or(2) B.A. (Hons) or three years course in Political ScienceB.A. with Political Science | Trained TrainedTrained | |
13. | Nepali teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.A. in Hindi or Sanskrit or Bengali and B.A. with NepaliB.A. with Nepali | Trained | |
14. | Pali teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | (1) M.A. in Palior(2) Palitirath of Calcutta with Intermediateor(3) Tripitikacharya of Lanka with Intermediate | Trained Trained Trained | |
15. | Punjabi teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.A. in Punjabi(1) B.A. with Punjabior(2) Gyani degree in Punjabi of Punjab University with Intermediate | TrainedTrained Trained | |
16. | Persian Teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | (1) [MA Persian (training preferable) (1) B.A. with Persian and L.T. or B.T. or other equivalent degree or diploma in education or teaching]or(2) Kamil (Allahabad or Lucknow University) with refresher course training | ||
17. | Bengali teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) As far as possible M.A. in Bengali, in case of nonavailability B.A. with BengaliB.A. with Bengali as a subject | TrainedTrained | |
18. | Geography teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) M.A. or M.Sc. in Geographyor(2) B.A. (Hons.) with three years course in Geographyor(3) B.Sc. (Hons.)B.A. or B.Sc. with Geography | TrainedTrained Trained | |
19. | Psychology teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | (1) M.A. (Psychology)or(2) M.Ed. | Trained | |
20. | Marathi teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.A. (Marathi)B.A. with Marathi | TrainedTrained | |
21. | [Education teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)] | (1) M.A. (Education) L.T. or B.T. or B.Ed. or B.Ed. M.C. (Lucknow) with M.A. in psychologyor(2) M.Ed. with B.A. or B.Sc. | ||
22. | Sociology teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | (1) M.A. (Sociology)(2) B.A. (Hons.) with three year’s course in sociology | TrainedTrained | |
23. | Sindhi teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | Sindhi in Intermediate examination or B.A. with PersianSindhi in Intermediate examination or Intermediate with Persian | L.T. or C.T. or R.S.T.C.C.T. or R.S.T.C. | |
24. | Military Science teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | (1) Military Science as optional subject in degree examination with one year Commissioned experienceor(2) Commissioned Officer of Indian Army with at least 3 years service who has passed at least Intermediate or equivalent examination recognised by the Board.or(3) Any U.O.T.C. or A.F. (1) or M.C.C. Officeror(4) Person having Viceroy’s Commission possessing knowledge up to High Schoolor(5) Knowledge of English up to High School level with officer Training Certificate of I.N.A.or(6) M.A. or M.Sc. in Military Science or defence studies or military education. | ||
Note.-Under item 6, qualification shall be compulsory for new persons. The condition is that such existing teacher who is a graduate in the concerned subject or has passed post-graduate examination in any other subject and has a teaching experience of at least 5 years shall be exempted from the qualification given in item No. 6. | ||||
1[gkbZLdwy d{kk 9&10 ds fy, | Lukrd j{kk v/;;u fo”k; ds lkFk | izf’kf{kr | ||
25. | Music teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (9-10) | [1. (a) M.A. in Music]or2. (b) Nipun examination of Bhatk-hande Vidyapeeth, Lucknow.or[3. (c) Pravin examination of Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad]orIntermediate examination of Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad or its equivalent examination and any one of the following examinationsor(1) Sangeet Visharad examination of Bhatkhande Sangeet Vidyapeeth, Lucknowor(2) Sangeet prabhakar examination of Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabador(3) Sangeet Visharad examination of Bombay Degree College, Bombayor(4) Final Examination (Sangeet Ratna) or Madho Sangeet College, Gwalior -or(5) Final Examintion of Shanker Gandharva College, Gwalioror(6) Senior Diploma of Music of Allahabad University pftifaTdor(d) B.A. with Music subject of any recognised University(e) B.T. Diploma of Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad,or(f) L.T.M. Diploma of Bhat-khande Sangeet Vidyapeeth, Lucknow.(a) High School Examination of Madhyamik Shiksha Paris-had or its equivalent examination and anyone of the following examination-(1) Sangeet Visharad Examination of Bhatkhande Sangeet Vidyapeeth, Lucknowor(2) Sangeet Prabhakar Examination of Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabador(3) Sangeet Visharad Examination of Gandharva Degree College, Bombayor(4) Final Examination (Sangeet Ratna) of Madho Sangeet Vidyalaya, Gwalioror(5) Final Examination of Shanker Gandharva College, Gwalioror(6) Senior Diploma of Music of Allahabad University,or(b) B.D. Diploma of Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad,or(c) L.T.L. Diploma of Bhatkhande Sangeet Vidyapeeth, Lucknow Male Music teachers working in girl’s schools prior to 31st March, 1957 shall be considered eligible for the post of music teacher in any in situations with the condition that they fulfil the minimum qualifications prescribed by the Board and have continuously served for 3 years prior to 31st March, 1957. Nearly prescribed minimum qualifications after 31st March, 1957 shall not be applicable to them.or(d) Teachers appointed prior to June, 1960 and teaching in Madhayamik Shiksha Parishad, U.P.’s Bhartiya Sangeet Diploma and above said diploma association and recognised institutions shall be considered eligible for music teacher. | ||
[26.] | Sanskrit teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | 1. M.A. in SanskritorComplete Acharya of Government Sanskrit College, Varanasi (now Sampoornand Sanskrit University, Varanasi) or Hindu University, Varanasi.2. Trained qualification preferable[***]1. B.A. with Sanskrit and L.T. or B.T. or B.Ed. or other equivalent degree or diploma in education or teaching2. Degree of Shastri or Achaiya awarded by Varanasi Sanskrit University with L.T. or B.T. or other equivalent degree or diploma in teaching | Trained | |
27. | Industrial Chemistry teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) M.Sc. (Technical) from Banaras Hindu Universityor(2) M.Sc. (Chemistry) and L.T. in Industrial Chemistry from Government Constructive Training College, Lucknow or 4 5 Trained Trained(3) B.Sc. with F.H.B.T. or B.Sc. with A.H.B.T., Kanpuror(4) B.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) with L.T. from Government Constructive Training Collegeor(5) B.Sc. (Technical) Government Constructive Training College.(1) B.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry) from Banaras Hindu Universityor(2) B.Sc. (Chemistry) with L.T. in Industrial Chemistry from Government Constructive Training College, Lucknowor(3) F.H.B.T.I. with B.Sc. or A.H.B.T.I. Kanpur with B.Sc. | Trained | |
28.) | Ceramic Science teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12 | B.Sc. with Ceramic Science, L.T. (Constructive) or B.Sc. (Technical) with Science | Trained | |
[29. | Zoology Teacher for intermediate (classes 11-12)] For High School (Classes 9-10) | 1. M.Sc. in Botany or Zoologyor2. M.Sc. with Agricultural Botany, Zoology in B.Sc.or3. M.Sc. with Agricultural Zoology, Botany in B.Sc.or4. M.Sc. in University/Degree College recognised by U.G.C.5. B.Sc. with post-graduate diploma in Zoology conducted by Eduction Department, U.P. in any University or degree college.B.Sc. with Biology Zoology and Botany | Trained Trained Trained | |
30. | Geology teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | M.Sc. (Geology) | Trained | |
31. | Physics teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | 1. M.Sc. (Physics)or2. B.Sc. with postgraduate diploma in Physics conducted by Education Department, U.P. in any University or Degree College. | Trained | |
[32. | Chemistry teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)] | 1. M.Sc. in Chemistryor2. B.Sc. (Hons) with three years course in Chemistryor[3. M.Sc (Bio-Chemistry) in any University/Degree College recognised by U.G.C.]or4. B.Sc. with post-graduate diploma in Chemistry conducted by Education Department, U.P. in any University or Degree College. | Trained Trained | |
33. | Science teacher For High School (Classes 9-10) | B.Sc. with Chemistry and Physics | Trained | |
34. | Science demonstrator | B.Sc. | Trained | |
35. | Shorthand writing and typewriting teacher(a) English(b) Hindi | Intermediate Commerce with shorthand writing and typewriting of Madhyamik ShikshaShiksha Parishad and preference to second year commerceInermediate and any one of the following qualification-(1) Hindi Sanketlipi Visharad in Shorthand writing of nagari Pracharini Sabha, Varanasior(2) Shorthand writing Vishard of hindi Sahitya Sammelan, AllahabadorIntermediate Commerce with shorthand and type writing of Madhayamik Shiksha Paris-had, U.P. preference given to (c) Commerce group two. | ||
36. | [Commerce teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)Commerce teacher for High School (Classes 9-10) | M.Com.B.Com. | Trained] | |
37. | Spinning and weaving teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (a) L.T. from Government Constructive Training College. Lucknow with Specialisation in spinning and weavingor(b) Intermediate and(1) Diploma in weaving technology from Government Central Weaving Institute, Varanasi with at least 3 years teaching experience to High School Classes.(2) Diploma of Government Cental Textile Institute, Kanpur(3) Advance class examination (three years) in spinning and weaving run by Department of industries, U.P.(a) L.T.T.C. from Government Constructive Training College, Lucknow, with specialization in spinning and weavingor(b) 1. Intermediate with spinning and wavingor2. Intermediate technical from Government Central Textile Institute, Kanpuror3. High School and diploma in Weaving technology from Government Central Weaving Institute, Varanasi.Or4. High School and advance class examination (three years course) conducted by Department of Industries. U.P. | ||
Note-For both High School and Intermediate classes, teachers possessing qualification under Clause (b) should normally complete training relating to pedagogical science run or approved by Director of Education before permanent appointment. Suitable candidates can be exempted from training relating to pedagogical science | ||||
38. | Wood craft teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (a) L.T. from Government Training College, Lucknow, with Specialization in wood craftor(b) Intermediate, and(1) Advanced Cabinet making Diploma from Government Central Wood Craft Institute, Bareilly,or(2) Advanced wood working diploma from Government Carpentry School, Allahabad (Now Government Wood Working Institute, Allahabad)(a) L.T. or T.C. from Government Constructive Training College, Lucknow, with specialization in wood craftor(b)(1) Intermediate with wood craftor(2) High School and elecmentary Cabinet Making Certificate or Government Central WoodCraft Institute, Bareilly; -or(3) High School and General wood working Certificate of Government Carpentary School, Allahabad (Now Government Wood Working Institute, Allahabad.) | ||
Note-For both High School and Intermediate classes, teachers possessing qualification under Clause (b) should normally complete training relating to pedagogical science run or approved by Director of Education before permanent appointment. Suitable candidates can be exempted from training relating to pedagogical science | ||||
39. | Book Craft Teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | L.T. from Government Training college, Lucknow with specialization in Book Craft.(1) L.T. or T.C. from Government Training College, Lucknowor(2) Intermediate with Bbok Craft, C.T. | ||
40. | Leather Craft teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) | Intermediate with Leather Craft and advanced course from teacher Working Institute, Kanpur, Agra or Meerut. | ||
Note-Teacher possessing qualification of leather craft should normally complete training relating to pedagogical science run or approved by Director of Education before permanent appointment. Suitable candidate can be exempted from training relating to pedagogical science. | ||||
41. | Metal Craft teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (a) L.T. from Government Constructive Training College, Lucknow, with specialization in Metal Craft.or(b)(1) Intermediate with Metal Craft and ‘A’ Course of General Mechanics in Government Occupational Institute, Allahabad.(2) Intermediate and Diploma in Metal Craft from Govt, recognised Technical Institute.or(a) L.T. from Government Constructive Training College, Lucknow, with specialization in Metal Craft.(b) High School and diploma to be awarded after two years course by Govt, recognised institution. | ||
Note-Teachers possessing qualification under clause (b) should normally complete training relating to pedagogical science run or approved by Director of Education before permanent appointment. Suitable candidates can be exempted from training relating to pedagogical science | ||||
42. | Laundry, Darning, stitching and dyeing teaching for High School (Classes9-10) | Diploma in Textile Chemistiy from Government Central Textile institute, Kanpur or equivalent qualification recognised by the Department of Industries for boys or Certificate from polytechnics of Rampur and Bapu Industrial School, Dehradun or its equivalent for girl’s. | ||
43. | Dyeing and Printing teacher for High School (9-10) | Diploma in Textile Chemistry from Government Central Textile institute, Kanpur and its equivalent | ||
Note-Teacher possessing the above qualifications should normally complete training relating to pedagogical science run or approved by Director of Education. Suitable candidates can be exempted from the training relating to pedagogical science. | ||||
44. | Tailoring teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (a) Intermediate with tailoring(b) Intermediate and(1) Diploma from prem Vidyalaya, Vrindavanor(2) Diploma from Arya Samaj Tailoring Institute, Lucknow, and 3 years teaching experience of the subject in High School Classes.(3) Tailoring Diploma awarded by any Govt, recognised institution after two years course(a)(1) Intermediate C.T. (Intermediate with tailoring or specialisation in tailoring in C.T.)(b) High School and(1) Diploma from Prem Mahavidyalay, Vrindavanor(2) Diploma from Arya Samaj Tailoring Institute, Arya Samaj Road, Lucknowor(3) Diploma of Tailoring awarded by any Govt, recognised institution awarded after two years course. | C.T., Specialisation in tailoring | |
Note.-Teacher possessing qualification under clause (b) should normally complete training relating to pedagogical science run or approved by Director of Education Suitable candidates can be exempted from training relating to pedagogical science. | ||||
45. | Dance teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | Intermediate Examination of Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad U.P. and any one of the following qualifications(1) Nritya Visharad Examination of Bhatkhande Sangeet Vidyapeeth, Lucknow.(2) Nritya Prabhakar Examination of Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad(3) Final Examination (Nritya Visharad) of Madho Sangeet Vidyalaya, Gwalior(4) Sangeet Visharad in Dance according to new course of 1961 of Akhil Bhartiya Gandharva Degree College Mandal, Bombay.(a) High School Examination of Madhayamik Shiksha Paris-had, U.P. with anyone of the following qualifications.(1) Nritya Visharad Examination of Bhatkhande Sangeet vidyapeeth, Lucknowor(2) Nritya Prabhakar Examination of Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad(3) Final Examination (Nritya Visharad) of Madho sangeet College, Gwalioror(4) Sangeet Visharad in Dance According to new course of 1961 of Akhil Bhartiya Gandharva Degree College Mandal, Bombay(b) B.A. with Dance. | ||
46. | Sculpture teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | High School and Diploma in Fine Arts with Sculpture as a subject from any Arts college recognised by Govt, of India.High School and Certificate of Diploma in Sculpture from any Arts College recognised by Govt, of India (e.g. Madras, Calcutta, Lucknow, Bombay and Shanti Niketan) | ||
47. | Teacher of Painting for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | High School and Diploma in Fine Art with painting from any Arts college recognised by Govt, of India.High School and Diploma in Fine Art or commercial Art with painting from any Arts College recognised by Govt, of India (e.g. Madras, Calcutta Lucknow, bombay and Shanti Niketan). | ||
48. | Teacher of Agriculture for Intermediate (Classes 11-12) For High School (Classes 9-10) | (1) Agriculture M.Sc. (Ag.)(2) Agricultural Engineering : B.Sc. (Ag. Engineering)(3) Mathematics : M.A. or M.Sc. in Mathematics or Statistics(4) Hindi, Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Zoology and Botany)In these subjects same minimum qualifications shall apply which are given for main sujects in this list.(5) Demonstrator in Agriculature B.Sc. in Agriculture.B.Sc. (Ag.) | TrainedTrainedTrained Trained : L.T. (Basic) | |
49. | Agricultural Dairy teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.Sc. (Ag.)B.Sc. (Ag.) | Trained L.T. (Basic)Trained L.T. (Basic) | |
50. | Teacher for gardening for intermediate and High School (classes) (9-12) | B.Sc. (Ag.) | Trained | |
51. | Textile Technology teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | Intermediate examination with spinning and weaving along with diploma of Regional Khadi and Gramodyog Vidyalaya of Akhil Bhartiya Khadi and Gramodyog Commission, BombayHigh School examination with spinning and weaving | TrainedConstructive or L.T. (Basic) | |
52. | General cloth teacher | Same as in 51 | ||
53. | Gujarati teacher for Intermediate (Classes 11-12)For High School (Classes 9-10) | M.A. (Gujarati)B.A. (Gujarati) | Trained | |
[54. | # ‘kkjhfjd f’k{kk v/;kid&1- b.VjehfM,V d{kk 11&12 ds fy, gkbZLdwy d{kk 9&10 ds fy, | Lukrd rFkk 2&jkT; ljdkj }kjk ekU;rk izkIr O;k;ke f’k{kk esa fM+Iyksek vFkok fdlh v/;kid izf’k{k.k ,y0Vh0 egkfo|ky; ls O;k;ke f’k{kk esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rk vFkok Hkkjr esa fof/k }kjk LFkkfir fdlh fo’ofo|ky; }kjk iznDr O;k;ke f’k{kk esa mikf/k@fMIyksek vFkok mlds led{k dksbZ vU; ;ksX;rkAek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~ mrj izns’k }kjk iznDr b.VjehfM+,V vFkok mlds led{k dksbZ vU; vgZrk,oajkT; ljdkj ds f’k{kk foHkkx }kjk iznDr Mh0ih0,M0 vFkok mlds led{k dksbZ vU; vgZrkA] | ||
[55. | lkekftd foKku gkbZ&Ldwy d{kk 9&10 ds fy, | fuEufyf[kr fdUnh izf’kf{kr nks fo”k;ksa ds lkFk ch0,01 bfrgkl2 jktuhfr’kkL=3 Hkwxksy4 vFkZ’kkL=] | ||
56. | 1[ lkeqnkf;d jgu&lgu rFkk ekufp= foKku] b.VjehfM+,V d{kk 11&12 ds fy, | ,e0,0 bfrgklvFkok,e0,0 lekt’kkL=vFkok,e0,0 jktuhfr’kkL=vFkok,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= | ||
57. | 2[ dEI;wVj v/;kid b.VjehfM+,V d{kk 11&12 ds fy,* 3[ dEI;wVj v/;kid d{kk 9&10 ds fy, | ,e0Vsd0 dEI;wVj foKku vFkok ch0bZ0@ch0Vsd0] dEI;wVj foKku fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo’ofo|ky; lsAvFkok,l0lh0,0 vFkok ,l0,l0lh0 dEI;wVj foKku fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo’ofo|ky; ls vFkok ^^ch** ysfoy vkQ Mh0vks0bZ0 ,0lh0lh0AvFkokLukrdksrj fM+xzh ds lkFk ih0th0 fMIyksek bu dEI;wVj ,Iyhds’ku foKku fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo’ofo|ky; lsAvFkokLukrdjsrh fMxzh ds lkFk ch0,l0lh0 dEI;wVj dkslZ dEiksusUV dulslfVax vkQ ,V fyLV 1@3 vkQ lkbal dkslZ fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo’ofo|ky; lsAvFkokLukrdksrj fMxzh ds lkFk ^^,** ysfoy vkQ Mh0vks0bZ0,0lh0lh0Ach0,l&lh0] dEI;wVj foKku ds lkFkvFkokch0,l0lh0 dEI;wVj ,Iyhds’ku ds lkFkvFkokcspyj dEI;wVj ,Iyhds’ku ds lkFkvFkokMh0vks0,0bZ0 ls ^^,** ysfoy dkslZ ds lkFk LukrdvFkokih0th0 fMIyksek dEI;wVj foKku ds lkFk fdlh Hkh ekU;rk izkIr f’k{k.k laLFkku lsA | ||
uksV&ch0,M0 ds lkFk mi;qZDr esa ls fdlh Hkh ;ksX;rk okyksa dks izkFkfedrk nh tk;sxhA | ||||
1[ ekuo foKku v/;kid b.VjehfM,V d{kk 11&12 ds fy,gkbZLdwy d{kk 9&10 ds fy; | ,uFkzksiksykth ls ,e0,0 vFkok ,e0,l0lh0ekuo foKku fo”k; ds lkFk Lukrd rFkk izf’kf{krA vU; v/;kid |
1 foKfIr la[;k 9@259 fnuakd 4 tqykbZ] 2006 }kjk tksM+k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4 fnuakd 22 tqykbZ 2006 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA tqykbZ 2006 ls d{kk 9 ls izHkkohA
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ 9@479 fnuakd 28 vDVwcj 1997 }kjk la’kksf/krA
2 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~ 9@752 fnuakd 28 Qjojh 1998 }kjk lfEefyrA
3 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~ 9@314 fnuakd 27 vxLr 2001 }kjk tksM+k x;k] tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4 fnuakd 8 flrEcj] 2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
1 foKfIr la[;k 9@91 fnuakd 1 ebZ] 2006 }kjk la’kksf/krA
Minimum Qualifications For Teachers For Technical Subject | |||
(1) | Lecturer in General Engineering (for High School) | Degree or Diploma (Three years Course after High School) in any branch of engineering from a University or recognised institution | |
(2) | Lectureer in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering (for Intermediate classes) Degree or Diploma (Three years Course after High School) in the concerned branch of engineering from a University or recognised institution. | ||
(3) | Lecturer in Draughtsmanship Degree or Diploma (Three years Course after High School) in Draughtsmanship or any branch of engineering from a University or recognised institution | ||
(4) | Drawing Instructor Diploma in Draughtsmanship Engineering after High School examination | ||
(5) | Mistry At least two years experience in one or two trades out of Blacksmithy, Moulding, Turning, Fitting, etc; Certificate holders in the trade or trades from a recognised institution will be given preference. | ||
(6) | 1. Teachers of Printing Press work (Classes 9-12) (Classes 9-12) | (1) Graduate preferably in science who had Book Craft and Printing as theirt special subject in L.T. at the Government Constructive Training College, Lucknow and have at least six months practical experience in a printing institution, | |
or | |||
(2) Diploma holder of any Regional School of Printing Technology | |||
or | |||
(3) High School with at least five years practical experience of composing, Printing and Book Binding in a High Class Printing Institution. | |||
(1) Teachers for High School Technical | |||
(1) | Wood work Diploma in the particular subject (Three years Course after High School Examination) from a recognised institution. | ||
(2) | Weaving -door | ||
(3) | Leather Work (1 | -do- | |
(2) High School or its equivalent examination and two years diploma of Footwear technology with leather goods manufacture) run by Technical Education Board; U.P., Lucknow, | |||
(4) | Electrict Wiring for Electricians | Degree or Diploma (Three years) in Machanical or Electrical Engineering from a University or Recognised institution. | |
(5) | Light Machanics | -do- | |
(6) | Carpentry | -do- | |
(7) | Sheet metal Work | -do- | |
(8) | Welding and Sholdering | -do- | |
(2) Lecturer for Intermediate Technical | |||
(1) | Textile Manufacture | Degree or Diploma in Textile Technology three years after High School examination from a University or recognised institution. | |
(2) | Chemical Technoloty of Textile | ||
(3) | Elementary’ Electronics | Degree or Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Telecommunication or Electronics from a University or recognised institution. | |
(4) | Elementary Automobile Engineering | Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a University or recognised institution. |
Note. – (a) Minimum qualification have not been prescribed for Latin and French teachers.
(b) Honours graduates (three-years course) shall be deemed to be eligible for teaching Classes 11 & 12 in the subject in which they have done honours course.
vU; v/;kid | |||
1 | v/;kid twfu;j d{kkvksa d{kk 6] 7 vkSj 8 ds fy, | lh0Vh0 laoxZ e`r ?kksf”kr gksus dkj.k foyqIr] | |
2 | v/;kid izkbejh d{kkvksa d{kk 1 ls 5 rd ds fy;s] ;fn dksbZ ckfydkvksa dh laLFkk ls lEc) gksA | gkbZLdwy ijh{kk rFkk ts0Vh0lh0 ;k ch0Vh0lh0 ;k ,p0Vh0lh0 ;k blds led{k dksbZ vU; | |
3 | ,sls b.VjehfM,V dkyst ,oa gkbZLdwy ftuls lEc) izkbejh vuqHkkx ds v/;kid osru forj.k vf/kfu;e ds vUrxZr osru Hkqxrku izkIr djrs gS] esa gksus okyh fjfDr;ksa dh HkrhZ gsrq d{kk 1 ls 5 rd | Lukrd ijh{kk ds lkFk lh0Vh0@ch0Vh0lh0@,p0Vh0lh0 ;k led{k vgrkZ fdUrq ch0Vh0lh0 izf’kf{kr miyC/k u gksus dh n’kk esa ch0,M+0 vgZrk/kkjh fu;qDr fd;s tk ldsaxsA |
1 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~ 9@114] fnukad 21 twu] 2012 }kjk la’kksf/kr] tks m0iz0 vlk/kkj.k xtV] Hkkx&4 esa fnuakd 23 twu] 2012 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
2 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~ 9@741 fnuakd 28 Qjojh] 2003 }kjk fudky fn;k x;kA
3 foKfIr la0&9@09 fnukad 10-04-2010 }kjk la’kksf/krAfuns’kd] f’k{kk foHkkx] mRrj izns’k] vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~&9@438] fnuakd 16 flrEcj] 2011] m0iz0 xtV] Hkkx&4] esa fnukad 24 flrEcj] 2011 dks i`”B la0 134&136 ij izdkf’kr gqvk] la[;k 39 ;w0ih0loZlk/kkj.k dh tkudkjh gsrq foKkfir ,oa izlkfjr gS fd ‘kklu us vius i= la[;k% 839@15&10&2011] fnuakd 12 vxLr] 2011 }kjk O;kolkf;d f’k{kk ikB~;dze gsrq fofHkUu V~sM+ fo”k;ksa dks i<+kus okys va’kdkfyd vuqns’kdksa dh ‘kSf{kd vgZrk dk la’kksf/kr izLrko vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 16 2 ds varxZr fuEuor~ fu/kkZfjr fd;s tkus dh Lohd`fr iznku dh gS%
v/;k; nks fofu;e&1 ds lanHkZ esa
dzekad | Vs~M+ dk uke | ‘kSf{kd vgZrk | |
1 | 2 | 3 | |
1 | [kk| ,oa Qy laj{k.k | ch0,l0lh0 ,0th0@ch0,l0lh0 x`g foKku@iksLVxsztq,V fMIyksek bu QzwV ,ao osftVsfcy VsDukykWth Lukrd rFkk ,d o”khZ;fMIYkksek@Lukrd rFkk U;wure 6 ekg dk izf’k{k.k izek.k&i= ,oa 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
2 | ikd ‘kkL= | ch0,l0lh x`g foKku@Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,d o”kZ dk fMIyksek@Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls U;wure 6 ekg dk izf’k{k.k izek.k&i= ,oa 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
3 | gkFk dh d<+kbZ@ifj/kku jpuk ,oa lTtk | ikfyVsfDud fMIyksek@Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,d o”khZ; izf’k{k.k ds lkFk 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
4 | /kqykbZ jaxkbZ | Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,d o”kZ dk fMIyksek@,d o”kZ dk lVhZfQdsV dkslZ ;k ,Mokal M~kbax dkslZ ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,oa 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
5 | csfdax rFkk dUQsD’kujh | Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,d o”kZ dk fMIyksek@Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls U;wure 6 ekg dk izf’k{k.k izek.k&i= ,oa 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
6 | VsDlVkby fMtkbu | Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,d o”kZ dk fMIyksek ,ao 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
7 | cqukbZ&rduhd | Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,d o”kZ dk fMIyksek ,oa 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
8 | ulZjh f’k{k.k izf’k{k.k ,oa f’k’kq izcU/k | Lukrd rFkk ulZjh V~sfuax vFkok led{k vgZrk | |
9 | iqLrdky; foKku | Lukrd rFkk iqLrdky; foKku esafMIyksek@Lukrd rFkk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkku ls izek.k&i= ,oa ikap o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
10 | cqfu;knh LokLF; dkfeZd | Lukrd rFkk QkesZflLV~ V~sfuax@ifCyd gsYFk ,.M gkbthu fMIyksek@ch0,l0lh0 tho foKku ,oa 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
11 | QksVksxzkQh | Lukrd rFkk ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls QksVksxzkQh esa fMIyksek vFkok Lukrd] vkfdy bULV~wesUVs’ku fMIYksek vFkok ,e0,e0lh0 HkkSfrd foKku LV~sQwVksLdksisu dslkFk@Lukrd rFkk ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls ,d o”khZ; fMIYksek ,oa 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
12 | jaxhu Vh0oh0@jsfM+;ksa | Lukrd rFkk fMIyksek bu bysDV~ksfuDl vFkok fMxzh bu bysDV~kWfuDlA | |
13 | vkVkseksckbYl | Lukrd rFkk fMIyksek vFkok fMxzh bu vkVkseksckbYl vFkok eSdsfudy bathfu;fjaxA | |
14 | e/kqeD[kh ikyu | ,e0,l0lh0 ,0th0 m|ku foKku] dhV foKku vFkok d`f”k Lukrd lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fMIyksekA | |
15 | Msjh m|ksx | ,e0,l0lh0 ,0th0 i’kqikyu foKku vFkok nqX/k foKku ;k Msjh fMIYksek ;k d`f”k Lukrd lacfU/kr fo”k; esa fMIyksek ;k ch0,l0lh0 d`f”k ,oa i’kqikyu foKkuA | |
16 | js’ke dhV ikyu | ,e0,l0lh0 ,0th0 rFkk fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rk vFkok d`f”k Lukrd lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fMIYkksekA | |
17 | chtksRiknu izkS|ksfxdh | ,e0,l0lh ,0th0 cht izkS|ksfxdh ‘kL; foKku@ouLifrfoKku vFkok d`f”k Lukrd lhM+ VsDuksykWth esa fMIyksekA | |
18 | Qly lqj{kk izkS|ksfxdh | ,e0,l0lh0 ,0th0 ikno jksx foKku@dhVfoKku@’kL; foKku vFkok d`f”k Lukrd lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fMIyksekA | |
19 | ikS/k’kkyk izkS|ksfxdh | ,e0,l0lh0 ,0th0 m|ku vFkok ‘kL; foKku@d`f”k Lukrd ,oa ,d o”khZ; izf’k{k.k rFkk ikap o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
20 | Hkwfe lja{k.k izkS|ksfxdh | ,e0,l0lh0 ,0th0 Hkwfe lja{k.k@’kL; foKkuA | |
21 | Qy laj{k.k izkS|ksfxdh | dze la[;k 1 esa lekfgr dj fn;k x;k gSA | |
22 | vk’kqfyfid ,ao Vad.k | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fof’k”V ;ksX;rk@ch0dke0,oa fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkku ls vk’kqfyfid ,oa Vad.k esa fMIyksek@ch0dke0 rFkk lacaf/kr V~sM+ esa izek.k&i= rFkk 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
23 | ,dkmUVsUlh ,oa vads{k.k | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rk vFkok ,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk ch0dke0 ,oa lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rkA | |
24 | cSfdax | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rk vFkok ,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk ch0dke0 ,oa lacaf/kr fo”k; esa ;ksX;rkA | |
25 | foi.ku ,oa fodz; dyk | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fof’k”V ;ksX;rk vFkok ,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk ch0dke0 ,oa lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rkA | |
26 | lfpoh; i)fr | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fof’k”V ;ksX;rk vFkok ,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk ch0dke0 ,oa lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rkA | |
27 | chek | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fof’k”V ;ksX;rk vFkok ,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk ch0dke0 ,oa lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rkA | |
28 | lgdkfjrk | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fof’k”V ;ksX;rk vFkok ,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk ch0dke0 ,oa lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rkA | |
29 | Vad.k fgUnh ,oa vaxzsth | ,e0dke0 rFkk fo”k; esa fof’k”V ;ksX;rk vFkok ,e0,0 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk ch0dke0 ,oa lacaf/kr fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rk@ch0dke0 rFkk lacaf/kr V~sM+ esa izek.k&i= rFkk 5 o”kZ dk v/;kiu vuqHkoA | |
30 | eqnz.k | Lukrd rFkk eqnz.k esa fMIyksekA | |
31 | dqyky foKku | dqyky foKku ds lkFk ch0,l0lh0 rFkk jpukred vFkok dqyky foKku esa ch0,l0lh0 izkfof/kd dqyky foKku esa fMIyksek ;k fMxzhA | |
32 | dEI;wVj | Lukrd rFkk ih0th0Mh0lh0,0 vFkok fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ls LukrdksRrj ds0th0lh0,0 vFkok ch0Vsd0 vFkok ch0Vsd bu dEI;wVjA |
Appendix B
[In reference to Regulation 2(4) of Chapter 2](A) Details of such person who was on the post for the last time-
(1) Designation
(2) Pay scale
(3) Date and reason of vacancy
(4) Kind of vacancy-Leave, temporary, original
(5) Specified qualification for the post.
(6) Name and salary of previous post-holder
(7) Remarks(B) Details of the persons appointed-
(1) Name
(2) Date of birth
(3) Qualification-Examination, date of their passing along with subject and division
(4) Position according to seniority in the pay scale from which promoted.
(5) Such period with date for which appointment is made.
(6) Admissible pay and pay scale.
(7) Remarks.
Appendix C
[In reference to Regulations 10(e) and 11 (1) of Chapter 2]Name of the institution……………Place of interview……… Details of the post for which interview is conducted……………..
S. No. | Name of applicant with address | Does applicant belong to Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe | Date of birth |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Examination Passed | Examination | Subject | Years | Division | Past Experience the pay scales of the post of the institution | Duration From… to… | |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Other activities | Subject wise marks | Observation of the members of the selection committee | Marks of interview |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
Total of marks of 15 & 16 | Are members agree with the selection yes or No. If no, give reasons in brief | Remarks, if any |
17 | 18 | 19 |
Certified that I have checked all records related with the selection and have specially examined that no applicant has been deprived of his lawful claim to appear in the interview on the basis of the provisions of Act and Regulations in this connection.Signature………………………….Full name………………………….Designation………………………..Address……………………………
Appendix D’
[In reference to Regulation 10(d) of Chapter 2]Subject-wise marks for Head of the institution Maximum subject-wise marks for calling for interview…………………150Maximum marks to be given in interview by the Selection Committee 50
1 | 2 | 3 | |
High School | 10 | 7 | 4 |
Intermediate | 20 | 15 | 8 |
Graduation examination | 30 | 23 | 12 |
Post-graduate degree | 40 | 30 | 16 |
Principle (Theory) | Practice (Practical) | Marks | |
Training degree/diploma | 112223other | 121232- | 2018161210108 |
Teaching experience-2 marks for each year and maximum 15 marksAdministrative experience-2 marks for each year and maximum 15 marksSubject-wise marks for Intermediate teachersMaximum subject-wise marks for calling for interview 150 Maximum marks to be given in interview by the Selection Committee………..50 |
1 | 2 | 3 | |
High School | 10 | 7 | 4 |
Intermediate | 20 | 15 | 8 |
Graduation examination | 30 | 23 | 12 |
Post-graduate degree | 40 | 30 | 16 |
(Theory) | (Practical) | Marks | |
Training degree/diploma | 112223other | 121232- | 109865 4 |
Teaching experience-2 marks for each year and maximum Co-curricular activities…………………….. 15Subject-wise marks for High School teachersMaximum Subject wise marks for calling for interview 150 Maximum marks to be given in interview by the Selection Committee…………….50 |
1 | 2 | 3 | |
High School | 15 | 12 | 6 |
Intermediate | 25 | 18 | 10 |
Graduation examination | 40 | 30 | 16 |
Post-graduate degree | 20 | 15 | 18 |
(Theory) | (Practical) | Marks | |
Training | 112223other | 111232- | 2018161210 8 |
Teaching experience-2 marks for each year and maximum 15 marks Co-curricular activitiesSubject-wise marks for C.T. grade teachersSubject-wise marks for calling for interview 150Maximum marks for interview by the Selection Committee…………..50 |
1 | 2 | 3 | |
High School | 40 | 31 | 16 |
Intermediate | 60 | 45 | 24 |
(Theory) | (Practical) | Marks | |
Training | 112223other | 121232- | 2018161210 8 |
Teaching experience-2 marks for each year and maximum 15 marks Co-curricular activities 15In all cases, details of subject-wise marks given for co-curricular activities is as follows: |
III-Co-curricular activity | Activity participated | |
(a) Game/Sports | School elevenCollege elevenUniversity elevenState eleven | 1235 |
(b) Scouting and N.C.C. or P.S.D. | Second classFirst classPresidentCorporalSergentCompany Sergent MajorBattalion Sergent MajorUnder-Officer | 13512345 |
(c) Other efficiency e.a. Debate, Dama, Union Parliament | School levelCollege levelUniversity levelState level | 1235 |
(1) For calculating subject-wise marks Indian School Certificate Examination and P.U.C. shall be treated as equivalent to High School and Intermediate respectively.[(2) Those applicants who have passed any examination as supplementary examination and if they are not given any division then their subject-wise marks vvill be under third division and if any division is given then subject-wise marks will be given under that division.](3) If any applicant has obtained Master’s Degree in two or more subjects then :
(a) if he is an applicant of lecturer’s post then subject-wise marks will be given on the basis of Master’s Degree of that subject only in which he has applied to teach.
(b) if he is an applicant of L.T. Grade post then he will be given subject-wise marks on the basis of that Master’s Degree whose division is better.(4) Applicants holding M.Ed. or Ph.D. degree will be given, the following additional subject-wise marks only in that conditions when they are applicant for the post of Head of institution or lecturer’s post. The additional marks will be given with the condition that additional marks altogether should not exceed 150-
(a) 5 additional marks for Master’s Degree with M.Ed.
(b) 10 additional marks for possessing Ph.D. or D.Phil degree in education or psychology.
(c) Ph.D. in Education or Psychology along with M.Ed. will be given 15 additional marks.
(d) if any applicant for the post of lecturer is Masters degree-holder in Ph.D. or D.Phil in a subject other than Education or Psychology or the subject in which he has applied to teach, then 10 additional marks.(5) If any applicant has M.Ed. Degree other than graduate degree then for M.Ed., he will be given 5 additional marks. (He will get the subjectwise marks of graduate degree and B.Ed. as well). These additional marks also will be given subject to the condition that total ,marks should not exceed 150.(6) C.T. grade applicants who are also graduate will be given the following subjectwise additional marks with the condition that total marks should not exceed 150-
Graduation or post-graduate degree which is better | 1 | 2 | 3 |
15 | 10 | 5 |
(18) Where any person has applied for the post of lecturer and he possesses post-graduate degree in more than one subject (other than M.Ed.) then subjectwise marks will be given on the basis of post-graduate degree in the subject for which he has applied.(19) Where any person has applied for any post in L.T. grade and possesses post-graduate degree in more than one subjects then subjectwise marks wall be given on the basis of post-graduate degree in the subject which comparatively better than other subject or subjects.(20) Where any person applying for the post of any teacher possesses more than one prescribed qualification then subjectwise marks will be given on the basis of only one such degree or degree in which division is comparatively better.(21) Where any person has Acharya, Shastri, Sahitya Ratna, Visharad, Madhyama or Vidya Vinodini qualification then he wall be given subjectwise marks for qualification ‘of post graduate or graduation degree or Intermediate or High School qualification for which above-mentioned qualifications have been recognised as equivalent by the Board.[(22) Where any person has applied for any post in C.T. grade there he will be given 15 additional marks for his graduation or postgraduate degree which is in first division or if both degrees are in first division. No additional marks will be given in case these degrees are in second and third divisions.](23) Where any person has applied for the post of the Head of the institution or for any post in L.T. or C.T. grade or in C.T. grade for junior grade and in his training degree/diploma or certificate has obtained first and third or third and first divisions respectively in’ theory and practical, there he wall be given 11 subject wise marks.(24) Where any person has applied for the post of lecturer and has obtained first and second or third and first division in theory and practical respectively in training degree, diploma or certificate, there he will be given 5-L subjectwise marks.(25) Where in relation to training qualification in any degree certificate or diploma only first, second is third division is mentioned, the applicant (for theory and practical) is entitled for I-I, II-II, III-III subjectwise marks.
(2) If he is Ph.D. or D.Phil. in Education, Psychology or the subject in which he has applied then for Ph.D. or D.Phil. 10 additional marks.
(3) If he possess M.Ed. degree other than post-graduate degree mentioned in above Clause (2) and Ph.D. or D.Phil. then 10 additional marks for Ph.D./D.Phil. and 5 additional marks for M.Ed.(17) Where any person has applied for the post of the Head of the institution and possesses post-graduate degree in more than one subjects then subjectwise marks will be given on the basis of post-graduate degree of that subject in which division is better comparative to other subjects.The condition is that if M.Ed. degree is better in comparison to other post graduate degree then applicant shall not be entitled for any additional marks under Clause (3).Next condition is that if the applicant is only M.Ed. and has no other post-graduate degree then he will be given additional marks for M.Ed. degree as post-graduate degree.(18) Where any person has applied for the post of lecturer and he possesses post-graduate degree in more than one subject (other than M.Ed.) then subjectwise marks will be given on the basis of post-graduate degree in the subject for which he has applied.(19) Where any person has applied for any post in L.T. grade and possesses post-graduate degree in more than one subjects then subjectwise marks will be given on the basis of post-graduate degree in the subject which comparatively better than other subject or subjects.(20) Where any person applying for the post of any teacher possesses more than one prescribed qualification then subjectwise marks will be given on the basis of only one such degree or degree in which division is comparatively better.(21) Where any person has Acharya, Shastri, Sahitya Ratna, Visharad, Madhyama or Vidya Vinodini qualification then he will be given subjectwise marks for qualification ‘of post graduate or graduation degree or Intermediate or High School qualification for which above-mentioned qualifications have been recognised as equivalent by the Board.[(22) Where any person has applied for any post in C.T. grade there he will be given 15 additional marks for his graduation or postgraduate degree which is in first division or if both degrees are in first division. No additional marks will be given in case these degrees are in second and third divisions.](23) Where any person has applied for the post of the Head of the institution or for any post in L.T. or C.T. grade or in C.T. grade for junior grade and in his training degree/diploma or certificate has obtained first and third or third and first divisions respectively in theory and practical, there he will be given 11 subjectwise marks.(24) Where any person has applied for the post of lecturer and has obtained first and second or third and first division in theory and practical respectively in training degree, diploma or certificate, there he will be given 5i_ subjectwise marks.(25) Where in relation to training qualification in any degree certificate or diploma only first, second is third division is mentioned, the applicant (for theory and practical) is entitled for I-1, II-II, III-III subjectwise marks.[(26) Where any applicant for any post is exempted from desired training qualification or he has obtained third division in theory and practical both in his training degree, diploma or Certificate or he possesses prescribed qualification for the post of the Head of the institution in clause (2) of S.N. 1 of Appendix ‘A’, there he will be given subjectwise marks under the heading ‘others’ before the Heading ‘Training’ in this appendix.](27) Where any applicant for any post is exempted from minimum qualification, there for such minimum qualification he will be given exempted marks which are prescribed for third division.(28) Where any applicant for the post of lecturer or in L.T. grade has post-graduate diploma in ‘Physics, Chemistry or Biology, there for such diploma subjectwise marks will be given as given for post-graduate degree in above mentioned any subject.(29) Any applicant shall be eligible for only one subjectwise marks in training qualification on the basis of highest training degree, diploma or Certificate. For example, if applicant was C.T. and later on he obtains B.Ed. degree or L.T. Certificate then he will be entitled for subjectwise marks only in the highest training qualification.
Note. – For the purpose of this clause, M.Ed. is not considered as training qualification.(30) Under clause (1), (3), (4) or (10) additional subjectwise marks will be given on the condition that total of all subjectwise marks does not exceed 150.(31) For the purpose of ‘Administrative experience’ for the post of the Head of the institution following experiences will be taken into consideration-
(i) Where applicant has worked in the capacity of Head Master of any recognised Junior High School or High School or in the capacity of Principal of any Higher Secondary School or Intermediate College;
(ii) Where applicant has been on any gazetted post in Education department;
(iii) Where applicant has worked as a Commissioner Officer in N.C.C. at least for three years, there all above experiences.The condition is that in case of administrative experience specified in clause (ii) for the purpose of giving subjectwise marks experience of first three years will be treated as one year experience and every successive one year will be treated as one year.(32) For the purpose of teaching experience for any post, consideration shall be made on all such experiences which applicant has earned by working in the capacity of a teacher in any recognised institution which includes primary school also Experience earned as a teacher in any recognised pre-primaiy school shall be considered only for the post of teacher in J.T.C./B.T.C. grade. If the applicant was applied for a post other than the Head of the institution then, for “teaching experience” his experience of working as Head Master or Principal of any recognised institution may also be considered.(33) For the purpose of above clauses (19) and (20)-
(a) Experience less than 6 months shall not be entitled for am/ subjectwise marks. But experience of more than six months and less than one year shall be entitled to give subjectwise marks for one year.
(b) ‘Recognised post in the direction of any institution’ means recognised by any Education Board established or created by any enactment of Education department or Legislature, under which comes Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, Council of Indian School Certificate Examination, Delhi, any University established by law or any Degree college affiliated from any such University also.
Appendix E
v/;k; nks ds fofu;e 18 1 ds lanHkZ esa
jftLV~hdj.k vkoj.k esala[;k——————– fnuakd——————–laLFkk dk uke ——————LFkku ————————-ftyk —————————-fo”k;& laLFkk ds v/;kid@iz/kku dh fu;qfDrAegksn;@egksn;k]vkidks lg”kZ lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd p;u lfefr }kjk vkidk p;u——————–ds in ds fy;s fd;k x;k gSA laLFkk dh izcU/k lfefr us vius ladYi la[;k————————–fnuakd—————— }kjk vkidks———————–:i;s ds ekudze esa————————-:i;s ds izkjfEHkd osru rFkk fu;ekoyh ds v/khu ;FkkuqeU; egaxkbZ HkRrs ij ,d o”kZ dh ifjoh{kk ij————————rd vLFkk;h :i ls—————————————ds :i esa fu;qDr dj fy;k gSAvkidh bl i= ds izkfIr ds fnuakd ls nl fnu ds Hkhrj laLFkk ds iz/kku@izcU/kd ds le; mifLFkr gksus vkSj dk;ZHkkj xzg.k djus dh vis{kk dh tkrh gSA ;fn vki mij fofufnZ”V le; ds Hkhrj dk;ZHkkj xzg.k ugha djrs gS] rks bl fu;qfDr dks jn fd;k tk ldsxkA
izcU/kdAizfrfyfi ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd@lEHkkxh; ckfydk fo|ky; fujhf{kdk———————————-lEHkkxh; mi f’k{kk funs’kd—————————–dks lwpukFkZ vxzlkfjrA
Conditions of Service
[Section 16-G]
Appointment, probation, confirmation and promotion1. Headmaster, Principal and Teachers. – The Committee of Management should file substantively by the 31st July following any clear vacancy of Principal, Headmaster or Teacher occurring before the commencement of the school year. A vacancy likely to occur by August 7 should likewise be filed by the 31st of August following.2.1 fdlh laLFkk esa fu;qfDr gsrq fyfid ,oa prqFkZ oxhZ; deZpkfj;ksa dks U;wure ‘kSf{kd ;ksX;rk ogh gksxh tks jktdh; mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky;ksa ds led{kh; deZpkfj;ksa ds fy;s le;≤ ij fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ gksA2 iz/kku fyfid ,oa fyfid ds Lohd`r inksa dh dqy la[;k dk ipkl izfr’kr laLFkk esa dk;Zjr fyfidksa ,oa prqFkZ deZpkfj;ksa esa ls inksfUur }kjk Hkjk tk;sxk ;fn deZpkjh in gsrq fu/kkZfjr vgZrk j[krk gks rFkk og vius in ij 5 o”kZ dh vfojy ekSfyd lsok dj pqdk gks rFkk mudk lsok vfHkys[k vPNk gks inksUufr vuqi;qDr dks NksM+dj T;s”Brk ds vk/kkj ij dh tk;sxhAbl lEcU/k esa ;fn dksbZ deZpkjh izcU/k lfefr ds fdlh] fu.kZ; ;k vkns’k ls O;fLFkr gks rks og mlds fo:) ,sls fu.kZ; ;k vkns’k ds fnuakd ls nks lIrkg ds Hkhrj fujh{kd dks vH;kosnu dj ldrk gS] fujh{kd ,sls vH;kosnu ij ,sls vkns’k ns ldrk gS] ftUgsa og mfpr le>sA fujh{kd dk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxk vkSj izcU/kkf/kdj.k }kjk ‘kh?kz dk;kZfUor fd;k tk; & iapkl izfr’kr inksa dh lax.kuk djus esa vk/ks ls de Hkkx dks NksM+ fn;k tk;sxk vkSj vk/ks ;k vk/ks ls vf/kd Hkkx dks ,d le>k tk;sxkA3. A Principal, headmaster or Teacher dismissed from service under the Government or in an educational institution shall not be appointed in another recognised institution without prior approval of the Director.4.dksbZ Hkh v/;kid] tks izcU/k lfefr ds fdlh lnL; vFkok iz/kkuk/;kid vFkok vkpk;Z dk lEcU/kh gS] laLFkk esa vLFkk;h vFkok Li”V fjDr LFkku ij ugha fu;qDr fd;k tk;sxk vkSj u laLFkk esa fdlh dks iz/kkuk/;kid vFkok vkpk;Z fu;qDr fd;k tk;sxk tks izcU/k lfefr ds fdlh lnL; dk lEcU/kh gksAbl fofu;e ds iz;kstu ds fy, ^^lEcU/kh** esa fuEufyf[kr dk rkRi;Z gS%& firk] ckck] llqj] pkpk] ;k ekek] iq=] ikS=] nkekn] HkkbZ] iq=h] ikSf=] iRuh] nknh] Hkrhtk] ppsjk ;k eesjk HkkbZ] lkyk] cguksbZ] ifr] nsoj] T;s”B] uUn] lkyh] iq=&o/kw] cfgu] Hkkot] ppsjk HkkbZ dh iRuh] eka] lkl] pkph ;k ekSlhA5. No member of the teaching staff or the Principal or Headmaster shall act as an office-bearer of the Committee of Management of any recognised institution.6. All appointments shall be made under formal orders or letters of appointment with the sanction of the appointing authority.7. A person selected for substantive appointment against a clear vacancy shall be placed on probation from the date of joining duty.[8. (1) The period of probation for a head of institution or teacher, whether appointed by direct recruitment or”promotion, shall be one year,(2) Such period shall mommence-
(a) in relation to a teacher deemed to be appointed in a substantive capacity under the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education (Removal of Difficulties) (Fifth) Order, 1976 from November 27th, 1976.
(b) in relation to any other person, from the date of this substantive appointment.]9. No teacher or head of an institution will be confirmed in his appointment until he has passed the High School Examination with compulsory Hindi is one of his subjects, or an equivalent Examination with Hindi (Regular not Elementary) of an examining body situated within a State where Hindi is the Regional language, or anyone of the following examinations-
(a) The Adhikari or the Shiromani Examination conducted by the Gurukul University, Vindraban.
(b) The Vidyadhikari or the Alankar Examination conducted by the Gurukul University, Kangri (Haridwar).
(c) The Purva Madhyama Examination conducted by the Government Sanskrit College, Varanasi of Varanseya Sanskrit Vishwavidalaya Varanasi.
(d) The Visharad Examination with Hindi Literature or the Sahitya Ratna Examination with Hindi Literature conducted by the Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Allahabad.
(e) The Kovid or the Advanced Language (with Hindi) Examination conducted by the Department of Education, Uttar Pradesh.
(f) The Prabhakar Examination of the Punjab University, Punjab.
(g) The Indian School Certificate Examination/The Cambridge School Certificate Examination with Hindi (as a first language).
(h) The erstwhile Departmental Special Vernacular Examination in Hindi conducted by the Department of Education, Uttar Pradesh.Provided that the Board may after considering the report of the Director grant exemption for sufficient reasons in exceptional circumstances.10. A person placed on probation shall be confirmed if he fulfils the requirements of Regulation 9 above, as worked with diligence, has otherwise provided himself fit for the post for which he was recruited and his integrity is certified.11. Unless before the expiry of the period of probation, the service of a Headmaster, Principal or Teacher is terminated or action is taken to dismiss, discharge or remove him or reduce him in rank or in the case of Headmaster or Principal the period of probation is extended under Regulation 12 following, he shall be confirmed on the post and in the grade at the end of his probation.12. The period of probation of a Principal or Headmaster may be extended by a maximum period of 12 months.13. At least six weeks before the date on which the confirmation of a teacher is due, the Headmaster or Principal shall prepare his confirmation papers and send them along with his own remarks, copies of the teacher’s character roll and order of appointment to the manager who shall place them before the Committee of Management for its consideration. Confirmation papers of the Principal or Headmaster shall likewise be prepared by the Manager and be placed before the Committee. The decision of the Committee of Management shall in each case, be recorded in the form of a resolution.Notice terminating of services sent by Committee of Management prior to sending such notice Management taking advice of D.I.O.S. Mere taking of any advice does not mean that it was on D.I.O.S.’s order.114. A copy of the resolution of the Committee of Management confirming a person shall be supplied to him and another copy forwarded to the Inspector or Regional Inspectress in the case of a teacher and to the Regional Deputy Director of Education or Deputy Director of Education (Women) in the case of Headmaster or Principal, as the case may be. An entry to this effect shall also be made in the service book of the person concerned.15.fdlh vkpk;Z] iz/kkuk/;kid vFkok v/;kid ds ifjoh{kk dky esa ,d laLFkk ls nwljh laLFkk esa LFkkukUrj.k gksus ij mudh ifjoh{kk Hkax u gksxh vkSj mlds LFkk;hdj.k dh dk;Zokgh ml laLFkk }kjk dh tk;sxh ftlesa og LFkkukUrfjr gqvk gSA
2 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~ 9@613] fnuakd 8 fnlEcj] 2011 }kjk la’kksf/kr tks m0iz0] vlk/kkj.k xtV] Hkkx&4 esa fnuakd 10 fnlEcj] 2011 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA[16-20. ***]21.vkpk;Z] iz/kkuk/;kid] v/;kidksa dk vf/ko”kZ o; 62 o”kZ gksxkA QyLo:i 58 o”kZ dh vf/ko”kZrk ij feyus okys lsokfuo`frd ykHk vc 60 o”kZ dh vf/ko”kZrk vk;q ij rFkk 60 o”kZ dh vf/ko”kZrk vk;q ij feyus okys lsokfuo`frd ykHk 62 o”kZ dh vf/ko”kZrk vk;q ij vuqeU; gksxkA ;fn fdlh vkpk;Z] iz/kkuk/;kid vFkok v/;kid dk mi;qZDr vf/ko”kZ o; 2 tqykbZ vkSj 30 twu ds e/; esa fdlh frfFk dks iM+rk gS rks mls] ml n’kk dks NksM+ dj tcfd og Lo;a lsok foLrj.k u ysus gsrq fyf[kr lwpuk vius vf/ko”kZ o; dh frfFk ls 2 ekg iwoZ ns nsa] 30 twu rd lsok foLrj.k Loeso iznku fd;k x;k le>k tk;sxk] rkfd xzh”ekodk’k ds mijkUr tqykbZ esa izfrLFkkuh dh O;oLFkk gks ldsA blds vfrfjDr lsok foLrkj.k dsoy mUgha fof’k”V n’kkvksa esa iznku fd;k tk ldsxk tks jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu/kkZfjr dh tk;sAvU; deZpkfj;ksa ds fo”k; esa vf/kfu;e esa fn;s x;s izkfo/kku ;Fkkor jgsaxsA
2 jktkKk la[;k 3932@15&7&04 48@2004 fnuakd 6&1&2005 }kjk la’kksf/krA[22. ***]23. A clerk, librarian or inferior servant dismissed from service under Government or in an educational institution shall not be appointed in another recognised institution without prior approval, of the Deputy Director of the region where appointment is sought or the Deputy Director of Education (Women) as the case may be.
Termination of Services24. The services of an employee appointed as temporary measure for the definite period or in a leave vacancy or in vacancy occurring for a part of the session shall unless extended according to law. terminate on the expiry of the period for which he was appointed or when the vacancy comes to an end whichever is earlier, and no prior notice shall be needed for such termination.Explanation-2.[* * *]Hindi Matter25. The services of a temporary employee (other than a probationer) or of a probationer during the term of his probation, may be terminated at any time by giving him one month’s notice or one month’s pay in lieu thereof.26. (1) The services of a permanent employee may be terminated by giving him three months’ notice or three months’ pay in lieu thereof, on the ground of the abolition of the post which the employee is holding. The abolition may be due to one of the following reasons :
(a) Retrenchment decided upon for reasons of financial stringency.
(b) Abolition of a subject.
(c) Abolition of section or class.(2) For the purpose of computing the period of notice mentioned in clause (1) or for determining the amount to be paid in lieu thereof the period of summer vacation shall be excluded.27. Ordinarily, notice of termination of the services of a permanent Headmaster or Principal shall not be given between the first day of December and the last day of February of succeeding year or of a permanent teacher between the first day of January and the last day of March of any year, provided that for schools having long winter vacation, August, September, October and November shall be read for December, February and March respectively.28. The Committee shall not propose to the Inspector the termination of services of a confirmed employee unless a resolution to this effect has been passed at its meeting specially convened for the purpose and by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting.29.dksbZ deZpkjh uksfVl nsdj vFkok mlds cnys esa osru nsdj] ftlds fy;s og izcU/k }kjk mldh lsok;sa lekIr fd;s tkus dh fLFkfr esa vf/kdkjh gksrk] R;kx i= nsa ldrk gSAizfrcU/k ;g gS fd——— 1 dksbZ deZpkjh tuojh] Qjojh vFkok ekpZ ds ekl esa lekIr gksus okyh uksfVl ugha nsxkA 2 xzh”ekodk’k uksfVl dh vof/k esa lfEefyr dj fy;k tk,xkA 3 jktdh; lsok vFkok fdlh LFkkuh; fudk; dh lsok dh fu;qfDr gsrq pqus x;s deZpkjh dks vko’;d uksfVl nsus dh vko’;drk u gksxh vkSj mls ubZ fu;qfDr esa dk;ZHkkj xzg.k djus ds fy;s le; ls miuh lsok ls R;kx&i= nsuk gksxk ;fn in ds fy;s mfpr ljf.k ls izkFkZuk&i= fn;k gSAmijksDR izkfo/kku fyfid] ftlesa iqLrdky;k/;{k Hkh lfEefyr gS] ij Hkh ykxw gksaxs fdUrq prqFkZ oxhZ; deZpkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa mijksDr izfrcU/kkRed [k.M+ ds izkfo/kku ykxw ugha gksaxsA 4 izcU/k lfefr dks ;g vf/kdkj gksxk fd uksfVl ds nkos esa NwV ns nsaA30. No employee shall be allowed to resign if disciplinary proceedings are pending against him unless specifically permitted by the Managing Committee to do so.
Punishment, Inquiry and Suspension31. deZpkfj;ksa dks izkIr n.M+] ftlds fy, fujh{kd vFkok eaMyh; fujh{kd dh iwoZ Lohd`fr vko’;d gksxh] fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d :i esa gks ldrh gS&
d fo;qfDrA | [k i`Fkd~dj.k vFkok izeqfDrA</p> |
x esa voufrA</p> | ?k ifjyfC/;ksa esa dehA</p> |
prqFkZ deZpkfj;ksa dks mijksDr dksbZ n.M+ nsus gsrq iz/kkukpk;Z vFkok iz/kkuk/;kid l{ke gksxkA l{ke vf/kdkjh }kjk n.M+ fn;s tkus dh n’kk esa prqFkZ deZpkfj;ksa }kjk izcU/k lfefr dks vihy dh tk ldsxhA ;g vihy n.M+ lwfpr fd;s tkus dh frfFk ls ,d ekg ds vUnj izLrqr gks tkuh pkfg, vkSj ml ij izcU/k lfefr }kjk fu.kZ; dj vihy dh izkfIr dh frfFk ls vf/kdre 6 lIrkg ds Hkhrj ns fn;k tk;sxkA leLr vko’;d vfHkys[kksa ij fopkj djus ,oa deZpkjh dh] ;fn og izcU/k lfefr ds le{k Lo;a mifLFkr gksuk pkgs] lquokbZ ds i’pkr~ izcU/k lfefr vihy ij fu.kZ; nsxhAprqFkZ deZpkjh dks ;g Hkh vf/kdkj gksxk fd mldh vihy ij fd;s x;s izcU/k lfefr ds fu.kZ; ds fo:) og ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd@eaMyh; ckfydk fo|ky; fujhf{kdk dks fu.kZ; lwfpr fd;s tkus dh frfFk ls ,d ekg ds vUnj vH;kosnu dj ldsxkAfdUrq izfrcU/k ;g gksxk fd ;fn izcU/k lfefr mi;qDr fu/kkZfjr N% lIrkg dh vof/k ds Hkhrj viuk fu.kZ; mijksDr vihy ij u ns rks lEcfU/kr deZpkjh viuk vH;kosnu lh/ks ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd@eaM+yh; ckfydk fo|ky; fujhf{kdk dks mijksDr N% lIrkg dh vfo/k chr tkus ij ns ldrk gSAftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd@eaM+yh; ckfydk fo|ky; fujhf{kdk }kjk mijksDr vH;kosnu ij vH;kosnu dh izkfIr dh frfFk ls vf/kdre rhu ekg ds Hkhrj fu.kZ; ns fn;k tk;sxk vkSj ;g fu.kZ; vfUre gksxkAvH;kosnu ds izLrqrhdj.k fopkj ,oa fu.kZ; ds lEcU/k esa vko’;d ifjorZu ds lkFk bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 86 ls 98 ykxw gksaxsA32. (1) An employee may be dismissed from service on grounds, such as gross insubordination, deliberate or serious neglect to duty, gross misconduct or commission of an act which constitutes a criminal offence, dishonesty, corruption, misappropriation of funds, sex-perversity or moral turpitude.(2) An employee may be removed from service on the grounds mentioned above as also on the grounds of inefficiency in administration or in tutional work or unauthorised tuition or employment.(3) An employee may be reduced in rank or subjected to diminution in emoluments on grounds such as deficiency in administration, unsatisfactory work or conduct, lack of interest in co-curricular activities or discharge of examination duties or doubtful integrity. Reduction may be to a lower post or time-scale or to a lower stage in the time-scale.33. (1) An employee may also be punished by stoppage of increment in a time-scale for any period with temporary or permanent effect.(2) An appeal against such an order shall lie to the Inspector/ Regional inspectress within thirty days of the communication of this order to the employee and his/her decision shall be final.34. In deciding upon the punishment to be imposed, mitigating factors, if any, and past record of the employee concerned may be taken into account.35.f’kdk;r vFkok xEHkhj izd`fr ds vkjksiksa dh izfrdwy vk[;k izkIr gksus ij lfefr] v/;kidksa ,oa vU; deZpkfj;ksa ds fo”k; esa iz/kkuk/;kid vFkok vkpk;Z vFkok izcU/kd dks tkap vf/kdkjh fu;qDr djsxh vFkok izcU/kd Loa; tkap djsxk ;fn lfefr }kjk fu;eksa ds vUrxZr mls ;g vf/kdkj izfrfufgr gks x;s gS vkSj iz/kku v/;kid vFkok vkpk;Z ds fo”k; esa ,d NksVh milfefr gksxh ftls k[;k ;Fkk’kh?kz izLrqr djus ds funsZ’k gksaxsAprqFkZ ds deZpkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa iz/kkukpk;Z@iz/kkuk/;kid }kjk fdlh ofj”B v/;kid dks tkap vf/kdkjh fu;qDr fd;k tk;sxkA36. (1) The grounds on which it is proposed to take action shall be reduced in the form of a definite charge or charges which shall be communicated to the employee charged and which shall be so clear and precise as to give sufficient indication to the charged employee of the facts and circumstances against him. He shall be required within three weeks of the receipt of the charge-sheet to put in a written statement of his defence and to state whether he desired to be heard in person. If he or the inquiring authority so desires an oral inquiry shall be held in respect oi such of the allegations as are not admitted. At that inquiry such oral evidence will be heard as that inquiring authority considers necessary. The person charged shall be entitled to cross-examine the witnesses, to give evidence in person, and to have such witnesses called as he may wish: provided that the inquiring authority conducting the inquiry may for sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing refuse to call a witness. The proceedings shall contain a sufficient record of the evidence qnd statement of the findings and the grounds thereof. The inquiring authorit}’ conducting the inquiry may also separately from these proceedings, make his own recommendation regarding the punishment to be imposed on the employee.(2) Clauses (1) shall not apply where the person concerned has absconded, or where it is for other reasons impracticable to communicate with him.(3) All or any of the provisions of clause (1) may for sufficient reasons to be recorded in writing be waived where there is difficulty in observing exactly the requirements thereof and those requirements can in the opinion of the inquiring authority be waived without injustice to the person charged.[37. tkap&vf/kdkjh ls dk;Zokgh dh vk[;k rFkk laLrqfr izkIr gksus ds ckn ‘kh?kz gh deZpkjh dks uksfVl nsus ds ckn izcU/k lfefr dh cSBd dk;Zokgh dh vk[;k rFkk laLrqfr ij fopkj djus ds fy, gksxh vkSj ml ekeys ij fu.kZ; ysxhA deZpkjh dks] ;fn og pkgrk gS lfefr ds le{k Loa; mifLFkr gksus dh vkKk nh tk;sxh ftlls og viuk vfHk;ksx izLrqr dj lds vkSj cSBd esa mifLFkr fdlh lnL; }kjk iwNs x;s fdlh iz’u dk mrj ns ldsA rc lfefr iw.kZ vk[;k] leLr lEcfU/kr dkxt&i= lfgr fujh{kd vFkok e.M+yh; fujhf{kdk dks mlds }kjk izLrkfor dk;Zokgh dks Lohd`r gsrq izsf”kr djsxhAfdUrq prqFkZ ds deZpkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa fujh{kd fujhf{kdk dks Lohd`fr gsrq dksbZ vk[;k ugha Hksth tk;sxhA buds lEcU/k esa mijksDr lkjh dk;Zokgh fu;qfDr izkf/kdkjh }kjk dh tk;sxhA]38. If it is felt at any stage that the matter can more properly be dealt -with by action to terminate service with notice, this may be done with the approval of the Inspector or Regional Inspectors, as the case may be.[39. (a) The report regarding the suspension of the head of institution or of the teacher to be submitted to the Inspector under sub-section (6) of Section 16-G shall contain the following particulars and be accompanied by the following document-
(a) the name of the persons suspended along with, particulars of the (posts including grades) held by him since the date of his original appointment till the time of suspension including particulars as to the nature of tenure held at the time of suspension, e.g., temporary permanent or officiating :
(b) a certified copy of the report on the basis of which such person was last confirmed or allowed to cross efficiency bar, whicheveiy later;
(c) details of all the charges on the basis of which such person was suspended;
(d) certified copies of the complaints, reports and inquiry report, if any, of the inquiry officer on the basis of which such person was suspended;
(e) certified copy of the resolution of the Committee of Management suspending such person;
(f) certified copy of the order of suspension issued to such person;
(g) in case such person was suspended previously also, details of the charges, on which and the period for which he was suspended on previous occasions accompanied by certified copies of the orders on the basis ot which he was re-instated.(2) An employee other than a head of institution or a teacher may be suspended by the appointing authority on any of the grounds specified in Clauses (a) to (c) of sub-section (5) of Section 16-G.]1[3 mi&fofu;e 2 ds vUrxZr fuyEcu dk dksbZ vkns’k izHkko esa ugha jgsxk] tc rd fd ,sls vkns’k ds fnuakd ls lkB fnu ds Hkhrj fujh{kd }kjk bldk fyf[kr :i esa vuqeksnu u dj fn;k tk;A
1 vf/klwpuk la0 1320@15&7&96&1 90&, 189 f’k{kk vuqHkkx 7] fnuakd 8&7&1996 }kjk c<+k;k x;kA40. (a) The charge or charges should ordinarily be handed over to the employee within 15 days from the date of taking the decision to start formal proceedings.
(b) The employee should ordinarily be required to submit his written statement of defence within a period of three weeks and in no case should a period of more than a month be allowed for the purpose.
(c) The inquiry, including oral examination of the witness, should, ordinarily be completed within a month of the submission of the written statement.
(d) The report of the inquiring agency where he is not himself the punishing authority, should be submitted as expeditiously as possible and ordinarily within a fortnight of the closing of the inquiry.
(e) The punishing, authority should take decision without undue delay.41. The employee, under suspension, shall be paid a subsistence allowance of an amount equal to half of his pay.42. A suspended employee if reinstated, shall be paid the difference between his salary and subsistance allowance already received by him.43. A suspended employee may, in the discretion of the punishing authority be punished with effect from the day of suspension or any later date.44.fujh{kd vFkok e.M+yh; fujh{kd }kjk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 16&N dh mi/kkjk 3, esa mfYyf[kr dk;Zokgh ds fy;s vFkok fdlh fyfid oxZ ds deZpkjh ds fo:) fd;s x;s n.M+ izLrko ij fu.kZ; djus gsrq iw.kZ :i ls izkIr izLrko dh izkfIr ds N% lIrkg ds Hkhrj izcU/kkf/kdj.k dks vius fu.kZ; dh lwpuk izsf”kr dj nh tk;sxh] ;fn izcU/kkf/kdj.k ls viw.kZ dkxt izkIr gksrs gS rks Lohd`fr nsus okyk vf/kdkjh izLrko dks iw.kZ :i esa iqu% izLrqr djus dks dgsxk vkSj bl fofu;e esa izLrkfor 6 lIrkg dh vof/k Lohd`fr nsus okys izkf/kdkjh ds ikl iw.kZ dkxt&i= iqu% izkIr gksus dh frfFk ls dh tk;sxh ;s dkxt&i= ;k rks jftLVM+Z Mkd }kjk ;k fo’ks”k okgd ds }kjk izsf”kr fd;s tk;saxsA44d 1 fyfid oxhZ; deZpkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa fujh{kd vFkok e.M+yh; fujh{kdk izLrkfor n.M+ dk Lohd`r vFkok vLohd`r dj ldrk@ldrh gS] ;k mls ?kVk ;k c<+k ldrk@ldrh gS]izfrcU/k ;g gS fd n.M+ ds ekeyksa esa fujh{kd@e.M+yh; fujhf{kdk vkns’k tkjh djus ds iwoZ lEcfU/kr deZpkjh dks bl ckr dk ,d volj nsaxs fd og uksfVl ds izkfIr ds fnuakd ls 15 fnu ds Hkhrj dkj.k crk;s fd mls izLrkfor n.M+ D;ksa u fn;k tk;saA2 dksbZ Hkh i{k [k.M+ 1 ds v/khu fujh{kd@e.M+yh; fujhf{kdk ds vkns’k ds fo:) vkns’k dh lwpuk ikus ds fnuakd ls ,d ekg ds Hkhrj lEHkkxh; mi&f’k{kk funs’kd ds le{k vihy izLrqr dj ldrk gS vkSj lEHkkxh; mi&f’k{kk funs’kd ,slh vfrfjDr tkap] ;fn dksbZ gks] djus ds i’pkr~ tks og vko’;d le>s] vkns’k dh iqf”V dj ldrk gS ;k mls jg vFkok ifj”d`r dj ldrk gS] tks vfUre gksxk lEHkkxh; mi&f’k{kk funs’kd }kjk fdlh deZpkjh dh vihy ij fu.kZ; 3 ekg dh vof/k ds Hkhrj ns fn;k tk;sxkA45. The Committee shall implement the decisions of the Inspector or Regional Inspectress within two weeks of intimation :Provided that the President of the Regional Appellate Committee may, on representation by +he Management, stay pending consideration of an appeal, the payment of balance of salary of the employee for the period of suspension, if any.
Scale of pay and payment of Salaries46. Employees shall be allowed the scale of pay sanctioned by the State Government from time to time.47. The pay of an employee on his first joining service in an institution shall be fixed at the Initial stage of the time-scale attaching to his post :Provided thut if he has served previously in another institution and earned increments, he may be given the benefit of such increments under conditions laid down by Government or the regulations.Provided further that advance increments may be allowed in special cases with the prior approval of Government.48. On promotion to a higher post the initial pay of an employee will be fixed at the minimum of the new scale if his pay is less than his minimum otherwise at the stage of the new time-scale next above his pay.49. The Committee will pay the salary of an employee for a month by the 15th day of the following month.50. The payment of salary will be made in cash or by cheque. If an employee desires regular payment to be made by cheque instead of in cash necessary arrangements shall be made by the Committee, provided banking facilities are locally available, on receiving his salary by cheque or in cash, the employee shall sign the acquaintance roll duly stamped (if necessary) in token of such payment.[51. laLFkk esa Lfkkuki= vFkok ekSfyd :i ls dh x;h vfojy lsok] osru ds dkyeku ,oa okf”kZd osru o`f) ds fy, dh tk;sxh] izfrcU/k ;g gS fd deZpkjh dh xzkgk ls vf/kd fcuk osru ds vodk’k dh vof/k vFkok fpfdRldh; vk/kkj vFkok futh dk;Z ij fy;s x;s vodk’k dh vof/k ds fy;s osru o`f) ns; ugha gksxhA fdlh fo’ks”k o”kZ esa vodk’k dh vof/k es iMus okyh osru o`f) dh frfFk ml frfFk rd LFkfxr dj nh tk;sxh] ftldks deZpkjh vodk’k dh lekfIr ij dk;ZHkkj xzg.k djrk gSAv/;kid osru dh frfFk ds nks ekg iwoZ f’k{kk funs’kd }kjk fu/kkZfjr LoewY;kadu izi= ij lwpuk;sa Hkjdj iz/kkukpk;Z ds ek/;e ls izcU/k rU= dks nsxkA izcU/k rU= vko’;d vfHkys[k ftls og mfpr le>s] ekaxsxk rFkk osru o`f) le; ls vuqeU; fd;s tkus gsrq iz/kkukpk;Z] v/;kid dks funsZ’k nsxkA ;fn osru o`f) dh frFk rd dksbZ funsZ’k ugha nsrk rks eku fy;k tk;sxk fd vuqefr ns nh xbZ gSA]52.deZpkjh dks osru ds dkyeku esa okf”kZd osru o`f);ksa xzkg.k gksxh] tc rd fd mldh osru o`f);ka jksdus dk n.M+ ugha fn;k tkrk gS vFkok og n{krkjksd ij fu:) ugh fd;k tkrk gSA,sls fdlh deZpkjh dks osru o`f) xzkg.k ugha gksxh vFkok mldh n{krk jksd ikj ugha dh tk;sxh] ftls lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa esa iz’u&i=ksa dks fu/kkZfjr le; ds iwoZ izdkf’kr izdfVr djus vFkok djkus esa izR;{k ;k ij ijks{k :i ls lgk;d gksus vFkok ifj”kn ijh{kkvksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ@ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks udy djus vFkok udy djkus esa izR;{k ;k ijks{k :i ls lgk;d gksus vFkok vuqfpr lk/ku ds iz;ksx ds izdj.kksa ls lacaf/kr voS/k lkexzh u”V djus vFkok izdj.k dks nckus vFkok ftyk iz’kklu rFkk f’k{kk foHkkx ds vf/kdkfj;ksa vFkok lpy nyksa ds fujh{k.k dk;Z esa ck/kk Mkyus rFkk muds lkFk fglk] ekjihV djus vFkok ladyu@ewY;akdu dsUnzksa ls mrj iqLrdksa ds xk;c gksus vFkok tkucw> dj xk;c fd;s tkus vFkok mrj iqLrdksa esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh gsjk&Qsjh djus vFkok ijh{kk lapkyu esa fdlh Hkh izdkj ykijokgh cjrus vkfn vfu;ferrkvksa ds vkjksi esa nks”kh ik;k x;k gksA53.fdlh vkpk;Z vFkok iz/kkuk/;kid dks n{krk jksd ikj djus dh vkKk ugha nh tk;sxh tc rd fd og vius dks Nk=ksa ,oa v/;kidksa ds fy, ;ksX; iFk&izn’kZd rFkk n{k i;Zos{kd ugha fl) dj ysrk] laLFkk esa mfpr okrkoj.k dk fuekZ.k ugha dj ysrk] larks”ktud ‘kSf{kd ekun.M+ miyC/k ugha dj ysrk] ikB~;kuqorhZ dk;Zdzeksa dk larks”ktud laxBu ugha dj ysrk] vius dks izxfr’khy ‘kSf{kd fopkj vkSj fodkl dh /kkjk ds lkFk ugha j[krk rFkk mldh lR;fu”Bk ugha gksrhA,sls fdlh vkpk;Z vFkok iz/kkuk/;kid dks n{krkjksd ikj djus dh vuqKk ugha nh tk;sxh ftls lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa esa iz’u&i=ksa dks fu/kkZfjr le; ds iwoZ izdkf’kr izdfVr djus vFkok djkus esa izR;{k ;k ijks{k :i ls lgk;d gksus vFkok ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ@ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks udy djkus vFkok udy djkus esa izR;{k ;k ijks{k :i ls lgk;d gksus vFkok vuqfpr lk/ku ds iz;ksx ds izdj.kksa ls lEcfU/kr voS/k lkexzh u”V djus vFkok izdj.k dks nckus vFkok ftyk iz’kklu rFkk f’k{kk foHkkx ds vf/kdkfj;ksa vFkok lpy nyksa ds fujh{k.k dk;Z esa ck/kk Mkyus rFkk muds lkFk fgalk] ekjihV djus vFkok ladyu@ewY;kadu dsUnzksa ls mrj&iqfLrdkvksa ds xk;c gksus vFko tkucw>dj xk;c fd, tkus vFkok mrj&iqfLrdkvksa esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh gsjk&Qsjh djus vFkok ijh{kk lapkyu esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh ykijokgh cjrus vkfn vfu;ferrkvksa ds vkjksi esa nks”kh ik;k x;k gksA54.fdlh v/;kid dks n{krk jksd ikj djus dh vkKk ugha nh tk;sxh tc rd fd og vius dks ,d lq;ksX; v/;kid ugha fl) dj ysrk] Nk=ksa ij LoLFk izHkko ugha j[krk] vuq’kklu cuk;s j[kus esa rFkk ikB~;kuqorhZ dk;Zdzeksa esa lg;ksx ugha nsrk] laLFkk ds izfr LokfeHkDr ugha gksrk rFkk mldh lR;fu”Bk ugha gksrhAmi;qZDr ds vfrfjDr mu v/;kidksa dks Hkh n{krk jksd ikj djus dh vuqKk ugha nh tk;sxh ftUgsa lkoZtfud ijh{kkvksa esa iz’u i=ksa dks fu/kkZfjr le; ds iwoZ izdkf’kr izdfVr djus vFkok ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ@ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks udy djus vFkok udy djkus esa izR;{k ;k ijks{k :i ls lgk;d gksus vFkok vuqfpr lk/ku ds iz;ksx ds izdj.kksa ls lEcfU/kr voS/k lkexzh u”V djus vFkok izdj.k dks nckus vFkok ftyk iz’kklu rFkk f’k{kk foHkkx ds vf/kdkfj;ksa vFkok lpy nyksa ds fujh{k.k dk;ksZa esa ck/kk Mkyus vFkok muds lkFk fgalk] ekjihV djus vFkok ladyu@ewY;kadu dsUnzksa ls mrj&iqfLrdkvksa ds xk;c gksus vFkok tku cw>dj xk;c fd, tkus vFkok mrj&iqfLrdkvksa esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh gsjk&Qsjh djus vFkok ijh{kk lapkyu esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh ykijokgh cjrus vkfn vfu;ferrkvksa ds vkjksi esa nks”kh ik;k x;k gksA
1 fofu;e 52] 53 vkSj 54 ifj”kn~ vf/klwpuk la0 9@637] fnuakd 27-12-2000 ‘kklukns’k la0 207@15&7&2000&2 31@200 fnuakd 18 fnlEcj] 2000 }kjk izfrLFkkfir tks fd m0iz0 xtV Hkkx&4 fnuakd 27 tuojh] 2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA1[54d- ;fn fdlh fizafliy] iz/kkuk/;kid ;k v/;kid dh fofu;e 53 ;k 54 ds v/khu n{krkjksd ikj djus dh vuqKk ugha nh xbZ gS rks og vkns’k ds lalwfpr fd;s tkus ds fnuakd ls nks lIrkg ds Hkhrj fujh{kd dks vH;kosnu dj ldrk gSA fujh{kd ,slh tkap ftls og vko’;d le>s djus ds i’pkr~ ,slk vkns’k ns ldrk gS] ftls og mfpr le>sA]54 dd- fofu;e 54d ds v/khu fujh{kd }kjk fn;s x;s fu.kZ; ds fo:) vihy lquus dk vf/kdkj lEcfU/kr lEHkkxh; f’k{kk mi&funsZ’kd dks gksxk vkSj og visf{kr vfHkys[kksa dks fujh{kd }kjk fn;s x;s fdlh vkns’k dh lgh gksus ;k mlds vkSfpRl ds lEcU/k esa viuk lek/kku djus ds iz;kstukFkZ ekax ldrk gS] vkSj mldk ijh{k.k dj ldrk gSA og nksuksa i{kksa dh lquokbZ djus ds i’pkr~ ml ij ,slk fu.kZ; ns ldrk gS] ftls og mfpr le>sA bl fo”k; ij lEHkkxh; f’k{kk mi&funs’kd dk fu.kZ; vfUre gksxk vkSj mls izcU/kkf/kdj.k }kjk fdz;kfUor fd;k tk;sxkAuksV& mDr 54 dd xSj&lgk;rk izkIr vYila[;d fo|ky;ksa ij ykxw ugha gksxkA54 [k- fdlh fizafliy] iz/kkuk/;kid ;k v/;kid dks fofu;e 53 o 54 ds v/khu n{krk jksd ikj djus dh vkKk nsus dh izfd;k ogh gksxh tks jkT; deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, fu/kkZfjr gS ijUrq n{krk jksd vuqeU; fd;s tkus ds nks ekg ds iwoZ f’k{kk funs’kd }kjk fu/kkZfjr LoewY;akdu izi= Hkj dj izcU/krU= dks nsuk gksxk vkSj izcU/k rU= ,d lIrkg ds vUnj vko’;d vfHkys[k ftls og mfpr le>s] ekax ldrk gS rFkk n{krk jksd ikj djus dh frfFk ls iwoZ viuk fu.kZ; ns nsxkA ,d laLFkk ls nwljh esa LFkkukUrj.k]
1 Regulation 54 d] 54 dd and 54[k have been substituted by G.O. No. 2216-15-7-2-13-88 dated 12th Nov. 1990 Published Notification No. 9/862 dated 20-12-90.
,d laLFkk ls nwljh esa LFkkukUrj.k2[55.fdlh vYila[;d laLFkk ls fHkUu fdlh laLFkk dk dksbZ LFkk;h v/;kid tks fdlh nwljh laLFkk esa LFkkukUrj.k pkgrk gS] v/;kid ds ekeys esa laLFkk ds iz/kku dks vkSj iz/kkukpk;Z ds ekeys esa laLFkk ds izcU/kd dks] ml lEHkkx ds ftlesa mldh laLFkk fLFkr gS] laHkkxh; la;qDr f’k{kk funs’kd dks lEcksf/kr vkosnu&i= izLrqr djsxkA vkosnu&i= esa laLFkk dk uke] LFkku vkSj ftys dk uke gksxk tgka LFkkukUrj.k okafNr gSAvxzsrj izfrcU/k ;g gS fd fdlh Hkh v/;kid ;k laLFkk ds iz/kku dk LFkkukUrj.k mlds x`g tuin esa ugha fd;k tk ldrk gSA
2. Regulation 55, 58, 59, 60 and 61 are substituted again by Notification f’k{kk vuqHkkx&7 No. 3745/15-7-10 62/1985, dated 9th September, 1997.3[56.tgka vkosnu&i= laLFkk ds iz/kku dks izLrqr fd;k x;k gS] ogka og mls viuh laLrqfr ds lkFk laLFkk ds izcU/kd dks vxzlkfjr djsxkA
3 vxzsrj izfrcU/k ;g gS fd fdlh Hkh v/;kid ;k laLFkk ds iz/kku dk LFkkukUrj.k mlds x`g tuin esa ugha fd;k tk ldrk gSA57.laLFkk dk izcU/kd ekeys dks izcU/kra= ds le{k j[ksxk vkSj izcU/kra= }kjk lgefr fn;s tkus ds i’pkr~ og fofu;e 55 esa mfYyf[kr vkosnu&i= dks izcU/kra= ds ladYi dh] ftlesa mldh lgefr bafxr dh x;h gks] ,d izfr lfgr vkosnd dh lsok iqfLrdk vkSj pfj=&iath dh ,d ,d izfr ds lkFk ml ftys ds ftyk fo|ky;] fujh{kd dks vxzlkfjr djsxk ftlesa mldh laLFkk fLFkr gSA1[58.fujh{kd fofu;e 57 ds v/khu izkIr vkosnu&i= dks bl iz;kstu ds fy;s j[ks x;s jftLVj esa ntZ djk;sxk vkSj mls tgka og laLFkk Hkh] ftlesa LFkkukUrj.k pkgk x;k gks] mldh vf/kdkfjrk dsHkhrj fLFkr gks] ogka og ,sls izcU/kra= ls ijke’kZ djds vkSj mldh fyf[kr lgefr izkIr djus ds i’pkr~ viuh laLrqfr ds lkFk vius lEHkkx ds lEHkkxh; mi funs’kd dks vxzlkfjr djsxkA
1 Regulation 55, 58, 59, 60 and 61 are substituted again by Notification f’k{kk vuqHkkx&7 No. 3745/15-7-10 62/1985, dated 9th September, 1997.1[59. 1 fofu;e 58 ds v/khu fujh{kd }kjk vxzlkfjr vkosnu&i= dh izkfIr ij laHkkxh; mi funs’kd bl iz;kstu ds fy, j[ks x;s jftLVj esa bls ntZ djk;sxk vkSj%d izf’kf{kr Lukrd ,y0Vh0 ds v/;kid ds ekeys esa ;fn LFkkukUrj.k lEHkkx ds Hkhrj pkgk x;k gS] fuEufyf[kr dk;Zokgh djsxk&,d ;fn laLFkk ds izcU/krU= dh lgefr ftlesa LFkkukUrj.k pkgk x;k gS] miyC/k gS] rks mi [k.M+ rhu dh v/khu fofufnZ”V lfefr ds le{k vkosnu&i= izLrqr djsxkAnks ;fn og laLFkk ftlesa LFkkukUrj.k pkgk x;k gS mldh vf/kdkfjrk ds Hkhrj ds fdlh ftys esa fLFkr gS] lacfU/kr fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls laLFkk ds izcU/krU= ls ijke’kZ djsxk vkSj laLFkk dh fyf[kr lgefr izkIr gksus ij mi [k.M+ rhu ds v/khu fofufnZ”V lfefr ds le{k vkosnu&i= izLrqr djsxkArhu fuEufyf[kr }kjk xfBr lfefr dh laLrqfr;ksa ij LFkkukUrj.k vkns’k tkjh djsxk&
d lEHkkxh; la;qDr f’k{kk funs’kd | v/;{k |
[k lEHkkxh; mi f’k{kk funs’kd ek0 | lnL; |
x lEHkkxh; lgk;d f’k{kk funs’kd cs0 | lnL; |
dd izf’kf{kr Lukrd ,y0Vh0 ds v/;kid ds fdlh vkosnu&i= ds ekeys esa ;fn LFkkukUrj.k lEHkkx ds ckgj pkgk x;k gS] lEHkkxh; la;qDr f’k{kk funs’kd vkosnu&i= dks vij f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed dks vxzlkfjr djsxkA[k izoDrk esa fdlh v/;kid ;k fdlh laLFkk ds iz/kku ds vkosnu&i= ds ekeys esa& ,d vkosnu&i= dks vij f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed dks vxzlkfjr djsxk ;fn LFkkukUrj.k fdlh vU; lEHkkx esa fLFkr laLFkk esa pkgk x;k gks]nks ;fn laLFkk lEHkkx ds Hkhrj fLFkr gks rks lacaf/kr fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls laLFkk ds izcU/kra= ls ijke’kZ djsxk ftlesa LFkkukUrj.k pkgk x;k gks vkSj ,slh laLFkk dh fyf[kr lgefr izkIr gksus ij vkosnu&i= dks vij funs’kd f’k{kk ek/;fed dks vxzlkfjr djsxkA2 mi fu;e 1 ds mi&[k.M+ dd vkSj [k ds v/khu vkosnu&i= izkIr gksus ij] vij f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed bl iz;kstu ds fy;s j[ks x;s jftLVj esa jftLV~hd`r djok;sxk] vkSjd ;fn laLFkk dh lgefr ftlesa LFkkukUrj.k pkgk x;k gs] miyC/k gS] rks mi&[k.M+ x ds v/khu xfBr dh xbZ lfefr ds le{k vkosnu&i= izLrqr djsxkA[k ;fn og laLfkk ftlesa LFkkukUrj.k pkgk x;k gS] fdlh vU; lEHkkx esa fLFkr gS rks lacaf/kr mi funs’kd ds ek/;e ls laLFkk ds izcU/kra= ls ijke’kZ dj ldrk gS vkSj ,slh laLFkk dh fyf[kr lgefr izkIr gksus ij mi [k.M+ x esa fofufnZ”V lfefr ds le{k vkosnu&i= izLrqr djsxkA
d vij f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed | v/;{k |
[k vij f’k{kk funs’kd csfld | lnL; |
x la;qDr f’k{kk funs’kd efgyk | lnL; |
3 mi fu;e 1 ;k mi fofu;e 2 ds v/khu tkjh fd;k x;k vkns’k izcU/kra= dk vkns’k gksxk vkSj vfUre gksxkAizfrcU/k ;g gS fd izf’kf{kr Lukrd ,y0Vh0 esa dk;Zjr v/;kid dh LFkkukUrj.k lEHkkx ds Hkhrj ftlesa og dk;Z dj jgk gS] fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj izoDrk Js.khds v/;kid vkSj laLFkk ds iz/kku dks LFkkukUrj.k lEHkkx ds ckgj Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSAvxzsrj izfrcU/k ;g gS fd fdlh Hkh v/;kid ;k laLFkk ds iz/kku dks mlds x`g ftys esa fu;qDr ugha fd;k tk ldrk gSA[60. ,d laLFkk ls nwljh laLFkk esa v/;kid ds LFkkukUrj.k ds ,d ekl ds Hkhrj iwoZorhZ laLFkk dk izcU/kd ;FkkfLFkfr lacaf/kr fujh{kd ;k lEHkkxh; la;qDr funs’kd dks lwpuk nsrs gq, pfj= iath vodk’k dk ys[kk] Hkfo”; fuf/k ys[kk] lkewfgd chek ys[kk vkSj vfUre osru&izek.k i= HkstsxkA][61.1 LFkkukUrfjr v/;kid ;k=k HkRrk dk gdnkj ugha gksxkA fQj Hkh mls 160 fdeh0 ds fy, ,d fnu dh nj ls ;k=k le; th vf/kdre rhu fnu rd gksxk Lohd`r fd;k tk;sxkA ;k=k le; ds osru dk Hkqxrku fdlh izfrdwy djkj ds vHkko esa ml laLFkk }kjk fd;k tk;sxk tgka og LFkkukUrj.k gksus ij dk;Z xzg.k djsxkA2 bl v/;k; ds v/khu LFkkukUrfjr v/;kid& bl v/;k; ds iz;kstuksa ds fy, fdlh laLFkk ds lEcU/k esa izcU/kra= dk rkRi;Z izcU/kra= dh lfefr ls ;k ml O;fDr ;k izkf/kdkjh ls gS ftlesa ml laLFkk dk izcU/k djus vkSj mlds dk;Zdykiksa dk lapkyu djus dh ‘kfDr fufgr dh xbZ gksA2 LFkkukUrj.k fdlh ,d lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk ls nwljh lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk esa vkSj fdlh vkSj vlgk;rk izkIr laLFkk ls nwljh vlgk;rk izkIr laLFkk esa gh lEHko gks ldsxkA3 fdlh vkjf{kr ds fdlh v/;kid ds LFkkukUrj.k ds ifj.kke Lo:i gksus okyh fjfDr] mlh vkjf{kr] ftlls LFkkukUrfjr v/;kid dk lEcU/k gks] ds fdlh O;fDr }kjk Hkjh tk;[kf.M+rA[63. lgkf;d ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk dh dksbZ iz/kkukpk;Z] iz/kkuk/;kid ;k v/;kid O;fDrxr f’k{k.k V;w’ku ugha djsxkA64. fofu;e 63 dk mYya?ku ?kksj dnkpkj le>k tk;sxk vkSj bl v/;k; ds fofu;eksa ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj n.M+uh; gksxkA*][65. ***]66. An employee may accept remuneration work in connection with examination conducted by the Board, Department of Education or recognised examining bodies or may engage in literary pursuits, provided such work does not interfere with his normal duties.67. An employee may be permitted by the Management in accordance with instruction, if any, from the Director of Education, to prepare for and appear in academic training of professional examinations likely to improve his efficiency in teaching or administration.
Maintenance of Record of Work and Service68. A Character Roll and a Service Book shall be maintained for every employee. The Form of Character Roll shall be given as in Appendix “C”.r`rh; rFkk pqrFkZ deZpkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa lsokiath pfj=&iath mlh izi= esa j[kh tk;xh tks jktdh; mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky;ksa ds lei{kh; deZpkfj;ksa ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr gSA69. Yearly entries of a teacher’s [and other employees] work and conduct shall be made in his Character Roll by the Head of the institution while such entries in respect of the Head of the institution shall be madeby the manager. Casual entries may be made by them at any time.70. Along with the annual entries on the work and conduct of the person concerned, an integrity cetificate in the following Form willbe given:”Nothing has come to my knowleage which casts any reflection on the integrity ofSri………………..His general reputation for honesty is good and I certify his integrity.”71. The certifying authority should pay most careful attention to granting or withholding of these certificates and treat it as a serious and most important matter. Before withholding integrity certificate every complaint or allegation coming to the knowledge of the certifying authority should be properly inquired into and if established or confirmed, the person concerned should be confronted with it for explanation. If the person’s explanation is not satisfactory and doubt about his integrity is created, the integrity certificate may be withheld.72. In the case where an adverse entry is made in the Character Roll of a person in a particular year, the entire entries of the year, both adverse and favourable shall be communicated to him within 30 days of the making of such an entry and an acknowledgment obtained, information about the withholding of the integrity certificate shall the communicated likewise.73. A representation against an adverse entry in the character Roll may be made to the Committee of Management whose decision thereon shall be final.74. A Service Book in the Form prescribed by the State Government for its employees will be supplied to an employee of the institution at his own cost on his first appointment, and along with the Character Roll shall be maintained by and kept in the custody of the Head of the Institution in the case of a teacher [and other employees] and by the Manager in the case of the Head of the Institution.75. An employee of the institution shall be allowed to examine his Service Book at any time if he so desires to satisfy himself that it is being properly maintained. He will sign against each entry in his Service Book regarding annual increment, promotion and transfer, and any interruption (such as leave) in service will be noted with full details of its duration. All entries in the Service Book shall be attested by the Head of Institution in the case of a teacher [and other employees] and by the Manager in the case of the Head of the Institution.76. The Service Book of an employee of the institution shall be handed over to him on his retirement or termination of services, after making an entry to that effect in his Service Book.77. Subject to the provisions of these regulation’s the Rules for a Scheme of Provident Fund for School/College teachers in non-pensionable service, as contained in Appendix VIII of the Educational Code (1958 Edition) shall as far as may be, apply to all employees.78. The contribution of the Management shall be deposited to the account of the employee every month along with the contribution of the employee at the time of the payment of his salary.79. The Management shall arrange to show to an employee his Provident Fund Account Pass Book every year not later than 31st December and obtain his signature regularly in token of his perusal thereof.80. The account of an employee who is a contributor under the provident fund Scheme in, an institution on his transfer to another shall be transferred to the later institution and he shall continue to contribute to the Provident Fund in the institution to which he has been transferred.81. (a) On the retirement, resignation, transfer or termination of service of an employee, the Provident Fund Account Pass Book of the employee shall be forwarded by the Management to the Inspector /Regional Inspectress within a fortnight from the date on which he employee is relieved.
(b) The District Inspector/Regional Inspectress after checking the account and keeping necessary record thereof shall forward the Provident Fund Account Pass Book of the employee to him within three weeks of the date of its receipt ftom the management.82. (a) For the payment of the contribution of the Government to the employee, the Manager shall send the bill duly prepared to the Inspector/Regional Inspectress within two months from the date of relieve of the employee.
(b) The Inspector/Regional Inspectress after due scrutiny shall forward the bill within a period of 15 days to the Accountant-General.
Appeal[83. [***]][84. [***][85. [***][86. vihy Kkfidk memorandum of appeal esa la{ksi esa vihy ds vk/kkj vkSj okafNr vuqrks”k dk mYys[k fd;k tk;sxkA ftls vkns’k ds fo:) vihy dh xbZ gS mldh rFkk ys[k&i=ksa dh izfr;ka ;fn dksbZ gks] ds lkFk vihydrkZ }kjk vihy Kkfidk nks izfr;ksa esa lEcfU/kr lEHkkxh; f’k{kk mi&funs’kd@f’k{kk mi&funs’kd efgyk] ftls vkxs ds fofu;eksa esa vihy vf/kdkjh dgk tk;sxk] dks izLrqr dh tk;sxhA]87. A notice of the appeal together with a copy of the memorandum of appeal shall be sent by the [Appellate Authority] to the respondent by registered post calling upon him to file a reply by a date given in the notice.88. The respondent shall submit the reply, along with the copies of documents, if any, in quardruplicate to the [Appellate Authority] by the date fixed in the notice or such other date as may be allowed by the [Appellate Authority],A copy of the reply shall on his request be given to th£ appellant.89. The [Appellate Authority] shall call for necessary papers from the Inspector/ Regional Inspectress and ensure that they are received before the hearing starts.90. The [Appellate Authority] shall fix dates for hearing of the appeal and he may change the dates or adjourn the hearing from time to time :Provided that whenever a date is fixed in the absence of any party at least one week’s notice shall be given to that party unless otherwise agreed upon by both the parties.Provided further that no such notice to a party shall be necessary when the date is fixed on a date of hearing and the party is absent in spite of notice of that date.91. No party shall, as a right be entitled, to produce any evidence before the [Appellate Authority] which was not produced before the Inspector/Regional Inspectress but the [Appellate Authority] may admit any such evidence as may be considered by it to be helpful in coming to a correct decision in the case.92. The [Appellate Authority] may at any time during the pendency of an appeal require either party to furnish any such extract, information report, explanation or record relating to the case, which is in the possession or power of such party and the party shall be bound to comply with the requisition within such reasonable time as may be fixed by the [Appellate Authority].93. No party before a [Appellate Authority] shall be represented by a legal practitioner as such.94. The [Appellate Authority] may hear and decide an appeal ex parte, if any party, in spite of notice, fails to appear on the date fixed for hearing.95. The decision of the [Appellate Authority] shall be in writing. It shall concisely state the points for decision, the decision thereon and the final order.96.[* * *]97. Copies of the decision shall, as soon as practicable, be sent to the parties concerned and the Inspector/Regional Inspectress.98. (1) The Management shall implement the decision of the [Appellate Authority] within two months of its being communicated to it. In default the Inspector/Regional Inspectress may, without prejudice to any other cause open to him or to any other authority or the employee, enforce it in so far as it may be, by making payment out of the grant-in-aid of that institution.(2) Failure of the Management to implement the decision of the [Appellate Authority] within the aforesaid period shall be deemed to be a defect within the meaning of sub-section (2) of Section 16-D of the Intermediate Education Act.[99. 1 vkpk;Z] iz/kkuk/;kid ,o vU; deZpkfj;ksa dks vkdfLed vodk’k] vftZr vodk’k] fpfdRlk vodk’k] izLwfr vodk’k] O;fDrxr dk;Z vodk’k rFkk vlk/kkj.k vodk’k mruh vof/k ds fy;s rFkk mu izfrcU/kksa ds v/khu Lohd`r fd;k tk ldrk gS] tks jkT; ljdkj le;≤ ij jktdh; mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky;ksa ds bUgha ds deZpkfj;ksa ds fy;s fuf’pr djs ;k vius fdlh fof’k”V vkns’kksa }kjk fdUgh vioknksa lfgr] tks fdlh fo’ks”k ifjfLFkfro’k visf{kr gks] fu/kkZfjr djsA vkdfLed vodk’k vkpk;Z vFkok iz/kkuk/;kid ds ekeys esa izcU/kd }kjk rFkk vU; deZpkfj;ksa ds ekeys esa vkpk;Z@iz/kkuk/;kid }kjk Lohd`r fd;k tk;sxkA vU; vodk’k izcU/kd }kjk vkpk;Z@iz/kkuk/;kid }kjk izkFkZuk&i= izLrqr@vxzlkfjr fd;s tkus ij Lohd`r fd;s tk;saxsA prqFkZ ds deZpkjh ds lEcU/k esa vU; vodk’k Hkh vkpk;Z@iz/kkuk/;kid }kjk Lohd`r fd;s tk;saxsAijUrq fo’ks”k ifjfLFkfr esa jkT; ljdkj ,slk vodk’k vkSj ,slh ‘krksZa ij tks og mfpr le>s] Lohd`r dj Hkh ldrh gSA2 vodk’k vf/kdkj Lo:i ugh ekaxk tk ldrk] ifjfLFkfr dh vko’;drk dks ns[krs gq, laeksnu izkf/kdkjh] fdlh Hkh izdkj dk vodk’k Lohd`r djus ls bUdkj dj ldrk gS vkSj igys Lohd`r fd;s x;s vodk’k dks Hkh jn dj ldrk;fn dksbZ vkpk;Z] iz/kkuk/;kid vFkok v/;kid jkT; fo/kku eaM+y ;k laln dk lnL; gks rks mls fo/kku e.M+y] laln vFkok mudh lfefr;ksa dh cSBdksa esa Hkkx ysus gsrq mlds }kjk ,slh cSBd rFkk mlesa Hkkx ysus gsrq tkus ds vius bjkns dh lwpuk fn;s tkus ij mls laLFkk ls voeqDrdj fn;k tk;sxk vkSj laLFkk ls mudh ,slh vuqifLFkfr dh vof/k esa mls ,sls vodk’k ij le>k tk;sxk tSlk mls ns; gks rFkk ftlds fy;s og vkosnu djsA ;fn mls dksbZ vodk’k ns; u gks rks ,slh vuqifLFkfr dh vof/k esa fcuk osru ds vodk’k ij le>k tk;sxkA]100.fyfid] ftlesa iqLrdky;k/;{k Hkh lfEefyr gS] ds lEcU/k esa izcU/k lfefr rFkk prqFkZ deZpkjh ds lEcU/k esa vkpk;Z@iz/kkuk/;kid fu;qDr izkf/kdkjh gksxkA fyfidksa ftlesa iqLrdky;k/;{k Hkh lfEefyr gS] rFkk prqFkZ deZpkfj;ksa dh fu;qfDr] ifjoh{kk ftldh vof/k ,d o”kZ gksxh LFkk;hdj.k ,oa lsok fu;e vkfn ds lEcU/k esa vko’;d ifjorZuksa lfgr mij ds fofu;e 1] 4 ls 8] 10] 11] 15] 24 ls 26] 30] 32 ls 34] 36 ls 38] 40 ls 43] 45 ls 52] 54] 66] 67] 70 ls 73 rFkk 76 ls 82 ykxw gksaxsA fdUrq prqFkZ deZpkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa fofu;e 77 ls 82 ds izkfo/kku rHkh ykxw gksaxs] tc bl lEcU/k esa jkT; ljdkj }kjk vko’;d funsZ’k fuxZr fd;s tkosaA bu deZpkfj;ksa ds lEcU/k esa fofu;e 9] 12] 13] 14] 16 ls 20] 27] 28] 54] 55 ls 65 rFkk 97 ds izkfo/kku ykxw ugha gksxsA1[101.u;qfDr izkf/kdkjh fujh{kd ds iwokZuqeksnu ds flok; fdlh ekU;rk izkIr] lgk;rk izkIl laLFkk ds f’k{k.ksrj in dh fjfDr dks ugha HkjsxkA izfrcU/k ;g gS fd ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd leLr fjfDr;ka dh la[;k f’k{kk funs’kd] ek/;fed dks miyC/k djk;sxk rFkk laLFkk esa Nk= la[;k n’kkZrs gq;s inksa dks Hkjs tkus ds vkSfpR; dks Hkh Li”V djsaxsA f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed ls vkns’k izkIr gksus ij ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd mDr fjfDr;ksa dks Hkjus gsrq fu;qfDr izkf/kdkjh dks vuqefr iznku djsxk vkSj vuqefr iznku djrs le; ‘kklu }kjk fu/kkZfjr vkj{k.k fu;eksa ,oa inksa ds vkSfpR; ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr ekudksa dk ikyu djk;sxkA izfrcU/k ;g gS fd teknkj ds in dh fjDr dks fujh{kd }kjk Hkjus dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gSA
1 foKfIr ls ifj”kn~&9@898] fnuakd 31-12-2009 }kjk la’kksf/kr rFkk rRdky izHkko ls iz;ksT;A102.fdlh ekU;rk izkIr] lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk esa f’k{k.ksrj in /kkj.k djus okys fdlh deZpkjh dh lsok&fuo`fr ds QyLo:i] gksus okyh fjfDr dh lwpuk mldh lsok fuo`fr ds fnuakd ls rhu ekl iwoZ nh tk;sxh vkSj e`R;q] in R;kx ds dkj.k ;k fdUgh vU; dkj.kksa ls gqbZ fdlh fjfDr dh lwpuk mlds gksus ds fnuakd ls lkr fnu ds Hkhrj fu;qfDr izkf/kdkjh }kjk fujh{kd dks nh tk;sxhAbl fofu;ekoyh esa nh xbZ fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh tgka fdlh ekU;rk izkIr] lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk dk v/;kid ;k f’k{k.ksrj deZpkjh oxZ ds fdlh deZpkjh dh] tks fofgr izfdz;k ds vuqlkj fu;qDr fd;k x;k gks] lsok dky esa e`R;q gks tk;s] rks mlds dqVqEc ds ,d lnL; dks] tks 18 o”kZ ls de vk;q dk u gks] izf’kf{kr Lukrd dh esa v/;kid ds in :i esa ;k fdlh f’k{k.ksrj in ij ] ;fn og in ds fy;s fofgr visf{kr ‘kSf{kd izf’k{k.k vgZrk;sa] ;fn dksbZ gks] j[krk gks vkSj fu;qfDr ds fy;s vU;Fkk mi;qDr gks] fu;qDr fd;k tk ldrk gSALi”Vhdj.k& bl fofu;e ds iz;kstukFkZ dqVqEc dk lnL; dk rkRi;Z e`r deZpkjh dh fo/kok@fo/kqj] iq=] vfookfgr ;k fo/kok iq=h ls & ;g fofu;e vkSj fofu;e 104 ls 107 rd mu e`r deZpkfj;ksa ds laca/k esa ykxw gksaxs ftudh e`R;q 1 tuojh 1981 dks ;k mlds i’pkr gqbZ gksA
1 jktkKk l0 5834@15&7&2 1@90 y[kum fnuakd 09 vxLr] 2001 }kjk l’kksf/krA104.fdlh ekU;rk izkIr] lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk dk izcU/krU= e`R;q gksus ds fnuakd ls lkFk fnu ds Hkhrj fujh{kd dks e`r deZpkjh ds dqVqEc ds lnL;ksa dh ,d fjiksVZ izLrqr djsxk ftlesa e`r deZpkjh dk uke] /k`r in] osrueku] fu;qfDr dk fnuakd] e`R;q dk fnuakd] fu;kstd laLFkk dk uke vkSj dqVqEc ds lnLksa ds uke] mudh ‘kSf{kd izf’k{k.k vgZrk,a ;fn dksbZ gks] vkSj vk;q dk fooj.k Hkh fn;k tk;sxkA fujh{kd vius }kjk j[ks tkus okys jftLVj esa e`rd dh fof’kf”V;ka ntZ djsxkA105. fofu;e 103 esa fufnZ”V e`r deZpkjh ds dqVqEc dk dksbZ lnL; lEcfU/kr fujh{kd dks ;FkkfLFkfr izf’kf{kr Lukrd esa v/;kid ;k f’k{k.krj laoxZ ds fdlh in ij fu;qfDr ds fy, vkosnu djsxkA vkosnu i= ij lfefr }kjk fopkj fd;k tk;sxk vkSj ;fn lfefr mldh fu;qfDr dh laLrqfr djs] rks fujh{kd ekU;rk izkIr] lgk;rk izkIr ml laLFkk ds] ftles vkosnd dk fu;qfDr fd;k tkuk gS] izcU/k rU= dks vkosnu&i= fofu;e 106 vkSj 107 ds vuqlkj fu;qfDr vkns’k tkjh djus ds fy;s HkstsxkAlfefr esa fuEufyf[kr gksaxs&
1 fujh{kd | & v/;{k |
2 ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ds dk;kZy; esa ys[kkf/kdkjh | &lnL; |
3 ftyk csfld f’k{kk vf/kdkjh | &lnL; |
106.e`r deZpkjh ds dqVqEc ds lnL; dh fu;qfDr mldh ‘kSf{kd vgZrkvksa ds vuqlkj izf’kf{kr Lukrd esa ;k fdlh f’k{k.ksrj in ij ;FkklEHko mlh laLFkk esa dh tk;sxh tgka e`r deZpkjh viuh e`R;q ds le; lsokjr FkkA ;fn ,slh laLFkk esa izf’kf{kr Lukrd esa fdlh v/;kid ;k f’k{k.ksrj laoxZ esa dksbZ in fjDr u gks rks mldh fu;qfDr ftys dh fdlh vU; ekU;rk izkIr] lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk esa tgka ,slh fjfDr gks dh tk;sxh&izfrcU/k ;g gS fd ;fn ftys dh fdlh ekU;rk izkIr lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk esa dksbZ fjfDr rRle; fo|eku u gks rks ml laLFkk esa tgka e`rd viuh e`R;q ds le; lsokjr Fkk] fu;qfDr izf’kf{kr Lukrd ds v/;kid ds ;k prqFkZ ds f’k{k.ksrj in ds izfr fdlh vf/kla[; in ds izfr rqjUr dh tk;sxhA ,sls vf/kla[; in dks bl iz;kstu ds fy;s l`ftr fd;k x;k le>k tk;sxk vkSj mls rc rd tkjh j[kk tk;sxk tc rd dksbZ fjfDr ml laLFkk esa ;k ftys dh fdlh vU; ekU;rk izkIr lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk esa miyC/k u gks tk;s vkSj ,slh fLFkfr esa vf/kla[; in ds in/kkjh ]kjk dh xbZ lsok dh x.kuk osru fu/kkZj.k vkSj lsok fuo`fr ykHkksa ds fy;s dh tk; ekU;rk izkIr] lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk ds izcU/krU= }kjk] ftldks fofu;e 105 ds v/khu fujh{kd }kjk vkosnu&i= Hkstk x;k ;k vkosnu i= dks izkfIr ds fnuakd ls ,d ekg dh vof/k ds Hkhrj fujh{kd dk lwpuk nsrs gq, fu;qDr i= tkjh fd;k tk;sxkA3[108.iz/kkuk/;kid@iz/kkukpk;Z] f’k{kd vFkok deZpkjh] ftUgsa mrj iqfLrdkvksa dk ladyu esa rFkk ewY;akdu dsUnz ls lEcfU/kr ifj”kn vFkok ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd }kjk dksbZ nkf;Ro@dk;Z lkSaik tk;sxk] ftlesa mrj iqfLrdkvksa ds o.Myksa dks ykus] ys tkus rFkk mrj iqfLrdkvksa ds ewY;kadu dk dk;Z Hkh lfEefyr gS] mudh lsok dk vax ekuk tk;sxkA mDr dk;ksZ ds fuoZgu esa vleFkZrk o;fDr djus vFkok tkucw>dj vuqifLFkr jgus ij nkf;Roksa dh vogsyuk ekuh tk;sxh vkSj ,sls O;fDr;ksa dks tufgr esa M;wVh esa vuqifLFkr ekuk tk;sxkA rFkk muds fo:) vuq’kklukRed dk;Zokgh dh tk;sxhA
3 jktkKk la[;k 5865@15&7&99 1 3@99 f’k{kk vuqHkkx 7 y[kum fnuakd 9 Qjojh 2000 }kjk la’kksf/krA109.ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa esa ftu O;fDr;ksa dh M;wVh dsUnz O;oLFkkid@okg; dsUnz O;oLFkkid d{k fujh{kd ds :i esa yxkbZ tk;sxh] ,sls O;fDr dsUnz O;oLFkkid@okg; dsUnz O;oLFkkid d{k fujh{k.k dk;Z gsrq lkSais x, nkf;Ro dk fuoZgu djus esa vkuk dkuh djsa ;k tkucw>dj vuqifLFkr gks] rks ,sls O;fDr;ksa dks tufgr esa M;wVh ls vuqifLFkr ekuk tk;sxk rFkk muds fo:) vuq’kklukRed dk;Zokgh dh tk;sxhA110.vYila[;d laLFkk dks NksM+dj lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk ds fyfidksa] iqLrdky;k/;{k vkSj prqFkZ deZpkfj;ksa lfgr deZpkfj;ksa dk LFkkukUrj.k] ,slh laLFkk tgka ls ;k tgka LFkkukarj.k fd;k tkuk gks] dh lgefr ls ,d lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk ls nwljs lgk;rk izkIr laLFkk esa fd;k tk ldrk gS],sls LFkkukarj.k ds fy;s&d lEcfU/kr deZpkjh laLFkk ds iz/kku ds ek/;e ls lEHkkxh; la;qdr f’k{kk funs’kd dks lEcksf/kr vkosnu] izcU/k lfefr dks djsxk vkSj izcU/k lfefr] viuh lgefr ds i’pkr~ vkosnu] fujh{kd dks izLrqr djsxhA fujh{kd viuh vkSj ls ,slh izcU/k lfefr dh lgefr izkIr djsxk] ftlds fy;s deZpkjh us LFkkukUrj.k pkgk gks vkSj blds i’pkr~ vkosnu fujh{kd dh flQkfj’k ds lkFk lEHkkxh; la;qDr f’k{kk funs’kd dks vxzlkfjr fd;k tk;sxkA[k LFkkukarj.k vkns’k],d fujh{kd dh flQkfj’k ds vk/kkj ij lEHkkxh; la;qDr funs’kd }kjk tkjh fd;k tk ldrk gSA ;fn ,slh laLFkk] ftlds fy;s LFkkukarj.k pkgk x;k gS nwljs ftys ds lEHkkx esa fLFkr gks rks lEHkkxh; la;qDr funs’kd LFkkukarj.k vkns’k tkjh djus ds iwoZ ml ftys ds fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls izcU/k lgefr izkIr djsxkAnks vij f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed }kjk tkjh fd;k tk ldrk gS] ;fn LFkkukarj.k lEHkkx ds ckgj pkgk x;k gksA ,sls LFkkukarj.k ds fy;s lEHkkxh; la;qDr funs’kd vkosnu dks vij f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed dks vxzlkfjr djsxkA vij f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed LFkkukarj.k vkns’k tkjh djus ls iwoZ fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls lEcfU/kr izcU/k lfefr] ftlds vUrxZr laLFkk fLFkr gks] ls lgefr dh ekax djsxkAx dksbZ LFkkukarfjr deZpkjh ;k=k HkRrk dk gdnkj ugha gksxk] fdUrq mls vf/kdre rhu fnu ds fy;s ;k=k Hkh Lohd`fr dh tk ldrh gS tc dksbZ foijhr vuqcU/k u gks ;k=k dh vof/k ls lEcfU/kr osru dk Hkqxrku ,slh laLFkk }kjk fd;k tk;sxk] tgka ds fy, deZpkjh dk LFkkukarj.k fd;k x;k gksA?k LFkkukarfjr deZpkjh laLFkk esa dk;ZHkkj xzg.k djus ds fnuakd ls laLFkk ds mDr ds dfu”Bre deZpkjh ls uhps j[kk tk;sxkA deZpkjh dk osru Hkqxrku vkSj vU; lsok ‘krsZa] tc rd muesa ifjorZu ugha fd;k tkrk gS] ogh jgsaxh] ekuksa og ,slh laLFkk ls LFkkukarfjr u fd;k x;k gks] tgka og dk;Zjr Fkk vkSj mlds fy;s gdnkj FkkAM LFkkukarfjr deZpkjh ml iwoZ laLFkk tgka ls og LFkkukarfjr fd;k x;k gks] esa dh x;h lsokvksa dh leLr lqfo/kk izKir djsxk vkS ,slh laLFkk es dh x;h lsok;sa ekuh tk;saxh] tgka og okLro esa LFkkukarfjr fd;k x;k gksAp LFkkukarj.k ds dkj.k vkjf{kr esa gqbZ fjfDr mlh vkjf{kr ds vH;FkhZ ds }kjk Hkjh tk;sxhA
1 vf/klwpuk la[;k 1249@15&12&06&1606 11@2005 fnaukd 26 twu] 2006 }kjk izFke la’kks/ku gqvk tks m0iz0 vlk/kkj.k ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4 [k.M+ d esa fnuakd 26 twu] 2006 dk izdkf’kr gqvkA
v/;k; rhu fofu;e 51 rFkk 54&[k ds lanHkZ esa
LoewY;akdu izi=vof/k ftldk LoewY;akdu fd;k tk jgk gS%1 lkekU; lwpuk;sa&d fo|ky; dk uke[k v/;kid dk uke] izFke fu;qfDr frfFk——————-inuke——————–x ‘kSf{kd ;ksX;rk—————————————————–?k mDr vof/k esa fdrus fnu mifLFkr jgs—————————————–2 ‘kSf{kd miyfC/k;ksa dk ewY;akdu ijh{kkQy dk o”kZ%
dze la[;k | d{kk dk uke rFkkoxZ@vuqHkkxftldk v/;kiu fd;k gS | fo”k; | Nk=ksa dh lfEefyr la[;k | mrh.kZ la[;k | mrh.kZ izfr’kr | la[;k | ||
izFke | f}rh; | r`rh; | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 71 | 72 | 73 |
3 ‘kSf{kd Lrj dks mBkus gsrq d`r iz;kl | |||
dzea la[;k | en@fo“k; | izfrfdz;k | |
1 | 2 | 3 | |
1 | fu;fer le; ds vuqlkj Hkjld iz;kl djus ij Hkh d{kkvksa esa ikB~;dze dk fdruk va’k NwV x;kA | ||
2 | xr o”kZ ikB~;dze ds bl NwVs gq, va’k dks iwjk djus ds fy, dh xbZ vfrfjDr d{kkvksa dh la[;k@fo“k; o d{kkuqlkj mYys[k dhft;sA | ||
3 | ikB~; iqLrkdsa ls lEcfU/kr dfBukb;ksa ds laca/k esa vkius fdlls fdruh ckj ijke’kZ fd;kA | ||
4 | vki Hkh vuqHko djrs gksxs fd vkt pkjksa vkSj uSfrd ewY;ksa esa fxjkoV vk xbZ gSA vki vius Nk=ksa esa uSfrd ewY;ksa ds fodkl ds fy, D;k djrs gS\ | ||
5 | lEcfU/kr vof/k esa Nk=ksa esa jk”V~h; ,drk dh Hkkouk ds fodkl ds fy, D;k fd;kA | ||
6 | f’k{k.k ds le; lgk;d lefxz;ksa dk rFkk Nk=ksa ds LFkkuh; i;kZojk dk fdl izdkj fd;kA | ||
7 | detksj oxksZa dks fdrus mipkjkRed ikB i<+k;s x;sA | ||
8 | fo|ky; ds fdu dk;Zdzeksa dk lapkyu vkius bl vof/k esa fd;A | ||
9 | fuEufyf[kr ds lUnHkZ esa vkius D;k iz;kl fd;k vkSj mudk D;k izHkko gqvk\ | iz;kl izHkko | |
d cPpksa dh O;fDrxr LoPNrk esa lq/kkj | |||
[k d{kk dh LoPNrk esa lq/kkj | |||
x fo|ky; dh LoPNrk esa lq/kkj | |||
10 | D;k vki cPpksa ds lrr ewY;akdu dk dzec) :i ls vfHkys[k j[krs gS rFkk mlls vfHkHkkodksa dks lwfpr djrs gSA | vfHkys[k j[krsgS@ugha j[krs gSA | |
11 | fo|ky; rFkk leqnk; dks ijLij fudV ykus ds vkius D;k&D;k iz;kl fd;sA | vfHkHkkodksa dks lwfpr djrs gS@ughadjrs gSA | |
12 | lkekU;r;k izfr lIrkg Nk=ksa dks fdrus fnu x`g dk;Z nsrs gS] D;k Nk=ksa dks dk;ZHkkj c<+ tkus dh vk’kadk ls lIrkg esa c<+k;s x;s dqN izdj.k x`g dk;Z ds fy;s NwV tkrs gSA | ||
13 | pkgrs gq, Hkh lEcfU/kr vof/k esa fofHkUu fo|ky;ksa ;k O;fDrxr dkj.kksa ls le;kHkko ds dkj.k fdrus x`gdk;Z dk la’kks/ku vki ugha dj ldsA | ||
14 | lkekU; f’k{k.k ls le;kHkko ds dkj.k fdrus x`gdk;Z dk la’kks/ku vki dSls djrs gSA | ||
15 | ijh{kkQy ds Lrj dks mapk mBkus ds fy, vki lrr ifjJe djrs jgrs gksaxs] bl laca/k esa viuk;s x;s izHkkoh mik;ksa dk mYys[k djsaA | ||
4 | O;fDrxr ‘kSf{kd izxfr rFkk miyfC/k;ka% | ||
1 bl vof/k esa vkius fdu&fdu lanHkZ i=&if=dkvksa dk v/;;ku fd;k | vR;Ur larq”V@dkQhlk/kkj.k larq”V@vlarq“V | ||
2 vkius ;fn fdlh ‘kSf{kd lsfeukj xks”Bh esa Hkkx fy;k gks rks mldk fooj.k nsaA | |||
3 uohure~ f’k{k.k fof/k;ksa dh tkudkjh ds fy;s D;k vkius dksbZ izkstsDV pquk gS\ ;fn gka] rks fooj.k nsaA | |||
4 vkius ;fn dksbZ iqLrd ys[k] vkfn fy[kk gks rks forj.k nsaA | |||
5 viuh ‘kSf{kd izxfr ls vki fdl lhek rd larq”V gSA mldk ewY;akdu djsaA | |||
5 | vU; fo|ky; dk;Z& | ||
1 ‘kSf”kd dk;Z ds vfrfjDr D;k vkidks fo|ky; esa dksbZ vU; dk;ZHkkj lkSaik x;k gS\ ;fn gka] rks mYys[k djsaA | |||
2 vki }kjk lapkfyr lkfgfR;d] lkaLd`fr rFkk [ksydwn vkfn dk;Zdzeksa ds vUrxZr fofHkUu Lrjksa tuinksa] e.M+y] jkT; jk”V~ Lrj ij izfrfu/kRo djus okys Nk=ksa dk mYys[k djsaA | |||
3 vki fdrus fnu fo|ky; esa le; ij mifLFkr ugha gks lds\ | |||
4 vkius fdrus fnu fu/kkZfjr le; ls iwoZ fo|ky; NksM+ fn;k\ | |||
5 lkewfgd izkFkZuk esa vki fdurs fnu lfEefyr ugha gq,\ | |||
6 fo|ky; esa mu dk;Z fnuksa dk mYys[k djsa ftuesa vkids lg;ksx dh ljkguk dh xbZA | |||
7 fo|ky; ds mu dk;ksZ@{ks=ksa dk mYys[k djsa ftuesa vki fofHkUu dkj.kksa ls :fp ugha ys ikrsA | |||
8 D;k vkidks fiNys o”kZ jkT; ;k fdlh vU; laLFkk esa lEekfur fd;k x;k gS\ | |||
9 D;k vkius fiNys o”kZ fo|ky; ds fy, dksbZ fo’ks”k dk;Z fd;k gS\ | |||
10 vU; fooj.k tks vius ckjs esa nsuk pkgrs gSA | |||
frfFk% | iw.kZ gLrk{kj———————uke——————————-in uke—————————– |
ifjf’k”V ^x*
v/;k; rhu ds fofu;e 63 ds vUrxZr
pfj=&iath dk izi=v vkpk;Z] iz/kuk/;kid vFkok eSV~u lfgr v/;kidxksiuh;& mrj izns’k ds mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky;ksa ds v/;kidx.k ds dk;Z ,oa vkpj.k ijokf”kZd vk[;k%
vk 20 twu] 19——————————dks lekIr gksus okys Ldwy o”kZ ds fy, deZpkjh ds dk;Z ,oa vkpj.k ij vk[;kA
v/;kid dk uke———————mlds dk;Z ,oa vkpj.k ds lEcU/k esa vH;qfDr;ka rFkk fgr dh vU; vH;qfDr;ka Hkh] bl izi= ij iz/kkuk/;kid vFkok vkpk;Z ds laca/k esa vFkok izca/kd }kjk rFkk——————ds lEcU/k esa vkpk;Z vFkok iz/kkuk/;kid }kjk gLrk{kj gksuk pkfg,A
o”kZ | laLFkk ds iz/kku dh vH;qfDr;ka v/;kid ds lEcU/k esa | izcU/kd dh vfHk;qfDr;ka laLFkk ds iz/kku ds lEcU/k esa | izfrdwy vH;qfDr;ka] ;fn dksbZ gks vFkok psrkouh nsus dh] ;fn dksbZ gks] frfFk |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
vH;qfDr;ksa esa] in esa] dk;Z{kerk] ijh{kkQy] ikB~;kuqorhZ dk;Zdyki esa Hkkx] lg;ksfx;ksa ,oa turk ls lEcU/k rFkk laLFkk dh Hkkouk ,oa vuq’kklu ij izHkko dks Hkh /;ku esa j[kuk pkfg,A | |||
lR;fu”Bk izek.k&i= | iz/kkuk/;kid@vkpk;Z vFkok izcU/kd ds————— | ||
gLrk{kj—————————————————- | |||
fnuakd———————–19————————— |
Part II-B
Definitionsbu fofu;eksa esa] tc rd fd dksbZ ckr] fo”k; vFkok lanHkZ esa izfrdwy u gks] fuEufyf[kr ‘kCnksa dk fuEukafdr vFkZ gksxk%
1 fnuakd 15 tuojh] 1986 ds jkti= esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la0 ifj”kn&9@600] fnuakd 15 tuojh] 1986 }kjk lfEefyrA
Board1- ifj”kn~ dh cSBd lk/;k uoEcj vkSj Qjojh eklksa esa gksxhA2- uoEcj ekl esa gqbZ ifj”kn dh cSBd ifj”kn~ dh okf”kZd cSBd le>h tk;sxhA
Secretary1- ifj”kn~ dh leLr cSBdsa lfpo }kjk cqykbZ tk;saxhA2- lfpo] lHkkifr ds izkf/kdkj ls ifj”kn~ ds ljdkjh i=&O;ogkj dk lapkyu djsxkA3- ifj”kn~ ds fy, ns; leLr ‘kqYd ,oa ikouk rFkk lfpo ds :i esa izkIr leLrk /kujkf’k;ka vfoyEc ljdkjh dks”kkxkj esa tek dj nh tk;sxhA4. The Secretary shall, subject to the provisions of the regulations in the succeeding, Chapters, make arrangements for the conduct of the Board’s examinations including fixation of examination centres and evaluation centres, and for publication, declaration or withholding of results, and shall exercise such powers as are necessary therefor,5. The Secretary shall receive and subject to directions or instructions, if any, of the Board or the Examinations Committe, deal with applications from candidates for admission to the Board’s examinations.6. The Secretary shall have the powers to remove within reasonable time, which shall not ordinary be more than six months from the date of publicaction of the results of the main examination of the Board, any error or omission or discrepancy discovered after passing of such results by the Rusults Committee.[ 7- lfpo] ifj”kn dh vkSj ls lQy mEehnokjksa dks ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk esa mRrh.kZ gksus dk izek.k&i= fofgr izi= esa nsxk vkSj ckn esa mldh izfof”V;ksa esa dksbZ ‘kqf) djsxk] c’krsZa fd izek.k&i= esa fdlh ,slh xyr izfof”V] fdlh vopkfjr fyfidh; Hkwy ;k yksi ds dkj.k ;k fdlh izsl fyfidh; Hkwy ds dkj.k dh xbZ gks tksa vlko/kkuh ls ifj”kn ds Lrj ds ;k ml laLFkk ds] tgka ls vfUre ckj f’k{kk izkIr dh gks] Lrj ;k vfHkys[k esa gks xbZ gksA ;g ‘kqf) lfpo }kjk mlh fLFkfr esa dh tk ldsxh tcfd vH;FkhZ us lEcfu/kr ijh{kk ds izek.k&i= dks ifj”kn }kjk fuxZeu djus dh frfFk ls nks o”kZ ds vUnj gh fyfidh; =qfV dh vkSj /;ku vkd`”V djrs gq, lEcfu/kr iz/kkukpk;Z@dsUnz O;oLFkkid dks =qfV ds la’kks/ku gsrq izkFkZuk&i= izLrqr dj fn;k gks vkSj mldh] izfr iathd`r M+kd ls lfpo] ifj”kn~ dks Hkh izsf”kr dh gksaA]8. The Secretary may, if satisfied that a candidate’s original certificate has been lost or destroyed or rendered unserviceable, issue a duplicate copy of the same on payment of prescribed fee according to the procedure laid down by the Board from time to time. He may also issue a duplicate copy of mark-sheet of the Board’s examination on payment of the prescribed fee.9- ifj”kn~ dk iqLrdky;] lfpo dh ns[k&js[k esa gksxk vkSj og le;≤ ij ifj”kn~ }kjk fu/kkZfjr izfdz;k ds vuqlkj ikB~; iqLrdksa bR;kfn ds fy, fopkjkFkZ izkIr iqLrkdsa dks lEcfU/kr lfefr;ksa ds le{k izLrqr djsxkA10- lfpo] izfro”kZ 31 ebZ rd foHkkx dks ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa ds fy, ekU;rk izkIr Ldwyksa vkSj dkystksa dh lwph oSdfYid fo”k; vFkok fo”k;ksa dks fufnZ”V djrs gq,] ftuesa ekU;rk izkIr gqbZ gS] nsxkA11- lfpo] ,sls vU; drZO;ksa dks ikyu djsxk tks mls ifj”kn~ }kjk lkSais tk;sa vFkok muds fu.kZ;ksa dks dk;kZfUor djus ds fy, vko’;d gksA12. The Secretary shall be entitled to be present, participate and speak at any meeting of any of the committees of the Board and subcommittees thereof as an Ex-officio member-secretary :Provided that in the case of Committees of Courses of different subjects, the regionwise Committees for disposal of cases of unfair means and Women’s Education Committee, he may depute any officer not below the rank of Additional Secretary to participate and speak at any meeting thereof in his behalf.13. The Secretary, with the prior approval of the Chairman, shall have the power to call for the meeting of any of the Committees of the Board or any sub-committee thereof, whenever he is of opinion’that it is necessary or expedient to do so.
Committees of the Board1. In addition to the committees specified in sub-section (1) of Section 13 of the Uttar Pradesh Intermediate Education Act, 1921, the Board shall appoint the following other committees-
(i) Committee of courses for different subjects;
(ii) Regionwise committees to dispose of suspected cases of use of unfair means, mass-copying and impersonation in the Board’s examinations and other similar or connected means;
(iii) A committee to advice the Board on questions relating to Women’s Education.2. The number of the members appointed by the Board of any Committee of courses shall, as may be decided by the Board, be not less than three and not more than seven, except in the case of committee of courses for the following subjects where the minimum and maximum number of members shall be such as are noted against each :
Minimum | Maximum | ||
(i) | Agriculture | 7 | 9 |
(ii) | Technical subjects | 9 | 11 |
(iii) | Constructive Subject | 11 | 11 |
3. The Committee of courses for any subject shall be constituted in the following manner :
(a) members of the Board who are experts in any subject shall be elected to the Committee of courses of the subject concerned;
(b) if members of the Board who are experts in the subject concerned are not available in adequate number, expert in the subject concerned from outside, whose names are proposed by the members of the Board, shall be appointed, provided such experts reside in Uttar Pradesh and accept membership of the committee concerned;
(c) in the case of the committee of courses for constructive subjects, the members shall be appointed ih such manner that each subject of the constructive group is represented by at least one expert of the subject;
(d) where names of experts, in any particular subject or subjects are not proposed by the members by the Board in adequate number under Clause (b) the Chairman shall have the right to nominate experts in that subject or subjects to the extent required;
(e) no members of the Boards or outside experts shall serve on more than two Committees courses :
[ p lHkkifr dks fdlh ikB~dze lfefr ds fdlh lnL; dh fu;qfDr dks fujflr djus dk vf/kdkj gksxk ;fn ;g Kkr gks tk;sa fd lnL; ikB~;dze lfefr ds ml fo”k; dk fo’ks”kK ugha gS ftlesa og fu;qDr fd;k x;k Fkk] ijUrq ,slh fdlh fu;qfDr dks fujflr ugha fd;k tk;sxk tc rd fdl lEc) lnL; dks ;g crkus dk volj u ns fn;k tk;s fd og lEc) fo”k; dk fo’ks”kK gSALi”Vhdj.k& bl fofu;e ds iz;kstukFkZ] fdlh fo”k; ds fo’ks”kK dk rkRi;Z ml O;fDr ls gS tks bUVjehfM,V d{kkvksa esa ml fo”k; dks i<+kus ds fy, fofgr U;wure vgZrk j[krk gksA]]4. In case the number of member of the Board who are experts in a subject or the number of outside experts in a subject proposed by the members of the Board, exceed the number required for the constitution of the committe of courses in such subject, member of the committe shall be elected by the Board by proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote.[ 5- bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 1 esa fofufnZ”V lfefr;ksa ds lnL;ksa dh le;kof/k ugha c<+k;h tk;sxh vkSj og ogh gksxh tks b.VjehfM+,v f’k{kk vf/kfu;e] 1921 dh /kkjk 3 ds v/khu ifj”kn~ ds lnL;ksa dh gSa] ijUrq dksbZ Hkh lnL; vFkok la;kstd vius in ls lHkkifr ds uke R;kx&i= nsdj vius in ls R;kx i= ns ldrk gSA og R;kx i= lHkkifr dks izkIr gksus dh frfFk ls ykxw gksxkA lfefr dk dksbZ lnL; ;k la;kstd tks ifj”kn~ dk lnL; u jgs rRdky ls lEc) lfefr dk lnL; ;k la;kstd ugha jg tk;sxkA blds QyLo:i gqbZ fjfDr dh iwfrZ gsrq fu;qfDr vf/kfu;e ,oa fofu;e dh vgZrk ds lnL; miyC/k vFkok vo’ks”k ugha jgus dh fLFkfr esa ifj”kn~ ds vo’ks”k lnL;ksa esa ls gh dh tk;sxhA]6. Every Committee of the Board shall have a convenor who shall, unless otherwise prescribed, be elected by the Board from amongst the members of the committee concerned, provided that no person shall serve as convenor on more than one committee. In the event of the convenor of any committee ceasing to hold office the chairman of the Board shall nominate a substitute from amongst the members of the Committee concerned to carry on the work till another convenor is elected by the Board or the conver-nor nominated by the Chairman as substitute is approved by the Board.7. The election in all the Committees expected where otherwise prescribed shall be held by secret ballot by proportional representation by means of a single transferable vote. “Schedule governing the method of election by single transferable vote is given in Appendix A To Bye-laws 4 of the Board’s Bye-laws.”[ 8- tc dHkh fuokZfpr ;k uke fufnZ”V lnL;ksa dk dk;Zdky /kkjk 4 1 ds vUrxZr lekIr gksus ds dkj.k ,sls lnL;ksa ds LFkku fjDr gks x;s gks vkSj cksM+Z dk iquxZBu fdlh dkj.ko’k u gks ldk gks vkSj /kkjk 13 esa mfYyf[kr fdlh lfefr dk iquxZBu djuk vko’;d gks rks bu fofu;eksa esa vU;Fkk fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh ,slh lfefr;ksa dk iquxZBu fofu;eksa esa fu/kkZfjr la[;k ls de lnL;ksa ls Hkh fd;k tk ldrk gSA]
Committee of the Courses1- ifj”kn~ fuEufyf[kr fo”k;ksa esa ikB~;dzeksa dh lfefr;ka fu;qDr djsxh] ftudk oxhZdj.k ml :i esa rFkk mu ifjo)Zuksa ,oa ifjorZuksa ds lkFk fd;k tk;sxk tks ifj”kn~ le; ij fuf’pr djs&
2- v/;;u ds ,sls vU; fo”k;ksa ds fy, ikB~;dzeksa dh lfefr;ksa dk xBu gksxk tks le;≤ ij ifj”kn~ }kjk fu/kkZfjr fd;s tk;saxsA3- izR;ssd ikB~;dze lfefr ifj”kn~ ds fopkjkFkZ lEcfU/kr fo”k; dk ikB~; fooj.k izLrkfor djsxh rFkk ikB~; fooj.k ds vuq:i ifj”kn~ }kjk laLrqfr vFkok fu;r fd, tkus gsrq mfpr iqLrdksa dh bruh la[;k Hkh izLrkfor djsxh ftruh lfefr Bhd le>sA4- ikB~;dzeksa dh lfefr;ksa dh cSBdsa izfro”kZ lk/ flrEcj vkSj fnlEcj ekl ds e/; gksxh vkSj vkus okys o”kZ esa ifj”kn~ }kjk tkjh fd;s tkus okys izkys[k ikB~dzeksa ds fy, iqLrdksa ds izLrko rS;kj djsxhA lfefr;ksa }kjk fd;s x;s izLrkoksa dks igys ikB~;p;kZ&lfefr ds ikl ;Fkk’kh?kz Hkstk tk;sxkA ikB~;p;kZ lfefr bu izLrkoksa ij fopkj djsxh vkSj muds lEcU/k esa vius laoh{k.k izLrqr djsxhA ikB~;dze lfefr;ksa ds izLrko] ikB~;p;kZ lfefr ds loh{k.kksa lfgr ifj”kn~ ds le{k mudh vkxkeh cSBd esa fu.kZ; gsrq j[ks tk;saxsA]5. The courses as finally approved and sanctioned by the Board shall be published in the Prospectus which shall be issued by the Secretary about two years before the date of the examination for which those courses have been prescribed :Provided that the Board may publish the Prospectus separately for the High School Examinations and the Intermediate Examinations or jointy for both the Examinations :Provided further that the Board, instead of publishing the Prospectus in respect of all the subjects of any of the Examinations may Publish prospectus for one or more subjects only :6. (1) The Board may, in accordance with the courses as finally approved and sanctioned by it, get the text-books and other connected materials, if any, prepared in respect of subject as it may consider necessary; and after being approved by the Committee of Courses concerned and by the Chairman respectively, the Board shalhget them published under the authority of the State Government. The Board shall then prescribe them as text-books.(2) For the preparation under Clause (1) of each book of any subject, which includes original writing as compiling, there shall be constituted the following Boards, viz.,-
(i) the Board of Editors/Writers, and
(ii) the Board of Advisors.(3) (a) Subject to the provisions of sub-clauses (b) and (c) the Board of Editors/Writers shall comprise the following:
1. One teacher actually teaching the subject concerned to High School Classes;
2. One teacher actually teaching the subject concerned to Intermediate Classes;
3. One teacher of post-graduate/Degree College or University in the subject concerned;
4. One teacher of a Training College;
5. Two Educational Experts/Subject specialists;
(b) It shall be obligatory to include a teacher of Intermediate classes teaching the subject concerned on the Board, of Editors/Writers constituted for preparation of the book for the High School classes, but no High School teacher of the subject concerned shall be included on the Board of Editors/ Writers constituted for the preparation of the book for Intermediate classes.
(c) The Chairman, if he considers it necessary, shall have the power to nominate one member in each Board of Editors/Writers in addition to the member mentioned in sub-clause (a) He shall also have the power to fill up a vacancy in the Board of Editors/Writers at his discretion as and when it occurs.(4) The Board of Advisors shall have three members who shall be appointed from amongst the outstanding scholars of the subjects concerned.(5) For the constitution of the Boards referred to in Clause (2), the Committee of Courses concerned will propose five times the names of the required number. The Chairman will appoint the required number of members for each group out of the said panel provided that if in his opinion, it is necessary for obtaining the services of eminent scholars and subject experts, he may appoint persons from outside the panel.(6) The Committee of Courses concerned before finally approving the book may, if it considers necessary, make suggestions to the Board of Editors/Writers during the preparation of the manuscripts.(7) After the manuscript for a book has been finally approved, it shall be approved by the Committee of Courses concerned and by the Chairman respectively and thereafter, the Board shall get it published under the authority of the State Government.(8) Any book prepared by the board may, after it has continued for four examinations be changed on the recommendation of the committee of courses after obtaining prior approval of the State Government provided that minor changes may be made therein by the board as and when necessary.7 fofu;e 6 esa fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq;s Hkh tc Hkh ifj”kn~ vko’;d le>s] og jkT; ljdkj dh Lohd`fr ls rFkk ljdkjh xtV esa vk[;kiu }kjk vius }kjk lapkfyr ijh{kk dh ,d o”kZ ds fy;s fdlh fo”k; esa iqLrdksa dks vkea=.k dj ldrh gSA ifj”kn~ ;fn vko’;d le>s rks mij ds fofu;e 4 ds vUrxZr ikB~dzeksa dh lEcfU/kr lfefr ds le{k fopkjkFkZ j[ks tkus ds fy;s leh{kk Hkh djk ldrh gSA ,sls ekeyksa esa leh{kdksa dh fu;qfDr rFkk fopkjkFkZ iqLrdsa izLrqr djus okys O;fDr;ksa }kjk ‘kqYd dk Hkqxrku vxzfyf[kr fof/k ls fu;fU=r gksxkA1 ikB~;dze lfefr vHkh”V leh{kdksa ls de ls de frxqus dh ukfedk rS;kj djsxh vkSj mls lfpo }kjk lHkkifr dks izLrqr djsxhA ftu leh{kdksa dk uke ukfedk esa lfEefyr fd;k tk;sxk os ml fo”k; esa Hkayh&Hkkafr ;ksX;rk izkIr gksus pkfg;s] ftlesa mUgsa iqLrd dh leh{kk djuh gSA leh{kdksa dh fu;qfDr ukfedk esa ls lHkkifr }kjk dh tk;sxhA2 ikB~;dze lfefr dk dksbZ Hkh lnL; ml lfefr esa fopkjkFkZ izLrqr iqLrd dk leh{kd ugh gksxkA3 tgka ,d O;fDr ifj”kn~ vFkok ikB~;p;kZ lfefr vFkok ,d fo’ks”k fo”k; esa ikB~;dze lfefr dk lnL; gS] ifj”kn~ ds ml fo”k; esa iqLrdsa vkeaf=r djus ds fu.kZ; ds ,d ekg i’pkr~ fdlh le; rFkk ifj”kn~ }kjk ,slh iqLrdksa dks Lohd`r vFkok fu;r fd;s tkus ls iwoZ] mldh ,slh dksbZ iqLrd ftldk fd og ys[kd vFkok izdk’kd gS vFkok ifj”kn~ ds xr esa ftuesa mldk izR;{k vFkok vizR;{k LokFkZ gS] ml fo”k; esa ifj”kn~ dh fdlh Hkh ijh{kk ds fy;s fopkj fd;s tkus ;ksX; u gksxkA4 dksbZ O;fDr ftlus fopkjkFkZ iqLrd izLrqr dh gS ml le; rd leh{kd ugha gksxk] tc rd fd mldh iqLrd fopkjk/khu gSA5 leh{kdksa@izdk’kdksa rFkk ys[kdksa ds ukeksa ds lEcU/k esa vR;f/kd xksiuh; j[kh tk;sxhA6 izR;sd leh{kd iqLrd ds xq.k vkSj nks”k foLrkj ls crk;sxk vkSj ;fn dksbZ iqLrd vLohd`r dh tkuh gS rks viuk Li”V er fyf[kr :i ls O;Dr djsxkA7 izR;sd leh{kd mi;qDr iqLrdksa dks xq.kkoxq.k ds dze esa yxk;sxkA8 ,d leh{kd dh leh{kk ds fy;s gkbZLdwy dh 10 rFkk b.VjehfM,V d{kkvksa dh 8 ls vf/kd iqLrdsa ugha nh tk;sxhA gkbZ Ldwy rFkk bUVjehfM,V d{kkvksa dh izR;sd iqLrd dh leh{kk djus dk ikfjJfed fuEufyf[kr ds vuqlkj gksxk%
gkbZ Ldwy30 :i;s] ;fn iqLrd esa 100 i`”B rd gSA45 :i;s] ;fn iqLrd esa 101 ls 200 i`”B rd gSA60 :i;s] ;fn iqLrd esa 200 i`”B ls vf/kd gSA
bUVjehfM+,V40 :i;s] ;fn iqLrd esa 100 i`”B rd gSA55 :i;s] ;fn iqLrd esa 101 ls 200 i`”B rd gSA75 :i;s] ;fn iqLrd esa 200 i`”B ls vf/kd gSA9 izR;sd iqLrd dh rhu leh{kdksa dh ukfedk }kjk leh{kk dh tk;sxhA10 fopkjkFkZ izLrqr iqLrdksa ds fy;s ys[kdksa rFkk izdk’kdksa }kjk fuEufyf[kr ‘kqYd leh{kk&’kqYd ds :i esa fn;k tk;sxk%
gkbZLdwyHkk”kk fo”k;ksa dh izR;sd ikB~;iqLrd ds fy;sa 300 :i;sAHkk”kk fo”k;ksa dh izR;sd vuqiwjd iqLrd ds fy;s 200 :i;sAvHkk”kk fo”k;ksa dh izR;sd iqLrd ds fy;s 200 :i;sA
bUVjehfM+,VHkk”kk fo”k;ksa dh izR;sdikB~; iqLrd ds fy;s 350 :i;sAHkk”kk fo”k;ksa dh izR;sd vuqiwjd iqLrd ds fy;s 250 :i;sAvHkk”kk fo”k;ksa dh izR;sd iqLrd ds fy;s 250 :i;sA11 fuEufyf[kr n’kkvksa ds vfrfjDr tgka 20 :i;s dh dVkSrh ds i’pkr~ ‘kqYd dh okilh gks ldrh gS] izdk’kdksa rFkk ys[kdksa }kjk ,d ckj iqLrdksa dh leh{kk ds fy;s fn;k gqvk ‘kqYd okil ugha fd;k tk;sxk%
izfrcU/k ;g gS fd tgka fu/kkZfjr leh{kk ‘kqYd ls vf/kd ns fn;k x;k gS] vf/kd /kujkf’k lk/ 20 :i;s dh dVkSrh ds i’pkr~ okil dj nh tk;sxhA8- bl v/;k; ds fofu;eksa ds vUrxZr fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq;s Hkh ifj”kn~ dks fdlh o”kZ dh ijh{kk ds fy;s dksbZ iqLrd vFkok iqLrdsa fu;r vFkok Lohd`r djus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA9- ,d lfefr lEcfU/kr fo”k; vFkok fo”k;ksa ds lEcU/k esa ijh{kkvksa vFkok ikB~;dzeksa ls lEc) fdlh ekeys dh vkSj ifj”kn~ dk /;ku vkd`”V dj ldrh gSA10- ifj”kn~ dh izkFkZuk ij fdUgha nks vFkok vf/kd ikB~;dze lfefr;ksa dh cSBdsa gks ldrh gS vkSj fdlh ekeys ij] ftlls i`Fkdr% rFkk la;qDr :i ls lEcfU/kr gS] la;qDr vk[;k ns ldrh gSA
1 fnuakd 21 Qjojh] 1978 ds jktdh; vlk/kkj.k xtV esa izdkf’kr vf/klwpuk la0 ek0 8014@15&6&77&2 31&75] fnuakd 21 Qjojh] 1978 }kjk la’kksf/krA
Examinations Committee1. The Examinations Committee shall be constituted as follows:
(a) Six members of the Board to be elected in such a manner that at least one member shall represent each of the six categories specified in sub-section (2) of Section 13 of the Uttar Pradesh Intermediate Education Act, 1921;
(b) The Secretary of the Board be the Ex-officio Convenor of the Committee.2. Subject to the sanction and control of the Board, it shall be the duty of the Examinations Committee-
(a) to recommend the dates for holding the Board’s examinations:Provided that in case of any unforeseen circumstance or eventuality, the Chairman shall have the power to alter any date of examination or to order cancellation of examination in any subject or paper and holding of examination afresh in that subject or paper;
(b) to consider the recommendations of the Committee of Courses with regard to appointment of examiners and Board of Moderators and to prepare list of Examiners and Moderators for the approval of the Board;
(c) to recommend the names of persons for appointment as Tabulators and Collators for the examinations conducted by the Board;
(d) to recommend the names of persons for Screeners for screening the answer-books of candidates suspected or reported to have used unfair means at the Board’s examinations;
(e) to prescribe forms of application to be filled up by the candidates applying for permission to appear at the Board’s examinations;
(f) to prescribe forms of certificates, to be granted to successful candidates at the Board’s examinations;
(g) to prescribe the mode of conducting the oral and practical tests, if any
[(h) ijh{kk dsUnzksa] ewY;kadu dsUnzksa] vkSj ladyu dsUnzksa dks LFkkfir djus vkSj rksM+us ds fy;s viuk;h tkus okyh uhfr ds lEcU/k esa laLrqfr djuk]izfrcU/k ;g Hkh gS fd ijh{kk&lfefr }kjk laLrqfr uhfr ds vuqlkj {ks=h; lfpo ijh{kk dsUnzksa] ewY;kadu dsUnzksa vkSj ladyu dsUnzksa dh LFkkiuk ds lEcU/k esa lEHkkxh; f’k{kk mi&funs’kd ls izLrko eaxkdj ijh{kk dsUnzksa] ewY;akdu dsUnzksa vkSj ladyu dsUnzksa dks LFkkfir djsaxs%izfrcU/k ;g gS fd lEHkkxh; f’k{kk mi&funs’kd ijh{kk dsUnzksa] ewY;akdu dsUnzksa rFkk ladyu dsUnzksa dks LFkkfir djus ds izLrko] vius }kjk fuEukafdr :i esa] viuh v/;{krk esa xfBr mi lfefr ds ek/;e ls rS;kj djsaxs&
vxzsrj izfrcU/k ;g Hkh gS fd lEHkkxh; f’k{kk mi&funs’kd }kjk xfBr mi;qZDr mi lfefr }kjk mi;ksx esa yk;s tkus gsrq tuin Lrj ij ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd vius }kjk fuEukafdr :i ls xfBr mi lfefr dh lgk;rk ls fufeZr djsaxsA1 ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kdv/;{k2 ftys ds nks ofj”Bre iz/kkukpk;ZlnL;iz/kkukpk;Z dh fu;qfDr pdzkuqdze ls dh tk;sxh</p>vxzsrj izfrcU/k ;g Hkh gS fd lfpo dks ;g ‘kfDr gksxh fd og fdUgha fo’ks”k ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa vko’;drk iM+us ij ijh{kk ,oa ijh{kk dk;ksZa ds lqO;ofLFkr lapkyu gsrq fdlh ijh{kk dsUnz] ewY;akdu dsUnz rFkk ladyu dsUnz vFkok fdUgha ijh{kk dsUnzksa] ewY;akdu dsUnzksa rFkk ladyu dsUnzksa esa ifjorZu dj ldrk gS vFkok mls@mUgsa rksM+ vFkok uohu :i esa LFkkfir dj ldrk gSA]
(i) to frame rules for the award of grace marks;
(j) to frame rules for the grant of ammunities to the candidates;
(k) to arrange for the publication of the results of the Board’s examinations;
(l) to make recommendations in regard to punishment to be awarded to Examiners, Moderators, Tabulators, Collators and Screeners found guilty of any misconduct or negligence; and
(m) to consider such other matters arising out of the conduct of examinations and to make recommendations thereon as are referred to it by the Board.3- ijh{kk&lfefr] O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa esa cSBus dh vuqefr ds izkFkZuk&i= dh Nku&chu ds fy;s ,d mi&lfefr fu;qDr djsxhA
Results Committee1. The Results Committee shall be constituted as follows-
(a) The Chairman of the Board, as Ex-officio Chairman;
(b) Six members of the Board to be elected in such a manner that at least one member shall represent each of the six categories specified in sub section (2) of Section 13 of the U.P. Intermediate Education Act, 1921;
(c) The Secretary of the Board, as Ex-officio member Secretary.2- ifj”kn~ dh Lohd`fr ,oa fu;a=.k ds v/khu] ijh{kkQy&lfefr dk drZO; gksxk fd&
vuqfpr lk/kuksa ds ekeyksa ds fuLrkj.k ds fy, lfefr;ka1 ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa esa vuqfpr lk/kuksa ds iz;ksx ds ekeyksa esa fuLrkj.k ds fy, lfefr;ka gksxhA ,slh lfefr;ksa dk xBu uhps mfYyf[kr izdkj ls v/;{k }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA lfefr;ksa dh la[;k vuqfpr lk/ku iz;ksx ds ekeyksa dh la[;k ds vk/kkj ij vo/kkfjr gksxh&,d ifj”kn~ dk ,d lnL;@f’k{kk foHkkx ds izFke dk ,d dk;Zjr~ vf/kdkjh] tks lfefr dk la;kstd gksxkAnks ikB~;dze lfefr;ksa dk ,d fo”k; fo’ks”kK tks lfefr dk lnL; gksxkArhu ifj”kn~ ds lfpo }kjk uke fufnZ”V ifj”kn~ ds milfpo@lgk;d] lfpo] blh Lrj ds f’k{kk foHkkx ds vU; dk;Zjr vf/kdkjhAvxzsrj izfrcU/k ;g gS fd izR;sd lfefr }kjk fuLrkfjr fd, tkus okys dk;Z dk vkoaVu ;Fkk le; lfpo }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA2 ifj”kn~ dh Lohd`fr vkSj fu;a=.k ds v/khu jgrs gq, fofu;e&1 esa fufnZ”V lfefr ds fuEufyf[kr drZO; gksaxs&3[ 1 ,sls ekeyksa ij ftuesa ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa us fdlh rF; dks fNik;k gks ;k vius vkosnu&i= esa feF;k dFku fd;k gks ;k fdlh ijh{kk esa vuqfpr :i ls izos’k ikus dh fufer fu;eksa ;k fofu;eksa dk mYya?ku fd;k gks ;k vuqnkfur ijh{kk dsUnz ls ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus ds ctk; vukf/kd`r ax ls vFkok tkylkth ls dsUnz ifjorZu djkdj ;k LosPNk ls fdlh vU; ijh{kk dsUnz ls lfEefyr gqvk gks ;k laLFkkxr Nk= vFkok O;fDrxr vH;FkhZ ds :i esa vkosnu&i= Hkjus ds i’pkr~ izkfo/kkuksa ds izfrdwy fo|ky; ifjorZu fd;k gks vFkok ijh{kk esa dye] isfUly vFkok M~kbax@T;kferh; midj.k ds vfrfjDr vU; fdlh Hkh izdkj dh vfofgr lkexzh eqfnzr vFkok gLrfyf[kr vius ikl j[kus dk nks”kh ik;k x;k gks] vFkok ijh{kk esa fdlh Hkh ek/;e ls vuqfpr lk/kuksa dk iz;ksx fd;k gks ;k lpy ny] dsUnz O;oLFkkid vFkok d{k fujh{kd }kjk udy djus vFkok vfofgr lkexzh j[kus dk nks”kh ik;k x;k gks] ijh{kk ds nkSjku diV ;k lefUor fdlh vijk/k ;k vuq’kklughurk dk nks”kh ik;k x;k gks ;k tks ijh{kk dsUnz ij ?kkrd ‘kL= ;k pkdw yk;s gks ;k ftUgksaus ijh{kk lapkyu ds lEcU/k esa fu;qDr fdlh O;fDr ij ijh{kk d{k@fo|ky; ifjlj ds vUnj vFkok ckgj geyk fd;k gks ;k geyk djus dh /kedh nh gks ;k viHkk”kk dk iz;ksx fd;k gks ;k nks”kiw.kZ vFkok feF;k/kkjksa ij fu;eksa dk mYya?ku dj fdlh Jqrys[kd dh lgk;rk ls ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gq, gksa ;k mrj iqfLrdk esa gsjk&Qsjh dh gks ;k mrj iqfLrdk u”V dj nh gks ;k mrj iqfLrdk ysdj Hkkx x;k gks vFkok ,d ijh{kk o”kZ esa ,d ls vf/kd fo|ky; ls laLFkkxr vFkok O;fDrxr vFkok nksuksa izdkj ds vH;FkhZ ds :i esa ijh{kk gsrq vkosnu i= Hkjk gks ;k bUgha vk/kkjksa ij ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gq, gks] fopkj djuk vkSj ‘kkfLr nsuk tks fuEufyf[kr esa ls dksbZ ,d ;k vf/kd gks ldrh gS& mi;qZDr fofu;eksa esa iz;qDr vfofgr lkexzh dk rkRi;Z ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk ijh{kk ds nkSjku ijh{kk d{k esa dye] isfUly vFkok M~kbax@T;kferh; midj.k ds vfrfjDr vU; fdlh Hkh izdkj dh lkexzh eqfnzr vFkok gLrfyf[kr lkexzh j[kuk vfofgr lkekxzh ekuh tk;sxhA
2 la0 ifj”kn 9@440 fnuakd 31 vDVwcj] 1998 }kjk la’kksf/kr fd;k x;kA
3 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~ 9@430] fnuakd 22 flrEcj ] 2001 }kjk izfrLFkkfir tks m0iz0 xtV] Hkkx&4] fnuakd 6 vDVwcj] 2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA3. The procedure for dealing with the cases referred to in Regulation 2 shall be such as the Board may prescribe but before any penalty or punishment to any examinee or person is awarded, the examinee or the person concerned shall be given opportunity of explaining his conduct in regard to the alleged charge unless for’reasons to be recorded in writing. It is impracticable to communicate with the examinee or the person concerned.1[ 4 fofu;eksa esa fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh] ifj”kn~ dh eq[; ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr fofu;e ds [k.M+ ,d ds fufnZ”V izdkj ds fdlh ekeys dk] tks ,slh ijh{kk ds vuqorhZ fnlEcj dh lHkkifr rd lfefr }kjk vfuLrkfjr jg x;k gks] fuLrkj.k ijh{kk lfefr }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~&9@446] fnuakd 29 flrEcj] 1988 }kjk la’kksf/krA fnuakd 8 vDVwcj] 1988 ds jkti= esa izdkf’krA5. Where any action is required to be taken against any employee of the Education Department of the Government or any employee of an institution maintained by the State Government, or any employee of any Degree College or University, the Board shall refer the matter to the Head of Education Department or the Head of the Institution or Degree College or the Registrar of the University concerned for action against the employee concerned.
ifj”kn~ }kjk laLFkkvksa dh ekU;rk fu;e la’kksf/kr
dk;kZy; lfpo ek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~ mrj izns’k bykgkckn
fnuakd 26 flrEcj] 2002 bZ0
foKfIrloZlk/kkj.k dh tkudkjh gsrq foKfIr ,oa izlkfjr gS fd iz’kklu us vius i= la[;k 3612@15&7&1 108@2002] fnuakd 25 flrEcj] 2002 }kjk ifj”kn fofu;eksa ds v/;k; lkr ifj”kn }kjk laLFkkvksa dh ekU;rk ds orZeku fofu;eksa rFkk ekU;rk ds ekudksa dks fuEuor~ :i esa fu/kkZfjr djrs gq, ykxw djus dh Lohd`fr b.VjehfM,v f’k{kk vf/kfu;e 1921 dh /kkjk 16 dh mi/kkjk 2 ds vUrxZr iznku dh gS&
ifj”kn~ }kjk laLFkkvksa dh ekU;rk1- ekU;rk lfefr dk xBu fuEuor~ gksxk&
izfrcU/k ;g gS fd ifj”kn~ ds lEcfU/kr {ks=h dk;kZy; ds {ks=h; lfpo ;fn os [k.M+ [k ds vUrxZr uke fufnZ”V u Hkh gks vkSj lEcfU/kr lEHkkx ds la;qDr f’k{kk funs’kd@mi f’k{kk funs’kd lfefr;ksa dh cSBd esa lfEefyr gksaxs] tc mudh vf/kdkfjrk ds {ks= ls lEcfU/kr ekeyksa ij fopkj fd;k tk, ifj”kn~ dh ekU;rk lfefr dh cSBd lfpo] ek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~] mrj izns’k bykgkckn fLFkr dk;kZy; esa vFkok {ks=h dk;kZy;ksa ds eq[;ky;ksa ij gksxhA2 ifj”kn~ dh Lohd`fr vkSj fu;a=.k ds v/khu jgrs gq,] ekU;rk lfefr ds fuEufyf[kr drZO; gksaxs&,d d laLFkkvksa dks ekU;rk iznku djus ds fy, ekud vkSj fu;e fofgr djuk][k ekU;rkizkIr laLFkkvksa dh ekU;rk izR;kgfjr djus ds lEcU/k esa fu;e cukuk]izfrcU/k ;g gS fd ekU;rk iznku djus rFkk ekU;rk izR;kgj.k dh laLrqfr] jkT; ljdkj }kjk vuqeksfnr gks tkus ds i’pkr~ gh izHkkoh gksaxsAnks laLFkkvksa dks ekU;rk iznku djus ds fy, izkIr vkosnu&i=ksa ij fopkj djuk vkSj muds lEcU/k esa laLrqfr djuk]rhu ,sls vU; ekeyksa ij fopkj djuk] tks mls ifj”kn~ }kjk izfrfufgr fd;s tk,ALi”Vhdj.k & ^ekU;rk iznku djuk* dk rkRi;Z ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa ds iz;kstuksa ds fy, izFke ckj laLFkk dks ekU;rk iznku djus ;k rRi’pkr~ ,slh ijh{kk ds fdlh vfrfjDr oxZ ;k fo”k; esa ekU;rk iznku djus ls gSA1[ 3- d fdlh laLFkk }kjk gkbZLdwy@b.VjehfM+,v ds f}okf”kZd ifj”knh; l= gsrq ekU;rk izkIr djus ds fy, vkosnu&i= fofgr izi= ij ekU;rk gsrq fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd ds lkFk fn;k tk;sxk] tks le;d :i ls okafNr izek.k&i= lfgr Hkjk tk;sxk vkSj lEcfU/kr laLFkk ds izcU/kd }kjk gLrk{kfjr gksxk vkSj ml o”kZ ds ftlesa d{kkvksa dks [kksyus dh izLrkouk gks] ds iwoZorhZ o”kZ dh 31 fnlEcj fcuk foyEc ‘kqYd ds rd ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ds dk;kZy; esa nks izfr;ksa es vo’; igqap tkuk pkfg,A fu/kkZfjr vkosnu ‘kqYd ,oa foyEc ‘kqYd ds lkFk vkosnu i= 1 tuojh ls 31 tuojh rd Lohdkj fd;k tk;ssaxsA 31 tuojh ds i’pkr~ izkIr ekU;rk ds vkosnu&i=ksa ij dksbZ Hkh dk;Zokgh ugha dh tk;sxhA
4 d fofu;e 3 ds [k.M+ d ds v/khu ekU;rk ds fy, vkosnu&i= dh nks izfr;ka izkIr gksus ij fujh{kd ,slh Lfkuh; tkap djus ds i’pkr~ ftls mfpr le>s] vkosnu&i= dh ,d izfr ij ekU;rk ds fy, laLFkk dh mi;qDrk ds lEcU/k esa 15 ekpZ rd izkIr leLr vkosnu&i=ksa ij viuh vk[;k nsxk vkSj laLrqr djsxk vkSj mls ifj”kn~ ds lEcfU/kr {ks=h; dk;kZy; ds {ks=h; lfpo ds ikl HkstsxkA vkosnu&i= dh vU; izfr vius dk;kZy; esa vfHkys[kd gsrq lqjf{kr j[ksxkA
5- laLFkk }kjk ekU;rk ds fy, vkosnu&i= esa fuEufyf[kr fooj.k lk{; lfgr izLrqr djsaxs rFkk izR;sd fooj.k ij fujh{k.k vf/kdkjh viuh Li”V vk[;k ,ao laLrqfr nsaxs&
1[ 6 laLFkk gsrq miyC/k Hkwfe@Hkou rFkk d{kkvksa ds fy, LFkku dh O;oLFkk ftlds lkFk Hkwfe@Hkou@dzhM+kLFky fo|ky; lfefr@V~LV ds uke gksus dk futh LokfeRo ds lEcU/k esa jftLV~h cSukek@nkui= dh Nk;kizfr rFkk [krkSuh] tks HkwjktLo vf/kdkjh }kjk fd;k x;k gks] layXu djuk vfuok;Z gksxkAlfefr@V~LV }kjk fo|ky; dks iznDr Hkwfe dk jdck {ks=Qy lfgr dk izLrko ,oa ‘kiFki= le{k vf/kdkjh }kjk tks uksVjh }kjk ewy :i esa fd;k x;k gks layXu fd;k tkuk vfuok;Z gksxkA iwoZ esa ekU;rk izkIr lgk;rk ,oa vlgk;rk izkIr fo|ky; dks ;Fks”V izek.k Hkwfe@Hkou ds lEcU/k esa izLrqr djuk gksxkAuksV & uxj {ks=@Vkmu ,fj;k@dSUVwesUV cksM+Z ds fo|ky;ksa ds lEcU/k esa futh Hkwfe dk [kljk ;k l{ke vf/kdkjh dk izek.k i= {ks=Qy lfgr izLrqr djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA7 izkHkwr dks”k rFkk lqjf{kr dks”k ;Fkk fufnZ”V tek ,oa cU/kd gksus dk izek.kA8 izR;sd d{kk vFkok d{kk ds [k.M+ esa Nk=ksa dh la[;kA9 laLFkk ds Hkou dk QksVksa tks pkjksa fn’kkvksa ls fy;k x;k gksA10 ekud ds vuqlkj lkt&lTtk] midj.k rFkk iqLrdky; dh O;oLFkkA11 ekU;rk gsrq vkosnu djus okys laLFkk ds ikl Hkou ds pkjksa vkSj pgkjnhokjh gksuk vko’;d gksxkA12 ekU;rk gsrq vkosnu djus okyh laLFkk b.VjehfM+,V f’k{kk la’kks/ku vf/kfu;e] 1987 dh /kkjk 7&dd ds izko/kkuksa dks iw.kZr;k vaxhdkj djus rFkk fo|ky; esa iBu&ikBu gsrq f’k{k.k dh O;oLFkk Loa; djus dk izcU/k lfefr dk izLrko izLrqr djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA1 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn&9@ekU;rk@557 fnuakd 18 flrEcj 2006 }kjk la’kksf/krA rRdky izHkko ls izHkkohA2[ 13 laLFkkvksa dks gkbZ Ldwy uohu ds lkFk b.VjehfM+,V uohu ekU;rk iznku dh tk;sxh ftlesa laLFkk dks oxZokj b.Vj uohu vFkok ou Vkbe oxZ dh ‘krksZa dks iw.kZ djus ds vk/kkj ij gh ,d lkFk iznku dh tk;sxhA14 fujh{kd uohu ekU;rk gsrq vkosnu djus okyh laLFkk dk LFkkuh; fujh{k.k djsxk rFkk fujh{k.k ds le; fo|ky; Hkou ds pkjksa fn’kkvksa ds lEeq[k [kM+s gksdj QksVks f[kapok;sxk] ftldh izfr fujh{k.k vk[;k ds lkFk layXu dh tk;sxhA fujh{k.k ds le; laLFkk dh pgkjnhokjh dh QksVks Hkh nh tk,A
2 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@ekU;rk@66] fnuakd 14 ebZ] 2007 }kjk la’kksf/kr tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4] fnuakd 19 ebZ] 2007 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA3[ 15 laLFkk ds izca/kd }kjk vkosnu&i= ds lkFk fuEukafdr izk:i esa nl :i;s ds LVSEi isij ij ,d ‘kiFk&i= fn;k tkuk gksxk&eSa iwjk uke———————-vkRet———————–izca/kd fo|ky; dk uke————————-‘kiFk iwoZd djrk gwa fd laLFkk dks vkosfnr————————–dh ekU;rk iznku djus gsrq esjs }kjk tks Hkh lk{;@izek.k&i= izLrqr fd;s x;s gS] os lHkh lR; gSA laLFkk dk iz;ksx Nk=ksa ds iBu&ikBu ds fy, gh fd;k tk;sxkA ekU;rk izkIr gksus ij foHkkx@ifj”kn~ ds funsZ’kksa@fofu;eksa dk ikyu fd;k tk;sxkA vkosfnr oxZ@fo”k; dh d{kk;sa ekU;rk izkIr gksus ds i’pkr~ gh lapkfyr fd;s tk;saxs rFkk Hkou@Hkwfe dk ifjorZu dnkfi ugha fd;k tk;sxkA vkosnu&i= ds lkFk layXudksa vFkok vkosnu&i= esa vafdr fooj.k@lk{; ds vlR; ik;s tkus ij ifj”kn~@’kklu }kjk iznDr dh xbZ ekU;rk dks izR;kgfjr fd;k tk ldrk gS rFkk esjs fo:) Hkkjrh; n.M+ lafgrk 1860 ds izko/kkuksa ds varxZr tks fof/kd dk;Zokgh dh tk;sxh] eq>s ekU; gksxhA
g0@& izcU/kd
laLFkk dk iwjk uke rFkk irk
3 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~&9@689 fnuakd 18-11-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA1[ 16 & izns’k ds lHkh ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky;ksa esa o;olkf;d f’k{kk gsrq fu/kkZfjr fofHkUu VzsM fo”k;ksa esa ls fdlh ,d VzsM fo”k; dk v/;;u&v/;kiu d{kk&9 ls 12 rd vius fuuh L=ksr ls lqfo/kkuqlkj djk;k tkuk vfuok;Z gksxkA vko’;drkuqlkj laLFkkvksa }kjk ,d ls vf/kd VsM fo”k;ksa dk lapkyu fd;k tk ldrk gSA laLFkkvksa }kjk ftu VsM fo”k;ksa dk lapkyu fd;k tk;sxk] mldh i`Fkd ls ekU;rk ysus dh vko’;drk ugha gksxhA laLFkk lEcfU/kr VszM fo”k; esa Lor% ekU; ekus tk;saxsA laLFkk dks bl fufeRr dksbZ ‘kkldh; vuqnku ns; ugha gksxkA17 & laLFkk dks b.VjehfM,V Lrj dh ekU;rk lh/ks ugha nh tk;sxhA
1 foKfIr i=kad ifj”kn&9@05 fnukad 02-04-2013 }kjk la’kksf/krA2[ 18 & gkbZLdwy dh uohu vFkok lh/ks d{kk 9&10 dh ekU;rk ou&Vkbe nh tk;sxhA b.VjehfM,V dh uohu ekU;rk loZizFke nl fo”k;ksa vfuok;Z fgUnh fo”k; lfgr esa iznu dh tk;sxhA b.VjehfM,V dh uohu ekU;rk gsrq ‘krZs iw.kZ djus dh n’kk esa ,d ;k mlls vf/kd oxksZ esa ,d lkFk ekU;rk nh tk ldrh gSA19 & fo|ky; dks ,d ckj esa b.VjehfM,V dh uohu ekU;rk] mu leLr oxkZs esa nh tk ldrh gS] ftuds fy, og visf{kr ‘krkZsa dh iwfrZ djrk gksA20 & ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd 31 tuojh rd izkIr leLr ekU;rk vkosnu i=ksa ij viuh fujh{k.k vk[;k ifj”kn ds lEcfU/kr {ks=h; dk;kZy;ksa dks mlh o”kZ dh Qjojh rd izkIr djk;saxsA21 & ifj”kn~ }kjk izR;sd o”kZ ds 31 ebZ rd ekU;rk ds leLr izdj.kksa dk fuLrkj.k izR;sd n’kk esa dj fy;k tk;sxkA
2 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@ekU;rk@557] fnukad 18-09-2006 }kjk la’kksf/krA22 & ftu laLFkkvksa dks ifj”kn@’kklu dks l’krZ ekU;rk izfrcU/kksa dh iwfrZ ds lkFk iznu dh xbZ gS] ,slh laLFkkvksa }kjk vxyh d{kkvksa@oxZ@fo”k; ds ekU;rk vkosnu&i=ksa ij dksbZ fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk] tc rd ‘kklu@ifj”kn~ }kjk yxk, x, izfrcU/kksa dh iwfrZ u dj nh x;h gkasA23 & laLFkk ekU;rk vkosnu&i= ds laca/k esa fujh{k.k vf/kdkjh }kk ekWaxh xbZ leLr lwpuk vFkok vfHkys[k izLrqr djsxhA3[ 24 & gkbZLdwy rFkk b.VjehfM,V uohu vFkok oxZ vFkok fo”k;ksa d{kkvksa dk ekU;rk gsrq vkosnu djus okyh laLFkkvksa dks vU; ‘krkZs ds lkFk&lkFk fuEukafdr ‘krkZs dk vuqikyu djuk vfuok;Z gksxk] ftldk mYys[k fujh{kd vf/kdkjh viuh fujh{k.k vk[;k esa fo’ks”k :i ls djsaxs&
3 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@625] fnukad 30-09-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA6 & dksbZ vU; lwpuk] tks ifj”kn~ }kjk vkosnu&i= ds lEcU/k esa ekWaxh tk;] laLFkk fujh{k.k izkf/kdkjh ds ek/;e ls ifj”kn~ dks izLrqr djsxhA7 & fujh{kd viuh vk[;k esa laLFkk dks ekU;rk nh tk, vFkok ugha] dk Li”V mYys[k djsA lkFk gh vk[;k esa ;g Hkh Li”V mYys[k djuk gksxk fd fo|ky; xzkeh.k {ks= dk gS ;k ‘kgjh {ks= vFkok Vkmu ,fj;k dk gSA fujh{k.k vf/kdkjh dh vk[;k ds izR;sd i`”B ij gLrk{kj djasxsA1[ 8 & laLFkkvksa dks ekU;rk fgUnh vFkok vaxszth vFkok nksuksa ek/;e ls ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd dh laLrqfr ds vk/kkj ij f’k{k.k gsrq iznku dh tk;sxhA izfrca/k ;g gS fd iwoZ esa ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky;ksa dks Hkh fgUnh ek/;e ls brj vaxzsth ek/;e ls f’k{k.k gsrq d{kk&d{k ,oa ;ksX; v/;kidksa dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij lacaf/kr ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd }kjk vuqefr iznu dh tk ldrh gSA9 & ifj”knh; ijh{kkvksa ds iz;kstu gsrq fo|ky;ksa dks ekU;rk izkIr djus ds fy, fuEufyf[kr ‘krsZ gksaxh&v gkbZ Ldwy uohu vFkok lh/ks d{kk 9&10 dh ekU;rk ou Vkbe gsrq%
d vfuok;Z ‘krsZ1 iathdj.k&lfefr dk iathd`r rFkk ;FkkfLFkfr uohuhd`r gksuk vfuok;Z gksxkA2 iz’kklu ;kstuk&fo|ky; dh iz’kklu ;kstuk l{ke vf/kdkjh }kjk vuqeksfnr gksuk vfuok;Z gSA3 izkHkwr dks”k&izkHkwr dks”k ds :i esa 15]000-00 #0 dsoy fo|ky; ds uke tek ,oa fujh{k.k vf/kdkjh ds in uke esa cU/kd gksuk vfuok;Z gksxkA u;s fo|ky; dh ekU;rk gsrq izkHkwr dks”k vpy lEifr ds :i esa Lohdk;Z ugha gksxkA4 lqjf{kr dks”k&lqjf{kr dks”k ds :i esa 3000-00 #i;s dsoy fo|ky; ds uke tek rFkk fujh{k.k vf/kdkjh ds inuke esa cU/kd gksuk vfuok;Z gksxkA5 Hkou&laLFkk ds ikl Hkou ds fy;s fuEufyf[kr eki ds iDds i{k gksaxs&
6 & vkosnu ‘kqYd&ekU;rk gsrq fu/kkZfjr vkosnu ‘kqYd dk ewy dks”k&i= layXu gksuk vko’;d gksxkAuksV&mi;qZDr vfuok;Z ‘krkZs esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh f’kfFkyrk iznku ugha dh tk;sxhA
1 foKfIr la[;k ek0f’k0i0@ifj”kn 9@ekU;rk@Mh0bZ0@04] fnukad 13-04-2010 ds dze esa jktkKk la0 1028@16&7&10&4 75 @2010 }kjk la’kksf/krA
[k lkekU; ‘krZs1 dk”Bksidj.k&80 lsV lTtk tksuk vfuok;Z gksxk rFkk ;g O;Fkk twfu;j d{kkvksa ds vfrfjdr gksxkA2 & ‘kkSpky; ,oa ihus ds ikuh ds fy;s gS.M iEi ;k vU; dksbZ leqfpr O;oLFkk iw.kZ gksuk vko’;d gSA3 & iqLrdky;&3000&00 #0 ewY; ds gkbZLdwy Lrjh; iqLrdksa ikB~; iqLrdksa ls brj dk gksuk vko’;d gksxkA4 & lkeku; f’k{k.k lkexzh twfu;j d{kkvksa ds vfrfjdr gkbZLdwy Lrjh; 2]000&00 #0 ew; dh lkekU; f’k{k.k lkexzh gksuk vko’;d gksxkA5 & foKku f’k{k.k lkexzh] twfu;j d{kkvksa ds vfrfjDr gkbZLdwy Lrjh; 10]000@& #0 dh oSKkfud ;a=kfn@midj.k gksuk vko’;d gSA6 & x`g foKku f’k{k.k lkexzh #0 5]000@& #0 ewY; dh x`g foKku lkexzh gksuk vko’;d gksxkA7 & laxhr] d`f”k ,oa flykbZ fo”k; ds midj.k #0 5]000@& ewY; ds midj.k gksus vko’;d gksxsA8 & Nk= la[;k twfu;j Lrj ij LFkk;h ekU;rkizkIr fo|ky;ksa dh d{kk 6] 7] 8 esa de ls de 150 Nk= gksus vko;d gksaxs ckfydk fo|ky;ksa esa ;g la[;k 85 ls de u & iqLrdky;] lkekU; f’k{k.k lkexzh] foKku] x`g foKku] d`f”k ,oa flykbZ fo”k; gsrq lkexzh@midj.k dk lR;kiu fujh{k.k vf/kdkjh }kjk fd;k tk;sxk vFkok bruh gh /kujkf’k vyx&vyx en esa dsoy fo|ky; ds uke tek ,oa fujh{kd ds inuke esa cU/kd gksus ij gh Lohdkj gksxkA2 & fujh{kd }kjk fo|ky; ds fujh{k.kksijkUr yxk;s x;s leLr izek.k fujh{k.k }kjk Lo;a gksuk vfuok;Z gksxkA9&c b.VjehfM,V uohu@vfrfjDr oxZ dsoy N% fo”k;ksa esa rFkk vfrfjDr fo”k; gsrq&d vfuok;Z ‘krZs&1 & iathdj.k lfefr lkslk;Vh jftLVzs’ku ,sDV ds vUrxZr iathd`r rFkk ;FkkfLFkfr uohud`r gksuk pkfg,A2 & gkbZLdwy dks ekU;rk dh vfuok;Z ‘krkZs ds lkFk&lkFk fuEufyf[kr ‘krkZsa dk iw.kZ gksuk vko’;d gksxkAHkou&
3 & izkHkwr dks”k ,oa lqjf{kr dks”k b.VjehfM,V dh uohu ekU;rk gsrq izkHkwr dks”k 5]000@& rFkk lqjf{kr dks”k 2]000@& gkbZLdwy ds vfrfjdr fo|ky; ds uke tek ,oa fujh{kd ds in uke esa cU/kd gksuk vfuok;Z gSA1[ 4 & ijh{kkQy xr nks o”kksZ dk gkbZLdwy ;k ijh{kkQy dk vkSlr 40 izfr’kr ls fdlh Hkh n’kk esa de u gks rFkk ;fn ekU;rk b.Vj vfrfjDr oxZ esa vkosfnr gks rks b.Vj Lrj ij ekU; lHkh oxksZ dks feykdj gkbZLdwy ds vfrfjDr vkSlr ijh{kkQy 40 izfr’kr ls de u gksxkkA ;g ijh{kkQy gkbZLdwy rFkk b.VjehfM,V esa i`Fkd&i`Fkd laLFkkxr] lfEefyr ,oa mrh.kZ ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tk;sxkA
1 fofu;e&9c 4 foKfIr la[;k&ifj”kn&9@ekU;rk@66 fnukad 14-05-2007 }kjk fo[kf.Mr fd;k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4] fnukad 19-05-2007 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
uksV & mi;qZDr vfuok;Z ‘krkZs esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh f’kfFkyrk iznku ugha dh tk;sxhA [k lkekU; ‘krZs %[k lkekU; ‘krZs %2[ 1 & Nk= la[;k & b.VjehfM,V dh uohu ekU;rk gsrq gkbZ Ldwy ds ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky;ksa esa Nk= la[;k ,oa mi foHkkx dk fooj.k vko’;d gksxk fdUrq ;g izfrcU/k gkbZ Ldwy ,oa b.VjehfM,V dh ,d lkFk ekU;rk gsrq vkosfnr izdj.kksa ij ykxw ugha gksxkA
2 fofu;e&9c [k&1 foKfIr la[;k&ifj”kn&9@ekU;rk@66 fnukad 14-05-2007 }kjk izfrLFkkfir tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4] fnukad 19-05-2007 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA2 & ‘kkSpky; ,oa ihus ds ikuh ds fy;s gS.M iEi ;k vU; dksbZ leqfpr O;oLFkk iw.kZ gksuk vko’;d gSA3 & dk”Bksidj.k&d{kk 11 o 12 ds izR;sd oxZ ds fy, 80 lsV lTtk gkbZLdwy ds Nk= la[;k ds vfrfjDr gksuk pkfg,A oSkkfud oxZ ds izR;sd fo|ky; ds fy, rhu&rhu iz;ksxkRed esatsa gksuk vko’;d gSA4 & iqLrdky;&b.VjehfM,V Lrj ds 5]000@& ewY; dh iqLrdsa ikB~;iqLrdksa ls brj izR;sd oxZ ds fy, gksuk vko’;d gksxkA5 & lkekU; f’k{k.k lkexzh&b.VjehfM,V Lrj gsrq 2]000@& ewY; dh lkekU; f’k{k.k lkexzh vko’;d gksxhAA6 & foKku midj.k&b.VjehfM,V oSKkfud oxZ gsrq 25]000@& #0 ewY; ds foKku midj.k gksuk vko’;d gksxkA7 & x`g foKku f’k{k.k lkexzh&b.VjehfM,V Lrj gsrq 5]000@& #0 ewY; dh lkexzh gksuk vko’;d gksxkA8 & d`f”k midj.k&b.VjehfM,V d`f”k gsrq 1]000@& #0 ds midj.k@d`f”k ;a=kfn gksus vko’;d gksaxsA9 & dEI;wVj fo”k; gsrq fu/kkZfjr vU; ‘krsZ Hkh iwjh djuh gksxhAuksV&b.VjehfM,V vfrfjDr fo”k;@fo”k;ksa esa ekU;rk gsrq Hkwfe ds LokfeRo] izkHkwr ,oa lqjf{kr dks”k ds lk{; izLrqr djuk vko’;d ugha gksxkAl b.VjehfM,V uohu ou Vkbe gsrq ekufodh] oSKkfud] okf.kT; ,oa d`f”k oxZ
ekufodh oxZ gsrq&vfuok;Z ‘krZs&1 & iathdj.k&lfefr lkslkbVh jftLVsz’ku ,sDV ds vUrxZr iathd`r rFkk ;FkkfLFkfr uohuhd`r gksuh pkfg,A2 & gkbZLdwy dh ekU;rk dh vfuok;Z ‘krkZs ds lkFk&lkFk fuEukafdr ‘krkZs dk ikyu fd;k tkuk vfuok;Z gksxk&Hkou&
3 izkHkwr dks”k] lqjf{kr dks”k] ijh{kkQy] Nk= la[;k ds izfrcU/k&b.VjehfM,V uohu@vfrfjDr oxZ esa mfYyf[kr ‘krkZs ds vuqlkj ekU; gksaxsAuksV & mi;qZDr vfuok;Z ‘krksZs esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh f’kfFkrk iznku ugha dh tk;sxhAlkekU; ‘krsZa&
oSKkfud oxZvfuok;Z ‘krZs&1 & iathdj.k&lfefr lkslk;Vh jftLVzs’ku ,sDV ds vUrxZr iathd`r rFkk ;FkkfLFkfr uohuhd`r gksuh pkfg,A2 & gkbZLdwy dh ekU;rk dh ‘krksZa ds lkFk&lkFk fuEukafdr ‘krkZsa dk ikyu fd;k tkuk vfuok;Z gksx&Hkou &
uksV & mi;qZDr vfuok;Z ‘krksZa esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh f’kfFkyrk iznku ugha dh tk;sxhAlkekU; ‘krZs&
okf.kT; oxZvfuok;Z ‘krsZ&
uksV& mi;qZDr vfuok;Z ‘krkZsa esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh f’kfFkyrk iznku ugha dh tk;sxhAlkekU; ‘krsZ&
vfuok;Z ‘krsZ&
nks izkHkwr dks”k] lqjf{kr dks”k] ijh{kkQy] Nk= la[;k ds izfrcU/k b.VjehfM,V uohu@vfrfjDr oxZ esa mfYyf[kr ‘krkZs ds vuqlkj ekU; gksaxsA
uksV& mi;qZDr vfuok;Z ‘krkZs esa fdlh Hkh izdkj dh f’kfFkyrk iznku ugha dh tk;sxhAlkekU; ‘krZs&
dEI;wVj fo”k; dh ekU;rk gsrq ekud gkbZLdwy@b.Vj
10 & ;fn ifj”kn~ lUrq”V gks fd ,d laLFkk ekU;rk dk lqik= gS rks og lfpo dks vkns’k nsxh fd mldk uke ekU;kr izkIr laLFkkvksa dh lds }kjk j[kh tkus okyh lwph esa izfo”V dj ysa rFkk lfpo laLFkk vkSj lEcfU/kr fujh{kd@fujhf{kdk dks lwfpr djsxk fd fdu&fdu fo”k;ksa esa fdu ‘krkZs ij rFkk fdl ijh{kk ds fy, mls ekU;rk izkIr gqbZ gSA ekU;rk mlh frfFk ls nh gqbZ le>kh tk;sxh ftl frfFk ls laLFkkf/kdkjh fyf[kr :i esa d{kk lapkyu dh lwpuk ifj”kn@fujh{kd dks nsxkA1[ 11 & ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk fofu;eksa ,oa fu/kkZfjr ‘krkZs ds v/kh jgrs gq, fuEukafdr izfrcU/kksa dk Hkh vuqikyu djxh&
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~&9@623] fnukad 30-09-2009 }kjk lfEefyr rFkk rRdky izHkko esa iz;ksT;A12 & dksbZ laLFkk] ftls ifj”kn~ }kjk gkbZLdwy ;k b.VjehfM,V dkyst ds :i esa ekU;rk izkIr gks] ifj”kn~ dh iwokZuqKk ds fcuk vkSj rc rd cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxk] tc rd fd cUn fd, tkus ds izLrkfor fnukad ls de ls d ,d o”kZ iwoZ fyf[kr uksfVl] ftlesa laLFkk dks cUn djus dk dkj.k mfYyf[kr fd;k tk;sxk] ifj”kn~ ds lfpo dks vkSj mldh ,d izfr funs’kd dks jftLVzhd`r Mkd ls u Hkst nh tk,A ifj”kn~ laLFkk dks ,slh ‘krkZs ij cUn fd;s tkus vkSj laLFkk ds vfHkys[k dks fdlh vU; laLFkk ;k izkf/kdkjh dks ] ftls og mfpr le>s] vUrfjr fd, tkus dh vuqKk ns ldrh gSA13 d & tc funs’kd vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 16&?k ds [k.k ds mi/kkjk 3 ds vUrxZr fdlh laLFkk dk ekeyk ifj”kn~ dks mldh ekU;rk ds izR;kgj.k ds fy, fopkjkFkZ Hkstrk gS] rks ifj”kn~ izcU/kd dks dkj.k crkus dks dgsxh fd mlds fo:) ,slh dk;Zokgh D;ksa u dh tk,A
15 & ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd] fujh{k.k ds le; iwoZ esa izkIr laLFkk ds QksVks ds vuqlkj Hkou ds le{k [kM+s gksdj viuk rFkk Hkou dks QksVks f[kapokdj viuh vk[;k ds lkFk layXu djsaxs ftlls iwoZ QksVks dk lR;kiu gks ldsA1[ 16 xzkeh.k vFkok ‘kgjh {ks= Vkmu ,fj;k lfgr Lrj ij ;fn dksbZ ekU;rk izkIr gkbZLdwy vFkok b.VjehfM,V fo|ky; fLFkr gS] rks mlds 5 fdeh dh ifjf/k ds Hkhrj fdlh uohu fo|ky;ksa dks gkbZLdwy vFko b.VjehfM,V dh ekU;rk ugha iznku dh tk;sxhA
1 jktkKk la0 1028@15&7&10&1 75 2010] fnukad 09-06-2010 }kjk lfEefyr fd;k x;kA
The Finance Committee1. The Finance Committee shall act as an advisory body in all matters concerning the finance of the Board.2. It shall consist of-
(a) A member of the Board who is a member of the State Vidhan Sabha-Convener;
(b) Six members of the Board to be elected in such a manner that at least one member shall represent each of the six categories specified in sub-section (2) of Section 13 of the Uttar Pradesh Intermediate Education Act, 1921;
(c) The Secretary of the Board shall be its Ex-officio Member-Secretary.3. The Finance Committee shall recommend for the consideration of the Board, the account of fees to be charged for various examination and for other things connected with the examinations.4. The Finance Committee shall also recommend for the consideration of the Board, the rates of remuneration of the various remunerative jobs of the Board.5. The Finance Committee well consider and give its recommendations regarding any other financial matter concerning the Board referred to it by the Board.
The Curriculum Committee1. The Curriculum Committee shall consist of the following-
(1) Six members of the Board elected in such a manner that at least one member shall represent each of the six categories specified in sub-section (2) of Section 13 of the Uttar Pradesh Intermediate Education Act, 1921;
(2) Directors/Principals of specialised institutions of the Department and representative of National Council of Education Research and Training who are members of the Board;
(3) mu fo”k;kas ls fHkUu ftuesa fuokZpu ds iwoZorhZ o”kZ esa jftLVzhd`r mEehnokjksa dks la[;k esa ipkl gtkj ls de gks] fofHkUu ikB~;dze lfefr;ksa ds la;kstd] ijUrq os ifj”kn~ ds lnL; gksaA
1 fnukad 14-05-1983 ds jkti= esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~&9@104] fnukad 04-05-1983 }kjk la’kksf/krA
(4) The Secretary of the Board as Ex-officio Member- Secretary.2. Subject to the sanction and control of the Board, the duties of the Curriculum Committee shall be-
(a) to consider the total number of compulsory and optional subjects for each of the Board’s examinations;
(b) to arrange the standards of the courses of the High School and Intermediate stages in a regular-graded order;
(c) to recommend curricula for the Intermediate Examination leading to both University and vocational courses;
(d) to consider proposals for the introduction of new subjects and the exclusion of existing subjects;
(e) to consider question of the formation of groups of subjects and the alteration of one group with another;
(f) to fix the number of question papers to be set in each subject after receiving recommendations from the Committee of courses concerned and to fix duration of time for each paper;
(g) to propose maximum and minimum marks for each subject and for each part of a subject after receiving recommendations from the Committees of Courses concerned;
(h) to recommend the standard of length of written test in different subjects after receiving recommendations from the Committee of Course concerned;
(i) to consider the recommendations of the Committees of Courses with regards to the regard to the courses of study; and
(j) to prescribe minimum qualification for teachers. Heads of Institutions and other employees of institutions.
efgyk f’k{kk lfefr1[ 1 efgyk f’k{kk lfefr esa ifj”kn~ dh leLr efgyk lnL; gksxh rFkk vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3 dh mi/kkjk c ds vUrxZr jkT; ljdkj }kjk uke fufnZ”V lEHkkxh; ckfydk fo|ky; fujhf{kdk lfefr dh la;ksftdk gksxhA budh cSBdksa esa l;aqDr f’k{kk funsf’kd efgyk] m0iz0 fo’ks”k :i ls vkefU=r gksaxhA2 efgyk f’k{kk lfefr] efgykvksa dh f’k{kk ls lEcfU/kr fo”k;ksa ;k ,sls ekeyksa esa ifjf”kn~ dks ijke’kZ nsxh] tks mls ifj”kn~ ;k mldh fdlh lfefr }kjk mls fufnZ”V fd;s tk;saA
1 fnuakd 14 ebZ] 1983 ds jkti= esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~&9@104] fnuakd 4 ebZ] 1983 }kjk la’kksf/krA
Nk=ksa dk fuokl1 tgka vkokl miyC/k gS] ekU;rk izkIr f’k{kk laLFkk dk izR;sd Nk= mlds }kjk O;ofLFkr Nk=kokl esa vFkok laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk ekU;rk izkIr Nk=kokl esa vFkok ekrk&firk vFkok vfHkHkkod ds lkFk fuokl djsxkA2 tgka fdlh ekU;rk izkIr Nk=kokl esa vkokl miyC/k ugha gS] laLFkk dk iz/kku fdlh Nk= vFkok Nk=ksa dh fuokl x`gksa esa] tks muds O;oLFkkidksa }kjk ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa ds Nk=ksa ds fy;s vkjf{kr gks] fuEufyf[kr izfrcU/kksa ds lkFk fuokl djus dh vuqefr ns ldrk gS&
ijh{kkvksa lEcu/kh lkekU; fofu;e3[ 1 ifj”kn~ fuEufyf[kr ijh{kk;sa lapkfyr djsxh&
2 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~&9@761] fnuakd 23 Qjojh] 2000 }kjk fofue;&1 cnyk x;k rFkk fofue;&2 d tksM+k x;k tks ljdkjh xtV m0iz0 Hkkx&4 fnuakd 24 ekpZ] 2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA4[ x [***]
4 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~&9@335] fnuakd 12&9&2002 }kjk fo[kf.M+rA2 ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk;sa ,sls dsUnzksa ij rFkk mu frfFk;ksa ij rFkk ,sls le; ij gksaxh tks ifj”kn~ le; ij fuf’pr djsxhA2 d[***]
1 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~&9@ 761] fnuakd 23 Qjojh] 2000 }kjk fofue;&2d tksM+k x;k] tks ljdkjh xtV m0iz0 Hkkx&4 fnuakd 24 ekpZ] 2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvk rFkk foKkfIr la0 ifj”kn~&9@795] fnuakd 25 ekpZ] 2003 }kjk 2d fujLr fd;k x;kA3 ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa ds ijh{k.k va’kr% ekSf[kd rFkk fdz;kRed rFkk va’kr% fyf[kr gksaxsA ekSf[kd rFkk fdz;kRed ijh{k.k ijh{kk lfefr }kjk le;≤ ij fu/kkZfjr ax ls ifj”kn~ }kjk fu;qfDr ijh{kdksa }kjk lapkfyr fd;s tk;saxsA fyf[kr ijh{k.k iz’u&i=ksa }kjk gksaxs rFkk iz’u&i= izR;sd dsUnz ij] tgka ijh{kk gks jgh gS] ,d lkFk fn;s tk;saxsAd ifj”kn~ }kjk lapkfyr fdlh ijh{kk esa mrhZ.k gksus dk izek.k&i= vFkok fMIyksek ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ml le; rd ugha fn;k tk;sxk tc rd fd og mDr ijh{kk ds fy, mlls lEcfU/kr fofu;eksa ds vuqlkj izR;sd fo”k;ksa esa ;ksX;rk u izkIr dj ysaAizfrcU/k ;g gS fd ;fn dksbZ vH;FkhZ ijh{kk esa izos’k ikus ds i’pkr~ vik= le>k tk;sxk@tk;sxh rks mldh vH;fFkZrk@ijh{kk jn dj nh tk;sxh vkSj@;k mldk ijh{kk mRh.kZ djus dk izek.k&i= Hkh okil ys fy;k tk;sxk@jn dj fn;k tk;sxkA2[ [k ifj”kn~ dh gkbZLdwy rFkk b.VjehfM+,V ijh{kkvksa esa laLFkkxr vH;FkhZ ds :i esa lfEefyr gksus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ekU;rkizkIr laLFkkvksa esa d{kk&9 rFkk 11 esa izos’k ysrs le; fofgr izi= ij viuk iathdj.k djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA ,sls vH;FkhZ viuh ik=rk rFkk tUefrfFk ls lacaf/kr oS/k ,oa lk{; laLFkk ds iz/kku dks rRle; miyC/k djk;saxsA laLfkk ds iz/kku larq”V gksus ij gh vH;FkhZ dk iathdj.k vius fo|ky; ij djsaxsA izR;sd vH;FkhZ dks iathdj.k ‘kqYd ds :i esa :0 20-00 chl :i;s laLFkk ds iz/kku dks nsuk iathdj.k QkeZ ds lkFk gh iathdj.k ‘kqYd fy;k tk;sxk ,oa jktdh; dks”k esa tek fd;k tk;sxkA
2 ek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~ mrj izns’k] bykgkckn foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn&9@444] fnuakd 19 vxLr] 2006 }kjk la’kksf/kr gqvkA3[ x laLFkkvksa ds iz/kku fo|ky; dh fu/kkZfjr {kerk ekU; d{kkvksa ds vuq:i fnuakd 1 vDVwcj rd iathd`r vH;fFkZ;ksa ls Hkjok;s x;s vfxze iathdj.k vkosnu&i= ,oa ukekoyh dh ,d izfr ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls foyEcre~ 10 vDVwcj rd ifj”kn ds lacaf/kr {ks=h; dk;kZy; dks izsf”kr djsaxsA
3 ek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~] mrj izns’k] bykgkckn foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn&9@444] fnuakd 19 vxLr 2006 }kjk la’kksf/kr gqvkA4[ ?k ifj”kn~ d{kk 9 rFkk 11 esa iathd`r leLr vH;fFkZ;ksa ds fooj.ksa dh lE;d~ tkap djsxh rFkk ;FkkokafNr la’kks/ku] ;fn dksbZ gks] djsxh rFkk mu fooj.kksa ds vk/kkj ij vH;fFkZ;ksa dks iathdj.k la[;k vuqnkfur dj lEcfU/kr laLFkk dks ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls izR;sd n’kk esa vkxkeh 28 Qjojh rd miyC/k djk;sxh] rn~uqlkj laLFkk ds iz/kku vius fo|ky; ds izR;sd vH;FkhZ dks mldh iathdj.k la[;k ls voxr djk;saxsA iathdj.k la[;k vH;FkhZ dk LFkk;h vfHkys[k gksxk rFkk vko’;drkuqlkj iathdj.k la[;k ls gh i= O;ogkj fd;k tk;sxkA
4 foKfIr la[;k iaf=dk&9@554] fnuakd 22&11&2000 }kjk lfEefyr mDr fofu;e la’kks/ku 2002 dh ijh{kkvksa ls izHkkohA1[ M d{kk 10 rFkk 12 dh laLFkkxr ijh{kk esa ogh vH;FkhZ cSBus ds ik= gksaxs] ftUgksaus lEcfU/kr laLFkk esa ;FkkfLFkfr d{kk 9 rFkk d{kk 11 esa viuk iathdj.k djk;k gksA laLFkk ds izFke viathd`r vH;fFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu&i= fdlh Hkh n’kk esa vxzlkfjr ugha djsaxs%izfrcU/k ;g gS fd vU; ifj”knksa ls d{kk 10 ;k 12 esa LFkkukUrfjr vH;FkhZ dk d{kk 10 rFkk 12 esa gh iathdj.k gksxkA
1 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn&9@554] fnuakd 22&11&2000 }kjk lfEefyr mDr fofu;e la’kks/ku 2002 dh ijh{kkvksa ls izHkkohA
laLFkkxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds izos’k ds fy, fu;e2[ 4 & ,d ifj”kn~ }kjk lapkfyr fdlh Hkh ijh{kk esa izos’k gsrq bPNqd vH;FkhZ ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ds iz/kku dks ijh{kk gsrq fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd vf/kd ls vf/kd izR;sd o”kZ dh 20 vxLr rd tek djsaxsA izR;sd vH;FkhZ laLFkk esa ekU; fo”k; vFkok fo”k;ksa dh] tks os ijh{kk ds fy, ys jgs gS] O;Dr djrs gq, lfpo }kjk fofgr izi= ij rFkk fofufnZ”V izfdz;k ds vuqlkj ijh{kk dk vkosnu i= HkjsaxsA fu/kkZfjr vof/k esa ‘kqYd tek u djus ij laLFkk ds iz/kku dks lacaf/kr Nk= dk uke laLFkk ls dkVus dk vf/kdkj gksxkA fdlh laLFkk ls viuk vkosnu i= Hkjus ds i’pkr~ fdlh laLFkkxr Nk= dks dsoy ml n’kk dks NksM+dj tcfd ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd }kjk mls mlds vfHkHkkod ds ml LFkku ls tkga ;g f’k{kk xzg.k dj jgk Fkk] fdlh nwljs LFkku dks fd;s x;s LFkkukUrj.k ds laca/k esa izLrqr fd;s x;s rF;ksa@izek.k i= ij viuh larqf”V ds mijkUr ,slk djus dh vuqefr nh x;h gks] fo|ky; ifjorZu dk vf/kdkj u gksxkAnks d laLFkk dk iz/kku ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa }kjk iwfjr vkosnu&i=ksa es vafdr izfof”V;ksa dks Hkayh&Hkkafr tkap djsaxs rFkk vgZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu&i= vxzlkfjr djsaxsA laLFkk dk iz/kku laLfkk ls lfEefyr gksus okys lHkh vH;fFkZ;ksa dh lwph nks izfr;ksa esa ftlesa vH;FkhZ dk uke] firk dk uke] ekrk dk uke rFkk migzr fd;s x;s ekU; fo”k;ksa dk mYys[k gks rS;kj djsxkA lwph dh ,d izfr lacaf/kr ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd dks miyC/k djkbZ tk;sxhA laLFkk dk iz/kku lwph ds vuqlkj lHkh vgZ vH;fFkZ;ksa ds ijh{kk ‘kqYd dk dks”k i= 5 izfr;ksa esa rS;kj dj ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ls vxzlkfjr djkus ds i’pkr~ vius gh tuin ds dks”kkxkj esa tek djsxkA dks”k&i= dh nks izfr dks”kkxkj] ,d izfr ijh{kk vkosnu&i=ksa] ukekoyh ,oa Lekfjdk vkfn ds lkFk ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls ifj”kn ds lacaf/kr {ks=h; dk;kZy; rFkk ,d izfr vH;fFkZ;ksa dh lwph lfgr ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd dks izsf”kr djsxkA dks”k&i= dh ,d izfr laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk lqjf{kr j[kh tk;sxhA ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd }kjk leLr laLfkk ds ladfyr dks”k&i=ksa dk vf/kdre ,d ekg ds vUnj dks”kkxkj ls lR;kiu djk;k tk;sxk rFkk oLrqfLFkfr@laLrqfr ls ifj”kn ds lfpo dks voxr djk;k tk;sxkA[k laLFkk dk iz/kku ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu i=] ‘kqYd ds V~stjh pkyku ,oa lR;kfir lwph lfgr vf/kd ls vf/kd 31 vxLr rd ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls lfpo dks HkstsxkA 31 vxLr ds i’pkr~ vkosnu i= Hkstus ij laLFkk ds iz/kku dks 50-00 :0 izfr vosnu i= dh nj ls foyEc ‘kqYd nsuk gksxkA foyEc ‘kqYd ds lkFk vkosnu i= vf/kd ls vf/kd 20 flrEcj rd Lohdkj fd;s tk;saxsA bl frfFk ds i’pkr~ dksbZ vkosnu i= Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkAx laLFkk ds iz/kku dk ;g nkf;Ro gksxk fd mlds }kjk vxzlkfjr lHkh vkosnu i= dsoy ekU; fo”k;@fo”k;ksa ls fofu;ekuqlkj gh vxzlkfjr fd;s x;s gSA vugZ vFkok fofu;eksa ds izko/kkuksa ds izfrdwy vxzlkfjr fd;s x;s vkosnu i=ksa ds fy, laLFkk ds iz/kku lh/ks mrjnk;h ekus tk;saxs rFkk muds fo:) ifj”kn }kjk vuq’kklukRed dk;Zokgh ds lkFk&lkFk laLFkk dks ijh{kk dsUnz ls oafpr djus rFkk iznDr ekU;rk ds izR;kgj.k dh dk;Zokgh Hkh dh tk;sxhA2 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@444] fnuakd 19 vxLr] 2006 }kjk la’kksf/krA1[ rhu mrj izns’k ls ckgj ds jkT;ksa ls vius vfHkHkkodksa ds LFkkukUrj.k ds dkj.k o”kZ ds 20 vxLr ds i’pkr~ vkus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds laca/k esa ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa esa laLFkkxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds laca/k esa ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa esa laLFkkxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds :i esa izos’k ikus dh vfUre frfFk ijh{kkvksa dh frfFk ls iwoZ 30 fnlEcj gksxhA laLFkk dk iz/kku ,sls vH;fFkZ;ksa ds ijh{kk vkosnu&i=@ukekoyh Lekfjdk ,oa tek fd;s x;s ijh{kk ‘kqYd ds dks”k&i= lfgr vf/kdre 15 fnu ds vUnj ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ds ek/;e ls ifj”kn ds lacaf/kr {ks=h; dk;kZy; dks miyC/k djk;sxkApkj lfpo laLFkkxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds mi;ksx gsrq vkosnu&i= miyC/k djkus dh O;oLFkk djsxk rFkk lkekU; izfdz;k ds foyEc gksus dh fLFkfr esa og ,slh dk;Zokgh djsxk] tks rkRdkfyd vko’;drk dks ns[krs gq, mfpr le>sAikWap laLFkk ds iz/kku vkosnu&i=ksa ,oa lfpo }kjk fofufnZ”V izi=ksa ds lkFk lfpo dks ;g fn[kkrs gq, fuEufyf[kr izek.k&i= Hkstsxk&
1 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@120] fnuakd 11 ebZ] 2006 }kjk fofu;e 4 rhu izfrLFkfir tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx 4 esa fnuakd 27 ebZ] 2006 dks izdkf’krA
mifLFkfr5 1 & ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk] izR;sd ‘kSf{kd o”kZ esa de ls de 220 dk;Z fnolksa esa [kqyh jgsxh ftlesa ijh{kkvksa rFkk ikB~;uqorhZ dk;Z&dyki ds fnol Hkh lfEefyr gSa] izfrcU/k ;g gS fd ^^i=kpkj f’k{kk lrr~ v/;;u lEidZ ;kstuk** ds vUrxZr iathd`r Nk= ds lEcU/k esa dk;Z fnolksa dh mi;qZDr la[;k 75 dk;Z fnol gksxh rFkk blds lkFk lEcfU/kr Nk= dks i=kpkj f’k{kk laLFkku }kjk izsf”kr ikB~; lkexzh dks fu/kkZfjr izfdz;k ds vuqlkj v/;;u djuk gksxkA2 & fdlh Hkh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk }kjk dksbZ Nk= gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds fy, izLrqr ugha fd;k tk;sxk] tc rd og nks ‘kSf{kd o”kkZsa ds njE;ku izR;sd fo”k; esa ]ftlesa mls ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksuk gS] oknuh dh fu/kkZfjr @ vkoafVr dqy la[;k ds] ftlesa fdz;kRed dk;Z ds oknu Hkh lfEefyr gksaxs] de ls de 75 izfr’kr oknuksa esa mifLFkr u jgk gksA
2 & ‘kklu ds i= la0 2365@15&7&2000&1 77 @92] fnukad 22-01-2001 }kjk ‘kCn i=kpkj f’k{kk lrr~ v/;;u lEidZ ;kstuk lekIr dj fn;k x;kAiqu’p&vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky;ksa ls vkus okys Nk=ksa ds lEcU/k esa 75 izfr’kr mifLFkfr ijh{kk ds iwoZ ds o”kZ dh izFke tuojh ls dh tk;sxhA3 & ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk }kjk dksbZ Hkh Nk= b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk ds fy, izLrqr ugha fd;k tk;sxk] tc rd fd og nks ‘kSf{kd o”kkZsa esa izR;sd fo”k; esa] ftlesa mldh ijh{kk gksuh gS] fn;s tkus okys O;k[;kuksa esa ls ftlesa fdz;kRed dk;Z] ;fn dksbZ gks] ds ?kaVs Hkh lfEefyr gSa de ls de 75 izfr’kr esa lfEefyr u gqvk gksAd`f”k oxZ ds lkFk b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds lEcU/k esa mifLFkfr dk izfr’kr Hkkx rFkk 2 ds fy, vyx&vyx fd;k tk; Qkj nh bafM;u Ldwy lVhZfQdsV bDtkfeus’ku] ubZ fnYyh }kjk lapkfyr bafM;u lVhZfQdsV vkQ lsds.Mjh ,twds’ku ijh{kk mrh.kZ Nk=ksa dh mifLFkfr dh x.kuki ijh{kk ds iw.kZ ds o”kZ dh igyh tuojh ls dh tk;sxhA4 & ifjx.ku ds fy;s ,d ?kaVs ds O;k[;ku dks ,d O;k[;ku] nks ?kaVs ds O;k[;ku dks nks O;k[;ku vkSj blh izdkj fd;k tk;sxkA fdz;kRed dk;Z esa yxk ,d ?kaVk ,d O;k[;ku ds :i esa gksxkA ?kaVs dk rkRi;Z Ldwy vFko dkyst ds le;&pdz ds f’k{k.k ds ?kaVs ls gSA5 & mij ds [k.M 2 vkSj 3 esa lanfHkZr nks ‘kSf{kd o”kkZsa dk dzfed gksuk vko’;d ugha gSA ;g laLFkkvksa ds iz/kkuksa ds foosdkf/kdkj ij NksM+k tkrk gS fd os mu Nk=ksa dh mifLFkfr ftUgksusa d{kk 9 vFkok 11 esa ,d ls vf/kd o”kZ i<+k gS] d{kk 10 vFkok 12 dh mifLFkfr ds lkFk fdlh ,d o”kZ dh mifLFkfr dks dj ysA mu Nk=ksa dks ftUgsa ,u0lhlh0] ih0,l0Mh0 vFkok izknsf’kd lsok ds f’kfoj vFkok xzkeksa esa d`f”k foLRkj lsok vFkok ‘kSf{kd vkSj ifjHkze.k esa tkus dh vuqefr nh tkrh gS] d{kk esa mifLFkfr ds fy, okafNr ykHk fn;k tk;sxkAiqu’p& 1 & d bl fofu;e ds vUrxZr d{kk esa mifLFkfr dk leLr ykHk mifLFkfr vFkok O;k[;ku iaftdk esa bl lEcU/k dh lfgr fn[kkuk pkfg;sA bl izdkj ds ykHk ds leLr ys[ks Hkyh Hkkafr j[ks tkus pkfg;sA2 & pqus gq, Nk=ksa ds oxZ ds fy;s iwjh d{kk ds fy;s ugha yxk;h x;h fo’ks”k d{kk dh mifLFkfr ds ykHk dh vuqefr u gksxhA6 & ifj”kn dks gksbZ Ldwy vFkok b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa vuqrh.kZ vFkok fu:) Nk=ksa ds lEcU/k esa dsoy ,d ‘kSf{kd o”kZ dk izfr’kr fd;k tk;sxkA ml ‘kSf{kd o”kZ dh mifLFkfr] ftlds vUr esa Nk= ijh{kk esa cSBuk pkgrk gS] dh tk;sxhAijUrq izfrcU/k ;g gS fd mu Nk=ksa dh n’kk esa] ftUgksats ifj”kn~ dh gksbZ Ldwy vFkok b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus dh vuqefr ds fy, vkosnu u fd;k gks] ijUrq muds uke laLFkk dh mifLFkfr iath esa gks vFkok vkosnu i=ksa ds izLrqr dj fn;s tkus ds i’pkr~ Hkh ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk esa lfEefyr u gq;s gksa ] nks ‘kSf{kd o”kksZa dk izfr’kr fd;k tk;sxkA^^fu:)** dk rkRi;Z fdlh dkj.k ls gkbZLdwy vFko b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa jksds tkus ls gSA7 & Nk= }kjk bl ifj”kn~ ds vf/k{ks= ds ckgj laLFkk esa ifj”kn~ dh gksbZLdwy ijh{kk ds led{k ekU;rk izkIr ijh{kk dh rS;kjh vftZr mifLFkfr gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds fy;s miLFkfr ds izfr’kr dh x.kuk esa dj yh tk;sxhA8 & gkbZLdwy ijh{kk vadksa dh lafujh{kk ds QyLo:i lQy ?kksf”kr Nk= ds lEcU/k esa izFke ‘kSf{kd o”kZ lafujh{kk dk ifj.kke lwfpr fd;s tkus ds nl fnu i’pkr~ izkjEHk gqvk le>k tk;sxkA1[ 9 & bl ifj”kn~ vFkok vU; fdlh led{k ijh{kk fudk; ds #ds gq, ijh{kkQy ?kksf”kr gksus ds ckn fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ds d{kk 11 esa izos’k ikus okys Nk= dh mifLFkfr dh x.kuk ijh{kkQy ?kksf”kr gksus ds nlosa fnu ls gksxhA
1 & foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@120] fnukad 11-05-2006 }kjk la’kksf/kr tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4 fnukad 27-05-2006 dks izdkf’krA10 & dksbZ Nk=] tks fofu;e 4] v/;k; pkSng esa mfYyf[kr fdlh laLFkk }kjk ekU;rk izkIr vFkok lec) dkyst esa l= ds fdlh Hkkx esa jgk gS] ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU;rk izkIr dkyst esa izfo”V gks ldrk gS vkSj ml dkyst esa] mldh mifLFkfr ds O;k[;ku b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa okafNr mifLFkfr ds izfr’kr ds fy;s dj fy;s tk;saxsA11 & ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa ds iz/kkuksa dk furkUr lUrks”ktud dk;Z djus okyksa dks NksM+dj ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks jksdus dh vuqefr ugha gS ftUgksaus ifj”kn~ dh fdlh ijh{kk esa izos’k dh ‘krkZsa dks iwjk dj fy;k gS%izfrcU/k ;g gS fd bl fofu;e ds vUrxZr d{kk dh iwjh la[;k ds 10 izfr’kr ls vf/kd Nk= ugha jksds tk;saxsA ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa ds iz/kku Nk=ksa dks jksdus ds vf/kdkj dk iz;ksx fyf[kr ijh{kk izkjEHk gksus ds rhu lIrkg iw.kZ rd dj ldrs gSa vkSj muds bl fu.kZ; ds fo#) dksbZ vihy ugha gks ldsxhA ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa ds iz/kku lfpo dks bd ckj fLFkfr dh lwpuk nsus ds i’pkr~ vius fu.kZ; dks la’kksf/kr ugha djsaxsA12 & mij ds [k.M 11 esa lfEefyr ‘krksZa ds gksrs gq, Hkh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa ds iz/kku ,sls Nk=ksa dks ifj”kn~ dh gksus okyh ijh{kk esa cSBus ls jksd ldrs gSa] tks ‘kjhj f’k{kk ,u0lh0lh0 vFkok ih0,l0Mh0 ds fy, fn, x;s leLr lkeku rFkk ofnZ;kWa ugha ykSVkrs gSa vFkok muds [kks tkus ij ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk ls iwoZ 15 Qjojh rd mudk ewY; ugha ns nsrs gSA13 & U;wure mifLFkfr ds fu;e dk dM+kbZ ls ikyu fd;k tk;sxk] fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk dk iz/kku mifLFkfr dh deh ds e”kZ.k vf/kdre~&d & gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, 10 fnu dk] vkSj[k & b.VjehfV,V ijh{kk ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, izR;sd fo”k; esa fn, 10 O;k[;ku fdz;kRed dk;Z ds ?k.Vksa lfgr ;fn gks dj ldrk gS] ,sls leLr ekeyksa dh lwpuk] ftuesa ,d fo’ks”kf/kdkj dk iz;ksx fd;k tkrk gS] f’k{kk funs’kd ek/;fed dks ifj”kn~ ds lHkkifr ds :i esa nh tk;sxhArFkkfir mu ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds lecU/k esa ftudh dsoy ,d o”kZ dh mifLFkfrd gh gksuh gS] e”kZ.k dh ;g lhek dsoy vk/kh vFkkZr~ ikWap fnu vFkok ikWap O;k[;ku] tSlh fLFkfr gks] jg tk;sxhAiqu’p&d & 75 izfr’kr fnu vFkok O;k[;ku ftuesa ,d ijh{kkFkhZ dks mifLFkr jguk gS] vFkok[k & mudh mifLFkfr esa deh djus esa ,d fnu vFkok O;k[;ku dh fHkUu ij /;ku ugha fn;k tkuk pkfg,A
fo”k; ifjorZu1[ 6 & ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa ds iz/kku d{kk 9 esa fo”k;@fo”k;ksa esa ifjorZu dh rFkk d{kk 11 esa ,d gh oxZ esa vFkok ,d oxZ ls nwljs oxZ esa fo”k; ifjorZu dh vuqefr ns ldrs gSaA d{kk 10 esa ,d gh fo”k;@fo”k;ksa rFkk d{kk 12 esa ,d gh oxZ esa fo”k; vFkok fo”k;ksa ds vFkok ,d oxZ ls nwljs oxZ es ifjorZu dh lk/ vuqefr ugha nh tkrh gS] ijUrq fo’ks”k ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds eq[; :i ls vuqrh.kZ vFkok jksds x;s ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds lEcu/k esa ifjorZu dh vkKk nh tk ldrh gS vkSj bl izdkj ,sls ekeyksa dh lwpuk ifj”kn~ dks dkj.kksa lfgr nh tkuh pkfg,A ,d ls vf/kd fo”k; ifjofrZr djus dh vkKk cgqr gh de nh tkuh pkfg,A ijh{kkFkhZ ds ,d fo”k; dh mifLFkfr] ftls og ckn esa laLFkk ds iz/kku dh vuqefr ls ifjofrZr djrk gSA u;s fo”k;ksa dh mifLFkfr ds lkFk u;s fo”k; esa bldh mifLFkfr dk izf’kr djus ds fy, dh tk;sxhA ijh{kk esa cSBus dk vkosnu&i= lfpo ds ikl vxzlkfjr dj nsus ds i’pkr~ fo”k; esa ifjorZu dh vuqefr dnkfi ugha nh tk;sxhA
1 & vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn 9@761] fnukad 23-02-2000 }kjk izfrLFkkfirA
Nk=ksa dk izos’k ,oa izksUufr7 & dksbZ Nk= ftlus dHkh fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk esa f’k{kk ugha ik;h gS vFkok ftlus d{kk nl esa izksUur gksus ls iwoZ ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk dks NksM+ fn;k] ijUrq ftls O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa gkbZLdwy ijh{kk cSBus dh vuqefr izkIr gks x;h gS vkSj mlesa cSB ugh ldk] d{kk 10 esa izos’k dk ik= ugha gksxkA bl izdkj dksbZ Nk= ftlus gkbZLdwy ijh{kk mrh.kZ djus ds i’pkr~ ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk esa v/;;u ugha fd;k vFkok d{kk 12 esa izksUur gksus ls iwoZ ftlus ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk dks NksM+ fn;k] ijUrq ftls O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa b.VjehfV,V ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr izkIr gks x;h vkSj mlesa cSB ugha ldk] d{kk 12 esa izos’k dk ik= ugha gksxkA1[ 7 d & ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ds iz/kku dk Nk=ksa dks d{kk 9 ls 10 vFkok d{kk 11 ls 12 esa izksUur djus dk fu.kZ; izR;sd o”kZ ds twu ds vUr rd vfUre :i ls gks tk;sxkA]
1 & foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~&9@420] fnukad 23-10-1989 }kjk la’kksf/krA
;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ izos’k ds fu;e2[ 8 &O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ vFkok ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk esa fu/kkZfjr vkSj visf{kr mifLFkfr ds fcuk ijh{kk esa izos’k pkgus okys O;fDr fuEufyf[kr ‘krkZsa ij ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk esa cSBus ds ik= gksaxs&1 & dksbZ O;fDr] tks O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa ijh{kk esa cSBuk pkgrk gS] vkxkeh ijh{kk ds fy, fu/kkZfjr frfFk ls iwoZ 20 vxLr rd dk vkosnu i= ijh{kk ds fy, fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd lfgr ml laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk tks ijh{kk dk iathdj.k dsUnz gS] lfpo ds ikl izsf”kr djsxkA vkosnu i= fu/kkZfjr izi= ij ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk fof/kor Hkjk tkuk pkfg, ftlesa muds }kjk fy, tkus okys fo”k;ksa dk Li”V mYys[k gksA vkosnu&i= fuEufyf[kr ds lkFk lfpo dks muds }kjk fofufnZ”V jhfr ls izf”kr fd;k tk;sxk&
mu laLFkkvksa ds iz/kku tks ifj”kn dh ijh{kkvksa ds iathdj.k dsUnz gSa] ,sls O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu i= tks ik= gSa] tkap djds rFkk lfpo }kjk fofgr izi=ksa dh iwfrZ djds muds }kjk fofufnZ”V jhfr ds vxzlkfjr djsaxs viw.kZ vFkok v’kq) vFkok vugZ vF;fFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu i= dks vxzlkj.k vf/kdkjh }kjk vf/kdkjh }kjk vLohd`r dj fn;k tk;sxk rFkk bldh lwpuk ifj”kn dks nh tk;sxhA vxzlkj.k vf/kdkjh ijh{kk esa cSBus okys ik= vF;fFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu i= bl izdkj vxzlkfjr djsaxs fd ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh frfFk ls iwoZ izR;sd n’kk esa vf/kd ls vf/kd 20 flrEcj rd igqWap tk;sA blds i’pkr~ izkIr vkosnu i=ksa ij fdlh Hkh n’kk esa fopkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA viw.kZ ,oa v’kq) rFkk foyEc ls vkosnu i= rFkk vU; fufnZ”V i=tkr izsf”kr djus okys vxzlkj.k vf/kdkfj;ksa ds fo:) ifj”kn~ dks tSlk fd og fu.kZ; djs dk;Zokgh ftlesa vxzlkj.k ikfjJfed esa dVkSrh Hkh lfEefyr gS djus dk vf/kdkj gksxk] vfHkizsfr iwoZ ijh{kk eas lfEefyr gksus gsrq vius ls lsok;kstd ls vukifr izek.k&i= izkIr dj izLrqr djsxkA rF;ksa dks fNikuk laKs; vijk/k gksxk vkSj blls ijh{kkQy fujLr fd;k tk ldrk gSA
2 & foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@444] fnukad 19-08-2006 }kjk la’kksf/krA
O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, fu/kkZfjr vkosnu&i= izkIr djus dh fof/k1 & O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ifj”kn~ dh fdlh ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr gsrq fu/kkZfjr vkosnu i= dk izk:i lfpo }kjk miyC/k djk;k tk;sxkA2 & fo’ks”k n’kkvksa esa vxzlkj.k vf/kdkjh 100#0 foyEc ‘kqYd ds :i esa ysdj 06 flrEcj rd vkosnu&i= ys ldrs gSa] ijUrq muds }kjk ;Fkkfof/k ijhf{kr rFkk gLrk{fjr gksdj vkosnu i= lfpo ds ikl vf/kd ls vf/kd 20 flrEcj rd vo’; igqp tkus pkfg,A bl frfFk ds i’pkr dksbZ vkosnu i= Lohdj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA3 & O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ fdlh Hkh n’kk esa vkosnu&i= lfpo dks lh/ks ugha HkstsaxsA lfpo dks lh/ks izsf”kr leLr vkosnu i= j) le>s tk;saxsA
vxzlkj.k vf/kdkfj;ksa dk ifjJfed1[ 9 & ,sls laLFkk ds iz/kku tks ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk dk iathdj.k dsUnz gS vFkok ,sls vU; O;fDr dks bl iz;kstu gsrq l{ke izkf/kdkjh }kjk fu;qDr fd;s tk;sa] bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 8 esa fofgr fof/k ls vkosnu&i= dh le; ls izkfIr fofgr vgZrkvksa rFkk fofufnZ”V izi= vkfn dh tkWap rFkk le; ls izs”k.k ds fy;s O;fDrxr :i ls mrjnk;h gksaxsA bl gsrq mUgsa ikaWp #i;k izfr ijh{kkFkhZ dh nj ls ikfjJfed ns; gksxk ftlesa ls os #i;k izfr ijh{kkFkhZ dh nj ls mi;qZDr dk;Z esa viuh lgk;rk djus okys O;fDr dks nsaxsAvxzlkj.k vf/kdkjh vkosnu&i= lfpo dks Hkstus ds i’pkr~ ikfjJfed izkFkZuk&i= lfpo dks HkstsaxsA mij fufnZ”V dk;Z esa ‘kq)rk vFkok foyEc vkfn ds fy, vxzlkj.k vf/kdkjh ds ikfjJfed esa dVkSrh vFkok muds fo:) vU; n.MkRed dk;Zokgh ifj”kn~ }kjk nh tk ldsxhAvxzlkj.k vf/kdkjh ijh{kkFkhZ ls fdlh izdkj dk vxzlkj.k ‘kqYd udn ugha ysaxsA ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ls ifj”kn~ }kjk fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd ds vfrfjDr dksbZ vU; ‘kqYd pUnk vFkok nku ugha fy;k tk;sxkAmi;qZDr fofu;e la’kks/ku ifj”kn~ dh o”kZ 1998 dh ijh{kk ls ykxw gksxhA
1 & vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn&9@392] fnukad 08-10-1997 }kjk la’kkf/kr] m0iz0 vlk/kkj.k Hkkx&4] fnukad 08-11-1997 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ik=rk2[ 10 1 & ifj”kn~ vFkok f’k{kk foHkkx] mrj izns’k }kjk ekU;rk izkIr mpprj ek/;fed fo|ky; dh d{kk 9 dh ijh{Kk vFkok vU; jkT;ksa ds f’k{kk foHkkx }kjk lapkfyr ;k ekU;rk izkIr dksbZ led{k ijh{kk mrh.kZ ijh{kkFkhZ gh gkbZLdwy esa O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa cSBus ds fy, ik= gksaxs] fdUrq f’k{kk foHkkx] mrj izns’k }kjk lapkfyr tw0gk0 Ldwy d{kk&8 vFkok led{k ijh{kk mrh.kZ ,sls vH;FkhZ] tks fdUgh dkj.kksa ls dkjkxkj esa fu:) gksus ds dkj.kd{kk&9 dh ijh{kk mrh.kZ ugha dj ldsa] dks gkbZLdwy esa O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa cSBus gsrq d{kk&9 mrh.kZ gksus dh vfuok;Zrk ls eqfDr jgsxhA
2 & dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ ftl o”kZ dh ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksuk pkgrk gS ;fn mlls iwoZ ds o”kZ dh 31 tqykbZ ds i’pkr~ mlus fdlh ekU;kr izkIr laLFkk esa vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky; dks NksMdj v/;;u fd;k gS rks og O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa gkbZLdwy ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus dk ik= ugha gksxkA3 & vkxkeh gksus okyh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk esa O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds :i esa izfo”V gksus dh vuqefr mu ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ugha nh tk;sxh ftUgsa d{kk 10 ds fy;s izks=kfr izkIr gksus esa lQyrk ugha feyh gSA
2 & foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn&9@654] fnukad 07-10-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA
vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky;11 & fdlh vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky; dks NksMus okyk ijh{kkFkhZ gkbZLdwy ijh{kk esa ml ‘kSf{kd o”kZ ds iwoZ rd izfo”V u gks ldsxk] ftlesa fd og dSfEczt Ldwy lVhZfQdsV ijh{kk esa izos’k dk ik= gksrk] ;fn og vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky; esa v/;;u djrk jgrkA vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky; esa laLFkkxr Nk= ds :i esa v/;;u djus okys vFkok fdlh ,sls Nk= dk vkosnu&i=] ftldk vfUre fo|ky; vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky; Fkk] vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky;ksa ds fujh{kd }kjk laLFkk ds vkpk;Z ds fy;s vxzlkfjr gksuk pkfg,] ftls ijh{kkFkhZ vius dsUnz ds :i esa pqurk gSA
jkT; ds ckgj ds ijh{kkFkhZ12 & mij ds fofu;e 10] v/;k; ckjg ds v/khu ifj”kn~ ds izknsf’kd vf/k{ks=ksa ds ckgj jgus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk ifj”kn dh ijh{kkvksa esa O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds :i esa izfo”V gksus dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gS] izfrcU/k ;g gS fd os vc Hkh mrj izns’k ds LFkk;h fuoklh gksa rFkk dqN i;kZIr dkj.kksa ls vU; jkT;ksa esa vLFkk;h :i ls izozftr gks x;s gksaA ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu&i= mu lEcfU/kr jkT;ksa ds e.Myh; fo|ky; fujh{kdksa }kjk vxzlkfjr gksuh pkfg;s ftUgsa ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds mrj izns’k esa okLrfod fuokl dks djuk pkfg,%ipkl iSls ds fucU/ku ‘kqYd ds lkFk vkosnu&i= rFkk ijh{kk dk fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd 1 flrEcj rd lh/ks lfpo ds ikl u Hkstdj ml laLFkk ds iz/kku dks vxzlkfjr gksuk pkfg, ftls ijh{kkFkhZ vius dsUnz ds :i esa pqurk gSA
dsUnz ifjorZu vkSj fo”k; ifjorZu13 & lk/ O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ dks vkosnu&i= izLrqr djus ds i’pkr~ fo”k; vFkok dsUnz ifjofrZr djus dh vkKk u nh tk;sxhA
dlh led{k ijh{kk esa ,d lkFk cSBuk14 & fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks tks O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa ifj”kn~ dh fdlh ijh{kk rFkk vU; fudk; }kjk lapkfyr led{k ijh{kk esa cSBuk pkgrk gS] ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk ldrh gSA
O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk fdz;kRed dk;Z iwjk djus dk izek.k&i=15 & bu fofu;eksa dh ‘krksZ ds gksrs gq, Hkh dksbZ O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ifj”kn~ ds fdlh ijh{kk ds fy, fdz;kRed dk;Z vFkok fdz;kRed ijh{kk okys fo”k; dks ys ldrk gSA izfrcU/k ;g gS fd pquk gqvkfo”k; HkkSfrd foKku vFkok jlk;u foKku vFkok tho foKku vFkok vkS|ksfxd jlk;u vFkok dqyky foKku vFkok d`f”k foKku vFkok fp=dyk vkSj ewfrZdyk vFkok lSU; foKku vFkok Hkw&xHkZ foKku gS rks mls ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU;kr izkIr ,d laLFkk esa ijh{kk ds fy, ml fo”k; esa fu/kkZfjr leLr fdz;kRed ,oa fyf[kr dk;Z mlh l= esa ftlesa og ijh{kk esa cSBuk pkgrk gS] iwjk djuk pkfg, vkSj bl lEcU/k essa laLFkk ds iz/kku dk ,d izek.k i= ijh{kk dh frfFk ls iwoZ dh tuojh ds vUr rd izLrqr djuk pkfg,A fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks] tks ,d ckj ijh{kk esa cSB pqdk gS rFkk vuqrh.kZ gks pqdk gS] ml fo”k; ds fdz;kRed dk;Z vFkok fdz;kRed ijh{kk ds lEcU/k esa] ftlesa og igys gh ijh{kk ns pqdk gS] izek.k&i= izLrqr ugha djuk iMsxkA
O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ lfefr16 & vfHkizsr O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu&i= tks vxzlkj.k vf/kdkfj;ksa ls ;Fkkfof/k ijhf{kr rFkk gLrk{kfjr gksdj izkIr gq, gksa] fofu;e 3] v/;k; N% ds v/khu fu;qDr mi lfefr ds ikl lafujh{kk ds fy;s Hksts tk;saxsA lafufj{kk ds i’pkr~ mi lfefr }kjk ;s vkosnu&i= Lohd`r ;k vLohd`r fd;s tk;saxsA
vfrfjDr fo”k; esa izos’k dh ik=rk1[ 17 & bu fofu;eksa dh ‘krksZ ds gksrs gq, Hkh fuEufyf[kr ds ijh{kkFkhZ Hkh O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa izfo”V gks ldrs gSa&
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@494] fnukad 12-11-2002 }kjk la’kksf/krA
1 vf/klwpuk la[;k & 5@384@15&7&2014&1 92@2012 }kjk la’kksf/kr fd;k x;k ns[ksa lUrq”V vizSy 2014
Jsf.k;kWa1[ 18 & bu fofu;eksa esa tgkWa blls izfrdwy izko/kku gks] mls NksMdj ifj”kn dh ijh{kk mrh.kZ djus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds uke rhu Jsf.k;ksa esa j[ks tk;saxsA dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ tks lEiw.kZ ;ksaxk ds 75 izfr’kr vFkok vf/kd vdksa ls mrh.kZ gksrk gS] lEeku lfgr mrh.kZ gqvk Hkh fn[kk;k tk;sxkA19 & tks ijh{kkFkhZ ,d ijh{kk esa mrh.kZ gks x;k gS] ckn dh ,d vFkok vf/kd ijh{kkvksa esa laLFkkxr vFkok O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa izfof”V gks ldrk gS] bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk fd mls ,sls izR;sd volj ij lfpo dks vk’oLr djuk gksxk fd mlus ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kvksa esa ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds izos’k ds fy, fu/kkZfjr ‘krksZ dh iwfrZ dj nh gSA
1 foKfIr la0 9@250 fnukad 4-7-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA2[ 19 & dza0 gkbZLdwy d{kk 9 ,oa 10 rFkk b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa vH;FkhZ dsoy ,d gh ek/;e laLFkkxr vFkok O;fDrxr ls vkosnui= Hkj dj ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gks ldrk gSA fdlh Hkh n’kk esa vH;FkhZ dks ,d ijh{kko”kZ esa ,d ls vf/kd laLFkk@laLFkkvksa ls laLFkkxr vFkok O;fDrxr vFkok nksuksa izdkj ls vkosnu&i= Hkjus vFkok ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus dh vuqefr ugha gksxhA rF;ksa dks fNikuk vijk/k gksxkA bl fofu;e ds mYya?ku dk nks”kh ik;s tkus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa dh vH;fFkZrk fujLr dj nh tk;sxh rFkk muds fooj.k ;fn ifj”knh; vfHkys[kksa esa vafdr gks x;s gS] rks mUgsa foyqIr djk fn;k tk;sxk vFkok vH;FkhZ ds ijh{kk esa] vfu;fer :i ls lfEefyr gksus dh n’kk esa ijh{kkQy fujLr dj fn;k tk;sxk] ftldk lEiw.kZ mrjnkf;Ro vH;FkhZ dk gksxkA
2 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@250] fnukad 28 tqykbZ 2001 }kjk la’kksf/krA3[ 20 & d0 1 gkbZLdwy Lrj ij N% fyf[kr fo”k;ksa esa ls fdUgh ikWap fo”k;ksa ij mrh.kZ gksaus ij ijh{kkFkhZ dks mrh.kZ ?kksf”kr fd;k tk;sxk ftl fo”k; esa ijh{kkFkhZ vuqrh.kZ gks mls mlh o”kZ ds tqykbZ ekg esa iqu% ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr iznku dh tk;sxhA mrh.kZ gksus dh n’kk esa ijh{kkFkhZ dks vuqrh.kZ gq;s fo”k;ksa esa vkxs v/;;u djus dh lqfo/kk jgsxhA2 & gkbZLdwy Lrj ij nks fo”k;ksa esa vuqrh.kZ ijh{kkFkhZ dks mudh bPNkuqlkj fdlh ,d fo”k; esa bEizwoesUV ;k dEIkkVZesUV ijh{kk nsus dh vuqefr tqykbZ ekg esa iznku dh tk;sxhA ;g lqfo/kk dsoy ,d fo”k; rd gh lhfer jgsxhA vad&i= esa bl vk’k; dk vadu ugha fd;k tk;sxk fd ijh{kkFkhZ us bEizwoesUV ;k iwjd ijh{kk nh gSA ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks gkbZLdwy ijh{kk mrh.kZ gksus dh n’kk esa mlh o”kZ d{kk & 11 esa izos’k fn;k tk;sxkA[k & b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk lkekU; rFkk O;kolkf;d ds lUnHkZ esa&1 & ifj”kn~ b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa izfo”V ijh{kkFkhZ ;fn fdUgh nks fo”k;ksa ftlesa iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk ugha gksrh gSa] esa vuqrh.kZ jgs vkSj nksuksa fo”k;ksa esa mls i`Fkd&i`Fkd 25 izfr’kr ;k vf/kd vad feys gksa rks mls vuqrhZ.k gq, fo”k;ksa es ikB~;dze lfefr }kjk fu/kkZfjr mrh.kkZd rd vad ikus ds fy, mlds lEiw.kZ ;ksx ds vk/kkj ij ijh{kk lfefr }kjk le;≤ ij fu/kkZfjr fu;eksa ds vuqlkj vko’;d vad vuqxzgkad ds :i esa nsdj mrh.kZ ?kksf”kr fd;k tk;sxk vkSj nh tk;sxhA2 & ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk esa izfo”V fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks tks ,ssls fo”k;ksa dk p;u djrk gS ftlesa fyf[kr ds lkFk&lkFk iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk Hkh gksrh gS dks vuqxzgkad gsrq iz;ksxkRed okys nks fo”k;ksa ftlesa og vuqrh.kZ jgrk gS] esa fyf[kr rFkk iz;ksxkRed ijh{kk esa vyx&vyx 25 izfr’kr ;k vf/kd vad ikuk vfuok;Z gksxkA bl izdkj iz;ksxkRed okys fo”k;ksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk fyf[kr rFkk iz;ksxkRed nksuksa [k.Mksa esa vyx&vyx 25 izfr’kr vad izkIr djus ij gh og vuqxzgkad ikus ds fy, gdnkj gksxkA izfrcU/k ;g gS fd ijh{kkFkhZ dks ,d [k.M fyf[kr vFkok iz;ksxkRed [k.M esa ls fdlh ,d gh [k.M esa vuqxgkad ns; gksxkA fdlh Hkh n’kk esa ijh{kkFkhZ dks nksuksa [k.Mksa fyf[kr rFkk iz;ksxkRed esa vuqrh.kZ gksus ij vuqxagkad ns; ugha gksxkA ,sls ijh{kkFkhZ dks vuqrh.kZ gq, fo”k; esa ikB;dze lfefr }kjk fu/kkZfjr mrh.kZd rd vad ikus ds fy, mlds lEiw.kZ ;ksx ds vk/kkj ij ijh{kk lfefr }kjk le;≤ ij fu/kkZfjr fu;eksa ds vuqlkj vko’;d vad vuqxzgkad ds :i esa nsdj mrh.kZ ?kksf”kr fd;k tk;sxk vkSj nh tk;sxhA iz;ksxkRed fo”k;ksa esa fyf[kr rFkk iz;ksxkRed [k.Mksa gsrq ikB;dze lfefr }kjk fu/kkZfjr i`Fkd~&i`Fkd~ iw.kkZd ds vk/kkj ij 25 izfr’kr vadksa dk fu/kkZj.k fd;k tk;sxkA3 & vH;FkhZ dks nks fo”k; esa vkB vad dh lhek rd gh vuqxzkgkad mudh vgZrkuqlkj ns; gksxkA
3 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ & 9@250] fnukad 4&7&2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA1[ x & gkbZLdwy ijh{kk esa ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vad&i= rFkk izek.k&i= esa izFke] f}rh; vFkok r`rh; dk mYys[k ugha fd;k tk;sxkA vad&i= es dsoy fo”k;okj vadks dk mYys[k djrs gq;s ikl vFkok Qsy dk gh vadyu fd;k tk;sxkA vad&i= esa fo”k;ksa ds dqy izkIrkad dk mYys[k Hkh ugha jgsxkAifj”kn~ dh b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa iznku dh ;kstuk fuEuor~ gksxh &
lEeku lfgr mrh.kZ gksus ds fy, okafNr U;wure vad | % | lEiw.kZ ;ksx dk 75 izfr’kr ;k vf/kdA |
izFke ds fy;s okafNr U;wure vad | % | ;ksxkad dk 60 izfr’krA |
f}rh; ds fy;s okafNr U;wure vad | % | ;ksxkad dk 45 izfr’krA |
r`rh; ds fy;s okafNr U;wre vad | % | ;ksxkad dk 33 izfr’kr tgkWa blds izfrdwy mYys[k u gksaA |
uksV & 1 ,d fo”k; esa ;ksxkad 75% gksus ij fo”k; esa fo’ks”k ;ksX;rk iznku dh tk;sxhA2 & d`f”k vFkok O;kolkf;d oxZ dh ijh{kk ds fy, foLr`r ;kstuk iw.kkZd rFkk U;wure mrh.kkZd forj.k if=dk esa i`Fkd ls fn;s x;sa gSaA
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@250] fnukad 4-7-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA
lafujh{kk & mldh dk;Zfof/k21 & gkbZLdwy rFkk b.VjehfM,V ds ijh{kkFkhZ tks viuh mrj iqLrdsa lf=jh{kk djkuk pkgrs gS] fuEufyf[kr fu;eksa ds vuqlkj djk ldrs gSa &
1 foKfIr la0 ifjokn & 9@895 fnukad 12-1-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA
‘kqYd2[ 22 & ifj”kn~ }kjk yh tkus okyh ijh{kkvksa ds lEcU/k esa fuEufyf[kr ‘kqYd fy;s tk;saxs&
2 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@163] fnukad 28-06-2004 }kjk izfrLFkkfirA
dzekad | ijh{kk dk uke | iqujhf{kr nj |
1 | d gkbZLdwy ijh{kk & laLFkkxr | 80-00 |
[k & gkbZLdwy ijh{kk & O;fDrxr | 100-00 | |
2 | fo[kf.Mr | |
3 | d b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk & laLFkkxr | 60-00 |
[k b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk & O;fDrxr | 150-00 | |
4 | d fo[kf.Mr | |
[k fo[kf.Mr | ||
x b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx ,d laLFkkxr | 80-00 | |
?k b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx ,d O;fDrxr | 150-00 | |
M b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx&2 laLFkkxr | 80-00 | |
p b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx&2 O;fDrxr | 150-00 | |
5 | v/;k; pkSng % fofu;e 9 d ds vUrxZr dsoy vaxzsth dh ijh{kk | 25-00 |
6 | v/;k; pkSng % fofu;e 9 d ds vUrxZr ‘ks”k fo”k;ksa dh ijh{kk | 100-00 |
*5 & gkbZLdwy dh iwjd ijh{kk vFkok ,d fo”k; esa izfo”V gksus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ls ‘kqYd :0 250@& mi;qZDr fofu;eksa ds izko/kku gkbZLdwy ijh{kk d{kk&10 esa o”kZ 2010 dh ijh{kk ls izHkkoh gksaxsA | :0 250-00 | |
6 & fo[kafMr | ||
**7 & ekpZ@vizSy dh eq[; ijh{kk esa ,d vFkok vf/kd fo”k;ksa dh ijh{kk | 200-00 :i;s izfr fo”k;A | |
8 & ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ijh{kkQy dh lf=jh{kk ‘kqYd | 40-00 :i;s izfr iz’u&i=A | |
9 & d fdlh laLFkkxr ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk fdlh ijh{kk esa izkIr C;kSjsokj vadksa ds izs”k.k dk vfuok;Z ‘kqYd | 1-00 :i;s bl ‘kqYd dk vk/kk lEcfU/kr laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk j[k fy;k tk;sxk] tks ifj”kn ls lqlaxr lwpuk izkIr gksus ds i’pkr~ izR;s ijh{kkFkhZ dks mlds C;kSjsokj vad Bhd <ax ls eqfnzr izi= eas izsf”kr djsaxs laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk j[ks x;s ‘kqYd dk fooj.k fuEuor~ gksxk & | |
d & ukekoyh cukus gsrq 12 1@2izfr’krA[k & la[;k lwpd&pdz ds fuekZ.k gsrq 121@2 izfr’krAx & izkIrkad i=ksa dks rS;kj rFkk mldh tkWap gsrq 50 izfr’krA?k & izkIrkad iznku djus dh izfdz;k esa Mkd fVdV rFkk ys[ku&lkexzh bR;kfn ds enksa es O;; gsrq 25 izfr’krA;U=hdj.k okys laLFkkvksa dh fLFkfr esa ‘kqYd dk dsoy 25 izfr’kr /kujkf’k laLFkk ds iz/kku vFkok dsUnz ds v/kh{kd }kjk] tSlh fLFkfr gks jksd yh tk;sxh ftldk iz;ksx izkIrkad iznku djus dh izfdz;k esa Mkd O;; rFkk ys[ku&lkexzh vkfn ds enksa esa O;; gsrq fd;k tk;sxkA | ||
[k & fdlh laLFkkxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds vad i= dh f}rh; izfrfyfi dk ‘kqYd | 20 :i;sA | |
10 & d fdlh O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk izkIr C;kSjsokj vadksa dks izs”k.k ‘kqYd | 2 :i;sA bl ‘kqYd dk vk/kk lEcf/kr dsUnz ds v/khu{kd }kjk j[k fy;k tk;sxk tks ifj”kn~ ds lfpo ls lqlaxr lwpuk izkIr gksus ds i’pkr~ izR;sd O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ dks mlds C;kSjsokj vad Bhd <ax ls eqfnzr&i= esa izsf”kr djsaxsA dsUnz v/kh{kd }kjk j[ks x;s ‘kqYd dk /kujkf’k dk forj.k fuEuor~ gksxk &d & ukekoyh cukus gsrq 12 1@2izfr’krA[k & la[;k lwpd&pdz ds fuekZ.k gsrq 121@2 izfr’krAx & izkIrkad iznku djus dh izfdz;k esa Mkd fVdV rFkk ys[ku lkexzh vkfn ds enksa esa O;;u gsrq 50 izfr’krA?k & izkIrkad iznku djus dh izfdz;k esa Mkd fVdV rFkk ys[ku&lkexzh bR;kfn ds enksa esa O;; gsrq 25 izfr’krA ;U=hdj.k okyh laLFkkvksa dh fLFkfr esa ‘kqYd dk dsoy 25 izfr’kr /kujkf’k laLfkk ds iz/kku vFkok dsUnz ds v/kh{kd }kjk] tSlh fLFkfr gks jksd yh tk;sxh] ftldk iz;ksx izkIrkad iznku djus dh izfdz;k esa Mkd O;; rFkk ys[ku&lkexzh vkfn ds enksa esa O;; gsrq fd;k tk;sxkA | |
[k & fdlh O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds vad&i= dh f}rh; izfrfyfi dk ‘kqYd | 20 :i;sA | |
vad i=ksa dh f}rh; izfrfyfir lfpo ds dk;kZy; ls izsf”kr dh tk;sxh] ftlds fy, vkosnu&i= fn;k tkuk pkfg,A | ||
x & fo[kf.Mr | ||
#11 & foyEc ‘kqYd | 100-00 :i;s fdlh O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk ns; tks ifj”kn~ dh fdlh ijh{kk esa izfo”V gksus vuqefr dk viuk vkosnu & i= fofu;eksa esa fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds i’pkr~ ijUrq vf/kdre N% flrEcj rd nsrk gSA | |
12 & izos’k&i= dh f}rh; izfrfyfi dk ‘kqYd | 2 :i;sA | |
13 & ifj”kn~ }kjk ,d ijh{kk ds fy, ijh{kkFkhZ dks fuxZr izek.k&i= esa uke ifjorZu djus dk ‘kqYd | ##20 :i;s |
* foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@250] fnukad 07-07-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA
** 2 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ & 9@494] fnukad 12-11-2002 }kjk la’kksf/krA
# 1 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~ & 9@444] fnukad 19-08-2006] }kjk la’kksf/krA
## 2 vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn~ & 9@635] fnukad 27-12-2000] jktkKk la0 3147@15&7&2 1@2000] fnukad 05-12-2000 }kjk ‘kCn 10@& nl :i;s dh txg ‘kCn 20@& chl :i;s vkSj dks fujLr djds mlds LFkku ij uohu fofu;e 40 izfr’kr LFkkfir fd;k x;k gks fd ljdkjh xtV m0iz0 Hkkx & 4 esa fnukad 27-01-2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA@[ & d vkosnu&i= mfpr }kjk fn;k tk;sxk rFkk ftl o”kZ esa ijh{kk gqbZ Fkh mldh 31 ekpZ ls rhu o”kZ ds Hkhrj ifj”kn~ ds lfpo ds dk;kZy; esa igqWap tkuk pkfg;sA vkosnu dks ,d fVfdV yxs gq, dkxt ij ‘kiFk&i= nsuk gksxk] tks izFke ds eftLVzsV vFkok uksVjh }kjk ;Fkkfof/k gksuk pkfg, ftlesa uke esa ifjorZu ds oS/k dkj.k fn;s gksaxs rFkk tks ,d jktif=r vf/kdkjh }kjk ;Fkkfof/k gksxk vkSj ijh{kkFkhZ] tgkWa og fuokl djrk gS] ogkWa LFkkuh; nSfud&i= dh rhu fofHkUu frfFk;ksa ds laLdj.kksa esa vius uke ds ifjorZu dks foKkfIr djsxk] blls iwoZ fd mls ifjofrZr uke dk u;k izek.k&i= izkIr gksA
@ vf/klwpuk la0 ifj”kn & 9@635] fnukad 27-12-2000] jktkKk la0 3147@15&7&2 1@2000] fnukad 05-12-2000 }kjk ‘kCn 10@& nl :i;s dh txg ‘kCn 20@& chl :i;s vkSj dks fujLr djds mlds LFkku ij uohu fofu;e 40 izfr LFkkfir fd;k x;k gks fd ljdkjh xtV m0iz0 Hkkx & 4 esa fnukad 27-01-2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
14 & bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 28 ds vUrxZr fuxZr izek.k&i= dh f}rh; izfrfyfi dk ‘kqYd | 50 :i;s izR;sd ijh{kk ds fy,A | |
15 & ftl o”kZ esa ijh{kk gqbZ Fkh mldh 31 ekpZ ls 3 o”kZ ds vUnj u fy;s x, izek.k i= ‘kqYd | 20 :i;sA | |
16 & fdlh O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy;s izoztu izek.k i= fuxZr gksus dk ‘kqYd | 20 :i;s | |
17 & laLFkk ds iz/kkuksa dks ijh{kkQy i{kksa dh f}rh; izfrfyfi;kWa djus dk ‘kqYd | 10 :i;s izFke 100 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa vFkok mlds va’k ds fy, vkSj ckn ds 100 ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa vFkok muds va’k ds fy, 5 :i;sA | |
18 & O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds vkosnu&i= vxzlkj.k gsrq ‘kqYd | 5 :i;sA |
‘kqYd dh okilh23 & fdlh ijh{kk esa izfo”V gksus dh vuqefr ds fy, ,d ckj fn;k gqvk ‘kqYd fuEu] fyf[kr n’kkvksa dks NksMdj okil u gksxk &
‘kqYd LFkxu24 & vkosnu&i= nsus ij ifj”kn~ fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks] tks fdlh ijh{kk esa izfo”V gksus ls vleFkZ jgk] vkxkeh gksus okyh ijh{kk esa izos’k dh vuqefr mlds ‘kqYd dks LFkfxr j[kdj fuEufyf[kr n’kkvksa esa ns ldrk gS &,d fo[kf.MrAnks fo[kf.MrArhu ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk ds le; Hka;dj :i ls :X.k Fkk vkSj mldks leFkZ fpfdRlk izkf/kdkjh us ;Fkkfof/k fd;k gSA ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds ijh{kk ‘kqYd LFkfxr j[kus ds vkosnu&i= laLFkk ds iz/kku vFkok lEcfU/kr dsUnz v/kh{kd }kjk ifj”kn~ ds lfpo ds dk;kZy; esa ijh{kk o”kZ dh 1 ebZ rd igqWap tkus pkfg,Aiqu’p & d ,d ckj LFkfxr fd;k x;k ‘kqYd iqu% LFkfxr ugha gks ldsxkA[k & eq[; ijh{kk ds rqjUr ckn esa gksus okyh iwjd ijh{kk dk ‘kqYd LFkfxr djus dk vkosnu&i= izkIr gksus dh vfUre frfFk 15 flrEcj gksxhA vf/kd tek fd;s ‘kqYd dh okilh u gksxhA
izos’k i= rFkk mUgsa izkIr djus dh fof/k25 & lfpo vius dks vk’oLr djus ds mijkUr fd ijh{kkFkhZ us ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk esa izos’k gsrq leLr vis{kkvksa dh iwfrZ dj nh gS] mls izos’k&i= nsxk ftls ijh{kk dsUnz ds v/kh{kd dks izLrqr djds ijh{kkFkhZ dks ijh{kk esa cSBus dh vuqefr nh tk;sxhAO;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ vius izos’k&i= ijh{kk dsUnzksa ds v/kh{kdksa ls fyf[kr ijh{kk izkjEHk gksus ds izFke fnol ls 48 ?kaVs iwoZ izkIr dj ysaxs] ,slk u djus ij mUgsa izfrfnu vFkok mlds va’k ij 1 :i;k vFkZ n.M nsuk gksxkA;fn lfpo vk’oLr gksa fd fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dk izos’k&i= [kks x;k ;k u”V gks x;k gS rks fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd fn;s tkus ij mldh f}rh; izfrfyfi ns ldrs gSaA
cfg”dj.k ,oa fu”dklu26 & bu fofu;eksa ‘krksZ ds gksrs gq, Hkh &,d fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dk tks ,d ‘kSf{kd o”kZ ds Hkhrj fdlh le; cfg”d`r dj fn;k x;k gS] ml ‘kSf{kd o”kz esa gksus okys ijh{kk esa izos’k ugha gks ldsxkAfdlh ,sls ijh{kkFkhZ dks] ftldh ifj”kn~ dh fdlh ijh{kk esa izos’k ds fy, mldk izkFkZuk&i= Hkst fn;s tkus ds i’pkr~ laLFkk ls fu”dkflr dj fn;k x;k gS vkSj ftldk fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk esa izos’k ugha gqvkj gS ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus dh vuqefr ugha nh tk;sxhAKkrO; & d ;fn mi;qZDr n.M mls ijh{kkdky esa vFkok mlds i’pkr~ ijUrq ml ‘kSf{kd o”kZ dh lekfIr ds iwoZ fn;k tkrk gS] ftlesa ijh{kk gksrh gS rks mldh ijh{kk fujLr dj nh tk;sxhA [k fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks] tks ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU; fdlh ijh{kk fudk; ls okfjr gS] fdlh ijh{kk esa ml vof/k dh lekfIr ls iwoZ ftlds fy, og nf.Mr gS] izos’k ugha fey ldsxkA
izek.k i= dh nwljh izfr1[ 28 & ifj”kn~ vkosnu&i= nsus ij rFkk bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 22 14 ds vuqlkj fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd nsus ij fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks izek.k&i= dh nwljh izfr fuEufyf[kr n’kkvksa esa ns ldrh gS &,d izek.k&i= [kks tkus vFkok u”V gks tkus dh n’kk esa]nks izek.k&i= ds [kjkc gksus] fo:ifr gksus vFkok dV&QV tkus dh n’kk esa] tks ifj”kn~ dks vo:) fd;s tkus gsrq izLrqr dj fn;k tkrk gS]rhu izek.k&i= dh izfof”V;kWa /kwfey gks tkus dh n’kk esa tks] vU; izdkj ls etcwr gSa vkSj ifj”kn~ dks fujLr fd;s tkus ds fy;s izLrqr fd;k tkrk gSApkj vkxkeh fofu;e 32 ds izko/kku ds vuqlkj vLokfed izek.k&i= u”V dj fn;s tkus dh n’kk esaAizfrcU/k ;g gS oxZ ,d vkSj nks vkSj pkj esa ijh{kkFkhZ vius vkosnu&i=ksa ds lkFk ‘kiFk i= Hkh izLrqr djsaxsA ;fn ijh{kkFkhZ dh vk;q 20 o”kZ ;k blls de gS] rks ‘kiFk&i= mls firk ;fn og thfor gS ds }kjk vFkok mlds vfHkHkkod }kjk ;fn firk thfor ugha gSa fu”ikfnr fd;k tk;sxkA nksuksa gh n’kkvksa esa ijh{kkvksa dks ‘kiFk&i= dh ;Fkkfof/k vfHkiq”V djuh gksxhA;g Hkh izfrcU/k gS fd oxZ ,d ds lEcU/k ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds }kjk bl lR; dks bl jkT; ds ,d nSfud lekpkj&i= ds ,d laLdj.k esa foKkfir djkuk gksxk vkSj bl lekpkj&i= ds laLdj.k dh izfr ftlesa foKfIr fudyh gS ifj”kn~ ds dk;kZy; dks iwoZ izfrcU/k esa visf{kr ‘kiFk&i= ds lkFk izsf”kr djuh gksxhA
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@599] fnukad 07-12-2000 }kjk izfrLFkkfirA
izoztu izek.k i=29 & O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd nsus ij fuEufyf[kr izi= esa lfpo }kjk izoztu izek.k&i= fuxZr fd;s tk;saxs &
ek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~] mrj izns’k
izoztu izek.k&i=O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa ifj”kn dh ijh{kk,a mrh.kZ djus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ;g fd;k tkrk gS fd——————iq=@iq=h———————vuqdzaaekd———————us 19———————-esa gqbZ gkbZLdwy@b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk———————dsUnz ls O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa mrh.kZ dhAifj”kn dks mlds mrj izns’k ls ckgj fdlh fo’ofo|ky; vFkok laLFkk esa izfo”V gksus esa dksbZ vkifr ugha gSAbykgkckn———————–
lfpoAKkrO; & laLFkkxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds :i esa izfo”V gksus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, izoztu izek.k&i= ugha fn;k tkrk gSA ftl laLFkk esa ijh{kkFkhZ us v/;;u fd;k mldk ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd ls izfrgLrk{kfjr Lfkkukrj.k izek.k&i= izoztu i= dk dk;Z djrk gSA30 & bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 28 ds gksrs gq, Hkh ijh{kkFkhZ }kjk izek.k&i= dh nwljh izfr] fyfi izkIr djus ds fy, tek fd;k gqvk ‘kqYd okil ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izek.k i=ksa dk forj.k31 & izek.k&i=ksa dk forj.k&ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kk esa mrh.kZ ijh{kkFkhZ dk izek.k&i= izkpk;Z vFkok dsUnz] tSlh fLFkfr gks] dks Hkstk tk;sxk] tks ijh{kkFkhZ dks nsaxs] tks ijh{kkFkhZ Mkd ls viuk izek.k&i= pkgrs gSa os izkpk;Z@dsUnz v/kh{kd dks jftLVMZ Mkd fVdV rFkk fyQkQk Hkstdj vFkok fu/kkZfjr izfo/kkukuqlkj izkIr dj ldsaxsA
1[ vLokfjd izek.k i=
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ & 9@599] fnukad 07-12-2000 }kjk izfrLFkkfir rFkk rRdky izHkko ls izHkkohA32 & vkosnu&i= rFkk bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 22 15 ds vUrxZr fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd nsus ij ifj”kn fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks] ftlus ml o”kZ dh 31 ekpZ ls] ftlesa fd ijh{kk gqbZ Fkh rhu o”kZ ds Hkhrj u fy, ewy izek.k&i= dks fuxZr dj ldrh gSA blds fy, vkosnu lfpo ds ;gkWa ds izkIr fu/kkZfjr izi= ij laLFkkxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds lEcU/k esa laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk rFkk fO;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds lEcU/k esa dsUnz ds v/kh{kd }kjk ,d ‘kiFk&i= lfgr] ftlesa ;g mYys[k gks fd mlus izek.k&i= dh ewy vFkok nwljh izfrfyfi ugha izkIr dh gS] fn;k tkuk pkfg,A ;fn ijh{kkFkhZ 20 o”kZ vFkok mlls de vk;q dk gS rks ‘kiFk&i= mlds firk ;fn thfor gksa ds }kjk vFkok] mlds vfHkHkkod }kjk ;fn firk thfor u gksa fu”ikfnr fd;k tk;sxkA nksuksa n’kkvksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ dks ‘kiFk7i= dh ;Fkkfof/k vfHkiqf”V djuh gksxhAizfrcU/k ;g gS fd ;fn fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ us fu/kkZfjr vof/k ds Hkhrj viuk izek.k&i= lEcfU/kr laLFkk ds iz/kku vFkok dsUnz ds v/kh{kd ls izkIr ugha fd;k gS og mls 5 o”kZ dh vof/k ds chrus ds i’pkr rqjUr ifj”kn~ dk;kZy; esa okil Hkst nsA Nk= dk ifj”kn }kjk fu/kkZfjr izfdz;k iw.kZ djus ds i’pkr~ mls izek.k&i= fn;k tk;sxk] ifj”kn~ }kjk ,sls leLr vLokfed izek.k&i=ksa dh ifj”kn~ dk;kZy; ls muds fuxZr gksus dh frfFk ls 20 o”kZ chrus ds i’pkr~ u”V dj fn;k tk;sxkA rRi’pkr~ ;fn dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ viuk izek.k&i= pkgrk gS rks mls mDr izek.k&i= dh f}rh; izfrfyfi ds fy, fu;ekuqlkj izkFkZuk&i= nsuk gksxkA
U;wure vk;q1[ 33 & ;fn fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dh vk;q ml o”kZ dh izFke tqykbZ dks ftlesa og ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksuk pkgs 14 o”kZ vFkok mlls vf/kd ugha gks] rks og 1971 rFkk mls vkxs dh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk esa izos’k ikus dk ik= ugha gksxkA]
1 jktkKk la0ek0 630@15&7&608 56 & 72 fnukad 29-12-1972 }kjk vU; vkns’k tkjh gkus rd fuyafcr gSA34 & fujLr
i=kpkj35 & foHkkx }kjk LFkkfir i=kpkj f’k{kk laLFkku }kjk ek/;fed f’k{kk ds Lrj ds m=;u vkSj ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa esa O;fDrxr :i ls izos’k pkgus okys O;fDr;ksa dks v/;;u esa lqfo/kk nsus ds fy, i=kpkj ds ek/;e ls f’k{kk nsus dh O;oLFkk dh tk;sxhAi=kpkj f’k{kk laLFkku dk izeq[k nkf;Ro i=kpkj f’k{k.k gsrq vH;fFkZ;ksa ds iathdj.k dh O;oLFkk djuk] ikB ys[ku ifjektZu eqnz.k ,oa vko’;drkuqlkj vko`fr;ksa esa eqfnzr ikBksa ds izs”k.k dh O;oLFkk djuk] vH;fFkZ;ksa dks funsZ’ku iznku djus dh O;oLFkk djuk] i=kpkj ikB~;dze dk vuqlkj.k djus okys vH;fFkZ;ksa dks ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus ds fy;s vko’;d mi;qDrk izek.k&i= nsuk rFkk le;≤ ij funs’kd@’kklu }kjk vf/klwfpr vU; dk;ksZ dk lEiknu djuk gksxkA36 1 ifj”kn ijh{kkvksa dks ftl ijh{kk dh ftl oxZ ds ftl ds O;fDrx.k ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, ftu fo”k;ksa esa i=kpkj f’k{kk O;oLFkk fd;s tkus dh vf/klwpuk f’k{kk funs’kd] mrj izns’k }kjk dh tk;s ml ijh{kk ds ml oxZ ds ml ds ,sls O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s] tks fofu;e 37 ds vUrxZr ugh vkrs gS] i=kpkj f’k{kk gsrq viuk iathdj.k djkdj i=kpkj f’k{k.k ds vUrxZr fd;s x;s ikBksa dk vuqlj.k djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA2 & mi;qZDr ds O;fDrx.k ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, laLFkku }kjk fu/kkZfjr ikB~;dze iwjk djus gsrq iathdj.k dh O;oLFkk dh tk;sxhA i=kpkj ikB~;dze ds vuqlj.k dh vof/k lkekU;r% nks ‘kSf{kd l= gksxhA vij f’k{kk funs’kd i=kpkj f’k{kk vko’;drkuqlkj blesa ifjorZu dj ldrs gSaA37 & 1 i=kpkj f’k{k.k dh vfuok;Zrk ls fuEukafdr ds O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ eqDr jgsaxs&
izfrcu/k ;g gS fd i=kpkj f’k{k.k O;oLFk dh vfuok;Zrk ls eqfDr izkIr mi;qZDr d vkSj [k ds vH;FkhZ pkgsa rks fufnZ”V fof/k ls fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd tek djds i=kpkj ds vUrxZr fy;s x;s fo”k;ksa esa ikB izkIr dj ldrs gSaA
1 foKfIr ljdkj ifj”kn & 9@654 fnukad 07-10-2009 }kjk iqu% LFkkfirA2[ 2 & b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa O;fDrxr :i ls lfEefyr gksus ds bPNqd ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s ftUgksaus fdlh ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk esas d{kk 11 vFkok led{k ijh{kk mrh.kZ dh gS] i=kpkj f’k{kk gsrq viuk iathdj.k djds i=kpkj f’k{kk ds ikB~;dze dk vuqlj.k djuk rFkk rRlEc/khu vuqlj.k izek.k&i= ijh{kk vkosnu&i= ds lkFk layXu djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA izfrcu/k ;g gS fd ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksas ds fy;s i=kpkj f’k{k.k dh vof/k ,d ‘kSf{kd l= ls vf/kd u gksxkA]
2 vk0’kk0 ia=kd ifj”kn 9@743 fnukad 09-02-2001 }kjk lfEefyr rFkk o”kZ 2002 dh ijh{kk ls izHkkohA38 & 1 i=kpkj f’k{k.k gsrq ‘kklu }kjk Lohd`r njksa ij iathdj.k i=kpkj f’k{k.k rFkk vU; ‘kqYd olwy fd;k tk;sxkA
39 & i=kpkj f’k{kk laLFkku] mrj izns’k }kjk lapkfyr i=kpkj f’k{kk lrr~ v/;;u lEidZ ;kstuk ds vUrxZr jkT; ds mPprj ek/;fed fo?kky;ksa esa iathd`r Nks=ksa dks fu;fer laLFkkxr Nk= ds :i esa ekuk tk;sxkA3[ 40 & izek.k&i= esa uke ifjorZu & ifj”kn lQy mEehnokjksa }kjk fofgr izfdz;kuqlkj vkosnu&i= nsus rFkk bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 22 13 esa fu/kkZfjr ‘kqYd nsus ij izek.k&i= esa fuEukafdr izfrcU/kksa ds v/khu uke ifjorZu dj ldrh gS&
3 vf/k0 la0 ifj”kn & 9@635] fnukad 27-12-2000] jktkKk la0 3147@15&7&2 1@2000] fnukad 05-12-2000 }kjk fofu;e 22 13 dh fujLr djds mlds LFkku ij uohu fofu;e 40 izfrLFkkfir dh x;h] tks fd ljdkjh xtV m0iz0 Hkkx & 4 esa fnukad 27-01-2001 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
gkbZLdwy ijh{kk
izFke nks o”khZ; ikB~;dze d{kk 9&101[ 1 & gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds fy, izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dks uhps fn;s gq, ds vuqlkj lkr fo”k;ksa esa ijh{kk yh tk;sxh &
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ & 9@Mh0bZ@1911&19519 fnukad 10 ekpZ 1998 }kjk ifjofrZrA
1 & fgUnh@izkajfHkd fgUnh fgUnh ls NwV ikus okys Nk=ksa gsrqA | ||
2 & ,d vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; Hkk”kk,d vk/kqfud fons’kh Hkk”kk ,d ‘kkL-h; Hkk”kk | mnwZ] xqtjkrh] iatkch] caxyk] ejkBh] vklkeh] mfM;k] d=M d’ehjh] flU/kh] rfey] rsyxw] ey;kyevFkokvaxzsth] Qzkalhlh] teZuh] :lh] usikyh frCcrh] phuhAvFkoklaLd`r] ikyh] vjch] Qkjlh] ySfVuA |
1 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~ 9@580] ‘kklukns’k la[;k 1932@15&7&08&1 45@2008] fnukad 01-08-2008 }kjk fo”k; teZu] frCcfr] Qzkalhlh] :lh] ySfVu] phuh rFkk j{kk v/;;u dks gVk;k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV] Hkkx 4 esa fnukad 18-10-2008 dks izdkf’kr & 1 tc rd d’ehjh ds ikB~;dze fu/kkZfjr ugha gks tkrs] ijh{kkFkhZ bUgsa migUr ugha dj ldsaxsA2[ 2 & gkbZLdwy Lrj ij ykxw laLd`r rFkk laLd`r rFkk mnwZ fo”k;ksa esa orZeku esa fu/kkZfjr 100 vadksa ds ,d iz’u&i= ds LFkku ij 50&50 vadksa ds nks iz’u&i= gksaxsA ‘ks”k Hkk”kkvksa esa iz’u&i=ksa dh la[;k iwoZorj jgsxhA3 & vFkok x`g foKku dsoy ckfydkvksa ds fy,A
2 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn 9@580 }kjk ck;k x;kA3[ & d og ijh{kkFkhZ] tks fdlh fodykaxrk] iw.kZ us=ghurk vFkok fodykax gkFk ls ihfM gksa] ftlls og vfuok;Z fo”k;ksa esa T;kfefr; vkd`fr;kWa u [khpa ikrs gksa vFkok foKku@x`g foKku esa fu/kkZfjr fdz;kRed dk;Z ugha dj ikrs gksa] bu fo”k;ksa ds LFkku ij lkfgfR;d oxZ esa fu/kkZfjr dksbZ vU; fo”k; ys ldrs gS] bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk fd os viuh fodykaxrk ds leFkZu esa eq[; fpfdRlkf/kdkjh dk fpfdRlk izek.k&i= izLrqr djrs gS rFkk lkFk gh ;fn vxzlkj.k vf/kdkjh Lo;a O;fDrxr :i ls ,slh fodykaxrk ls iw.kZr% lUrq”V gksaA
3 d rFkk [k ijh{kk lfefr ds izLrko la0 26] fnukad 06-08-1985 }kjk rFkk x ijh{kk lfefr ds izLrko la[;k 51] fnukad 12-03-1987 }kjk lfEefyrA4[ & [k fodykax rFkk n`f”Vckf/kr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ijh{kk gsrq fu/kkZfjr vof/k ds vfrfjDr 20 feuV izfr ?k.Vs ds fglkc ds vfrfjDr le; ns; gksxkA
4 foKkfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@686] fnukad 11-01-2012 }kjk la’kksf/kr] tks m0iz0 xtV] Hkkx & 4 esa fnukad 14-01-2012 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA5[ x & lg f’k{kk okys fo?kky;ksa dh ckfydkvksa ds fy, d{kk 9 esa x`g foKku ds f’k{k.k izko/kku djuk pkfg;sA ;fn ,slk izko/kku djuk ‘kh?kz lEHkou u gks rks ,slh ckfydkvksa dks ;g fo”k; ?kj ij O;fDrxr :i ls v/;;u djus dh vkKk dsoy 1996 dh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk rd gh nh tk ldrh gSA
5 ifj”kn la0 9@61 fnukad 26-04-1991 ijh{kk lfefr dh cSBd fnukad 07-09-2002 ds funsZ’kkuqlkj fudkyk x;kA6[ ?k ewd cf/kj Nk= nwljh vfuok;Z Hkk”kk ds LFkku ij ,d vU; fo”k; oSdfYid fo”k;ksa dh lwph esas ls migjr dj ldrs gSA
6 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ 9@881 fnukad 28 ekpZ 2001 }kjk lfEefyrA4 & foKku
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@Mh bZ@19411&19519] fnukad 10-03-1998 }kjk ifjofrZrA5 & lkekftd foKku
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@Mh bZ@19411&19519] fnukad 10-03-1998 }kjk ifjofrZrA6 & fuEufyf[kr esa ls ,d vfrfjDr fo”k;%;fn bls vfuok;Z Hkk”kk ds :i esa dze la[;k nks ij ugha fy;k x;k gSad & ,d ‘kkL=h; Hkk”kk laLd`r] ikfy] vjch] Qkjlh] ySfVu
vFkok;fn bls vfuok;Z Hkk”kk ds :i esa dze la[;k nks ij ugha fy;k x;k gS,d vk/kqfud Hkkjrh; Hkk”kk xqtjkrh] mnwZ] iaatkch] uSikyh] caxyk] ejkBh] vklkeh] mfM;k] d=M] d’ehjh] flU/kh] rfey] rsyxw] ey;kye
vFkok,d vk/kqfud fons’kh Hkk”kk ;fn bls vfuok;Z fo”k; ds :i esa dze la[;k 2 ij u fy;k x;k gSA vxzasth] Qzkalhlh] teZu] :lh] uSikyh] frCcrh] phuhA
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn & 9@Mh bZ@19411&19519] fnukad 10-03-1998 }kjk ifjofrZrA
2 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn 9@881 fnukad 28-03-2001 }kjk lfEefyrA
3 foKfIr la0 9@91 fnukad 01-05-2006 }kjk lfEefyr fd;k x;kA
4 foKfIr la0 9@259 fnukad 04-07-2006 }kjk lfEefyr fd;k x;k rFkk foKkfIr ls 9@580 }kjk gVk;k x;kA5[ 7 & uSfrd] ‘kkjhfjd] lektksi;ksxh mRiknd ,oa lekt lsok dk;Z rFkk iw.kZ O;olkf;d f’k{kk ds vUrxZr fu/kkZfjr fuEufyf[kr VsMlZ esa ls dksbZ ,d &
Vhi& iwoZ O;olkf;d f’k{kk ds vUrxZr fu/kkZfjr VzsM fo”k;ksa dk fo|ky; Lrj ij vkUrfjd ewY;kadu fd;k tk;sxk rFkk ewY;kadu ds vk/kkj ij Nk=ksa dks ,0ch0 rFkk lh0 xzsM iznku fd;s tk;axsA ftldk mYys[k muds vadi= rFkk izek.k&i= esa fd;k tk;sxk rFkk fo|ky; }kjk p;fur VzsM Lor% ekU; ekus tk;saxsA ‘kklu dh ladYiuk ds vuqlkj O;olkf;d f’k{kk gsrq fu/kkZfjr fofHkUu VzsM fo”k;ksa dk v/;;u izR;sd Nk= d{kk 9 ls 12 rd ds fy, vfuok;Z gksxkA laLFkk dks VzsM fo”k;ksa ds lapkyu gsrq dksbZ ‘kkldh; vuqnku ugha gksxkA2 & leLr v/;kidksa }kjk tks gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds fy, rS;kj djkus okyh d{kkvksa ds f’k{k.k esa fu;qDr gS] Mk;fj;kaW j[kh tk;saxh ftuesa muds }kjk i<+k;s x;s izR;sd fo”k; esa gqvk dk;Z fn[kk;k tk;sxk vkSj bu Mk;fj;ksa dk ekSf[kd vFkok fdz;kRed ijh{kdksa vFkok ,sls vU; izkf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk tks ifj”kn~ }kjk izfrfu;qDr fd;s tk;sa] fujh{k.k fd;k tk;sxkA
5 foKfIr ia=kd ifj”kn & 9@05 fnukad 02-04-2013 }kjk la’kksf/krA1[ 3 & gkbZLdwy Lrj ij fofHkUu fo”k;ksa esa iz;ksxkRed dk;ksZa dk vkUrfjd ewY;kadu 05 IokbUV Ldsy xzsfMax ds vk/kkj ij fd;k tk;sxk vkSj xszM vad&i= esa iznf’kZr fd;k tk;sxkA
1 foKfIr ls ifj”kn 9@250] fnukad 04-07-2009 }kjk la’kksf/krA4. 2[***]
2 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ 9@542 fnukad 05-11-2004 }kjk fudkyk x;kA5 & leLR ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa esa Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa ds f’k{k.k dk ek/;e fgUnh gksxkA gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds leLr ijh{kkFkhZ Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa ds iz’uksa ds mrj fgUnh esa nsaxs] bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk fd ifj”kn~ ds lHkkifr rFkk foHkkx ds ,sls vU; vf/kdkjh ftUgsa og bl lEcU/k ea vf/kdkj ns ns] Loefr ls mu ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks] ftudh ekr`Hkk”kk fgUnh ugha gS] vaxszth vFkok mnZw eas iz’uksa ds mrj nsus dh vuqefr ns ldrs gSA Hkk”kkvksa dks NksM+dj leLR fo”k;ksa ds iz’u&i= fgUnh esa cuk;s tk;saxsAifj”kn~] fQj Hkh] ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU;rk izkIr rFkk mrj izns’k ds vkaXy Hkkjrh; fo|ky;ksa ds fu;e lafgrk }kjk vuq’kkflr laLFkkvksa dks f’k{k.k esa vaxszth ek/;e dk iz;ksx djus dh vuqefr ns ldrh gSA vkosnu&i= nsrs le; laLFkkvksa ds iz/kkuksa }kjk lfpo ls izkFkZuk djus ij ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds fy, iz’u&i=ksa ds vaxszth :ikUrj dh O;oLFkk dh tk ldrh 1 & Hkk”kkvksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ iz’uksa dk mrj Hkk”kkvksa rFkk rRlEcU/kh fyfi esa nsaxs ftlls iz’u&i= dk lEcU/k gS] tc rd fd iz’u&i= esa gh mlds izfrdwy mYys[k u gksaA2 & ifj”kn~ ds lHkkifr us fofu;e 5 ds v/;k; rsjg ds vuqlj.k esa laLFkkvksa ds iz/kkuksa rFkk dsUnz v/kh{kdksa dks fuEufyf[kr oxkZsa ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa esa Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa esa vaxzsth esa iz’u&i=ksa dk mrj nsus dh vuqefr nsus dk vf/kdkj ns fn;k gS&,d ijh{kkFkhZ] ftudh ekr`Hkk”kk fgUnh u gksdj ,d vU; Hkk”kk gSAnks ijh{kkFkhZ] ftUgkstsa oSKkfud rFkk izkfof/kd fo”k; lfgr fy;s gSArhu vkaXy&Hkkjrh; laLFkkvksa ls vkus okys ijh{kkFkhZApkj ijh{kkFkhZ] ftUgsa ifj”kn~ ds fofu;eksa ds fofu;e 6] v/;k; rsjg ds vUrxZr ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkFkhZ esa vfuok;Z fgUnh ysus dh NwV fey xbZ gSA3 & ifj”kn~ ds lHkkifr us mij ds fu;e ds v/khu ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd] mrj izns’k ds ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks] ftudh ekr~Hkk”kk mnZw gS] ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa esa mnZw ek/;e dk iz;ksx djus dh vuqefr nsus dk vf/kdkjh izfrfufgr dj fn;k gSA4 & ,sls leLR ekeys] ftuesa laLFkkvksa ds iz/kkuksa vFkok dsUnz v/kh{kdksa vFkok ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kdksa }kjk vuqefr nh tkrh gS] ifj”kn dks lwfpr fd;s tkus pkfg;sA6 & bl fofu;eksa dh ‘krkZsa ds gksrs gq, Hkh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk esa fuEufyf[kr oxksZa ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ifj”kn~ }kjk fu/kkZfjr fu;ekuqlkj vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV nh tk ldrh gS&1 & fons’kh jkf”Vzdksa] rFkk2 & Hkkjrh; jkf”Vzd dks tks iwoZ f’k{k.k rFkk@vFkok fuokl ds dkj.k fgUnh dk i;kZIr Kku izkIr djus esa leFkZ ugha Fks] ftlls fd os gkbZLdwy ijh{kk esa vfuok;Z fgUnh dks ys lds%izfrcu/k ;g gS fd ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks tks fgUnh dk fuEuLrjh; ikB~;dze izkjfEHkd fgUnh vFkok vU; oSdfYid fo”k;] tks fue;kuqdwy gks] vfuok;Z fgUnh ds LFkku ij ysuk pkfg,AKkrO;&1 & bl fofu;e esa mfYyf[kr NwV ifj”kn~ ds lHkkifr }kjk vFkok foHkkx ds ,sls vU; vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk nh tk ldrh gS ftls og bl lEcU/k esa vf/kdkj nsA2 & gkbZLdwy rFkk b.VjehfM,V nksuksa gh ijh{kkvksa ds fy;s izkjfEHkd fgUnh dk ikB~;dze ,d gh gSA1[7. 2[ 7 leLr ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa esa Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa ds f’k{k.k dk ek/;e fgUnh vFkok vaxszth gksxkA izfrca/k ;g gS fd ftu fo|ky;ksa dks fgUnh ek/;e ls f’k{k.k fn;s tkus gsrq iwoZ esa ekU;rk@vuqefr feyh gS] mUgsa vaxszth ek/;e ls Hkh f’k{k.k fn;s tkus dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gSA gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds leLR ijh{kkFkhZ Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa esa iz’uksa ds mrj fgUnh vFkok vaxsth ek/;e ls nsaxsA ifj”kn ds lHkkifr rFkk foHkkx ds ,sls vU; vf/kdkjh] ftUgsa og bl laca/k esa vf/kdkj ns nsa] Loefr ls mu ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh ftudh ekr`&Hkk”kk fgUnh ugha gS] mnwZ esa iz’uksa ds mrj nsus dh vuqefr ns ldrs gSaA Hkk”kkvksa dks NksM+dj leLR fo”k;ksa ds iz’u&i= fgUnh rFkk vaxzsth esa cuk; 1 & Hkk”kkvksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ iz’uksa dk mrj Hkk”kkvksa rFkk rRlEcU/kh fyfi esa nsaxs ftlls iz’u i= dk lEcU/k gS] tc rd fd iz’ui= esa gh mlds izfrdwy mYys[k u gksA2 & ifj”kn ds lHkkifr us fofu;e&7 v/;k; rsjg ds vuqlj.k esa laLFkkuksa ds iz/kkuksa rFkk dsUnz v/kh{kdksa dks fuEufyf[kr oxkZsa ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ijh{kkvksa esa Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLR fo”k;ksa esa vaxzsth eas iz’u i= dk mrj nsus dh vuqefr nsus dk vf/kdkj ns fn;k gS&,d ijh{kkFkhZ ftudh ekr`Hkk”kk fgUnh u gksdj ,d vU; Hkk”kk gSAnks ijh{kkFkhZ ftUgksaus oSKkfud rFkk izkfof/kd fo”k; lfgr fy, gSArhu vkaXy Hkkjrh; laLFkkvksa ls vkus okys ijh{kkFkhZpkj ijh{kkFkhZ ftUgsa ifj”kn ds fofu;eksa ds fofu;e&8 v/;k; rsjg ds vUrxZr ifj”kn dh ijh{kkvksa esa vfuok;Z fgUnh ysus ls NwV fey x;h gSA3 & ifj”kn ds lHkkifr us mij fu;e ds v/khu ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd] mrj izns’k ds ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ftudh ekr`Hkk”kk mnZw gS ifj”kn dh ijh{kkvksa esa mnZw ek/;e dk iz;ksx djus dk vf/kdkj izfrfufgr dj fn;k gSA4 & ifj”kn ds lHkkifr us mij ds fofu;eksa ds v/khu ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd] mrj izns’k dks n`f”V ckf/kr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks czsyfyfi esa iz’uksa ds mrj nsus dh vuqefr iznku djus dk vf/kdkj izfrfufgr dj fn;k gSA5 & ,sls leLr ekeys ftuesa laLFkkvksa ds iz/kkuksa vFkok dsUnz v/kh{kdksa vFkok ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kdksa }kjk vuqefr nh tkrh gS] ifj”kn dks lwfpr fd;k tkuk vfuok;Z gksxkA6 & bl fofu;eksa dh ‘krkZsa ds gksrs gq, Hkh gkbZ Ldwy ijh{kkvksa esa fuEufyf[kr oxkZsa ds ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ifj”kn }kjk fu/kkZfjr fu;ekuqlkj vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV nh tk ldrh gSA1 & fons’kh jkf”Vzd dks rFkk2 & Hkkjrh; jkf”Vzd dks tks iwoZ f’k{k.k rFkk@vFkok fuokl ds dkj.k fgUnh dk i;kZIr Kku izkIr djus esa leFkZ ugha Fks ftlls fd os gkbZ Ldwy ijh{kk esa vfuok;Z fgUnh dks ys ldsaAizfrcU/k ;g gS fd ,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dk fgUnh dk fuEu Lrjh; ikB~;dze izkjfEHkd fgUnh vFkok vU; oSdfYid fo”k;] tks fu;ekuqdwy gks] vfuok;Z fgUnh ds LFkku ij ysuk pkfg;sAKkrO;&1 & bl fofu;e esa mfYyf[kr NwV ifj”kn ds lHkkifr }kjk foHkkx ds ,sls vU; vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk nh tk ldrh gS ftls og bl lEcU/k esa vf/kdkj nsaA
1 dk;kZy; lfpo ek0f’k0ifj0 m0iz0 bykgkckn foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~&9@811 fnukad 22-03-2000 }kjk la’kksf/krA
2 & jktkKk la[;k 1028@16&7&10&1 76 @2010] fnukad 09-06-2010 }kjk la’kksf/krA izfrca/k ;g Hkh gS fd ifj”kn~ }kjk n`f”Vckf/kr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks czsy fyfi esa iz’uksa ds mrj nsus dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gSA
vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV lEcU/kh fu;eifj”kn dh ijh{kkvksa esa vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV ds fu;e v/;k; rsjg fofu;e 8 esa fn;s gq, gSaA mi;qZDr fofu;eksa ds vUrxZr ifj”kn us vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV lEcU/kh fuEukafdr fu;e cuk;s gS&1 & ijh{kkFkhZ ftUgksaus ,d vkaXy Hkkjrh; vFkok ifCyd Ldwy esa de ls de 3 o”kZ v/;;u fd;k gks rFkk Lrj vkB vFkkZr~ dSfEczt lVhZfQdsV ijh{kk vFkok bf.M;u Ldwy lVhZfQdsV ijh{kk ifj”kn ubZ fnYyh }kjk lapkfyr bf.M;u Ldwy lVhZfQdsV ftl o”kZ esa gksrk gS] mlls pkj o”kZ iwoZ dk Lrj mrh.kZ dj fy;k gSA2 & ijh{kkFkhZ tks ,d ,sls jkT; ds Lflkk;h fuoklh gS] tgkWa izknsf’kd Hkk”kk ugha gS rFkk ftuds vfHkHkkod gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds lEcU/k esa ijh{kk o”kZ ls igys dh o”kZ ds 1 flrEcj dks de ls de 5 o”kZ mrj izns’k dks izctu dj pqds gSaA3 & ijh{kkFkhZ tks mrj izns’k ds LFkk;h fuoklh gSa ijUrq ftUgksaus vLFkk;h :i ls vU; jkT; dks izcztu fd;k gS vkSj ogkWa fuokl fd;k gS] ;fn os fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky; esa de ls de 3 o”kZ rd v/;;u djus rFkk ml fo|ky; esa mPp fgUnh u ysus dk izek.k&i= izLrqr djrs gSaA
vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV iznku djus ds fy;s vf/kd`fr vf/kdkjh1 & lUnfHkZr fofu;eksa ds iqu’p% 1 ds vuqlj.k esa ifj”kn ds lHkkifr us fuEufyf[kr vf/kdkfj;ksa dks izR;sd ds uke ds lkeus fyf[kr jkf”Vzdksa dks vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV nsus dk vf/kdkjh ns fn;k gS %
2 & laLFkkxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks] tks vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV ikus ds vf/kdkjh gksa ;Fkksfpr izkf/kdkjh ls d{kk esa izos’k ds le; vkosnu djuk pkfg,A3 & O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds lEcU/k esa NwV ds fy, izkFkZuk rFkk vkns’kksa dh izkfIr ijh{kk esa izfof”V gksus ds vkosnu&i= Hkjus ls iwoZ gh izkIr djuh pkfg;sA
fofHkUu izdkj dh fgUnh ysus ds lEcU/k esa funZs’k1 & izkjfEHkd fgUnh d{kk 8 ls Lrj dh ysdj gkbZLdwy ijh{kk mrh.kZ ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa fu/kkZfjr fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh ysuh gksxhA2 & mrj izns’k ls fgUnh ds lkFk d{kk 8 mrh.kZ djus ds i’pkr~ mrj izns’k ds ckgj ds fdlh izns’k ls fcuk fgUnh ds vFkok de vadksa okyh fuEu Lrj dh fgUnh ds lkFk gkbZLdwy ;k gk;j lsds.Mjh ;k eSVzhdqys’ku ijh{kk mrh.kZ djus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks b.VjehfM,V ih{kk esa fu/kkZfjr fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh ysuh gksxhA bldk vFkZ gqvk fd iatkc dh eSVzhdqys’ku ijh{kk dh 150 vadksa dh fgUnh] lsUVzy cksMZ vkQ lsds.Mjh ,twds’ku] ubZ fnYyh dh vky bf.M;k gk;j lsds.Mjh ijh{kk dks 150 vadks dh fgUnh ,e0,y0 vFkok ml cksMZ dh gk;j lsd.Mjh ijh{kk dh vf/kd vadksa okyh fgUnh vkfn ysdj mrh.kZ ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks b.VjehfM,V ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh dk ikB~;dze ysuk gksxkA3 & b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk eas vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV ugha nh tk;sxhA
1 v/;k; pkSng] pkSng d iz=kad v0lk0 ifj”kn 9@560 bykgkckn fnukad 13-08-1992 tks fd m0iz0 xtV Hkkx&4 08-07-1995 dk izdkf’kr gqvkA
b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk1 & b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa izos’k ds fy;s ;k ijh{kk ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr ikB~;dze dk v/;;u izkjEHk djus ls iwoZ izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dks ifj”kn~ dh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk vFkok gkbZLdwy izfof/kd ijh{kk vFkok fofu;e }kjk mlds gkbZLdwy ijh{kk lde{k ?kksf”kr ijh{kk esa mrh.kZ gksuk vko’;d gksxkA2[ 2 & fuEufyf[kr ijh{kk laLFkkvksa }kjk lapkfyr ijh{kk,a b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk ds fu/kkZfjr ikB~;dze ds v/;;u ds fy, ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks izos’k dk ik= cukus ds mns’; ls ifj”kn dh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds led{k ?kksf”kr dh tkrh gS&
2 d & uhps fy[kh gqbZ ‘krsZ mu O;fDrxr :i ls O;ofLFkr laLFkkvksa ij ykxw gksaxh] tks fdlh vf/kfu;e vFkok pkVZj ds vUrxZr vfuok;Z ‘krZ ds :i esa ugh py jgh gS ;s ‘krsZ muds }kjk lapkfyr ijh{kkvksa dh ifj”kn~ dh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds led{k fofu;e 2] v/;k; pkSng ds vUrxZr ekU;rk nsus ds mns’; ls ykxw gksaxh&
;s ‘krsaZ mu leLr laLFkkvksa ij ykxw gksaxh tks ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU;rk izkIr djus ds fy;s vkosnu&i= nsrh gS rFkk mufudk;ksa ds fy;s Hkh] ftudh ijh{kk;sa bl v/;k; ds fofu;e 2 30 rFkk 2 33 ds vUrxZr ifj”kn~ }kjk mldh gkbZLdwy ijh{kk ds led{k ekU; gSA3 & dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ ml le; rd b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa ugh izfo”V gks ldsxk] tc rd fd mlds }kjk gkbZLdwy vFkok ,d led{k ijh{kk mrh.kZ fd;s gq, nks ‘kSf{kd o”kZ u chr x;s gksa%izfrcU/k ;g gS fd ftu ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa us dSEfczt Ldwy lVhZfQdsV tks igys lhfu;j yksdy dgykrh Fkh] ijh{kk vFkok bf.M;u Ldwy vkQ lVhZfQdsV ijh{kk] ubZ fnYyh dh dkmfUly }kjk lapkfyr bf.M;u Ldwy lVhZfQdsV ijh{kk dsou fnlEcj] 1974 rd vFkok gk;j lsds.Mjh ijh{kk ,d o”khZ; vFko f=o”khZ; ikB~;dze vFkok cksMZ vkQ gk;j lsds.Mjh ,twds’ku fnYyh dh gk;j lsds.Mjh ijh{kk ,d o”khZ; vFko f=o”khZ; ikB~;dze gk;j lsds.Mjh Ldwy VsfDudy lVhZfQdsV ijh{kk f=o”khZ; ikB~;dze vFko lsUVzy cksMZ vkQ lsds.Mjh ,twds’ku] vtesj] ubZ fnYyh }kjk lapkfyr vf[ky Hkkjrh; mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kk vFkok fMekaLVsz’ku eYVhijit gk;j lsds.Mjh ijh{kk vFkok Hkkjr esa fof/kor~ LFkkfir fdlh fo’ofo|ky; vFkok ek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~ }kjk lapkfyr mPprj ek/;fed ijh{kk vFkok izos’k vFkok vgZrk vFkok iwoZ fo’ofo|ky; ijh{kk mrh.kZ dj yh gS] ftlds rqjUr ckn esa f=o”khZ; Lukrd ikB~;dze gksrk gS] b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa iwoZ ijh{kk mrh.kZ djus ds vxys ‘kSf{kd o”kZ esa izfo”V gks ldrs gSaAKkrO;& bl izfrcU/k ds vUrxZr izfo”V gksus okys ijh{kkFkhZ O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds :i esa Hkh izfo”V gksus ds ik= gSa] ;fn os okafNr ‘krsZiwjh djsaA1[ 3 d & fodykax rFkk n`f”Vckf/kr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ijh{kk gsrq fu/kkZfjr vof/k ds vfrfjDr 20 feuV izfr ?k.Vs ds fglkc ls vfrfjDr le; ns; gksxkA3 [k & bu fofu;eksa dh ‘krkZsa ds gksrs gq, Hkh dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ] ftlus ifj”kn~ dh b.VjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk vFkok ,d ijh{kk vFkok ,d led{k ijh{kk mrh.kZ dh gS] oSKkfud oxZ ds lkF b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa] ml ‘kSf{kd o”kZ ds ckn ds o”kZ esa cSB ldrk gS] ftlesa og iwoZ ijh{kk mrh.kZ djrk gSA,sls ijh{kkFkhZ dks fgUnh esa iqu% cSBus dh vko’;drk u gksxk vkSj bu fo”k;ksa esa mlds }kjk igys izkfIR vadksa dks lfEefyr dj fy;k tk;sxkA
2 vf/klwpuk la[;k&5@384@15&7&2014&1 92 @2012 }kjk la’kksf/kr fd;k x;k ns[ksa lUrq”V vizSy 2014A4 & fdlh Nk= dks] tks ,d ‘kSf{kd o”kZ Hkkjr esa fof/kor~ LFkkfir ,sls fo’ofo|ky; vFkok Hkkjr esa ,sls ek/;fed f’k{kk ifj”kn~ ls lEc) fo|ky; esa jgk gS] ftldh eSVzhD;wys’ku vFkok led{k ijh{kk ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU; gS vFkok ftlus gkbZLdwy vFkok led{k ijh{kk mrh.kZ djus ds i’pkr~ okjk.klh laLd`r fo’ofo|ky;] okjk.klh dh mrj ek/;ek ijh{kk vaxzsth ds lkFk dh rS;kjh esa izos’k fy;k gS] ,d o”kZ dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gS] ftlesa og bl izdkj jgk gS] bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk fd ;g leqfpr izkf/kdkjh ls ;g izek.k i= izLrqr djrk gS fd rRlEcU/kh o”kZ dk ys[kk ml fo’ofo|ky; vFkok fudk; esa ykxw fofu;eksa ds vuqlkj tgkWa mlus izotu fd;k gS] fof/kor~ j[kk x;k gS rFkkdfFkr vkpk;Z dks mlds LFkkukUrj.k esa dksbZ vkifr Nk= tks mij ds fofu;e esa mfYyf[kr fdlh fudk; ls lEc) vFkok ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky; esa l= ds fdlh Hkkx esa jgk gS] ifj”kn~ }kjk ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky; esa izfo”V gks ldrk gS vkSj ml fo|ky; ds O;k[;kuksa dks mifLFkfr dh x.kuk mrj izns’k ds fo|ky;ksa dh mifLFkfr ds lkFk] ikB~;dze ds fu;fer v/;;u ds mns’; ls dh tk;sxh] bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk fd mij ds fofu;e esa fu/kkZfjr ‘krsZ iwjh dh tkrh gSAmi;qZDr fofu;e ds mns’; ls xkSgkVh rFkk jktLFkku fo’ofo|ky;ksa dh b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk;sa Hkh ekU; gSaA1[ 5 & b.VjehfM,V ds izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dh ikWap fo”k;ksa esa ijh{kk yh tk;sxhA bu fo”k;ksa ds vfrfjDr [ksy ,oa ‘kkjhfjd f’k{kk fo”k; dh ijh{kk fo|ky; Lrj ij djk;h tk;sxh] ftlesa 50 vadksa dk dsoy ,d iz’ui= gksxkA blds vfrfjDr 50 vadksa dh iz;ksxkRed ijh{k Hkh laLFkk ds iz/kku }kjk yh tk;sxhAizR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dks [ksy ,oa ‘kkjhfjd f’k{kk fo”k; dh ijh{kk esa U;wure mrh.kkZad 33 izfr’kr ikuk vfuok;Z gksxkA ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa }kjk bl fo”k; dh fyf[kr rFkk iz;kstukRed ijh{kk esa vftZr vadksa dk vadu ijh{kkFkhZ ds ij fd;k tk;sxkAO;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh [ksy ,oa ‘kkjhfjd f’k{kk dh ijh{kk vxzlkj.k@iathdj.k vf/kdkjh }kjk yh tk;sxhA iw.kZ:i ls n`f”V ckf/kr vFkok fodykax ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks [ksy ,oa ‘kkjhfjd f’k{kk fo”k; dh ijh{kk ls eqfDr jgsxhA1 & ,d vfuok;Z fo”k;&fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh
1 fofu;e 5 foKfIr la0 9@1003 fnukad 29-03-2006 }kjk fofu;e 5 izfrLFkkfir gqvk mi;qZDR la’kks/ku o”kZ] 2006 dh ijh{kk ls izHkkoh gksxkA
d ekufodh oxZ2&5 fuEufyf[kr fo”k;ksa esa ls dkbZ pkj fo”k;&,d Hkkjrh; lafo/kku dh vkBoha vuqlwph esa nh xbZ Hkk”kkvksa esa ls fgUnh ds vfrjDr dksbZ ,d Hkkjrh; Hkk”kk&laLd`r] mnZw] xqtjkrh] iatkch] caxyk] ejkBh] vklkeh] mfM+;k] dUuM+ d’ehjh] flU/kh] rfey] rsyxw] ey;kye vFkok usikyhAnks ,d vk/kqfud fons’kh Hkk”kk&vaxsth] QzkUlhlh] teZu] :lh] frCcrh vFkok phuhrhu ,d ‘kkL=h; Hkk”kk&laLd`r] ikyh] vjch] Qkjlh vFkok ySfVuA
1 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~ 9@580] ‘kklukns’k la[;k 1932@15&08 45 @2008] fnukad 07-08-2008 }kjk fo”k; teZu] frCcrh] QzkUlhlh] :lh] ysfVu] phuh] lak[;kdh peZ f’kYi ;kSfxd vfHk;a=.k ds rRo rFkk fo|qr vfHk;a=.k ds rRo gVk;k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx 4 fnukad 15-10-2008 dks izdkf’kr gqvk 2010 dh ijh{kk ls izHkkohAKkrO;&1 * ijh{kkFkhZ oSdfYid fo”k; ds :i esa nks ls vf/kd Hkk”kk,a u ys ldsaxsA2 & laLd`r] bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk fd og mi;qZDr esa dzekad ,d oSdfYid fo”k; ds :i esa ugha yh x;h gSA3 & d’ehjh rFkk phuh ds ikB~;dze ikfjr gksus rd ijh{kkFkhZ bUgsa migr ugha dj ldsaxsA
2 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~ 9@580] ‘kklukns’k la[;k 1932@15&08 45 @2008] fnukad 07-08-2008 }kjk fo”k; teZu] frCcrh] QzkUlhlh] :lh] ysfVu] phuh] lak[;kdh peZ f’kYi ;kSfxd vfHk;a=.k ds rRo rFkk fo|qr vfHk;a=.k ds rRo gVk;k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx 4 fnukad 15-10-2008 dks izdkf’kr gqvk 2010 dh ijh{kk ls izHkkohApkj bfrgklikWap ukxfjd ‘kkL=N% xf.krlkr vFkZ’kkL=vkB laxhr xk;u vFkok laxhr oknu vFkok u`R; dykukS fp=dyk vkys[ku vFkok fp=dyk vFkok izkoSf/kd vFkok jatudyknl lekt ‘kkL=3[ X;kjg lkaf[;dh
3 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~ 9@580] ‘kklukns’k la[;k 1932@15&08 45 @2008] fnukad 07-08-2008 }kjk fo”k; teZu] frCcrh] QzkUlhlh] :lh] ysfVu] phuh] lak[;kdh peZ f’kYi ;kSfxd vfHk;a=.k ds rRo rFkk fo|qr vfHk;a=.k ds rRo gVk;k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx 4 fnukad 15-10-2008 dks izdkf’kr gqvk 2010 dh ijh{kk ls izHkkohAckjg x`r foKkursjg HkwxksypkSng dEI;wVjiUnzg lSU; foKkulksyg euksfoKku vFkok f’k{kk ‘kkL= vFkok rdZ’kkL=l=g dk”B f’kYi vFkok xzUFk f’kYi vFkok peZ f’kYi vFkok flykbZ2[ vV~Bkjg ekuo foKku
2 fofu;e 5 foKfIr ls0 9@91 fnukad 01-05-2006 }kjk uohu dze vV~Bkjg tksM+k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4 fnukad 13-05-2006 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
uksV& 1 dze pkSng ij vafdr fo”k; dEI;wVj esa dsoy laLFkkxr ijh{kkFkhZ gh lfEefyr gks ldsaxsA ijUrq bl fo”k; ds vuqrh.kZ ijh{kkFkhZ O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ dh :i esa lfEefyr gks ldrs gSaA
3[ 2 & b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa fgUnh] vaxzsth] laLd`r rFkk mnZw esa iz’ui=ksa dh la[;k iwoZor jgsxh ‘ks”k vU; Hkk”kkvksa esa 50&50 vadksa ds nks iz’u&i= ds LFkku ij 100 vadksa dk dsou ,d iz’u gksxk
3 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn 9@580] }kjk yxk;k x;kA
[k oSKkfud oxZ2&5 fuEufyf[kr fo”k;ksa esa dksbZ pkj fo”k;&,d HkkSfrd foKku(nks jlk;u foKku(rhu tho foKku(pkj dEI;wVj(4[ N% oS|qr vfHk;a=.k ds rRo vFkok ;kaf=d vfHk;a=.k ds rRo(
4 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn 9@580] }kjk yxk;k x;kA5[ lkr ekuo foKku(
5 foKfIr la0 9@91 fnukad 01-05-2006 }kjk dze lkr tksM+k x;kA6[ vkB ekufodh oxZ ds fo”k;ksa esa ls dksbZ ,d fo”k;A
6 foKfIr la0 9@91 fnukad 01-05-2006 }kjk orZeku dze lkr dks vkB fd;k x;k tks m0iz0 ljdkjh xtV Hkkx&4 fnukad 13-05-2006 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
Vhi& 1 & dze ikWap rFkk N% ds fo”k;ksa esa dsoy laLFkkxr ijh{kkFkhZ gh izos’k ikus ds ik= gksaxs ijUrq bu fo”k;ksa esa vuqrh.kZ Nk= O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa izfof”V gks ldsaxsA
2 & ;fn dze pkj vFkok ikWap ds fo”k; migr fd;k gS rks ekufodh oxZ ds dze’k% dze N% vFkok pkSng ugha ys ldsaxsA
x okf.kT; oxZ2 & cgh [kkrk rFkk ys[kk ‘kkL= O;kikfjd laxBu ,oa i=&O;ogkj4&5 fuEufyf[kr esa ls dksbZ nks fo”k;&,d vFkZ’kkL= rFkk okf.kT; Hkwxksy(nks vf/kdks”k.krRo(rhu vkS|ksfxd laxBu(pkj rFkk izkjfEHkd lkaf[;dh(ikWap dEI;wVj(N% chek fl)kUr ,oa O;ogkj(1[ lkr ekuo foKku
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ 9@91 fnukad 09-05-2006 }kjk izfrLFkkfirAvkB ekufodh oxZ ds fo”k;ksa esa ls dksbZ ,d fo”k;AVhi&1& dze&,d vFkZ’kkL= rFkk okf.kT; Hkwxksy ysus okys Nk= ekufodh oxZ ls dze&lkr vFkZ’kkL= fo”k; ugha ys ldsaxsA2 & dze&ikWap dEI;wVj fo”k; ysus okys Nk= ekufodh oxZ ls dEI;wVj fo”k; ugha ys ldsaxsA
?k d`f”k oxZHkkx ,d izFke o”kZ ijh{kk&1 & fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh2 d & ‘kL; foKku lkekU; d`f”k {ks= dh Qlysa] Hkwfe ,oa [kkn
fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh fo”k; dh ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx ,d izFke o”kZ esa ugha yh tk;sxhA bl fo”k; dh ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx nks f}rh; o”kZ esa nks o”khZ; ikB;dze ds vk/kkj ij yh tk;sxhA
d`f”k oxZ dh ijh{kk dh foLr`r ;kstukd`f”k Hkkx&1 izFke o”kZ ijh{kk
fo”k; | vf/kdre vad fl)kar esa | U;wure mrh.kkZad fl)kar esa | vf/kdre vad fdz;kRed esa | U;wure mrh.kkZad fdz;kRed esa | U;wure mrh.kkZad ;ksx esa |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 & fgUnh vFkok lkekU; | bl fo”k; dh ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx&2 esa yh tk;sxhA | ||||
32&32&36 vadks ds rhu iz’u i= | |||||
1 d`f”k& | |||||
d & izFke iz’u&i=&’kL; foKku lkekU; d`f”k {ks= dh Qlysa] Hkwfe ,oa [kkn rFkk fdz;kRed | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
[k & f}rh; iz’u&i=&ouLifr foKku rFkk fdz;kRed | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
x & r`rh; iz’u&i=&HkkSfrd foKku ,oa tyok;q foKku rFkk fdz;kRed | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
?k & prqFkZ iz’u&i=&d`f”k vfHk;a=.k rFkk fdz;kRed | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
M+ & iape iz’u&i=& rFkk izkjfEHkd lkaf[;dh | 50 | 17 | — | — | — |
;ksx | 250 | & | 200 | & | & |
d`f”k Hkkx&2 f}rh; o”kZ ijh{kk
fo”k; | vf/kdre vad fl)kar esa | U;wure mrh.kkZad fl)kar esa | vf/kdre vad fdz;kRed esa | U;wure mrh.kkZad fdz;kRed esa | U;wure mrh.kkZad ;ksx esa |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh 32&33&36 vadksa ds rhu iz’u&i= | 100 | 33 | — | — | — |
2 d`f”k& | |||||
d & “k”Be~ iz’u&i=&’kL; | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
[k & lIre~ iz’u&i=&vFkZ’kkL= | 50 | 17 | — | — | — |
x & v”Ve~ iz’u&i=&tUrq foKku rFkk fdz;kRed | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
?k & uoe~ iz’u&i=&i’qikyu rFkk i’kq fpfdRlk foKku rFkk fdz;kRed | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
M+k & n’ke~ iz’u&i=&jlk;u foKku rFkk fdz;kRed | 50 | 17 | 50 | 16 | 33 |
;ksx | 350 | & | 200 | & | & |
uksV&fgUnh vFkok lkekU; fgUnh fo”k; dh ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx&,d&izFke o”kZ esa ugha yh tk;sxhA bl fo”k; dh ijh{kk d`f”k Hkkx&nks f}rh; o”kZ esa nks o”khZ; ikB~;dze ds vk/kkj ij yh tk;sxhAiqu’p&1 & dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ d`f”k b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk ds izek.k&i= dk vf/kdkjh ijh{kk ds nkuksa Hkkxksa dks mrh.kZ djus ds i’pkr~ gksxkA ijh{kk ds f}rh; Hkkx f}rh; o”kZ ds vUr esa lQy ijh{kkFkhZ dks dk fu/kkZj.k ijh{kk ds izFke rFkk f}rh; Hkkxksa ds la;qDr vadksa ds vk/kkj ij gksxkA2 & ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks leLr fo”k;ksa esa rFkk fl)kUr ds izR;sd iz’u&i= vkSj ijh{kk ds Hkkx&1 ds fo”k; dh fdz;kRed ijh{kk esa Hkh iz;qDr% mrh.kZ gksuk vko’;d gksxkA dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ tc rd fd og ijh{kk dk izFke Hkkx mrh.kZ u dj ys rc rd ijh{kk ds Hkkx&2 esa izfo”V u gks ldsxkA3 & ijh{kk ds Hkkx 1 esa mrh.kZ gksus okys ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds dze Hkh xtV ds Hkkx&4 esa izdkf’kr fd;k tk;sxkA dksbZ ugha nh tk;sxhA4 & ijh{kk ds Hkkx&2 esa ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh U;wure mrh.kkZad i`Fkdr% fl)kUr ds izR;sd iz’u&i= esa rFkk ijh{kk ds fy, fu/kkZfjr iR;sd fdz;kRed ijh{kk esa izkIr djus gksaxsA5. [***]1[ 6 & leLr ekU;rk izkIr laLFkkvksa esa Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa ds f’k{k.k dk ek/;e fgUnh vFkok vaxzsth gksxkA izfrca/k ;g gS fd ftu fo|ky;ksa dks fgUnh ek/;e ls f’k{k.k fd;s tkus gsrq iwoZ esa ekU;rk@vuqefr feyh gS] mUgsa vaxzsth ek/;e ls Hkh f’k{k.k fn;s tkus dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gSA b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk ds ijh{kkFkhZ Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa ds iz’uksa ds mrj fgUnh vFkok vaxzsth ek/;e ls nsaxs] ifj”kn ds lHkkifr rFkk ,sls vU; vf/kdkjh] ftUgsa os bl laca/k esa vf/kdkj ns nsa] Lofoosd ls mu ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks] ftudh ekr` Hkk”kk fgUnh ds vfrfjDr dksbZ vU; Hkk”kk gS vkSj ftUgksaus gkbZLdwy ;k led{k ijh{kk rd fgUnh dk v/;;u ugha fd;k gS] mnZw ek/;e ls iz’uksa dk mrj nsus dh vuqKk ns ldrs gSa Hkk”kkvksa ds vfrfjDr leLr fo”k;ksa ds iz’u&i= fgUnh rFkk vaxzsth esa cuk;s tk;saxsA
1 foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~&9@181 fnukad 10-07-2010 }kjk izfrLFkkfir tks m0iz0 xtV Hkkx&4 fnukad 03-07-2010 dks izdkf’kr Hkk”kkvksa esa ijh{kkFkhZ iz’uksa ds mrj Hkk”kkvksa rFkk rRlEcU/kh fyfi eas nsaxs] ;fn iz’u&i= esa gh mlds foijhr mYys[k u gksA2 & fo[kf.MrA3 & fo[kf.MrA4 & ifj”kn ds lHkifr ds mij ds fofu;eksa ds v/khu ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kd] mrj izns’k dks n`f”Vckf/kr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks cszy fyfi esa iz’uksa ds mrj nsus dh vuqefr iznku djus dk vf/kdkj izfrfufgr dj fn;k gSA5 & ,sls ekeys ftlesa laLFkkvksa ds iz/kkuksa vFkok dsUnz v/kh{kdksa vFkok ftyk fo|ky; fujh{kdksa }kjk vuqefr nh tkuh gS] ifj”kn~ dks lwfpr djuk vfuok;Z gksxkA7 & v/;k; pkSng ds fofu;e 1 ds gksrs gq, Hkh os ijh{kkFkhZ] tks 1953 bZ0 ;k mlls iwoZ ds o”kZ dh b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa ^^fo’ks”k 😉 fofu;eksa** ‘kj.kkFkhZ ds fy, fo’ks”k ladze.k dkyhu fofu;eksa tSls fd 1951 bZ0 dh fooj.k if=dk esa fn;s gSaA rFkk jktuhfrd ihfM+rksa ds fy, ^^fo’ks”k ladze.k dkyhu fofu;eksa*8 ds varxZr cSBs rFkk vuqrh.kZ gq, ckn esa fdlh o”kZ dh b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk esa laLFkkxr O;fDrxr ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa ds :i esa ml o”kZ ds fy, fu/kkZfjr ikB~;dze ds vuqlkj cSB ldrs gSa] bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk fd os ifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa es izos’k ds fy, fofu;eksa esa fu/kkZfjr vU; ‘krksZa dks iwjk djrs gSaA2[ 8 & fo[kf.MrA
2 fnukad 21-09-2002 ds jkti= esa izdkf’kr foKfIr la[;k ifj”kn~&9@335] fnukad 12-09-2002 fo[kf.Mr o”kZ 2003 dks ijh{kk ls izHkkoh]9 & fujLrA9 d & dksbZ ijh{kkFkhZ ]ftlus v/;k; pkSng ds izkphu fofu;e 9 ds vUrxZr ifj”kn~ }kjk lapkfyr b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk dsoy vaxzsth fo”k; esa mrh.kZ dj yh gS] ‘ks”k fo”k;ksa lfgr b.VjehfM,V dh vkxkeh ijh{kk esa O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa izfo”V fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj og ijh{kkFkhZ ijh{kk esa lQy gksus ij vof’kZ”V fo”k;ksa esa mDr ijh{kk mrh.kZ gksus dk izek.k&i= ikus dk vf/kdkjh gksxkA,sls ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lEiw.kZ b.VjehfM,V ijh{kk mrh.kZ ekuk tk;sxkA mUgsa dksbZ ugha nh tk;sxhA
b.VjehfM,V O;kolkf;d f’k{kk dh ijh{kk vfUre nks o”khZ; d{kk 11&12 ds ikB~;dze1[ 1 & b.VjehfM,V O;kolkf;d f’k{kk dh ijh{kk ds fy, izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dh fuEufyf[kr fo”k;ksa rFkk VzsM esa ijh{kk yh tk;sxh&
1 foKfIr i=kad ifj”kn&9@05 fnukad 02-04-2013 }kjk la’kksf/krA,d lkekU; fgUnh2[ nks 45 oSdfYid fo”k;ksa esa ls dksbZ ,drhu lkekU; vk/kkfjr fo”k;pkj O;kolkf;d /kkjkvksa VzsM~l esa ls dksbZ ,d&
Vhi & ‘kklu dh ladYiuk ds vuqlkj O;olkf;d f’k{kk gsrq fu/kkZfjr fofHkUu VszM fo”k;ksa dk v/;;u izR;sd Nk= d{kk 9 ls 12 rd ds fy, vfuok;Z gksxk rFkk bl fufer fo|ky;ksa dks VzsM fo”k;ksa dh i`Fkd ls ekU;rk ysus dh vko’;drk ugha gksxhA laLFkk dks VszM fo”k;ksa ds lapkyu gsrq dksbZ ‘kkldh; vuqnku ns; ugha gksxkA
2 45 fo”k; fuEu izdkj gSa&
1 laLd`r] 2 mnZw] 3 xqtjkrh] 4 iatkch] 5 caxyk] 6 ejkBh] 7 vklkeh] 8 mfM+;k] 9 duM+] 10 flU/kh] 11 rfey] 12 rsyqxq] 13 eky;kye] 14 uSikyh] 15 vaxzsth] 16 Qzkalhlh] 17 teZu] 18 :lh] 19 ikyh] 20 vjch] 21 Qkjlh] 22 ySfVu] 23 bfrgkl] 24 ukxfjd ‘kkL=] 25] 26 vFkZ’kkL=] 27 laxhr xk;u] 28 laxhr oknu] 29 fp=dyk] 30 lekt’kkL=] 31 lkaf[;dh] 32 x`g foKku] 33 Hkwxksy] 34 lSU; foKku] 35 euksfoKku] 36 f’k{kk ‘kkL=] 37 rdZ’kkL=] 38 HkkSfrd foKku] 39 jlk;u foKku] 40 tho foKku] 41 O;kikfjd laxBu ,oa i=&O;ogkj] 42 vFkZ’kkL= rFkk okf.kT; Hkwxksy] 43 vkS|ksfxd laxBu] 44 rFkk izkjfEHkd lkaf[;dh] 45 ‘kL; foKkuA
1 foKfIr la0 ifj”kn~ 9@527 fnukad 29-10-1981 }kjk fo[kafMr tks fd m0iz0 jkti= esa fnukad 14-11-1981 dks izdkf’kr gqvkA
gkbZLdwy izkfof/kd ijh{kk
b.VjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk
[ vfUre nks o”khZ; ikB~;dze]
( d{kk 11&12)1 & fuEufyf[kr ds vuqlkj bUVjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk ds fy, izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dh ikWap fo”k;ksa esa ijh{kk yh tk;sxhAbu fo”k;ksa ds vfrfjDr ‘kkjhfjd O;k;ke rFkk uSfrd f’k{kk esa f’k{k.k vfuok;Z gksxkA
mi;qZDr ikWp fo”k;ksa ds lkFk ;fn ijh{kkFkhZ pkgs rks vfrfjDr oSdfYid fo”k; ds :i esa vaxszth migr dj ldrk gSA mrh.kZ gksus ij budk mYys[k izek.k&i= esa fd;k tk;sxkA blls blds ijh{kkQy esa ;k esa dksbZ izHkko ugha iM+sxkA2 & izos’k& dsoky laLFkkxr ijh{kkFkhZ gh bUVjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk esa izos’k ds ik= gSaA2 d & bUVehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk esa izos’k ds fy, izR;sd ijh{kkFkhZ dks ifj”kn~ dh gkbZLdwy izkfof/kd ijh{kk ;Fkksfpr ikB~;dze lfgr vFkok dksbZ ijh{kk] tks fofu;e }kjk mlds led{k ?kksf”kr dh x;h gS] bUVjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk ds fy, fu/kkZfjr v/;;u ds ikB~;dze esa izos’k ls iwoZ mrh.kZ djuk vko’;d gksxkAijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks bUVjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk ds fy, fu/kkZfjr v/;;u ds ikB~;dze esa izos’k dk ik= cukus ds mns’; ls fuEufyf[kr ijh{kk ifj”kn~ dh gkbZLdwy izkfof/kd ijh{kk ds led{k ?kksf”kr dh tkrh gSA1 & lsdsUMjh ,twds’ku cksMZ] mM+hlk] dVd }kjk lapkfyr gkbZLdwy lVhZfQdsV ijh{kk izkfof/kd3 & f’k{k.k ,oa ijh{kk dk ek/;e & f’k{k.k ,oa iz’u&i=ksa ds mrj nsus dk ek/;e ifjHkkf”kr ‘kCnkoyh dks NksM+dj] tks vaxsth eas nh tkuh pkfg,] fgUnh gksxkA ;fn dksbZ fo|kFkhZ vaxzsth esa iz’u&i=ksa dk mrj nsuk pkgrk gS rks mls ,slk djus dh dh vkKk nh tk ldrh gSA4 & fnu&izfrfnu ds fdz;kRed dk;Z dk fu/kkZfj.k iw.kkZadksa ds 25 izfr’kr vad fnu&izfrfnu ds fdz;kRed dk;Z ds fy, fu;r jgsaxsA ijh{kk lapkfyr djrs le; ckgkz fdz;kRed ijh{kd fnu&izfrfnu ds dk;Z ij vad iznku djsaxsA5 & v/;k; 12&d fofu;e ykxw gksaxs] tgkW rd fd os bl v/;k; ds fofu;eksa ds izfrdwy ugha gSA6 & mij ds fofu;e 3 dh ‘krkZsa ds gksrs gq;s Hkh fdlh ijh{kkFkhZ dks] tks bUVjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk esa vuqrh.kZ gks x;k gS vkSj tks ijh{kk esa iqu% izfo”V gksuk pkgrk gS ijUrq ,d O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa] ijh{kk ls iwoZ dh tuojh ds vUr rd ml ekU;rk izkIr izkfof/kd laLFkk ds iz/kku ls] tgkWa og O;fDrxr ijh{kkFkhZ ds :i esa izfrf”V gksuk pkgrk gS] bl vk’k; dk izek.k&i= izLrqr djuk pkfg;s fd mlus mudh izkfof/kd laLFkk esa mlds }kjk fy;s gq, eq[; izkfof/kd fo”k; eas rhu ekl dk izf’k{k.k izkIr fd;k gSA7 & bu fofu;eksa dh ‘krkZsa ds gksrs gq, Hkh bUVjehfM,V izkfof/kd ijh{kk esa fuEufyf[kr oxksZa dk ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ifj”kn~ }kjk fu/kkZfjr fu;ekuqlkj vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV nh tk ldrh gS&
KkrO;%& 1 bl fofu;e ds mfYyf[kr NwV ifj”kn~ ds lHkkifr }kjk vFkok foHkkx ds ,sls vU; vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk nh tk ldrh gS] ftls og bl lEcU/k esa vf/kdkj ns nsaA2 fo[kf.MrA
fofHkUu fo”k;ksa ds iw.kkZad rFkk U;wure vad bUVjehfM,V ijh{kkiw.kkZad 200 mu fo”k;kas esa ls tks nks fo”k;ksa ds led{k gS rFkk 100 vad izR;sd vad fo”k; esaAU;wure mrh.kkZad & 33 izfr’kr izR;sd fo”k; esa mlds vfrfjDr ftlesa izfrdwy mYys[k gksaAiqu’p& d`f”k rFkk mrj csfld oxZ dh bUVjehfM,V ijh{kk ds fy, fuLr`r ;kstuk] iw.kkZad rFkk U;wure mrh.kkZd i`Fkdr% fn;s x;s gSa&fo’ks”k ;ksX;krk ds fy, okafNr U;wure vad ,d fo”k; ds ;ksxkad dk 75 izfr’krAizFke ds fy, okafNr U;wure mrh.kkZad ;ksxkad dk 60 izfr’krAf}rh; ds fy, okafNr U;wure mrh.kkZad ;ksxkad dk 45 izfr’krAr`rh; ds fy, okafNr U;wure mrh.kkZad ;ksxkad dk 33 izfr’kr tgkWa blds izfrdwy mYys[k u gksA
mrj csfld oxZ dh ijh{kk iz.kkyh lekIrmrj cqfu;kn Ldwy rFkk mlds fy, vko’;d ‘krZas&xkWa/kh th us cqfu;kn f’k{kk dks thou ds fy, f’k{kk dgk gSA bl ifjHkk”kk ds vUrxZr dsou thou dk foLrkj gh ugha oju~ ‘kSf{kd izfdz;k dk {ks= rFkk xgjkbZ Hkh vkrh gSA bl dYiuk ds vuqlkj f’k{kk ^^lQkbZ vkSj LokLFk; ds }kjk] ukxfjdrk ds }kjk [ksy vkSj euksjatu&dk;Z ds }kjk** thou ds lkFk&lkFk pyus okyh fdz;k cu tkrh gSAcqfu;knh f’k{kk ds nks mns’; gS% d & ;g Li”V% le>k ysuk pkfg, fd mrj cqfu;knh Ldwyksa esa Hkwfe] dPpk eky] lk/ku vkfn ij izkjEHk esa cgqr vf/k O;; dh vko’;drk gS rFkk tc rd ,d lhek rd LokoyEcu ugha izkIr gks tkrk] dk;ZdrkZvksa ij rFkk m|ksx vkfn ij Hkh vf/kd O;; gksxkA vr,o] mrj cqfu;knh Ldwyksa dh ekU;rk rFkk vuqnku ds lEcU/k esa fo’ks”k fu;e fu/kkZfjr djus gksaxsA
csfld oxZ dh ijh{kk dh ijh{kk iz.kkyh
b.VjehfM,VizFke nks fo”k;ksa dh ijh{kk vU; oxksZ ds fy, fn;s x;s ikB~;dze ds vuqlkj 200 vadks dh gksxhA bl oxZ ds fo’ks”k fo”k;ksa esa ijh{kk ds vad 700 gksaxs&
dze la[;k | fo”k; | iz’u i= | vkUrfjd vad | U;wure vad | okgkz vad | U;wure vad | ;ksx |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
1 | eq[; f’kYi | d fl)kUr | — | — | 100 | 33 | 100 |
[k fdz;kRed | 100 | 33 | 100 | 33 | 200 300 | ||
2 | xkS.k f’kYi | d fl)kUr | — | — | 50 | 17 | 50 |
[k fdz;kRed | 25 | 9 | 25 | 9 | 50 100 | ||
3 | lkeqnkf;d lkgu rFkk lacaf/kr foKku | d lkekftd v/;;u | — | — | 100 | 33 | 100 |
[k lacf/kr foKku | — | — | 100 | 33 | 100 300 | ||
x lkeqnkf;d thou O;kogkfjd | 100 | 50 | — | — | 100 | ||
dqy ;ksx | — | 700 | 1 & fl)kUr rFkk fdz;kRed dks vkUrfjd vkSj ckgkz nksuksa ijh{kkvksa esa vyx&vyx mrh.kZ gksuk vko’;d gSA2 & l=kar dh ijh{kk esa Nk= dh izxfr dk lgh ewY;kadu ugha gks ldrk gS ifjorZu iwjh vof/k esa gksrk jgrk gSA vr,o] fdlh Hkh ,d i)fr ls ge izxfr dk ewY;kadu ugha dj ldrsA vr% ;g vko’;d le>k x;k gS fd vkUrfjd ijh{kk yh tk;sA rFkkfi orZeku i)fr dks n`f”V esa j[kdj fl)kUr ds iz’u&i= esa fpgu ijh{kk ij cy fn;k x;k gSA3 & lkeqnkf;d thou ds O;ogkfjd dk;Z esa l=kar esa dqN pqus gq, iz’uksa }kjk vFkok pqus gq, fdz;kRed dk;ksaZ }kjk xq.kkRed ijh{kk ysuk lEHko ugha gS] blesa Nk= dks HkkoukRed o ckSf)d izkS<+rk rFkk lkekftdrk dk ewY;kadu djuk gksrk gSA vr,o ;g okafNr gS fd bldk ewY;kadu lEcfU/kr laLFkk ij NksM+ fn;k tk;s] tks viuh f’k{kd lfefr ds ek/;e ls bldk ewY;kadu djsa] laLFkk ds vkpk;Z dk ewY;kadu bl lEcU/k esa vafre le>kk tk;sxk tks l=kar esa vad&i= ifj”kn dks lh/ks Hkst nsaxsA4 & vkUrfjd ewY;kadu dk vk/kkj fuEu gksxk&
vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV lEcU/kh fu;eifj”kn~ dh ijh{kkvksa esa vfuok;Z fgUnh ls NwV ds fofu;e fuEufyf[kr v/;k;ksa esa fn;s gq;s gSa%